1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2, the seventh engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 2, lines 1 and 27, delete "This" and insert "Except as provided in section 41, this"
1.3Page 10, line 16, delete "This" and insert "Except as provided in section 41, this"
1.4Page 24, lines 3 and 25, delete "This" and insert "Except as provided in section 41, this"
1.5Page 49, line 8, delete "This" and insert "Except as provided in section 41, this"
1.6Page 72, line 24, after "2025" insert "; provided that, no portion of the family and medical
1.7benefits under this chapter is effective, or may be implemented until the actuarial study
1.8under article 3 is received"
1.9Page 75, line 20, after the period, insert "Until the results of the actuarial study are
1.10received, no portion of the family and medical benefits under chapter 268B is effective, or
1.11may be implemented."