Saint Paul, Minnesota, Monday, March 22, 2010
The House of Representatives convened at 10:00
a.m. and was called to order by Melissa Hortman, Speaker pro tempore.
Prayer was offered by Representative Mary
Murphy, District 6B, Hermantown, Minnesota.
The members of the House gave the pledge
of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
The roll was called and the following
members were present:
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
Anderson, S.
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.
Spk. Kelliher
A quorum was present.
The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the
Journal of the preceding day. Haws moved
that further reading of the Journal be dispensed with and that the Journal be
approved as corrected by the Chief Clerk.
The motion prevailed.
Mullery from the Committee on Civil
Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 776, A bill for an act
relating to judgments; enacting the Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments
Recognition Act adopted and recommended for passage by the National Conference
of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; proposing coding for new law in
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 548; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
Reported the same back with the
recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from
the Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 910,
A bill for an act relating to notaries public; modifying fees; regulating
commissions and notarial stamps and seals; providing clarifications; providing
for the accommodations of physical limitations; amending Minnesota Statutes
2008, sections 358.028; 358.09; 358.15; 358.47; 358.48; 359.01, subdivision 2;
359.02; 359.03, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4; 359.061; 359.12; Minnesota Statutes
2009 Supplement, sections 357.021, subdivision 2; 359.01, subdivision 3;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 359; repealing
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 359.05.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 3, line
16, before "The" insert "(a)"
Page 4, line 1,
before "An" insert "(b)"
Page 4, after
line 3, insert:
The county auditor and county recorder, and their deputies, and the clerk or
recorder of a town or city with ex officio powers under this section may
authenticate official acts related to the statutory duties of their respective
offices without using the official stamp for 90 days after initially assuming
the office, or until the officer acquires an official stamp, whichever is
This section is effective August 1, 2010, except that an officer with
ex officio powers subject to paragraph (c) may authenticate official acts
related to the officer's statutory duties without using the official stamp for
up to 90 days after the effective date of this section, or until the officer
acquires an official stamp, whichever is earlier."
Page 4, line
10, delete "signature" and insert "commission"
Page 4, line
12, before the comma, insert "affixed in black ink"
Page 8, line
15, after "notary" insert "as it appears on the commission"
Page 8, line
16, before "ex officio" insert "the name of the"
Page 9, line 2,
after "359.01" insert ", together with: (1) a signature that matches the first,
middle, and last name as listed on the notary's commission and shown on the
notarial stamp, and (2) a sample signature in the style in which the notary
will actually execute notarial acts,"
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Hornstein from
the Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Division to which was
H. F. No. 1191,
A bill for an act relating to metropolitan government; highways; modifying
provisions relating to loans to acquire highway right-of-way in the
metropolitan area; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 473.167,
subdivision 2a.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from
the Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1557,
A bill for an act relating to civil actions; providing time limit for appealing
decisions of a governing body or board of adjustment to district court;
requiring posting of a bond for an appeal to Court of Appeals in certain cases;
clarifying actions involving public participation in government; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 462.354, subdivision 2; 462.361, subdivision
1, by adding a subdivision; 554.01, subdivision 6; 554.03.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
462.361, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Review
of action. Any A person
aggrieved by an ordinance, rule, regulation, decision or order of a governing
body or board of adjustments and appeals acting pursuant to under sections
462.351 to 462.364 may have such the ordinance, rule, regulation,
decision, or order, reviewed by an appropriate remedy in
the district court, subject to the provisions of this
section. The appeal must be filed
with the district court within 180 days of the final decision of the governing
body or board of adjustments and appeals.
This section applies to a final decision made before, on, or after
the effective date of this act. If a
final decision was made before the effective date, an appeal must be filed
within 180 days of the effective date.
Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 462.361, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 3.
Bond upon appeal. A party may not be ordered to post a
surety bond or damages bond as a condition of an appeal under this section."
Delete the
title and insert:
"A bill
for an act relating to civil actions; providing time limit for appealing
decisions of a governing body or board of adjustment to district court;
prohibiting the posting of a bond for an appeal; amending Minnesota Statutes
2008, section 462.361, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
to Joint Rule 2.03 and in accordance with House Concurrent Resolution No. 3, H.
F. No. 1557 was re‑referred to the Committee on Rules and Legislative
Mullery from
the Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 2231,
A bill for an act relating to transportation; allowing road authorities to
remove snow from certain roads in uncompleted subdivisions; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2008, section 160.21, by adding a subdivision.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 2, line 5,
after the period, insert "This paragraph does not apply to a claim for
injury that is affirmatively caused by a negligent act of the road authority or
its officers and employees."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from
the Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 2639,
A bill for an act relating to public safety; authorizing wireless
telecommunications service providers to provide call locations for emergencies;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 626A.01, by adding a subdivision;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 626A.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. [237.82]
"Call location information" means information indicating the
geographical location of a telecommunications device.
"Law enforcement agency" has the meaning given in section 626.84,
subdivision 1, paragraph (f).
"Wireless telecommunications service provider" has the meaning given
in section 403.02, subdivision 21.
Sec. 2. [237.83]
(a) Upon
written request of a law enforcement agency, a wireless telecommunications
service provider shall provide call location information for the
telecommunications device of the user identified in the request to the law
enforcement agency to assist the law enforcement agency to respond to an
emergency situation that involves the risk of death or serious physical harm to
the user.
(b) A
wireless telecommunications service provider shall establish protocols
consistent with this section that govern its response to a request of a law
enforcement agency under paragraph (a).
(c) No cause
of action shall lie in any court against any wireless telecommunications
service provider, its officers, employees, agents, or other specified persons
for providing call location information while acting in good faith and
according to this section. All wireless
telecommunications service providers shall be held harmless from any and all
claims, damages, costs, and expenses, including attorneys fees, arising from or
related to the release of call location information, provided the wireless
telecommunications service provider has acted according to this section.
(d) The
bureau of criminal apprehension shall:
(1) obtain
contact information for all wireless telecommunications service providers
authorized to do business in Minnesota or submitting to the jurisdiction of
Minnesota in order to facilitate a request from a law enforcement agency for
call location information according to this section; and
disseminate the information obtained pursuant to clause (1) on a quarterly
basis or immediately as changes occur to all public safety answering points in
the state.
Sections 1
and 2 are effective August 1, 2010."
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from
the Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 2766,
A bill for an act relating to higher education; clarifying disclosure of
educational data; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 13.32, subdivision
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Thissen from the
Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which was
H. F. No. 2769,
A bill for an act relating to human services; modifying duties of the
commissioner of human services related to controlled substance abuse
prevention; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 256B.0636.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration.
report was adopted.
Pelowski from
the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and
Elections to which was referred:
H. F. No. 2894,
A bill for an act relating to natural resources; increasing watershed district
borrowing authority; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 103D.335,
subdivision 17.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Thissen from the
Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which was
H. F. No. 2898,
A bill for an act relating to human services; prohibiting certain restrictions
on waivered service living arrangements; requiring the transfer of certain
clients from group residential housing to waivered services; modifying certain
group residential housing supplementary service payment rate caps; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 256B.49, by adding subdivisions.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
The report was
Thissen from the
Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which was
H. F. No. 2926,
A bill for an act relating to human services; amending children's mental health
policy provisions; making a technical change to community health workers;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 260C.157, subdivision 3; Minnesota
Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections 245.4885, subdivisions 1, 1a; 256B.0625,
subdivision 49; 256B.0943, subdivision 9.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 3, after
line 3, insert:
3. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement,
section 254B.05, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
Subdivision 1. Licensure
required. Programs licensed by the
commissioner are eligible vendors.
Hospitals may apply for and receive licenses to be eligible vendors,
notwithstanding the provisions of section 245A.03. American Indian programs located on
federally recognized tribal lands that provide chemical dependency primary
extended care, transitional residence, or outpatient treatment services, and
are licensed by tribal government are eligible vendors. Detoxification programs are not eligible
vendors. Programs that are not licensed
as a chemical dependency residential or nonresidential treatment program by the
commissioner or by tribal government are not eligible vendors. To be eligible for payment under the Consolidated
Chemical Dependency Treatment Fund, a vendor of a chemical dependency service
must participate in the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Normative Evaluation System and
the treatment accountability plan.
January 1, 2000, vendors of room and board are eligible for chemical dependency
fund payment if the vendor:
(1) has rules
prohibiting residents bringing chemicals into the facility or using chemicals
while residing in the facility and provide consequences for infractions of
those rules;
(2) has a
current contract with a county or tribal governing body;
(3) is
determined to meet applicable health and safety requirements;
(4) is not a
jail or prison; and
(5) is not
concurrently receiving funds under chapter 256I for the recipient."
Page 6, after
line 8, insert:
5. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
256B.761, is amended to read:
(a) Effective
for services rendered on or after July 1, 2001, payment for medication
management provided to psychiatric patients, outpatient mental health services,
day treatment services, home-based mental health services, and family community
support services shall be paid at the lower of (1) submitted charges, or (2)
75.6 percent of the 50th percentile of 1999 charges.
(b) Effective
July 1, 2001, the medical assistance rates for outpatient mental health
services provided by an entity that operates: (1) a Medicare-certified comprehensive
outpatient rehabilitation facility; and (2) a facility that was certified prior
to January 1, 1993, with at least 33 percent of the clients receiving
rehabilitation services in the most recent calendar year who are medical
assistance recipients, will be increased by 38 percent, when those services are
provided within the comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility and
provided to residents of nursing facilities owned by the entity.
(c) The
commissioner shall establish three levels of payment for mental health
diagnostic assessment, based on three levels of complexity. The aggregate payment under the tiered rates
must not exceed the projected aggregate payments for mental health diagnostic
assessment under the previous single rate.
The new rate structure is effective January 1, 2011, or upon federal
approval, whichever is later."
Page 7, line 29,
after "or" insert "co-occurring emotional disturbance
Renumber the
sections in sequence and correct the internal references
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from the
Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 2970,
A bill for an act relating to legislation; correcting erroneous, ambiguous, and
omitted text and obsolete references; eliminating redundant, conflicting, and
superseded provisions; making miscellaneous technical corrections to laws and
statutes; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 3.7393, subdivision 12;
12A.05, subdivision 3; 13.321, subdivision 10; 13.411, subdivision 5; 13.861,
subdivision 2; 16B.24, subdivision 5; 16D.11, subdivision 7; 53C.01,
subdivision 12a; 84.797, subdivision 6; 84.803, subdivision 2; 84.8045;
115A.932, subdivision 1; 116.155, subdivision 3; 125A.64, subdivision 6;
126C.55, subdivision 6; 128D.03, subdivision 2; 129C.10, subdivision 8;
136F.61; 168.002, subdivision 13; 168.013, subdivision 1; 169.67, subdivision
1; 190.025, subdivision 3; 214.04, subdivision 1; 216B.1691, subdivision 1;
245A.18, subdivision 2; 256L.04, subdivision 1; 260C.301, subdivision 1;
270.41, subdivision 5; 273.1115, subdivisions 1, 3; 273.124, subdivision 11;
290.0921, subdivision 3a; 297A.61, subdivision 3; 309.72; 325F.675, subdivision
6; 325F.732, subdivision 2; 332.37; 332.40, subdivision 2; 332.52, subdivision
3; 374.02; 469.154, subdivision 3; 473.599, subdivision 8; 490.133; 507.071,
subdivision 16; 515B.1-102; Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections
16A.126, subdivision 1; 16C.138, subdivision 2; 47.60, subdivisions 4, 6;
53.09, subdivision 2; 69.772, subdivision 6; 116J.401, subdivision 2; 120B.30,
subdivisions 1, 2; 122A.60, subdivision 2; 124D.10, subdivisions 3, 8, 14, 15,
23, 25; 152.025; 168.33, subdivision 7; 169.011, subdivision 71; 169.865,
subdivision 1; 176.135, subdivision 8; 246B.06, subdivision 7; 256.969,
subdivision 3b; 256B.0659, subdivision 3; 256B.5012, subdivision 8; 260C.212,
subdivision 7; 270.97; 270C.445, subdivision 7; 299A.61, subdivision 1;
332B.07, subdivisions 1, 4; 332B.09, subdivision 3; 424A.02, subdivision 10;
571.914, subdivision 4; 626.557, subdivision 20; Laws 2009, chapter 78, article
8, section 22, subdivision 3; Laws 2009, chapter 79, article 10, section 48;
repealing Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 13.6435, subdivision 9; 15.38,
subdivision 5; 168.098; 256B.041, subdivision 5; 256D.03, subdivision 5; Laws
2005, First Special Session chapter 4, article 8, section 87; Laws 2006,
chapter 277, article 1, sections 1; 3; Laws 2008, chapter 287, article 1,
section 104; Laws 2008, chapter 300, section 6; Laws 2009, chapter 78, article
4, section 41; Laws 2009, chapter 88, article 6, sections 14; 15; 16; Laws
2009, chapter 169, article 10, section 32; Minnesota Rules, parts 9525.0750;
9525.0760; 9525.0770; 9525.0780; 9525.0790; 9525.0800; 9525.0810; 9525.0820;
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 64, after
line 30, insert:
79. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement,
section 524.5-701, is amended to read:
(a) In sections
524.5-701 to 524.5-709:
"emergency" means a circumstance that likely will result in
substantial harm to a respondent's health, safety, or welfare, and for which
the appointment of a guardian is necessary because no other person has
authority and is willing to act on the respondent's behalf;
(2) "home
state" means the state in which the respondent was physically present,
including any period of temporary absence, for at least six consecutive months
immediately before the filing of a petition for a protective order or the
appointment of a guardian; or if none, the state in which the respondent was
physically present, including any period of temporary absence, for at least six
consecutive months ending within the six months prior to the filing of the
petition; and
"significant-connection state" means a state, other than the home
state, with which a respondent has a significant connection other than mere
physical presence and in which substantial evidence concerning the respondent
is available.
(b) In
determining under sections 534.5-703 524.5-703 and 524.5-801,
paragraph (e), whether a respondent has a significant connection with a
particular state, the court shall consider:
(1) the
location of the respondent's family and other persons required to be notified
of the guardianship or protective proceeding;
(2) the length
of time the respondent at any time was physically present in the state and the
duration of any absence;
(3) the
location of the respondent's property; and
(4) the extent
to which the respondent has ties to the state such as voting registration,
state or local tax return filing, vehicle registration, driver's license,
social relationship, and receipt of services."
