1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2, the seventh engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 43, line 16, before "Employers" insert "(a)"
1.3Page 43, line 18, delete "In" and insert "Except as provided in paragraph (b), in"
1.4Page 43, after line 25, insert:
1.5"(b) An employer that provides family and medical benefits to employees that are at
1.6least equal to 67 percent of the monetary value of benefits required to be paid under this
1.7chapter, shall meet the employer's obligations to be approved for a private plan. The employer
1.8shall be entitled to retain their private plan, and the employee shall be entitled to remain on
1.9the private plan offered by the employer, and neither the employer nor the employee of such
1.10a plan shall be required to pay a premium under this chapter."