1.1.................... moves to amend S. F. No. 4942, the third engrossment, as amended, as
1.3Page 188, after line 23, insert:

1.5A public utility that owns an electric generation facility powered by coal that the public
1.6utility has scheduled for retirement must include, in the public utility's next integrated
1.7resource plan filed under Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.2422, subdivision 2, a schedule
1.8for the retirement and a plan for the repurposing of each coal-powered facility. The public
1.9utility must provide a copy of the plan and schedule to the governing body of the municipality
1.10where the electric generation facility is located on the same date the plan is submitted to
1.11the Public Utilities Commission. If a resource plan is not filed or required before February
1.121, 2026, the plan and schedule must be submitted to the Public Utilities Commission as a
1.13separate filing and to the municipality by February 1, 2026."