Page 67, after
line 6, insert:
84. Laws 2009, chapter 88, article 5,
section 17, is amended to read:
Sec. 17. SEAWAY
(a) If the
Seaway Port Authority of Duluth adopts a tax increment financing plan and the
governing body of the city of Duluth approves the plan for the tax increment
financing district consisting of one or more parcels identified as: 010-2730-00010; 010-2730-00020;
010-2730-00040; 010-2730-00050; 010-2730-00070; 010-2730-00080; 010-2730-00090;
010-2730-00100; 010-2730-00160; 010-2730-00180; 010-2730-00200; 010-2730-01250;
010-2730-01340; 010-2730-01350; 010-2730-01490; 010-2730-01500; 010-2730-01510;
010-2730-01520; 010-2730-01530; 010-2730-01540; 010-2730-01550; 010-2730-01560;
010-2730-01570; 010-2730-01580; 010-2730-01590; 010-2730-1300; 010-2730-00300;
010-2746-01250; 010-2746-1330; 010-2746-01340; 010-2746-01350; 010-2746-1440;
010-2746-1380; 010-2746-01490; 010-2746-01500; 010-2746-01510;
010-2746-01520; 010-2746-01530; 010-2746-01540; 010-2746-01550; 010-2746-01560;
010-2746-01570; 010-2746-01580; 010-2746-01590; 010-3300-4560;
010-3300-4565; 010-3300-04570; 010-3300-04580; 010-3300-04640; 010-3300-04645;
and 010-3300-04650, the five-year rule under Minnesota Statutes, section
469.1763, subdivision 3, that activities must be undertaken within a five-year
period from the date of certification of the tax increment financing district,
must be considered to be met if the activities are undertaken within five years
after the date all qualifying parcels are delisted from the Federal Superfund
(b) The
requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 469.1763, subdivision 4, beginning
in the sixth year following certification of the district requirement, will
begin in the sixth year following the date all qualifying parcels are delisted
from the Federal Superfund list.
(c) The action
required under Minnesota Statutes, section 469.176, subdivision 6, are
satisfied if the action is commenced within four years after the date all
qualifying parcels are delisted from the Federal Superfund list and evidence of
the action required is submitted to the county auditor by February 1 of the
fifth year following the year in which all qualifying parcels are delisted from
the Federal Superfund list.
(d) For
purposes of this section, "qualifying parcels" means United States
Steel parcels listed in paragraph (a) and shown by the Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency as part of the USS Site (USEPA OU 02) that are included in the
tax increment financing district.
(e) In addition
to the reporting requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 469.175,
subdivision 5, the Seaway Port Authority of Duluth shall report the status of
all parcels listed in paragraph (a) and shown as part of the USS Site (USEPA OU
02). The status report must show the
parcel numbers, the listed or delisted status, and if delisted, the delisting
This section is effective upon approval by the governing body of the
city of Duluth and compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021,
subdivision 3."
Renumber the
sections in sequence
Amend the
memorandum of explanation accordingly
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Thissen from
the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which
was referred:
H. F. No. 3010,
A bill for an act relating to human services; allowing certain firefighters and
volunteer ambulance attendants to purchase MinnesotaCare coverage at full cost;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 256L.07, by adding a subdivision.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
256L.07, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 9.
Firefighters; volunteer
ambulance attendants. (a) For
purposes of this subdivision, "qualified individual" means:
(1) a
volunteer firefighter with a department as defined in section 299N.01,
subdivision 2, who has passed the probationary period; and
(2) a
volunteer ambulance attendant as defined in section 144E.001, subdivision 15.
(b) A
qualified individual who documents to the satisfaction of the commissioner,
status as a qualified individual, by completing and submitting a one-page form
developed by the commissioner, is eligible for MinnesotaCare without meeting
other eligibility requirements of this chapter, but must pay the maximum
premium, as defined in section 256L.15, subdivision 2, paragraph (b)."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Atkins from the Committee on Commerce
and Labor to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3024, A bill for an act
relating to labor and industry; modifying the requirements of the Manufactured
Home Building Code; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 327.31, by
adding a subdivision; 327.32, subdivision 1, by adding subdivisions; repealing
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.32, subdivision 4.
Reported the same back with the
following amendments:
Delete everything after the enacting
clause and insert:
"Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.31,
subdivision 17, is amended to read:
Subd. 17. Installation. "Installation" of a manufactured
home means assembly installation or reinstallation, at the site
of occupancy, of all portions of a manufactured home, connection of the
manufactured home to existing utility connections and installation of support
and/or anchoring systems.
Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.31, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 21.
Used manufactured home. "Used manufactured home" means a
home being offered for sale not less than 24 months after the first purchaser
took legal ownership or possession of the home.
Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.31, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 22.
Seller. "Seller" means either the
homeowner, manufactured home retailer or dealer, broker, or limited dealer or
Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.32,
subdivision 1, is amended to read:
Subdivision 1. Requirement;
new manufactured homes. No
person shall sell, or offer for sale, in this state, any new
manufactured home manufactured after July 1, 1972, or
manufacture any manufactured home in this state or install for occupancy any
manufactured home manufactured after July 1, 1972, in any manufactured home
park in this state unless the manufactured home complies with the
Manufactured Home Building Code and:
bears a label as required by the secretary.
(a) bears a seal issued by the commissioner,
and is, whenever possible, accompanied by a certificate by the manufacturer or
dealer, both evidencing that it complies with the Manufactured Home Building
Code; or
(b) if manufactured after June 14,
1976, bears a label as required by the secretary.
Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.32, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 1a.
Requirement; used manufactured
homes. No person shall sell
or offer for sale in this state any used manufactured home manufactured after
June 14, 1976, or install for occupancy any used manufactured home manufactured
after June 14, 1976, unless the used manufactured home complies with the Notice
of Compliance Form as provided in this subdivision. If manufactured after June 14, 1976, the home
must bear a label as required by the secretary.
The Notice of Compliance Form shall be signed by the seller and
purchaser indicating which party is responsible for either making or paying for
any necessary corrections prior to the sale and transferring ownership of the
manufactured home.
The Notice of Compliance Form shall be
substantially in the following form:
"Notice of Compliance Form as required in Minnesota Statutes, section
327.32, subdivision 1.
This notice must be completed and
signed by the purchaser(s) and the seller(s) of the used manufactured home
described in the purchase agreement and on the bottom of this notice before the
parties transfer ownership of a used manufactured home constructed after June
14, 1976.
Electric ranges and clothes dryers
must have required four-conductor cords and plugs.
Complies .......... Correction
required ..........
Initialed by Responsible Party: Buyer .......... Seller
Solid fuel-burning fireplaces or
stoves must be listed for use in manufactured homes, Code of Federal
Regulations, title 24, section 3280.709(g), and installed correctly in
accordance with their listing or standards (i.e., chimney, doors, hearth,
combustion, or intake, etc., Code of Federal Regulations, title 24, section
Complies .......... Correction
required ..........
Initialed by Responsible Party: Buyer .......... Seller
Gas water heaters and furnaces must
be listed for manufactured home use, Code of Federal Regulations, title 24,
section 3280.709(a) and (d)(1) and (2) and installed correctly, in accordance
with their listing or standards.
Complies .......... Correction
required ..........
Initialed by Responsible Party: Buyer .......... Seller
Smoke alarms are required to be
installed and operational in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, title
24, section 3280.208.
Complies .......... Correction
required ..........
Initialed by Responsible Party: Buyer .......... Seller
Carbon monoxide alarms or CO detectors
that are approved and operational are required to be installed within ten feet
of each room lawfully used for sleeping purposes.
Complies .......... Correction
required ..........
Initialed by Responsible Party: Buyer .......... Seller
Egress windows are required in every
bedroom with at least one operable window with a net clear opening of 20 inches
wide and 24 inches high, five square feet in area, with the bottom of windows
opening no more than 36 inches above the floor.
Locks, latches, operating handles, tabs, or other operational devices
shall not be located more than 54 inches above the finished floor.
Complies .......... Correction
required ..........
Initialed by Responsible Party: Buyer .......... Seller
The furnace compartment of the home
is required to have interior finish with a flame spread rating not exceeding
25 feet, as specified in the 1976 United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development Code governing manufactured housing construction.
Complies .......... Correction
required ..........
Initialed by Responsible Party: Buyer .......... Seller
The water heater enclosure in this
home is required to have interior finish with a flame spread rating not
exceeding 25 feet, as specified in the 1976 United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development Code governing manufactured housing construction.
Complies .......... Correction
required ..........
Initialed by Responsible Party: Buyer .......... Seller
The home complies with the snowload
and heat zone requirements for the state of Minnesota as indicated by the data
Complies .......... Correction
required ..........
Initialed by Responsible Party: Buyer .......... Seller
The parties to this agreement have
initialed all required sections and agree by their signature to complete any
necessary corrections prior to the sale or transfer of ownership of the home
described below as listed in the purchase agreement. The state of Minnesota or a local building
official has the authority to inspect the home in the manner described in
Minnesota Statutes, section 327.33, prior to or after the sale to ensure
compliance was properly executed as provided under the Manufactured Home
Building Code.
Signature of Purchaser(s) of Home
................................................................... ...................................................................
Print name as appears on purchase
agreement Print name as appears on purchase agreement
Signature of Seller(s) of Home
................................................................... ...................................................................
Print name and license number, if
applicable Print
name and license number, if applicable
(Street address of home at time of sale)
Name of manufacturer of
Model and Year......................................................................................................
Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.32, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 1b.
Alternative design plan. An alternative frost-free design slab that
is submitted to the department, stamped by a licensed professional engineer or
architect, and is in compliance with either the federal installation standards
in effect at the date of manufacture or the Minnesota State Building Code, when
applicable, shall be issued a permit by the department within ten days.
Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.32, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 1c.
Manufacturer's installation
instructions; new home. All
new single-section manufactured homes and new multisection manufactured homes
shall be installed in compliance with either the manufacturer's installation
instructions in effect at the date of manufacture or, when applicable, the
Minnesota State Building Code.
Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.32, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 1d.
Manufacturer's installation
instructions; used multisection homes.
All used multisection manufactured homes shall be installed in
compliance with either the manufacturer's installation instructions in effect
at the date of manufacture, approved addenda or, when applicable, the Minnesota
State Building Code.
Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.32, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 1e.
Reinstallation requirements
for single-section used manufactured homes. (a) All single-section used manufactured
homes reinstalled less than 24 months from the date of installation by the
first purchaser must be reinstalled in compliance with subdivision 1c. All single-section used manufactured homes
reinstalled more than 24 months from the date of installation by the first
purchaser may be reinstalled without a frost-protected foundation if the home
is reinstalled in compliance with Minnesota Rules, chapter 1350, for above
frost-line installations and the notice requirement of subdivision 1f is
complied with by the seller and the purchaser of the single-section used
manufactured home.
(b) The
installer shall affix an installation seal issued by the department to the
outside of the home as required by the Minnesota State Building Code. The certificate of installation issued by the
installer of record shall clearly state that the home has been reinstalled with
an above frost-line foundation. Fees for
inspection of a reinstallation and for issuance of reinstallation seals shall
follow the requirements of sections 326B.802 to 326B.885. Fees for review of plans, specifications, and
on-site inspections shall be those as specified in section 326B.153,
subdivision 1, paragraph (c). Whenever
an installation certificate for an above frost-line installation is issued to a
single-section used manufactured home being listed for sale, the purchase agreement
must disclose that the home is installed on a nonfrost-protected foundation and
recommend that the purchaser have the home inspected to determine the effects
of frost on the home.
Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.32, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 1f.
Notice requirement. The seller of the single-section used
manufactured home being reinstalled under subdivision 1e shall provide the
following notice to the purchaser and secure signatures of all parties to the
purchase agreement on or before signing a purchase agreement prior to
submitting an application for an installation certificate. Whenever a current owner of a manufactured
home reinstalls the manufactured home under subdivision 1e, the current owner
is not required to comply with the notice requirement under this
subdivision. The notice shall be in at
least 14-point font, except the heading, "WHICH MAY VOID WARRANTY,"
must be in capital letters, in
font. The notice must be printed on a
separate sheet of paper in a color different than the paper on which the
purchase agreement is printed. The
notice becomes a part of the purchase agreement, and it shall be substantially
in the following form:
"Notice of Reinstalling of a Single-Section
Used Manufactured Home Above Frost-Line;
It is recommended that the
single-section used manufactured home being reinstalled follow the instructions
in the manufacturer's installation manual.
By signing this notice, the purchaser(s) are acknowledging they have
elected to use footings placed above the local frost line in accordance with
the Minnesota State Building Code.
The seller has explained the
differences between the manufacturer's installation instructions and the
installation system selected by the purchaser(s) with respect to possible
effects of frost on the manufactured home.
The purchaser(s) acknowledge by
signing this notice that there is no manufacturer's original warranty remaining
on the home and recognize that any other extended or ancillary warranty could
be adversely affected if any applicable warranty stipulates that the home be
installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation manual to remain
After the reinstallation of the
manufactured home, it is highly recommended that the purchaser(s) have a
licensed manufactured home installer recheck the home's installation for any
releveling needs or anchoring system adjustments each freeze-thaw cycle.
The purchaser(s) of the used
manufactured home described below that is being reinstalled acknowledge they
have read this notice and have been advised to contact the manufacturer of the
home and/or the Department of Labor and Industry if they desire additional
information before signing this notice.
It is the intent of this notice to inform the purchaser(s) that the
purchaser(s) elected not to use a frost-protected foundation system for the
reinstallation of the manufactured home as originally required by the home's
installation manual.
Plain language notice.
I understand
that because this home will be installed with footings placed above the local
frost-line, this home may be subject to adverse effects from frost heave that
may damage this home. Purchaser(s)
initials: .......
I understand
that the installation of this home with footings placed above the local
frost-line could affect my ability to obtain a mortgage or mortgage insurance
on this home. Purchaser(s) initials: .......
I understand
that the installation of this home with footings placed above the local
frost-line could void my warranty on the home if any warranty is still in place
on this home. Purchaser(s) initials: .......
of Purchaser(s)
................................................................... ...................................................................
name Print
(Street address of location where
manufactured home is being reinstalled)
Name of manufacturer of
Model and year...................................................................................................
Name of licensed installer and license
number or homeowner responsible for the installation of the home as described
Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 327.34,
subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Generally. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person,
(a) to sell,
lease, or offer to sell or lease, any manufactured home manufactured after July
1, 1972 June 14, 1976, which does not comply with the Manufactured
Home Building Code or which does not bear a seal or label as required by
sections 327.31 to 327.34, unless the action is subject to the provisions of
section 327.35;
(b) to affix a
seal or label, or cause a seal or label to be affixed, to any manufactured home
which does not comply with the Manufactured Home Building Code unless the
action is subject to the provisions of section 327.35;
(c) to alter a
manufactured home manufactured after July 1, 1972 June 14, 1976,
in a manner prohibited by sections 327.31 to 327.34; or
(d) to fail to
correct a Manufactured Home Building Code violation in a manufactured home
manufactured after July 1, 1972 June 14, 1976, which is owned,
manufactured, or sold by that person, within 40 days of being ordered to do so
in writing by an authorized representative of the commissioner, unless the
correction is subject to the provisions of section 327.35; or.
(e) to
interfere with, obstruct, or hinder any authorized representative of the
commissioner in the performance of duties relating to manufactured homes
manufactured after July 1, 1972, and prior to June 15, 1976.
Sec. 12. REPEALER.
Minnesota Statutes
2008, sections 327.32, subdivision 4; and 327C.07, subdivisions 3, 3a, and 8,
are repealed."
