1.1.................... moves to amend S. F. No. 4942, the third engrossment, as amended, as
1.3Page 161, after line 29, insert:

1.4    "Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 216B.2402, is amended by adding a subdivision
1.5to read:
1.6    Subd. 19a. Pipeline pumping station. "Pipeline pumping station" means a facility
1.7operated by a petroleum pipeline that uses electricity to maintain the desired flow rate and
1.8pressure of the pipeline contents."
1.9Page 168, after line 27, insert:

1.10    "Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 216B.2403, is amended by adding a subdivision
1.11to read:
1.12    Subd. 11. Aggregated pumping stations. (a) This subdivision applies to pipeline
1.13pumping stations:
1.14(1) that are served by consumer-owned utilities that are members of a generation and
1.15transmission electric cooperative association; and
1.16(2) whose aggregated peak electrical demand meets or exceeds the level required to
1.17qualify as a large energy facility under section 216B.2402, subdivision 12.
1.18(b) The owners of the aggregated pipeline pumping stations that meet the criteria in
1.19paragraph (a) may collectively petition the commissioner under section 216B.241, subdivision
1.201a, to exempt the generation and transmission electric cooperative association supplying
1.21electricity to the consumer-owned utilities serving the aggregated pipeline pumping stations
1.22from contributing to the investments and expenditures made under an energy conservation
2.1and optimization plan filed under subdivision 3, with respect to the retail revenues attributable
2.2to the aggregated pipeline pumping stations.
2.3(c) If the commissioner approves the exemption requested under paragraph (b), the
2.4electric sales of each of the pipeline pumping stations that joined in the petition under
2.5paragraph (b) are excluded from the gross annual retail electric sales of the consumer-owned
2.6utility serving that pumping station."
2.7Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.8Amend the title accordingly