Delete the title
and insert:
"A bill for
an act relating to labor and industry; modifying the requirements of the
Manufactured Home Building Code; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections
327.31, subdivision 17, by adding subdivisions; 327.32, subdivision 1, by
adding subdivisions; 327.34, subdivision 1; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2008,
sections 327.32, subdivision 4; 327C.07, subdivisions 3, 3a, 8."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Mullery from
the Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3025,
A bill for an act relating to business organizations; regulating the
organization and operation of business corporations, nonprofit corporations,
and limited liability companies; providing for consistent law relating to
registered agents and offices of business entities; repealing the prohibition
against certain business names; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections
5.16, subdivision 1; 222.18, subdivision 1; 302A.011, subdivision 18; 302A.121;
302A.123; 302A.215, subdivision 3; 302A.311; 302A.341, subdivision 2; 302A.402,
subdivisions 3, 4; 302A.429, subdivision 2; 302A.435, subdivision 1; 302A.461,
subdivision 2; 302A.661, subdivision 1; 303.05, subdivision 1; 303.10;
308A.025; 308A.131, subdivision 1; 308B.115; 317A.011, subdivision 15;
317A.111, subdivisions 1, 3, 4, by adding a subdivision; 317A.121; 317A.123;
317A.133, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 317A.181, subdivision 2, by adding a
subdivision; 317A.203; 317A.227; 317A.231, subdivisions 1, 4; 317A.237;
317A.239, subdivisions 1, 3; 317A.241, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision;
317A.255, subdivision 1; 317A.301; 317A.311; 317A.315; 317A.321; 317A.341,
subdivision 2; 317A.521, subdivision 9; 317A.613, subdivision 2; 317A.661;
317A.721, subdivisions 1, 3; 321.0114; 321.0905; 322B.03, subdivision 29;
322B.13; 322B.135; 322B.34, subdivision 1; 322B.373, subdivision 2; 322B.676;
322B.686, subdivision 2; 322B.77, subdivision 1; 322B.935; 323A.1001;
323A.1102; 333.20, subdivision 1; 333.22, subdivisions 1, 3; Minnesota Statutes
2009 Supplement, sections 5.15; 5.34; 5.35; 303.06, subdivision 2; 321.0809;
321.0902; 321.0906; Laws 2008, chapter 233, article 3, section 8; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 5; repealing Minnesota
Statutes 2008, section 333.17.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Atkins from the
Committee on Commerce and Labor to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3065,
A bill for an act relating to local government; providing for securities
lending agreements and holding of municipal funds; amending Minnesota Statutes
2008, sections 118A.05, subdivision 3; 118A.06.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Hornstein from
the Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Division to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3080,
A bill for an act relating to transportation; exempting certain school buses
from child passenger restraint requirements; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008,
section 169.685, subdivision 6.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
169.685, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
Subd. 6. Exceptions. (a) This section does not apply to:
(1) a person
transporting a child in an emergency medical vehicle while in the performance
of official duties and when the physical or medical needs of the child make the
use of a child passenger restraint system unreasonable or when a child
passenger restraint system is not available;
(2) a peace
officer transporting a child while in the performance of official duties and
when a child passenger restraint system is not available, provided that a seat
belt must be substituted; and
(3) a person
while operating a motor vehicle for hire, including a taxi, airport limousine,
and bus, but excluding a rented, leased, or borrowed motor vehicle;
(4) a person
while operating a school bus; and
(5) a person
while operating a type III vehicle described in section 169.011, subdivision
71, paragraph (h), if the vehicle meets the seating and crash protection
requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 222, Code of Federal
Regulations, title 49, part 571.
(b) A child
passenger restraint system is not required for a child who cannot, in the judgment
of a licensed physician, be safely transported in a child passenger restraint
system because of a medical condition, body size, or physical disability. A motor vehicle operator claiming exemption
for a child under this paragraph must possess a typewritten statement from the
physician stating that the child cannot be safely transported in a child
passenger restraint system. The
statement must give the name and birth date of the child, be dated within the
previous six months, and be made on the physician's letterhead or contain the
physician's name, address, and telephone number. A person charged with violating subdivision 5
may not be convicted if the person produces the physician's statement in court
or in the office of the arresting officer.
(c) A person
offering a motor vehicle for rent or lease shall provide a child passenger
restraint device to a customer renting or leasing the motor vehicle who
requests the device. A reasonable rent
or fee may be charged for use of the child passenger restraint device.
This section is effective the day following final enactment."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from
the Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3085,
A bill for an act relating to interest rates; exempting eminent domain awards
and property tax adjustments and refunds from increased interest rates on
certain judgments; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 117.195,
subdivision 1; 278.08.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement,
section 549.09, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. When
owed; rate. (a) When a judgment or
award is for the recovery of money, including a judgment for the recovery of
taxes, interest from the time of the verdict, award, or report until judgment
is finally entered shall be computed by the court administrator or arbitrator
as provided in paragraph (c) and added to the judgment or award.
(b) Except as
otherwise provided by contract or allowed by law, preverdict, preaward, or
prereport interest on pecuniary damages shall be computed as provided in
paragraph (c) from the time of the commencement of the action or a demand for
arbitration, or the time of a written notice of claim, whichever occurs first,
except as provided herein. The action
must be commenced within two years of a written notice of claim for interest to
begin to accrue from the time of the notice of claim. If either party serves a written offer of
settlement, the other party may serve a written acceptance or a written
counteroffer within 30 days. After that
time, interest on the judgment or award shall be calculated by the judge or
arbitrator in the following manner. The
prevailing party shall receive interest on any judgment or award from the time
of commencement of the action or a demand for arbitration, or the time of a
written notice of claim, or as to special damages from the time when special
damages were incurred, if later, until the time of verdict, award, or report
only if the amount of its offer is closer to the judgment or award than the
amount of the opposing party's offer. If
the amount of the losing party's offer was closer to the judgment or award than
the prevailing party's offer, the prevailing party shall receive interest only
on the amount of the settlement offer or the judgment or award, whichever is
less, and only from the time of commencement of the action or a demand for
arbitration, or the time of a written notice of claim, or as to special damages
from when the special damages were incurred, if later, until the time the
settlement offer was made. Subsequent
offers and counteroffers supersede the legal effect of earlier offers and
counteroffers. For the purposes of
clause (2), the amount of settlement offer must be allocated between past and
future damages in the same proportion as determined by the trier of fact. Except as otherwise provided by contract or
allowed by law, preverdict, preaward, or prereport interest shall not be
awarded on the following:
(1) judgments,
awards, or benefits in workers' compensation cases, but not including
third-party actions;
(2) judgments
or awards for future damages;
(3) punitive
damages, fines, or other damages that are noncompensatory in nature;
(4) judgments
or awards not in excess of the amount specified in section 491A.01; and
(5) that
portion of any verdict, award, or report which is founded upon interest, or
costs, disbursements, attorney fees, or other similar items added by the court
or arbitrator.
(c)(1) For a
judgment or award of $50,000 or less or a judgment or award for or against
the state or a political subdivision of the state, regardless of the amount,
the interest shall be computed as simple interest per annum. The rate of interest shall be based on the
secondary market yield of one year United States Treasury bills, calculated on
a bank discount basis as provided in this section.
On or before
the 20th day of December of each year the state court administrator shall
determine the rate from the one-year constant maturity treasury yield for the
most recent calendar month, reported on a monthly basis in the latest
statistical release of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve
System. This yield, rounded to the
nearest one percent, or four percent, whichever is greater, shall be the annual
interest rate during the succeeding calendar year. The state court administrator shall
communicate the interest rates to the court administrators and sheriffs for use
in computing the interest on verdicts and shall make the interest rates
available to arbitrators.
This clause
applies to any section that references section 549.09 by citation for the
purposes of computing an interest rate on any amount owed to or by the state or
a political subdivision of the state, regardless of if the amount is greater
than or less than $50,000.
(2) For a
judgment or award over $50,000, other than a judgment or award for or
against the state or a political subdivision of the state, the interest
rate shall be ten percent per year until paid.
(3) When a
judgment creditor, or the judgment creditor's attorney or agent, has received a
payment after entry of judgment, whether the payment is made voluntarily by or
on behalf of the judgment debtor, or is collected by legal process other than
execution levy where a proper return has been filed with the court
administrator, the judgment creditor, or the judgment creditor's attorney,
before applying to the court administrator for an execution shall file with the
court administrator an affidavit of partial satisfaction. The affidavit must state the dates and
amounts of payments made upon the judgment after the most recent affidavit of
partial satisfaction filed, if any; the part of each payment that is applied to
taxable disbursements and to accrued interest and to the unpaid principal
balance of the judgment; and the accrued, but the unpaid interest owing, if
any, after application of each payment.
(d) This section
does not apply to arbitrations between employers and employees under chapter
179 or 179A. An arbitrator is neither
required to nor prohibited from awarding interest under chapter 179 or under
section 179A.16 for essential employees.
(e) For
purposes of this subdivision:
"state" includes a department, board, agency, commission, court, or
other entity in the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the state;
"political subdivision" includes a town, statutory or home rule
charter city, county, school district, or any other political subdivision of
the state.
This section is effective the day following final enactment and
applies to judgments and awards finally entered on or after that date or to
interest computed on or after that date."
Delete the title
and insert:
"A bill for
an act relating to civil actions; exempting the state and political
subdivisions and others from increased interest rates on certain judgments and
awards; amending Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section 549.09,
subdivision 1."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Atkins from the
Committee on Commerce and Labor to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3122,
A bill for an act relating to commerce; providing for the licensing and
regulation of appraisal management companies; proposing coding for new law as
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 82C.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
Section 1. [82C.01]
This chapter
shall be known as the Minnesota Appraisal Management Company Licensing and
Regulation Act.
Sec. 2. [82C.02]
1. Terms. As used in this chapter, the terms in this
section have the meanings given them.
Subd. 2.
Appraisal. In conformance with the Uniform Standards
of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), "appraisal" is defined
as: (noun) the act or process of
developing an opinion of value; an opinion of value; (adjective) of or
pertaining to appraising and related functions such as appraisal practice or
appraisal services. For purposes of this
chapter, all appraisals or assignments that are referred to involve one to four
unit single-family properties.
Subd. 3.
Appraisal assignment. "Appraisal assignment" means an
engagement for which an appraiser is employed or retained to act, as a
disinterested third party in giving an unbiased analysis, opinion, or
conclusion relating to the nature, quality, value, or utility of named
interests in, or aspects of, identified real estate.
Subd. 4.
Appraisal management company. "Appraisal management company"
means a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, subsidiary, unit, or
other business entity that directly or indirectly performs the following
appraisal management services:
administers networks of independent contractors and/or employee appraisers to
perform residential real estate appraisal assignments for clients;
(2) receives
requests for residential real estate appraisal services from clients and, for a
fee paid by the client, enters into an agreement with one or more independent
appraisers to perform the real estate appraisal services contained in the
request; or
(3) serves
as a third-party broker of appraisal management services between clients and
Subd. 5.
Appraisal management services. "Appraisal management services"
means the process of directly or indirectly performing any of the following
functions on behalf of a lender, financial institution, client, or any other
person to:
administer an appraiser panel;
(2) recruit,
qualify, verify licensing or certification, and negotiate fees and service
level expectations with persons who are part of an appraiser panel;
(3) receive
an order for an appraisal from one person, and deliver the order for the
appraisal to an appraiser that is part of an appraiser panel for completion;
(4) track
and determine the status of orders for appraisals;
(5) conduct
quality control of a completed appraisal prior to the delivery of the appraisal
to the person that ordered the appraisal; or
(6) provide
a completed appraisal performed by an appraiser to one or more clients.
Subd. 6.
Appraiser. "Appraiser" means a person who
is expected to perform valuation services competently and in a manner that is
independent, impartial, and objective, and who is licensed under chapter 82B.
Subd. 7.
Appraiser panel. "Appraiser panel" means a
network of licensed or certified appraisers who are independent contractors to
the appraisal management company that have:
responded to an invitation, request, or solicitation from an appraisal
management company, in any form, to perform appraisals for persons that have
ordered appraisals through the appraisal management company, or to perform
appraisals for the appraisal management company directly, on a periodic basis,
as requested and assigned by the appraisal management company; and
(2) been
selected and approved by an appraisal management company to perform appraisals
for any client of the appraisal management company that has ordered an
appraisal through the appraisal management company, or to perform appraisals
for the appraisal management company directly, on a periodic basis, as assigned
by the appraisal management company.
Subd. 8.
Appraisal review. "Appraisal review" means the act
of developing and communicating an opinion about the quality of another
appraiser's work that was performed as part of an appraisal assignment, except
that an examination of an appraisal for grammatical, typographical, or other
similar errors that do not make a substantive valuation change shall not be an
appraisal review.
Subd. 9.
Client. "Client" means any person or
entity that contracts with, or otherwise enters into an agreement with, an
appraisal management company for the performance of real estate appraisal
services or appraisal management services.
For purposes of this chapter, the appraisal management company is the
party engaging the independent appraiser and can be the appraiser's
client. However, this does not preclude
an appraisal management company from acting as a duly authorized agent for a
Subd. 10.
Commissioner. "Commissioner" means the
commissioner of commerce.
Subd. 11.
Controlling person. "Controlling person" means:
(1) any
owner, officer, or director of an appraisal management company seeking to offer
appraisal management services in this state;
(2) an
individual employed, appointed, or authorized by an appraisal management
company that has the authority to enter into a contractual relationship with
other persons for the performance of appraisal management services and has the
authority to enter into agreements with appraisers for the performance of
(3) an
individual who possesses, directly or indirectly, the power to direct or cause
the direction of the management or policies of an appraisal management company;
(4) an
individual who enters into:
(i) contractual
relationships with clients for the performance of appraisal management
services; and
agreements with employed and independent appraisers for the performance of real
estate appraisal services.
Subd. 12.
Employee. "Employee" means an individual
who is treated as an employee for purposes of compliance with federal income
tax laws.
Subd. 13.
Person. "Person" means a natural person,
firm, partnership, limited liability partnership, corporation, association,
limited liability company, or other form of business organization and the
officers, directors, employees, or agents of that person.
Subd. 14.
USPAP. "USPAP" means the Uniform
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as established by the Appraisal
Foundation. State and federal regulatory
authorities enforce the content of the current or applicable edition of USPAP.
Sec. 3. [82C.03]
1. Requirement. It is unlawful for a person, corporation,
partnership, sole proprietorship, subsidiary, unit, or other business entity to
directly or indirectly engage or attempt to engage in business as an appraisal
management company, to directly or indirectly engage or attempt to perform
appraisal management services, or to advertise or hold itself out as engaging
in or conducting business as an appraisal management company without first
obtaining a license issued by the commissioner under the provisions of this
Subd. 2.
Owner requirements. (a) An appraisal management company
applying to the commissioner for a license in this state may not be more than
ten percent owned by any person that is currently subject to any cease and
desist order or injunctive order that would preclude involvement with an
appraisal management company, or that has ever:
voluntarily surrendered in lieu of disciplinary action an appraiser
certification, registration or license, or an appraisal management company
(2) been the
subject of a final order revoking or denying an appraiser certification,
registration or license, or an appraisal management company license; or
(3) a final
order barring involvement in any industry or profession issued by this or
another state or federal regulatory agency.
(b) A person
that owns more than ten percent of an appraisal management company in this
state shall:
(1) be of
good moral character, as determined by the commissioner;
(2) submit
to a background investigation, as determined by the commissioner; and
(3) certify
to the commissioner that the person has never been the subject of an order of
certificate, registration or license suspension, revocation, or denial; cease
and desist order; injunctive order; or order barring involvement in an industry
or profession issued by this or another state or federal regulatory agency.
Subd. 3.
Designated controlling person
requirements. (a) Designation. Each appraisal management company
applying to the commissioner for a license in this state shall designate a
controlling person that will be the main contact for all communication between
the commissioner and the appraisal management company.
(b) Requirements. In order to serve as a designated
controlling person of an appraisal management company, a person must:
(1) certify
to the commissioner that the person is not currently subject to any cease and
desist order or injunctive order that would preclude involvement with an
appraisal management company, and has never been the subject of an order
suspending, revoking, or denying a certification, registration, or license for
real estate services, or a final order barring involvement in any industry or
profession issued by this or another state or federal regulatory agency;
(2) be of
good moral character, as determined by the commissioner; and
(3) submit
to a background investigation, as determined by the commissioner.
Subd. 4.
Application for license. Application for an appraisal management
company license must be submitted on a form prescribed by the commissioner.
Subd. 5.
Minimum information. The application must, at a minimum,
include the following information:
(1) the name
of the entity seeking registration;
(2) the
business address or addresses of the entity seeking registration;
telephone contact and e-mail information of the entity seeking registration;
(4) if the
entity is not a corporation that is domiciled in this state, the name and
contact information for the company's agent for service of process in this
(5) the
name, address, and contact information for an individual or corporation,
partnership, limited liability company, association, or other business entity
that owns ten percent or more of the appraisal management company;
(6) the
name, address, and contact information for a controlling person or persons;
(7) a
certification that the entity has a system and process in place to verify that
a person being added to the employment or appraiser panel of the appraisal
management company for appraisal services within this state holds an active
appraisal license in this state pursuant to chapter 82B if a license is
required to perform appraisals;
(8) a
certification that the entity has a system in place to review the work of all
employed and independent appraisers that are performing real estate appraisal
services for the appraisal management company on a periodic basis to verify
that the real estate appraisal assignments are being conducted in accordance
with USPAP and chapter 82B;
(9) a
certification that the entity maintains a detailed record of each service
request that it receives and the independent appraiser that performs the real
estate appraisal services for the appraisal management company, pursuant to
section 82C.13;
(10) a
certification that the employees of the appraisal management company will be
appropriately trained and familiar with the appraisal process;
(11) a
certification that the appraisal management company has a system and process in
place to verify that a person being added to the appraiser panel of the
appraisal management company holds a license in good standing in this state
pursuant to chapter 82B; and
(12) an
irrevocable Uniform Consent to Service of Process, pursuant to section 82C.07.
Subd. 6.
Effective date of license. Initial licenses issued under this chapter
are effective upon issuance and remain valid, subject to denial, suspension, or
revocation under this chapter, until the following August 31.
Sec. 4. [82C.04]
licenses issued under this chapter are valid for a period not to exceed two
years. Each initial license must expire
on August 31 of the expiration year assigned by the commissioner.
Sec. 5. [82C.05]
1. Term. Licenses renewed under this chapter are
valid for a period of 24 months.
Subd. 2.
Timely renewal. (a) Application for timely renewal of a
license is considered timely filed if received by the commissioner before the
date of the license expiration.
(b) An
application for renewal is considered properly filed if made upon a form
prescribed by the commissioner, accompanied by fees prescribed by this chapter,
and containing any information the commissioner requires.
(c) A
licensee failing to make timely application for renewal of the license is
unlicensed until the renewal license has been issued by the commissioner and is
received by the licensee.
Subd. 3.
Contents of renewal
application. Application for
the renewal of an existing license must contain the information specified in
section 82C.03. However, only the
requested information having changed from the most recent prior application
need be submitted.
Subd. 4.
Cancellation. A licensee ceasing an activity or
activities regulated by this chapter and desiring to no longer be licensed
shall so inform the commissioner in writing and, at the same time, surrender
the license and all other symbols or indicia of licensure.
Sec. 6. [82C.06]
This chapter
does not apply to:
(1) a person
that exclusively employs appraisers on an employer and employee basis for the
performance of appraisals, and:
(i) the
employer is responsible for ensuring that the appraisals are performed by
employees in accordance with USPAP; and
(ii) the
employer accepts all liability associated with the performance of the appraisal
by the employee;
(2) a
department or unit within a financial institution that is subject to direct
regulation by an agency of the United States government, or to regulation by an
agency of this state, that receives a request for the performance of an
appraisal from one employee of the financial institution, and another employee
of the same financial institution assigns the request for the appraisal to an
appraiser that is an independent contractor to the institution, except that an
appraisal management company that is a wholly owned subsidiary of a financial
institution shall not be considered a department or unit within a financial
institution to which the provisions of this chapter do not apply;
(3) a person
that enters into an agreement, whether written or otherwise, with an appraiser
for the performance of an appraisal, and upon the completion of the appraisal,
the report of the appraiser performing the appraisal is signed by both the
appraiser who completed the appraisal and the appraiser who requested the
completion of the appraisal, except that an appraisal management company may
not avoid the requirements of this chapter by requiring that an employee of the
appraisal management company that is an appraiser to sign an appraisal that is
completed by an appraiser that is part of the appraisal panel of the appraisal
management company; or
(4) any
governmental agency performing appraisals on behalf of that level of government
or any agency performing ad valorem tax appraisals for county assessors.
Sec. 7. [82C.07]
Each entity
applying for a license as an appraisal management company in this state shall
complete an irrevocable Uniform Consent to Service of Process as prescribed by
the commissioner.
Sec. 8. [82C.08]
1. Establishment
and retention. The fees shall
be retained by the commissioner for the sole purpose of administering this
licensing and regulation program.
Subd. 2.
Amounts. (a) Each application for initial licensure
shall be accompanied by a fee of $2,000.
(b) Each
application for renewal of the license must be received prior to the two-year
expiration period with the renewal fee of $1,000.
Subd. 3.
Forfeiture. All fees are nonrefundable except that an overpayment
of a fee must be refunded upon proper application.
Sec. 9. [82C.09]
commissioner has under this chapter the same powers with respect to chapter
45.027, including the authority to impose a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000
per violation.
Sec. 10. [82C.10]
An employee
of the appraisal management company that has the responsibility to review the
work of employed and independent appraisers where the subject properties are
located within this state, which include the reviewer's opinion of value or
concurrence with the original appraiser's value, must be licensed according to
chapter 82B and perform the review assignments in compliance with USPAP and
chapter 82B. This requirement does not
apply to employees who review appraisals for completeness and compliance in
connection with an appraisal management company's internal quality control
processes, but who do not perform appraisal reviews that are subject to
Standard 3 of USPAP.
Sec. 11. [82C.11]
An appraisal
management company licensed in this state pursuant to this chapter may enter
into contracts or agreements for appraisal assignments in this state only with
an employee or independent appraiser holding an active Minnesota real estate
appraiser license pursuant to chapter 82B.
Sec. 12. [82C.12]
An appraisal
management company must have a system in place to review the work of all
employed and independent appraisers that are performing real estate appraisal
assignments for the appraisal management company on a periodic basis to verify
that the real estate appraisal services are being conducted in accordance with
USPAP and chapter 82B. An appraisal management
company is required to make referrals directly to state appraiser regulatory
authorities when a state licensed or certified appraiser violates USPAP,
applicable state law, or engages in other unethical or unprofessional conduct.
Sec. 13. [82C.13]
An appraisal
management company must maintain a detailed record of each service request that
it receives and the employee appraiser or independent appraiser that performs
the appraisal assignment for the appraisal management company.
Records must
be kept for a period of at least five years after the appraisal assignment
request is sent to the independent appraiser or completion of the appraisal
report, whichever period expires later.
Sec. 14. [82C.14]
(a) It is
unlawful for any employee, director, officer, or agent of an appraisal
management company licensed in this state pursuant to this chapter to influence
or attempt to influence the development, reporting, or review of an appraisal
through coercion, extortion, collusion, compensation, inducement, intimidation,
or bribery, including but not limited to:
withholding or threatening to withhold timely payment for an appraisal;
withholding or threatening to withhold future business or assignments for an
employed or independent appraiser, or demoting or terminating or threatening to
demote or terminate an employed or independent appraiser;
expressly or impliedly promising future business, assignments, promotions, or
increased compensation for an employed or independent appraiser;
conditioning the request for an appraisal assignment on the payment of an
appraisal fee or salary or bonus on the opinion, conclusion, or valuation to be
reached, or on a preliminary estimate or opinion requested from an employed or
independent appraiser;
requesting that an employed or independent appraiser provide an estimated,
predetermined, or desired valuation in an appraisal report, or provide
estimated values or comparable sales at any time prior to the completion of an
appraisal assignment;
providing to an employed or independent appraiser an anticipated, estimated,
encouraged, or desired value for a subject property or a proposed or target
amount to be loaned to the borrower, except that a copy of the sales contract
for purchase transactions may be provided;
providing to an employed or independent appraiser, or any entity or person
related to the appraiser, stock, or other financial or nonfinancial benefits;
(8) allowing
the removal of an employed or independent appraiser from a list of qualified
appraisers used by any entity, without prior written notice to the appraiser,
which notice must include documented evidence of the appraiser's violation of
USPAP, chapter 82B, substandard performance, or otherwise improper or unprofessional
(9) request
or require any employed or independent appraiser to provide the appraisal
management company or any of its employees, or any of its clients, with the
appraiser's digital signature;
(10) alter,
amend, or change an appraisal report submitted by an appraiser, to include
removing or applying a signature, adding or deleting information from the
appraisal report;
(11) require
the appraiser to collect the fee from a borrower, homeowner, or other person;
(12) require
an appraiser to sign any indemnification agreement that would require the
appraiser to defend and hold harmless the appraisal management company or any
of its agents, or employees for any liability, damage, losses, or claims
arising out of the services performed by the appraisal management company or
its agents, employees, or independent contractors and not the services
performed by the appraiser;
(13) use an
appraiser directly selected or referred by any member of a loan production
staff for an individual assignment; or
(14) any
other act or practice that impairs or attempts to impair an appraiser's
independence, objectivity, or impartiality.
(b) Nothing
in paragraph (a) prohibits the appraisal management company from requesting
that an independent appraiser:
(1) consider
additional appropriate property information;
(2) provide
further detail, substantiation, or explanation for the appraiser's value
conclusion; or
(3) correct
objective factual errors in an appraisal report.
Sec. 15. [82C.15]
Except within
the first 30 days after an independent appraiser is first added to the
appraiser panel of an appraisal management company, an appraisal management
company may not remove an appraiser from its appraiser panel, or otherwise
refuse to assign requests for real estate appraisal services to an independent
appraiser without:
(1) notifying
the appraiser in writing of the reasons why the appraiser is being removed from
the appraiser panel or is not receiving appraisal requests from the appraisal
management company;
(2) if the
appraiser is being removed from the panel for illegal conduct, having
determined that the appraiser has violated USPAP, or chapter 82B, taking into
account the nature of the alleged conduct or violation; and
(3) providing
an opportunity for the appraiser to respond and appeal the notification of the
appraisal management company.
Sec. 16. [82C.16]
1. Powers
of commissioner. The
commissioner may by order take any or all of the following actions:
(1) bar a
person from serving as an officer, director, partner, controlling person, or
any similar role at an appraisal management company, if such person has ever
been the subject of a final order suspending, revoking or denying a
certification, registration or license as a realtor, broker, or appraiser, or a
final order barring involvement in any industry or profession issued by this or
another state or federal regulatory agency;
(2) deny,
suspend, or revoke an appraisal management company license;
(3) censure
an appraisal management company license; and
(4) impose a
civil penalty as provided for in chapter 45.027.
(b) In order
to take the action in paragraph (a), the commissioner must find:
(1) that the
order is in the public interest; and
(2) that an
officer, director, partner, employee, agent, controlling person or persons, or
any person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions, has:
(i) violated
any provision of this chapter;
(ii) filed
an application for a license that is incomplete in any material respect or
contains a statement that, in light of the circumstances under which it is
made, is false or misleading with respect to a material fact;
(iii) failed
to maintain compliance with the affirmations made under section 80C.03,
subdivision 5;
violated a standard of conduct or engaged in a fraudulent, coercive, deceptive,
or dishonest act or practice, whether or not the act or practice involves the
appraisal management company;
(v) engaged
in an act or practice, whether or not the act or practice involves the business
of appraisal management, appraisal assignments, or real estate mortgage related
practices, that demonstrates untrustworthiness, financial irresponsibility, or
(vi) pled
guilty, with or without explicitly admitting guilt, pled nolo contendere, or
been convicted of a felony, gross misdemeanor, or a misdemeanor involving moral
(vii) paid a
civil penalty or been the subject of disciplinary action by the commissioner,
or an order of suspension or revocation, cease and desist order, or injunction
order, or an order barring involvement in an industry or profession issued by
this or any other state or federal regulatory agency or government-sponsored
enterprise, or by the secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
(viii) been
found by a court of competent jurisdiction to have engaged in conduct
evidencing gross negligence, fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit;
(ix) refused
to cooperate with an investigation or examination by the commissioner;
(x) failed
to pay any fee or assessment imposed by the commissioner; or
(xi) failed
to comply with state and federal tax obligations.
Subd. 2.
Orders of the commissioner. To begin a proceeding under this section,
the commissioner shall issue an order requiring the subject of the proceeding
to show cause why action should not be taken against the licensee according to
this section. The order must be
calculated to give reasonable notice of the time and place for the hearing and
must state the reasons for entry of the order.
The commissioner may by order summarily suspend a license pending a
final determination of an order to show cause.
If a license is summarily suspended, pending final determination of an
order to show cause, a hearing on the merits must be held within 30 days of the
issuance of the order of summary suspension.
All hearings must be conducted under chapter 14. After the hearing, the commissioner shall
enter an order disposing of the matter as the facts require. If the subject of the order fails to appear
at a hearing after having been duly notified of it, the subject is considered
in default, and the proceeding may be determined against the subject of the
order upon consideration of the order to show cause, the allegations of which
may be considered to be true.
Subd. 3.
Actions against lapsed
license. If a license lapses,
is surrendered, withdrawn, terminated, or otherwise becomes ineffective, the
commissioner may institute a proceeding under this subdivision within two years
after the license was last effective and enter a revocation or suspension order
as of the last date which the license was in effect, and may impose a civil
penalty as provided for in this section or section 45.027.
Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
82B.05, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Members. The Real Estate Appraiser Advisory Board
consists of 15 nine members appointed by the commissioner of
commerce. Three of the members must
be public members, four must be consumers of appraisal services, and eight
three must be real estate appraisers of whom not less than two members
must be trainee real property appraisers, licensed real property appraisers, or
certified residential real property appraisers, not less than two members
and three must be certified general real property appraisers, and not less
than one member of those members must be certified by the
Appraisal Qualification Board of the Appraisal Foundation to teach the Uniform
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
Each of the three categories of members must include at least one
member who lives or works outside of the seven-county metropolitan area. The board is governed by section 15.0575.
This section is effective August 1, 2010.
Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 82B.05,
subdivision 5, is amended to read:
Subd. 5. Conduct
of meetings. Places of regular board
meetings must be decided by the vote of members. Written notice must be given to each member
of the time and place of each meeting of the board at least ten days before the
scheduled date of regular board meetings.
The board shall establish procedures for emergency board meetings and
other operational procedures, subject to the approval of the commissioner.
The members of
the board shall elect a chair from among the members to preside at board
A quorum of the
board is eight five members.
The board shall
meet at least once every six months as determined by a majority vote of the
members or a call of the commissioner. The
chair of the board may call a meeting at any other time, subject to the notice
requirements of this section.
This section is effective August 1, 2010.
Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 82B.05, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 7.
Enforcement reports. The commissioner shall, on a regular basis,
provide the board with the commissioner's enforcement reports.
This section is effective August 1, 2010.
Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 82B.06, is
amended to read:
The board shall
make recommendations to the commissioner as the commissioner requests or at
the board's own initiative on:
(1) rules with
respect to each category of licensed real estate appraiser, the type of
educational experience, appraisal experience, and equivalent experience that
will meet the requirements of this chapter;
(2) examination
specifications for each category of licensed real estate appraiser, to assist
in providing or obtaining appropriate examination questions and answers, and
procedures for grading examinations;
(3) rules with
respect to each category of licensed real estate appraiser, the continuing
education requirements for the renewal of licensing that will meet the
requirements provided in this chapter;
(4) periodic
review of the standards for the development and communication of real estate
appraisals provided in this chapter and rules explaining and interpreting the
standards; and
(5) other
matters necessary in carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
This section is effective August 1, 2010."
Delete the
title and insert:
"A bill
for an act relating to commerce; providing for the licensing and regulation of
appraisal management companies; regulating the real estate appraiser advisory
board; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 82B.05, subdivision 5, by
adding a subdivision; 82B.06; Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section 82B.05,
subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapter
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from
the Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3128,
A bill for an act relating to probate; clarifying the powers of health care
agents, guardians, and others to make health care decisions for wards and
protected persons; modifying provisions governing guardians and conservators;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 145C.09, subdivision 3; 524.5-303;
524.5-403; 525A.09; Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections 524.5-120;
524.5-304; 524.5-309; 524.5-310; 524.5-315; 524.5-316; 524.5-406; 524.5-420.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Hornstein from
the Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Division to which was
H. F. No. 3172,
A bill for an act relating to education; permitting advertisements within a
baseball field.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Pelowski from
the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and
Elections to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3184,
A bill for an act relating to state government; creating employment guidance
for using bond proceeds; requiring reports.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. [16A.697]
1. Use
of proceeds. (a) For the
purposes of this section, "bond proceeds recipient" includes:
(1) an
agency under section 16A.011, subdivision 2;
(2) the
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities;
(3) the
University of Minnesota; or
(4) after
January 1, 2012, counties, municipalities, and other political subdivisions of
the state.
(b) Before a
bond proceeds recipient may spend money from the bond proceeds fund established
under section 16A.631, the bond proceeds recipient must require as part of any
bid or proposal for a contract or agreement from any business, a plan to:
(1) recruit
individuals to perform work who are unemployed, especially targeting
communities experiencing disproportionately high rates of unemployment
including, but not limited to, disabled persons, veterans, and low-income,
rural, and tribal communities and communities of color;
(2) recruit
individuals to perform work from available training providers, including, but
not limited to, opportunities industrialization centers, construction trades
unions, tribal colleges or nonprofits working in tribal communities, community
action partnerships, and nonprofit organizations providing pertinent job training;
disseminate information about subcontract and employment opportunities
generated by bond proceeds to disadvantaged groups, including, but not limited
to, disabled persons, veterans, and low-income, rural, and tribal communities
and communities of color; and
(4) for
building construction, renewal, and renovation projects, demonstrate the total
calculated and document the actual calculated energy savings created by the
Subd. 2.
Reporting requirements. (a) A bond proceeds recipient shall report
electronically to the commissioner of employment and economic development a
complete accounting of the following:
(1) within
six months of the awarding of project contracts, and every six months
thereafter until the completion of a project, the number of jobs created and
retained by the project, and the total number of hours worked by individuals
from low-income, rural, and tribal communities and communities of color;
(2) within
six months of the awarding of project contracts, and every six months
thereafter until the completion of a project, the number of workers recruited
from available apprentice and training programs, including the name and
location of the program, total number of hours worked, and length of job
(3) within
six months of the awarding of project contracts, a detailed description of
contract and employment information dissemination efforts to disadvantaged
groups; and
(4) within
six months of the completion of building construction, renovation, and renewal
projects, the total calculated and actual energy savings for the project.
(b) The
commissioner of employment and economic development shall compile the data and
reports submitted under paragraph (a) and shall prepare an annual summary
report that shall be submitted electronically by January 15 of each year
beginning in 2011 to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative
committees and divisions with jurisdiction over capital investment and the
Department of Management and Budget."
Delete the
title and insert:
"A bill
for an act relating to state government; placing certain restrictions on the
use of bond proceeds; requiring reports; proposing coding for new law in
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 16A."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Thissen from
the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which
was referred:
H. F. No. 3196,
A bill for an act relating to health; modifying provisions regulating home
health care services; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 144A.45,
subdivisions 2, 4; 144A.46, subdivisions 2, 3; Minnesota Statutes 2009
Supplement, section 144A.46, subdivision 1.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 4, line
15, delete "by the provider,"
Page 4, line
28, before "or" insert ", client's legal guardian,"
and delete "that"
Page 4, line
29, delete everything before "a"
Page 4, line
30, after "commissioner" insert ", which must include
contact information for Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care"
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Thissen from
the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which
was referred:
H. F. No. 3234,
A bill for an act relating to human services; making changes to continuing care
policy and technical provisions; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
626.557, subdivision 9a; Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections 144.0724,
subdivision 11; 256B.0625, subdivision 19c; 256B.0651, by adding a subdivision;
256B.0652, subdivision 6; 256B.0659, subdivisions 10, 11, 21, 30, by adding a
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
144.0724, subdivision 11, is amended to read:
Subd. 11. Nursing
facility level of care. (a) For
purposes of medical assistance payment of long-term care services, a recipient
must be determined, using assessments defined in subdivision 4, to meet one of
the following nursing facility level of care criteria:
(1) the
person requires formal clinical monitoring at least once per day;
(1) (2) the person needs the assistance of another person or
constant supervision to begin and complete at least four of the following
activities of living: bathing, bed
mobility, dressing, eating, grooming, toileting, transferring, and walking;
(2) (3) the person needs the assistance of another person or
constant supervision to begin and complete toileting, transferring, or
positioning and the assistance cannot be scheduled;
(3) (4) the person has significant difficulty with memory,
using information, daily decision making, or behavioral needs that require
(4) (5) the person has had a qualifying nursing facility stay
of at least 90 days;
(6) the
person meets the nursing facility level of care criteria determined 90 days
after admission or on the first quarterly assessment after admission, whichever
is later; or
(5) (7) the person is determined to be at risk for nursing
facility admission or readmission through a face-to-face long-term care consultation
assessment as specified in section 256B.0911, subdivision 3a, 3b, or 4d, by a
county, tribe, or managed care organization under contract with the Department
of Human Services. The person is
considered at risk under this clause if the person currently lives alone or
will live alone upon discharge and also meets one of the following criteria:
(i) the person
has experienced a fall resulting in a fracture;
(ii) the person
has been determined to be at risk of maltreatment or neglect, including self-neglect;
(iii) the person
has a sensory impairment that substantially impacts functional ability and
maintenance of a community residence.
(b) The
assessment used to establish medical assistance payment for nursing facility
services must be the most recent assessment performed under subdivision 4,
paragraph (b), that occurred no more than 90 calendar days before the effective
date of medical assistance eligibility for payment of long-term care
services. In no case shall medical
assistance payment for long-term care services occur prior to the date of the
determination of nursing facility level of care.
(c) The
assessment used to establish medical assistance payment for long-term care
services provided under sections 256B.0915 and 256B.49 and alternative care
payment for services provided under section 256B.0913 must be the most recent
face-to-face assessment performed under section 256B.0911, subdivision 3a, 3b,
or 4d, that occurred no more than 60 calendar days before the effective date of
medical assistance eligibility for payment of long-term care services.
Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144A.071,
subdivision 4b, is amended to read:
Subd. 4b. Licensed
beds on layaway status. A licensed
and certified nursing facility may lay away, upon prior written notice to the
commissioner of health, up to 50 percent of its licensed and certified
beds. A nursing facility may not
discharge a resident in order to lay away a bed. Notice to the commissioner shall be given 60
days prior to the effective date of the layaway. Beds on layaway shall have the same status as
voluntarily delicensed and decertified beds and shall not be subject to license
fees and license surcharge fees. In
addition, beds on layaway may be removed from layaway at any time on or after
one year after the effective date of layaway in the facility of origin, with a
60-day notice to the commissioner. A
nursing facility that removes beds from layaway may not place beds on layaway
status for one year after the effective date of the removal from layaway. The commissioner may approve the immediate
removal of beds from layaway if necessary to provide access to those nursing
home beds to residents relocated from other nursing homes due to emergency situations
or closure. In the event approval is
granted, the one-year restriction on placing beds on layaway after a removal of
beds from layaway shall not apply. Beds
may remain on layaway for up to five ten years. The commissioner may approve placing and
removing beds on layaway at any time during renovation or construction related
to a moratorium project approved under this section or section 144A.073. Nursing facilities are not required to
comply with any licensure or certification requirements for beds on layaway
Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144A.161,
subdivision 1a, is amended to read:
Subd. 1a. Scope. Where a facility is undertaking closure,
curtailment, reduction, or change in operations, or where a housing with
services unit registered under chapter 144D is closed because the space that it
occupies is being replaced by a nursing facility bed that is being reactivated
from layaway status, the facility and the county social services agency
must comply with the requirements of this section.
Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 245A.03, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 9.
Permitted services by an
individual who is related. Notwithstanding
subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (1), and subdivision 7, an individual who
is related to a person receiving supported living services may provide licensed
services to that person if:
(1) the
person who receives supported living services received these services in a
residential site on July 1, 2005;
(2) the
services under clause (1) were provided in a corporate foster care setting for
adults and were funded by the developmental disabilities home and
community-based services waiver defined in section 256B.092;
(3) the
individual who is related obtains and maintains both a license under chapter
245B and an adult foster care license under Minnesota Rules, parts 9555.5105 to
9555.6265; and
(4) the
individual who is related is not the guardian of the person receiving supported
living services.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0625, subdivision 19c, is amended to read:
Subd. 19c. Personal
care. Medical assistance covers
personal care assistance services provided by an individual who is qualified to
provide the services according to subdivision 19a and sections 256B.0651 to
256B.0656, provided in accordance with a plan, and supervised by a qualified
"Qualified professional"
means a mental health professional as defined in section 245.462, subdivision
18, or 245.4871, subdivision 27; or a registered nurse as defined in sections
148.171 to 148.285, a licensed social worker as defined in section 148B.21
sections 148D.010 and 148D.055, or a qualified developmental disabilities
specialist under section 245B.07, subdivision 4. The qualified professional shall perform the
duties required in section 256B.0659.
Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0651, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 17.
Recipient protection. (a) Providers of home care services must
provide each recipient with a copy of the home care bill of rights under
section 144A.44 at least 30 days prior to terminating services to a recipient,
if the termination results from provider sanctions under section 256B.064, such
as a payment withhold, a suspension of participation, or a termination of
participation. If a home care provider
determines it is unable to continue providing services to a recipient, the
provider must notify the recipient, the recipient's responsible party, and the
commissioner 30 days prior to terminating services to the recipient because of
an action under section 256B.064, and must assist the commissioner and lead
agency in supporting the recipient in transitioning to another home care
provider of the recipient's choice.
(b) In the
event of a payment withhold from a home care provider, a suspension of
participation, or a termination of participation of a home care provider under
section 256B.064, the commissioner may inform the Office of Ombudsman for
Long-Term Care and the lead agencies for all recipients with active service
agreements with the provider. At the
commissioner's request, the lead agencies must contact recipients to ensure
that the recipients are continuing to receive needed care, and that the
recipients have been given free choice of provider if they transfer to another
home care provider. In addition, the
commissioner or the commissioner's delegate may directly notify recipients who
receive care from the provider that payments have been withheld or that the
provider's participation in medical assistance has been suspended or
terminated, if the commissioner determines that notification is necessary to
protect the welfare of the recipients.
For purposes of this subdivision, "lead agencies" means
counties, tribes, and managed care organizations.
Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0652, subdivision 6, is amended to read:
Subd. 6. Authorization;
personal care assistance and qualified professional. (a) All personal care assistance services,
supervision by a qualified professional, and additional services beyond the
limits established in subdivision 11, must be authorized by the commissioner or
the commissioner's designee before services begin except for the assessments
established in subdivision 11 and section 256B.0911. The authorization for personal care
assistance and qualified professional services under section 256B.0659 must be
completed within 30 days after receiving a complete request.
(b) The amount
of personal care assistance services authorized must be based on the
recipient's home care rating. The home
care rating shall be determined by the commissioner or the commissioner's
designee based on information submitted to the commissioner identifying the
(1) total
number of dependencies of activities of daily living as defined in section
(2) number
presence of complex health-related needs as defined in section 256B.0659;
(3) number
presence of behavior descriptions as defined in section 256B.0659.
(c) The
methodology to determine total time for personal care assistance services for
each home care rating is based on the median paid units per day for each home
care rating from fiscal year 2007 data for the personal care assistance
program. Each home care rating has a
base level of hours assigned. Additional
time is added through the assessment and identification of the following:
(1) 30
additional minutes per day for a dependency in each critical activity of daily
living as defined in section 256B.0659;
(2) 30
additional minutes per day for each complex health-related function as defined
in section 256B.0659; and
(3) 30
additional minutes per day for each behavior issue as defined in section
(d) A limit of
96 units of qualified professional supervision may be authorized for each
recipient receiving personal care assistance services. A request to the commissioner to exceed this
total in a calendar year must be requested by the personal care provider agency
on a form approved by the commissioner.
Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 10, is amended to read:
Subd. 10. Responsible
party; duties; delegation. (a) A
responsible party shall enter into a written agreement with a personal care
assistance provider agency, on a form determined by the commissioner, to
perform the following duties:
(1) be available
while care is provided in a method agreed upon by the individual or the
individual's legal representative and documented in the recipient's personal
care assistance care plan;
(2) monitor
personal care assistance services to ensure the recipient's personal care
assistance care plan is being followed; and
(3) review and
sign personal care assistance time sheets after services are provided to
provide verification of the personal care assistance services.
Failure to provide the support
required by the recipient must result in a referral to the county common entry
(b) Responsible
parties who are parents of minors or guardians of minors or incapacitated
persons may delegate the responsibility to another adult who is not the
personal care assistant during a temporary absence of at least 24 hours but not
more than six months. The person
delegated as a responsible party must be able to meet the definition of the
responsible party. The responsible party
must ensure that the delegate performs the functions of the responsible party,
is identified at the time of the assessment, and is listed on the personal care
assistance care plan. The responsible
party must communicate to the personal care assistance provider agency about
the need for a delegate delegated responsible party, including
the name of the delegated responsible party, dates the delegated responsible
party will be living with the recipient, and contact numbers.
Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 11, is amended to read:
Subd. 11. Personal
care assistant; requirements. (a) A
personal care assistant must meet the following requirements:
(1) be at least
18 years of age with the exception of persons who are 16 or 17 years of age
with these additional requirements:
(i) supervision
by a qualified professional every 60 days; and
(ii) employment
by only one personal care assistance provider agency responsible for compliance
with current labor laws;
(2) be employed
by a personal care assistance provider agency;
(3) enroll with
the department as a personal care assistant after clearing a background
study. Except as provided in
subdivision 11a, before a personal care assistant provides services, the
personal care assistance provider agency must initiate a background study on
the personal care assistant under chapter 245C, and the personal care
assistance provider agency must have received a notice from the commissioner
that the personal care assistant is:
(i) not
disqualified under section 245C.14; or
(ii) is
disqualified, but the personal care assistant has received a set aside of the
disqualification under section 245C.22;
(4) be able to
effectively communicate with the recipient and personal care assistance
provider agency;
(5) be able to
provide covered personal care assistance services according to the recipient's
personal care assistance care plan, respond appropriately to recipient needs,
and report changes in the recipient's condition to the supervising qualified
professional or physician;
(6) not be a
consumer of personal care assistance services;
(7) maintain
daily written records including, but not limited to, time sheets under
subdivision 12;
(8) effective
January 1, 2010, complete standardized training as determined by the
commissioner before completing enrollment.
Personal care assistant training must include successful completion of
the following training components: basic
first aid, vulnerable adult, child maltreatment, OSHA universal precautions,
basic roles and responsibilities of personal care assistants including
information about assistance with lifting and transfers for recipients,
emergency preparedness, orientation to positive behavioral practices, fraud
issues, and completion of time sheets.
Upon completion of the training components, the personal care assistant
must demonstrate the competency to provide assistance to recipients;
(9) complete
training and orientation on the needs of the recipient within the first seven
days after the services begin; and
(10) be limited
to providing and being paid for up to 310 hours per month of personal care
assistance services regardless of the number of recipients being served or the
number of personal care assistance provider agencies enrolled with.
(b) A legal
guardian may be a personal care assistant if the guardian is not being paid for
the guardian services and meets the criteria for personal care assistants in
paragraph (a).
(c) Effective
January 1, 2010, persons who do not qualify as a personal care assistant
include parents and stepparents of minors, spouses, paid legal guardians,
family foster care providers, except as otherwise allowed in section 256B.0625,
subdivision 19a, or staff of a residential setting.
This section is effective retroactively from July 1, 2009.
Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 11a.
Exception to personal care
assistant; requirements. The
personal care assistant for a recipient may be allowed to enroll with a
different personal care assistant provider agency upon initiation of a new
background study according to chapter 245C if all of the following are met:
(1) the
commissioner determines that a change in enrollment or affiliation of the
personal care assistant is needed in order to ensure continuity of services and
protect the health and safety of the recipient;
(2) the
chosen agency has been continuously enrolled as a personal care assistance
provider agency for at least two years;
(3) the
recipient chooses to transfer to the personal care assistance provider agency;
(4) the personal
care assistant has been continuously enrolled with the former personal care
assistance provider agency since the last background study was completed; and
(5) the
personal care assistant continues to meet requirements of subdivision 11, excluding
paragraph (a), clause (3).
This section is effective retroactively from July 1, 2009.
Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 13, is amended to read:
Subd. 13. Qualified
professional; qualifications. (a)
The qualified professional must be employed by work for a
personal care assistance provider agency and meet the definition under section
256B.0625, subdivision 19c. Before a
qualified professional provides services, the personal care assistance provider
agency must initiate a background study on the qualified professional under
chapter 245C, and the personal care assistance provider agency must have
received a notice from the commissioner that the qualified professional:
(1) is not
disqualified under section 245C.14; or
(2) is
disqualified, but the qualified professional has received a set aside of the
disqualification under section 245C.22.
(b) The
qualified professional shall perform the duties of training, supervision, and
evaluation of the personal care assistance staff and evaluation of the
effectiveness of personal care assistance services. The qualified professional shall:
(1) develop and
monitor with the recipient a personal care assistance care plan based on the
service plan and individualized needs of the recipient;
(2) develop and
monitor with the recipient a monthly plan for the use of personal care
assistance services;
(3) review
documentation of personal care assistance services provided;
(4) provide
training and ensure competency for the personal care assistant in the
individual needs of the recipient; and
(5) document
all training, communication, evaluations, and needed actions to improve
performance of the personal care assistants.
(c) Effective
January 1, 2010, the qualified professional shall complete the provider
training with basic information about the personal care assistance program
approved by the commissioner within six months of the date hired by a personal
care assistance provider agency.
Qualified professionals who have completed the required trainings
training as an employee with a worker from a personal care
assistance provider agency do not need to repeat the required trainings
training if they are hired by another agency, if they have completed the
training within the last three years.
Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 21, is amended to read:
Subd. 21. Requirements
for initial enrollment of personal care assistance provider agencies. (a) All personal care assistance provider
agencies must provide, at the time of enrollment as a personal care assistance
provider agency in a format determined by the commissioner, information and
documentation that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) the personal
care assistance provider agency's current contact information including
address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
(2) proof of
surety bond coverage in the amount of $50,000 or ten percent of the provider's
payments from Medicaid in the previous year, whichever is less;
(3) proof of
fidelity bond coverage in the amount of $20,000;
(4) proof of
workers' compensation insurance coverage;
(5) proof of
liability insurance;
(5) (6) a description of the personal care assistance provider
agency's organization identifying the names of all owners, managing employees,
staff, board of directors, and the affiliations of the directors, owners, or
staff to other service providers;
(6) (7) a copy of the personal care assistance provider
agency's written policies and procedures including: hiring of employees; training requirements;
service delivery; and employee and consumer safety including process for
notification and resolution of consumer grievances, identification and
prevention of communicable diseases, and employee misconduct;
(7) (8) copies of all other forms the personal care assistance
provider agency uses in the course of daily business including, but not limited
(i) a copy of
the personal care assistance provider agency's time sheet if the time sheet
varies from the standard time sheet for personal care assistance services
approved by the commissioner, and a letter requesting approval of the personal
care assistance provider agency's nonstandard time sheet;
(ii) the
personal care assistance provider agency's template for the personal care assistance
care plan; and
(iii) the
personal care assistance provider agency's template for the written agreement
in subdivision 20 for recipients using the personal care assistance choice
option, if applicable;
(8) (9) a list of all trainings training and
classes that the personal care assistance provider agency requires of its staff
providing personal care assistance services;
(9) (10) documentation that the personal care
assistance provider agency and staff have successfully completed all the training
required by this section;
(10) (11) documentation of the agency's
marketing practices;
(11) (12) disclosure of ownership, leasing, or
management of all residential properties that is used or could be used for
providing home care services; and
(12) (13) documentation that the agency will
use the following percentages of revenue generated from the medical assistance
rate paid for personal care assistance services for employee personal care
assistant wages and benefits: 72.5
percent of revenue in the personal care assistance choice option and 72.5
percent of revenue from other personal care assistance providers.
(b) Personal
care assistance provider agencies shall provide the information specified in
paragraph (a) to the commissioner at the time the personal care assistance
provider agency enrolls as a vendor or upon request from the commissioner. The commissioner shall collect the
information specified in paragraph (a) from all personal care assistance
providers beginning July 1, 2009.
(c) All
personal care assistance provider agencies shall complete mandatory training as
determined by the commissioner before enrollment as a provider. Personal care assistance provider agencies
are required to send all owners, qualified professionals employed by the agency,
and all other managing employees to the initial and subsequent trainings
training. Personal care assistance
provider agency billing staff shall complete training about personal care
assistance program financial management.
This training is effective July 1, 2009.
Any personal care assistance provider agency enrolled before that date
shall, if it has not already, complete the provider training within 18 months
of July 1, 2009. Any new owners, new
qualified professionals, and new managing employees are required to complete
mandatory training as a requisite of hiring.
Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 30, is amended to read:
Subd. 30. Notice
of service changes to recipients.
The commissioner must provide:
(1) by October
31, 2009, information to recipients likely to be affected that (i) describes
the changes to the personal care assistance program that may result in the loss
of access to personal care assistance services, and (ii) includes resources to
obtain further information; and
(2) notice of
changes in medical assistance home care personal care assistant
services to each affected recipient at least 30 days before the effective date
of the change.
The notice shall include how to get
further information on the changes, how to get help to obtain other services, a
list of community resources, and appeal rights.
Notwithstanding section 256.045, a recipient may request continued
services pending appeal within the time period allowed to request an appeal.
Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0911, subdivision 1a, is amended to read:
Subd. 1a. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following
definitions apply:
"Long-term care consultation services" means:
(1) assistance
in identifying services needed to maintain an individual in the most inclusive
(2) providing
recommendations on cost-effective community services that are available to the
(3) development
of an individual's person-centered community support plan;
(4) providing
information regarding eligibility for Minnesota health care programs;
face-to-face long-term care consultation assessments, which may be completed in
a hospital, nursing facility, intermediate care facility for persons with
developmental disabilities (ICF/DDs), regional treatment centers, or the
person's current or planned residence;
(6) federally
mandated screening to determine the need for a institutional level of care
under section 256B.0911, subdivision 4, paragraph (a);
determination of home and community-based waiver service eligibility including
level of care determination for individuals who need an institutional level of
care as defined under section 144.0724, subdivision 11, or 256B.092, service
eligibility including state plan home care services identified in section
sections 256B.0625, subdivisions 6, 7, and 19, paragraphs (a) and (c),
and 256B.0657, based on assessment and support plan development with
appropriate referrals, including the option for consumer-directed community
(8) providing
recommendations for nursing facility placement when there are no cost-effective
community services available; and
(9) assistance
to transition people back to community settings after facility admission.
"Long-term care options counseling" means the services provided by
the linkage lines as mandated by sections 256.01 and 256.975, subdivision 7,
and also includes telephone assistance and follow up once a long-term care
consultation assessment has been completed.
"Minnesota health care programs" means the medical assistance program
under chapter 256B and the alternative care program under section 256B.0913.
(d) "Lead
agencies" means counties or a collaboration of counties, tribes, and
health plans administering long-term care consultation assessment and support
planning services.
Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0911, subdivision 2b, is amended to read:
Subd. 2b. Certified
assessors. (a) Beginning January 1,
2011, each lead agency shall use certified assessors who have completed
training and the certification processes determined by the commissioner in
subdivision 2c. Certified assessors
shall demonstrate best practices in assessment and support planning including
person-centered planning principals and have a common set of skills that must
ensure consistency and equitable access to services statewide. Assessors must be part of a multidisciplinary
team of professionals that includes public health nurses, social workers, and
other professionals as defined in paragraph (b). For persons with complex health care needs, a
public health nurse or registered nurse from a multidisciplinary team must be
consulted. A lead agency may choose,
according to departmental policies, to contract with a qualified, certified
assessor to conduct assessments and reassessments on behalf of the lead agency.
(b) Certified
assessors are persons with a minimum of a bachelor's degree in social work,
nursing with a public health nursing certificate, or other closely related
field with at least one year of home and community-based experience or a
two-year registered nursing degree with at least three years of home and
community-based experience that have received training and certification
specific to assessment and consultation for long-term care services in the
Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0911, subdivision 3a, is amended to read:
Subd. 3a. Assessment
and support planning. (a) Persons
requesting assessment, services planning, or other assistance intended to
support community-based living, including persons who need assessment in order
to determine waiver or alternative care program eligibility, must be visited by
a long-term care consultation team within 15 calendar days after the date on
which an assessment was requested or recommended. After January 1, 2011, these
requirements also apply to personal care assistance services, private duty
nursing, and home health agency services, on timelines established in subdivision
5. Face-to-face assessments must be
conducted according to paragraphs (b) to (i).
(b) The county
may utilize a team of either the social worker or public health nurse, or
both. After January 1, 2011,
lead agencies shall use certified assessors to conduct the assessment in a
face-to-face interview. The consultation
team members must confer regarding the most appropriate care for each
individual screened or assessed.
(c) The
assessment must be comprehensive and include a person-centered assessment of
the health, psychological, functional, environmental, and social needs of
referred individuals and provide information necessary to develop a support
plan that meets the consumers needs, using an assessment form provided by the
(d) The
assessment must be conducted in a face-to-face interview with the person being
assessed and the person's legal representative, as required by legally executed
documents, and other individuals as requested by the person, who can provide
information on the needs, strengths, and preferences of the person necessary to
develop a support plan that ensures the person's health and safety, but who is
not a provider of service or has any financial interest in the provision of
(e) The person,
or the person's legal representative, must be provided with written
recommendations for community-based services, including consumer-directed
options, or institutional care that include documentation that the most
cost-effective alternatives available were offered to the individual. For purposes of this requirement,
"cost-effective alternatives" means community services and living
arrangements that cost the same as or less than institutional care.
(f) If the
person chooses to use community-based services, the person or the person's
legal representative must be provided with a written community support plan,
regardless of whether the individual is eligible for Minnesota health care
programs. A person may request assistance
in identifying community supports without participating in a complete
assessment. Upon a request for
assistance identifying community support, the person must be transferred or
referred to the services available under sections 256.975, subdivision 7, and
256.01, subdivision 24, for telephone assistance and follow up.
(g) The person
has the right to make the final decision between institutional placement and
community placement after the recommendations have been provided, except as
provided in subdivision 4a, paragraph (c).
(h) The team must
give the person receiving assessment or support planning, or the person's legal
representative, materials, and forms supplied by the commissioner containing
the following information:
(1) the need
for and purpose of preadmission screening if the person selects nursing
facility placement;
(2) the role of
the long-term care consultation assessment and support planning in waiver and
alternative care program eligibility determination;
(3) information
about Minnesota health care programs;
(4) the person's
freedom to accept or reject the recommendations of the team;
(5) the
person's right to confidentiality under the Minnesota Government Data Practices
Act, chapter 13;
(6) the
long-term care consultant's decision regarding the person's need for institutional
level of care as determined under criteria established in section 144.0724,
subdivision 11, or 256B.092; and
(7) the
person's right to appeal the decision regarding the need for nursing facility
level of care or the county's final decisions regarding public programs
eligibility according to section 256.045, subdivision 3.
Face-to-face assessment completed as part of eligibility determination for the
alternative care, elderly waiver, community alternatives for disabled
individuals, community alternative care, and traumatic brain injury waiver
programs under sections 256B.0915, 256B.0917, and 256B.49 is valid to establish
service eligibility for no more than 60 calendar days after the date of
assessment. The effective eligibility
start date for these programs can never be prior to the date of
assessment. If an assessment was
completed more than 60 days before the effective waiver or alternative care
program eligibility start date, assessment and support plan information must be
updated in a face-to-face visit and documented in the department's Medicaid
Management Information System (MMIS).
The effective date of program eligibility in this case cannot be prior
to the date the updated assessment is completed.
Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0911, subdivision 3b, is amended to read:
Subd. 3b. Transition
assistance. (a) A long-term care
consultation team shall provide assistance to persons residing in a nursing
facility, hospital, regional treatment center, or intermediate care facility
for persons with developmental disabilities who request or are referred for
assistance. Transition assistance must
include assessment, community support plan development, referrals to long-term
care options counseling under section 256B.975, subdivision 10, for community
support plan implementation and to Minnesota health care programs, including
home and community-based waiver services and consumer-directed options through
the waivers, and referrals to programs that provide assistance with housing. Transition assistance must also include
information about the Centers for Independent Living and the Senior LinkAge
Line, and about other organizations that can provide assistance with relocation
efforts, and information about contacting these organizations to obtain their
assistance and support.
(b) The county
shall develop transition processes with institutional social workers and
discharge planners to ensure that:
(1) persons
admitted to facilities receive information about transition assistance that is
(2) the
assessment is completed for persons within ten working days of the date of
request or recommendation for assessment; and
(3) there is a
plan for transition and follow-up for the individual's return to the
community. The plan must require
notification of other local agencies when a person who may require assistance
is screened by one county for admission to a facility located in another
(c) If a person
who is eligible for a Minnesota health care program is admitted to a nursing
facility, the nursing facility must include a consultation team member or the
case manager in the discharge planning process.
Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 256B.0911,
subdivision 4d, is amended to read:
Subd. 4d. Preadmission
screening of individuals under 65 years of age. (a) It is the policy of the state of
Minnesota to ensure that individuals with disabilities or chronic illness are served
in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs and have the
necessary information to make informed choices about home and community-based
service options.
(b) Individuals
under 65 years of age who are admitted to a nursing facility from a hospital
must be screened prior to admission as outlined in subdivisions 4a through 4c.
(c) Individuals
under 65 years of age who are admitted to nursing facilities with only a
telephone screening must receive a face-to-face assessment from the long-term
care consultation team member of the county in which the facility is located or
from the recipient's county case manager within 40 calendar days of admission.
(d) Individuals
under 65 years of age who are admitted to a nursing facility without preadmission
screening according to the exemption described in subdivision 4b, paragraph
(a), clause (3), and who remain in the facility longer than 30 days must
receive a face-to-face assessment within 40 days of admission.
(e) At the
face-to-face assessment, the long-term care consultation team member or county
case manager must perform the activities required under subdivision 3b.
(f) For
individuals under 21 years of age, a screening interview which recommends
nursing facility admission must be face-to-face and approved by the
commissioner before the individual is admitted to the nursing facility.
(g) In the
event that an individual under 65 years of age is admitted to a nursing
facility on an emergency basis, the county must be notified of the admission on
the next working day, and a face-to-face assessment as described in paragraph
(c) must be conducted within 40 calendar days of admission.
(h) At the
face-to-face assessment, the long-term care consultation team member or the
case manager must present information about home and community-based options,
including consumer-directed options, so the individual can make informed
choices. If the individual chooses home
and community-based services, the long-term care consultation team member or
case manager must complete a written relocation plan within 20 working days of
the visit. The plan shall describe the
services needed to move out of the facility and a time line for the move which
is designed to ensure a smooth transition to the individual's home and community.
(i) An
individual under 65 years of age residing in a nursing facility shall receive a
face-to-face assessment at least every 12 months to review the person's service
choices and available alternatives unless the individual indicates, in writing,
that annual visits are not desired. In
this case, the individual must receive a face-to-face assessment at least once
every 36 months for the same purposes.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision 6, the commissioner may pay
county agencies directly for face-to-face assessments for individuals under 65
years of age who are being considered for placement or residing in a nursing
Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 626.557,
subdivision 9a, is amended to read:
Subd. 9a. Evaluation
and referral of reports made to common entry point unit. The common entry point must screen the
reports of alleged or suspected maltreatment for immediate risk and make all
necessary referrals as follows:
(1) if the
common entry point determines that there is an immediate need for adult
protective services, the common entry point agency shall immediately notify the
appropriate county agency;
(2) if the
report contains suspected criminal activity against a vulnerable adult, the
common entry point shall immediately notify the appropriate law enforcement
(3) if the
report references alleged or suspected maltreatment and there is no immediate
need for adult protective services, the common entry point shall notify
refer all reports of alleged or suspected maltreatment to the appropriate
lead agency as soon as possible, but in any event no longer than two working
days; and
(4) if the
report does not reference alleged or suspected maltreatment, the common entry
point may determine whether the information will be referred; and
(5) (4) if the report contains information
about a suspicious death, the common entry point shall immediately notify the
appropriate law enforcement agencies, the local medical examiner, and the
ombudsman established under section 245.92.
Law enforcement agencies shall coordinate with the local medical
examiner and the ombudsman as provided by law.
Sec. 20. ELDERLY
Minnesota Statutes, section 256B.0915, subdivision 3b, a person age 65 or older
with an MT home care rating on January 1, 2010, is eligible for the elderly
waiver program and shall be considered a conversion for purposes of accessing
monthly budget caps equal to no more than the person's monthly spending under
the personal care assistance program on January 1, 2010.
commissioner shall consult with stakeholders experienced in using and providing
services through the consumer-directed community supports option during the
identification of data to be used in future development of an individualized
budget methodology for the home and community-based waivers under the new
comprehensive assessment.
Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0653, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
Subd. 3. Home
health aide visits. (a) Home health
aide visits must be provided by a certified home health aide using a written
plan of care that is updated in compliance with Medicare regulations. A home health aide shall provide hands-on
personal care, perform simple procedures as an extension of therapy or nursing
services, and assist in instrumental activities of daily living as defined in
section 256B.0659, including ensuring that the person gets to medical
appointments if identified in the written plan of care. Home health aide visits must be provided in
the recipient's home.
(b) All home
health aide visits must have authorization under section 256B.0652. The commissioner shall limit home health aide
visits to no more than one visit per day per recipient.
(c) Home health
aides must be supervised by a registered nurse or an appropriate therapist when
providing services that are an extension of therapy.
Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Definitions. (a) For the purposes of this section, the
terms defined in paragraphs (b) to (p) (r) have the meanings
given unless otherwise provided in text.
"Activities of daily living" means grooming, dressing, bathing,
transferring, mobility, positioning, eating, and toileting.
"Behavior," effective January 1, 2010, means a category to determine
the home care rating and is based on the criteria found in this section.
"Level I behavior" means physical aggression towards self, others, or
destruction of property that requires the immediate response of another person.
"Complex health-related needs," effective January 1, 2010, means a
category to determine the home care rating and is based on the criteria found
in this section.
"Critical activities of daily living," effective January 1, 2010,
means transferring, mobility, eating, and toileting.
"Dependency in activities of daily living" means a person requires
assistance to begin and complete one or more of the activities of daily living.
(g) "Extended
personal care assistance service" means personal care assistance services
included in a service plan under one of the home and community-based services
waivers authorized under sections 256B.49, 256B.0915, and 256B.092, subdivision
5, which exceed the amount, duration, and frequency of the state plan personal
care assistance services for participants who:
(1) need
assistance provided periodically during a week, but less than daily will not be
able to remain in their home without the assistance, and other replacement
services are more expensive or are not available when personal care assistance
services are to be terminated; or
(2) need
additional personal care assistance services beyond the amount authorized by
the state plan personal care assistance assessment in order to ensure that
their safety, health, and welfare are provided for in their homes.
(h) "Health-related procedures and
tasks" means procedures and tasks that can be delegated or assigned by a
licensed health care professional under state law to be performed by a personal
care assistant.
(h) (i) "Instrumental activities of
daily living" means activities to include meal planning and preparation;
basic assistance with paying bills; shopping for food, clothing, and other
essential items; performing household tasks integral to the personal care
assistance services; communication by telephone and other media; and traveling,
including to medical appointments and to participate in the community.
(i) (j) "Managing employee" has
the same definition as Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 455.
(j) (k) "Qualified professional"
means a professional providing supervision of personal care assistance services
and staff as defined in section 256B.0625, subdivision 19c.
(k) (l) "Personal care assistance
provider agency" means a medical assistance enrolled provider that
provides or assists with providing personal care assistance services and
includes a personal care assistance provider organization, personal care
assistance choice agency, class A licensed nursing agency, and
Medicare-certified home health agency.
(l) (m) "Personal care assistant"
or "PCA" means an individual employed by a personal care assistance
agency who provides personal care assistance services.
(m) (n) "Personal care assistance care
plan" means a written description of personal care assistance services
developed by the personal care assistance provider according to the service
(n) (o) "Responsible party" means
an individual who is capable of providing the support necessary to assist the
recipient to live in the community.
(o) (p) "Self-administered
medication" means medication taken orally, by injection or insertion, or
applied topically without the need for assistance.
(p) (q) "Service plan" means a
written summary of the assessment and description of the services needed by the
"Wages and benefits" means wages and salaries, the employer's share
of FICA taxes, Medicare taxes, state and federal unemployment taxes, workers'
compensation, mileage reimbursement, health and dental insurance, life
insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance, uniform allowance,
and contributions to employee retirement accounts.
Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
Subd. 3. Noncovered
personal care assistance services.
(a) Personal care assistance services are not eligible for medical
assistance payment under this section when provided:
(1) by the
recipient's spouse, parent of a recipient under the age of 18, paid legal
guardian, licensed foster provider, except as allowed under section 256B.0651,
subdivision 10, or responsible party;
(2) in lieu of
other staffing options in a residential or child care setting;
(3) solely as a
child care or babysitting service; or
(4) without
authorization by the commissioner or the commissioner's designee.
(b) The
following personal care services are not eligible for medical assistance
payment under this section when provided in residential settings:
(1) effective
January 1, 2010, when the provider of home care services who is not related by
blood, marriage, or adoption owns or otherwise controls the living arrangement,
including licensed or unlicensed services; or
(2) when
personal care assistance services are the responsibility of a residential or
program license holder under the terms of a service agreement and
administrative rules.
(c) Other
specific tasks not covered under paragraph (a) or (b) that are not eligible for
medical assistance reimbursement for personal care assistance services under
this section include:
(1) sterile
(2) injections
of fluids and medications into veins, muscles, or skin;
(3) home
maintenance or chore services;
(4) homemaker
services not an integral part of assessed personal care assistance services
needed by a recipient;
(5) application
of restraints or implementation of procedures under section 245.825;
instrumental activities of daily living for children under the age of 18,
except when immediate attention is needed for health or hygiene reasons
integral to the personal care services or traveling to medical appointments and
the need is listed in the service plan by the assessor; and
(7) assessments
for personal care assistance services by personal care assistance provider
agencies or by independently enrolled registered nurses.
Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
Subd. 4. Assessment
for personal care assistance services; limitations. (a) An assessment as defined in subdivision
3a must be completed for personal care assistance services.
(b) The
following limitations apply to the assessment:
(1) a person
must be assessed as dependent in an activity of daily living based on the
person's ongoing need, on a daily basis, for:
(i) cuing and
constant supervision to complete the task; or
(ii) hands-on
assistance to complete the task; and
(2) a child may
not be found to be dependent in an activity of daily living if because of the
child's age an adult would either perform the activity for the child or assist
the child with the activity. Assistance
needed is the assistance appropriate for a typical child of the same age.
(c) Assessment
for complex health-related needs must meet the criteria in this paragraph. During the assessment process, a recipient
qualifies as having complex health-related needs if the recipient has one or
more of the interventions that are ordered by a physician, specified in a
personal care assistance care plan, and found in the following:
(1) tube
feedings requiring:
(i) a
gastro/jejunostomy tube; or
(ii) continuous
tube feeding lasting longer than 12 hours per day;
(2) wounds
described as:
(i) stage III
or stage IV;
(ii) multiple
(iii) requiring
sterile or clean dressing changes or a wound vac; or
(iv) open
lesions such as burns, fistulas, tube sites, or ostomy sites that require
specialized care;
(3) parenteral
therapy described as:
(i) IV therapy
more than two times per week lasting longer than four hours for each treatment;
(ii) total
parenteral nutrition (TPN) daily;
(4) respiratory
interventions including:
(i) oxygen
required more than eight hours per day;
respiratory vest more than one time per day;
(iii) bronchial
drainage treatments more than two times per day;
(iv) sterile or
clean suctioning more than six times per day;
(v) dependence
on another to apply respiratory ventilation augmentation devices such as BiPAP
and CPAP; and
(vi) ventilator
dependence under section 256B.0652;
(5) insertion
and maintenance of catheter including:
(i) sterile
catheter changes more than one time per month;
(ii) clean
self-catheterization more than six times per day; or
(iii) bladder
(6) bowel
program more than two times per week requiring more than 30 minutes to perform
each time;
neurological intervention including:
(i) seizures
more than two times per week and requiring significant physical assistance to
maintain safety; or
(ii) swallowing
disorders diagnosed by a physician and requiring specialized assistance from another
on a daily basis; and
(8) other
congenital or acquired diseases creating a need for significantly increased
direct hands-on assistance and interventions in six to eight activities of
daily living.
(d) An
assessment of behaviors must meet the criteria in this paragraph. A recipient qualifies as having a need for
assistance due to behaviors if the recipient's behavior requires assistance at
least four times per week and shows one or more of the following behaviors:
(1) physical
aggression towards self or others, or destruction of property that requires the
immediate response of another person;
(2) increased
vulnerability due to cognitive deficits or socially inappropriate behavior; or
(3) verbally
aggressive and resistive to care.
Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 11, is amended to read:
Subd. 11. Personal
care assistant; requirements. (a) A
personal care assistant must meet the following requirements:
(1) be at least
18 years of age with the exception of persons who are 16 or 17 years of age
with these additional requirements:
(i) supervision
by a qualified professional every 60 days; and
(ii) employment
by only one personal care assistance provider agency responsible for compliance
with current labor laws;
(2) be employed
by a personal care assistance provider agency;
(3) enroll with
the department as a personal care assistant after clearing a background
study. Before a personal care assistant
provides services, the personal care assistance provider agency must initiate a
background study on the personal care assistant under chapter 245C, and the
personal care assistance provider agency must have received a notice from the
commissioner that the personal care assistant is:
(i) not
disqualified under section 245C.14; or
(ii) is
disqualified, but the personal care assistant has received a set aside of the
disqualification under section 245C.22;
(4) be able to
effectively communicate with the recipient and personal care assistance
provider agency;
(5) be able to
provide covered personal care assistance services according to the recipient's
personal care assistance care plan, respond appropriately to recipient needs,
and report changes in the recipient's condition to the supervising qualified
professional or physician;
(6) not be a
consumer of personal care assistance services;
(7) maintain
daily written records including, but not limited to, time sheets under
subdivision 12;
(8) effective
January 1, 2010, complete standardized training as determined by the
commissioner before completing enrollment.
The training must be available in languages other than English and to
those who need accommodations due to disabilities. Personal care assistant training must
include successful completion of the following training components: basic first aid, vulnerable adult, child
maltreatment, OSHA universal precautions, basic roles and responsibilities of
personal care assistants including information about assistance with lifting
and transfers for recipients, emergency preparedness, orientation to positive
behavioral practices, fraud issues, and completion of time sheets. Upon completion of the training components, the
personal care assistant must demonstrate the competency to provide assistance
to recipients;
(9) complete
training and orientation on the needs of the recipient within the first seven
days after the services begin; and
(10) be limited
to providing and being paid for up to 310 hours per month of personal care
assistance services regardless of the number of recipients being served or the
number of personal care assistance provider agencies enrolled with. The number of hours worked per day shall
not be disallowed by the department unless in violation of the law.
(b) A legal
guardian may be a personal care assistant if the guardian is not being paid for
the guardian services and meets the criteria for personal care assistants in
paragraph (a).
(c) Effective
January 1, 2010, persons who do not qualify as a personal care assistant
include parents and stepparents of minors, spouses, paid legal guardians,
family foster care providers, except as otherwise allowed in section 256B.0625,
subdivision 19a, or staff of a residential setting.
Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 13, is amended to read:
Subd. 13. Qualified
professional; qualifications. (a)
The qualified professional must be employed by a personal care assistance
provider agency and meet the definition under section 256B.0625, subdivision
19c. Before a qualified professional
provides services, the personal care assistance provider agency must initiate a
background study on the qualified professional under chapter 245C, and the
personal care assistance provider agency must have received a notice from the
commissioner that the qualified professional:
(1) is not
disqualified under section 245C.14; or
(2) is
disqualified, but the qualified professional has received a set aside of the
disqualification under section 245C.22.
(b) The
qualified professional shall perform the duties of training, supervision, and
evaluation of the personal care assistance staff and evaluation of the
effectiveness of personal care assistance services. The qualified professional shall:
(1) develop and
monitor with the recipient a personal care assistance care plan based on the
service plan and individualized needs of the recipient;
(2) develop and
monitor with the recipient a monthly plan for the use of personal care
assistance services;
(3) review
documentation of personal care assistance services provided;
(4) provide
training and ensure competency for the personal care assistant in the individual
needs of the recipient; and
(5) document
all training, communication, evaluations, and needed actions to improve
performance of the personal care assistants.
(c) Effective January
July 1, 2010, the qualified professional shall complete the provider
training with basic information about the personal care assistance program
approved by the commissioner within six months of the date hired by a personal
care assistance provider agency.
Qualified professionals who have completed the required trainings as an
employee with a personal care assistance provider agency do not need to repeat
the required trainings if they are hired by another agency, if they have
completed the training within the last three years. The required training shall be available
in languages other than English and to those who need accommodations due to
disabilities, online, or by electronic remote connection, and provide for
competency testing to demonstrate an understanding of the content without
attending in-person training. A qualified
professional is allowed to be employed and is not subject to the training
requirement until the training is offered online or through remote electronic
connection. A qualified professional
employed by a personal care assistance provider agency certified for
participation in Medicare as a home health agency is exempt from the training
required in this subdivision. The
commissioner shall ensure there is a mechanism in place to verify the identity
of persons completing the competency testing electronically.
Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 14, is amended to read:
Subd. 14. Qualified
professional; duties. (a) Effective
January 1, 2010, all personal care assistants must be supervised by a qualified
(b) Through
direct training, observation, return demonstrations, and consultation with the
staff and the recipient, the qualified professional must ensure and document
that the personal care assistant is:
(1) capable of
providing the required personal care assistance services;
knowledgeable about the plan of personal care assistance services before
services are performed; and
(3) able to
identify conditions that should be immediately brought to the attention of the
qualified professional.
(c) The
qualified professional shall evaluate the personal care assistant within the
first 14 days of starting to provide regularly scheduled services for a
recipient except for the personal care assistance choice option under
subdivision 19, paragraph (a), clause (4).
For the initial evaluation, the qualified professional shall
evaluate the personal care assistance services for a recipient through direct
observation of a personal care assistant's work. Subsequent visits to evaluate the personal
care assistance services provided to a recipient do not require direct
observation of each personal care assistant's work and shall occur:
(1) at least
every 90 days thereafter for the first year of a recipient's services; and
(2) every 120
days after the first year of a recipient's service or whenever needed for
response to a recipient's request for increased supervision of the personal
care assistance staff; and
(3) after the
first 180 days of a recipient's service, supervisory visits may alternate
between unscheduled phone or Internet technology and in-person visits, unless
the in-person visits are needed according to the care plan.
Communication with the recipient is a part of the evaluation process of the
personal care assistance staff.
(e) At each
supervisory visit, the qualified professional shall evaluate personal care
assistance services including the following information:
(1) satisfaction
level of the recipient with personal care assistance services;
(2) review of
the month-to-month plan for use of personal care assistance services;
(3) review of
documentation of personal care assistance services provided;
(4) whether the
personal care assistance services are meeting the goals of the service as
stated in the personal care assistance care plan and service plan;
(5) a written
record of the results of the evaluation and actions taken to correct any
deficiencies in the work of a personal care assistant; and
(6) revision of
the personal care assistance care plan as necessary in consultation with the
recipient or responsible party, to meet the needs of the recipient.
(f) The
qualified professional shall complete the required documentation in the agency
recipient and employee files and the recipient's home, including the following
(1) the personal
care assistance care plan based on the service plan and individualized needs of
the recipient;
(2) a
month-to-month plan for use of personal care assistance services;
(3) changes in
need of the recipient requiring a change to the level of service and the
personal care assistance care plan;
(4) evaluation
results of supervision visits and identified issues with personal care
assistance staff with actions taken;
(5) all
communication with the recipient and personal care assistance staff; and
(6) hands-on
training or individualized training for the care of the recipient.
(g) The
documentation in paragraph (f) must be done on agency forms.
(h) The services
that are not eligible for payment as qualified professional services include:
(1) direct
professional nursing tasks that could be assessed and authorized as skilled
nursing tasks;
(2) supervision
of personal care assistance completed by telephone;
(3) agency
administrative activities;
(4) training
other than the individualized training required to provide care for a
recipient; and
(5) any other
activity that is not described in this section.
Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 18, is amended to read:
Subd. 18. Personal
care assistance choice option; generally.
(a) The commissioner may allow a recipient of personal care assistance
services to use a fiscal intermediary to assist the recipient in paying and
accounting for medically necessary covered personal care assistance
services. Unless otherwise provided in
this section, all other statutory and regulatory provisions relating to
personal care assistance services apply to a recipient using the personal care
assistance choice option.
(b) Personal
care assistance choice is an option of the personal care assistance program
that allows the recipient who receives personal care assistance services to be
responsible for the hiring, training, scheduling, and firing of personal care
assistants according to the terms of the written agreement with the personal
care assistance choice agency required under subdivision 20, paragraph (a). This program offers greater control and
choice for the recipient in who provides the personal care assistance service
and when the service is scheduled. The
recipient or the recipient's responsible party must choose a personal care
assistance choice provider agency as a fiscal intermediary. This personal care assistance choice provider
agency manages payroll, invoices the state, is responsible for all
payroll-related taxes and insurance, and is responsible for providing the
consumer training and support in managing the recipient's personal care
assistance services.
Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 19, is amended to read:
Subd. 19. Personal
care assistance choice option; qualifications; duties. (a) Under personal care assistance choice,
the recipient or responsible party shall:
(1) recruit,
hire, schedule, and terminate personal care assistants and a qualified
professional according to the terms of the written agreement required
under subdivision 20, paragraph (a);
(2) develop a
personal care assistance care plan based on the assessed needs and addressing
the health and safety of the recipient with the assistance of a qualified
professional as needed;
(3) orient and
train the personal care assistant with assistance as needed from the qualified
(4) effective
January 1, 2010, supervise and evaluate the personal care assistant with the
qualified professional, who is required to visit the recipient at least every
180 days;
(5) monitor and
verify in writing and report to the personal care assistance choice agency the
number of hours worked by the personal care assistant and the qualified
(6) engage in
an annual face-to-face reassessment to determine continuing eligibility and
service authorization; and
(7) use the
same personal care assistance choice provider agency if shared personal
assistance care is being used.
(b) The
personal care assistance choice provider agency shall:
(1) meet all
personal care assistance provider agency standards;
(2) enter into
a written agreement with the recipient, responsible party, and personal care
(3) not be
related as a parent, child, sibling, or spouse to the recipient, qualified
professional, or the personal care assistant; and
(4) ensure
arm's-length transactions without undue influence or coercion with the
recipient and personal care assistant.
(c) The duties
of the personal care assistance choice provider agency are to:
(1) be the
employer of the personal care assistant and the qualified professional for
employment law and related regulations including, but not limited to,
purchasing and maintaining workers' compensation, unemployment insurance,
surety and fidelity bonds, and liability insurance, and submit any or all
necessary documentation including, but not limited to, workers' compensation
and unemployment insurance;
(2) bill the
medical assistance program for personal care assistance services and qualified
professional services;
(3) request and
complete background studies that comply with the requirements for personal care
assistants and qualified professionals;
(4) pay the
personal care assistant and qualified professional based on actual hours of
services provided;
(5) withhold
and pay all applicable federal and state taxes;
(6) verify and
keep records of hours worked by the personal care assistant and qualified
(7) make the
arrangements and pay taxes and other benefits, if any, and comply with any
legal requirements for a Minnesota employer;
(8) enroll in
the medical assistance program as a personal care assistance choice agency; and
(9) enter into
a written agreement as specified in subdivision 20 before services are
Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 20, is amended to read:
Subd. 20. Personal
care assistance choice option; administration. (a) Before services commence under the
personal care assistance choice option, and annually thereafter, the personal
care assistance choice provider agency, recipient, or responsible party,
each personal care assistant, and the qualified professional and the
recipient or responsible party shall enter into a written agreement. The annual agreement must be
provided to the recipient or responsible party, each personal care assistant,
and the qualified professional when completed, and include at a minimum:
(1) duties of
the recipient, qualified professional, personal care assistant, and personal
care assistance choice provider agency;
(2) salary and
benefits for the personal care assistant and the qualified professional;
administrative fee of the personal care assistance choice provider agency and
services paid for with that fee, including background study fees;
(4) grievance
procedures to respond to complaints;
(5) procedures
for hiring and terminating the personal care assistant; and
(6) documentation
requirements including, but not limited to, time sheets, activity records, and
the personal care assistance care plan.
(b) Effective
January 1, 2010, except for the administrative fee of the personal care
assistance choice provider agency as reported on the written agreement, the
remainder of the rates paid to the personal care assistance choice provider
agency must be used to pay for the salary and benefits for the personal care
assistant or the qualified professional.
The provider agency must use a minimum of 72.5 percent of the revenue
generated by the medical assistance rate for personal care assistance services
for employee personal care assistant wages and benefits.
(c) The
commissioner shall deny, revoke, or suspend the authorization to use the personal
care assistance choice option if:
(1) it has been
determined by the qualified professional or public health nurse that the use of
this option jeopardizes the recipient's health and safety;
(2) the parties
have failed to comply with the written agreement specified in this subdivision;
(3) the use of
the option has led to abusive or fraudulent billing for personal care
assistance services; or
(4) the
department terminates the personal care assistance choice option.
(d) The
recipient or responsible party may appeal the commissioner's decision in
paragraph (c) according to section 256.045.
The denial, revocation, or suspension to use the personal care
assistance choice option must not affect the recipient's authorized level of
personal care assistance services.
Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 21, is amended to read:
Subd. 21. Requirements
for initial enrollment of personal care assistance provider agencies. (a) All personal care assistance provider
agencies must provide, at the time of enrollment as a personal care assistance
provider agency in a format determined by the commissioner, information and
documentation that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) the
personal care assistance provider agency's current contact information
including address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
(2) proof of
surety bond coverage in the amount of $50,000 or ten percent of the provider's
payments from Medicaid in the previous year, whichever is less;
(3) proof of
fidelity bond coverage in the amount of $20,000;
(4) proof of
workers' compensation insurance coverage;
(5) a
description of the personal care assistance provider agency's organization
identifying the names of all owners, managing employees, staff, board of
directors, and the affiliations of the directors, owners, or staff to other
service providers;
(6) a copy of
the personal care assistance provider agency's written policies and procedures
including: hiring of employees; training
requirements; service delivery; and employee and consumer safety including
process for notification and resolution of consumer grievances, identification
and prevention of communicable diseases, and employee misconduct;
(7) copies of
all other forms the personal care assistance provider agency uses in the course
of daily business including, but not limited to:
(i) a copy of
the personal care assistance provider agency's time sheet if the time sheet
varies from the standard time sheet for personal care assistance services
approved by the commissioner, and a letter requesting approval of the personal
care assistance provider agency's nonstandard time sheet;
(ii) the
personal care assistance provider agency's template for the personal care
assistance care plan; and
(iii) the
personal care assistance provider agency's template for the written agreement
in subdivision 20 for recipients using the personal care assistance choice
option, if applicable;
(8) a list of
all trainings and classes that the personal care assistance provider agency
requires of its staff providing personal care assistance services;
documentation that the personal care assistance provider agency and staff have
successfully completed all the training required by this section;
documentation of the agency's marketing practices;
(11) disclosure
of ownership, leasing, or management of all residential properties that is used
or could be used for providing home care services; and
documentation that the agency will use the following percentages of revenue
generated from the medical assistance rate paid for personal care assistance
services for employee personal care assistant wages and benefits: 72.5 percent
of revenue in the personal care assistance choice option and 72.5 percent of
revenue from other personal care assistance providers; and
documentation that the agency does not burden recipients' free exercise of
their right to choose service providers by requiring personal care assistants
to sign an agreement not to work with any particular personal care assistance
recipient or for another personal care assistance provider agency after leaving
the agency.
(b) Personal
care assistance provider agencies shall provide the information specified in
paragraph (a) to the commissioner at the time the personal care assistance
provider agency enrolls as a vendor or upon request from the commissioner. The commissioner shall collect the information
specified in paragraph (a) from all personal care assistance providers
beginning July 1, 2009.
(c) All
personal care assistance provider agencies shall require all employees in
management and supervisory positions and owners of the agency who are active in
the day-to-day management and operations of the agency to complete
mandatory training as determined by the commissioner before enrollment of
the agency as a provider. Personal
care assistance provider agencies are required to send all owners, qualified
professionals employed by the agency, and all other managing employees to the
initial and subsequent trainings. Employees in management and
supervisory positions and owners who are active in the day-to-day operations of
an agency who have completed the required training as an employee with a
personal care assistance provider agency do not need to repeat the required
training if they are hired by another agency, if they have completed the
training within the past three years. By
September 1, 2010, the required training must be available in languages other
than English and to those who need accommodations due to disabilities, online,
or by electronic remote connection, and provide for competency testing. Personal care assistance provider agency
billing staff shall complete training about personal care assistance program
financial management. This training is
effective July 1, 2009. Any personal
care assistance provider agency enrolled before that date shall, if it has not
already, complete the provider training within 18 months of July 1, 2009. Any new owners, new qualified
professionals, and new managing or employees in management and
supervisory positions involved in the day-to-day operations are required to
complete mandatory training as a requisite of hiring working for the
agency. Personal care assistance
provider agencies certified for participation in Medicare as home health
agencies are exempt from the training required in this subdivision.
Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 27, is amended to read:
Subd. 27. Personal
care assistance provider agency; ventilator training. (a) The personal care assistance
provider agency is required to provide training for the personal care assistant
responsible for working with a recipient who is ventilator dependent. All training must be administered by a
respiratory therapist, nurse, or physician.
Qualified professional supervision by a nurse must be completed and
documented on file in the personal care assistant's employment record and the
recipient's health record. If offering
personal care services to a ventilator-dependent recipient, the personal care
assistance provider agency shall demonstrate and document the ability
(1) train the
personal care assistant;
(2) supervise
the personal care assistant in ventilator operation and maintenance
the care of a ventilator-dependent recipient; and
(3) supervise
the recipient and responsible party in ventilator operation and maintenance
the care of a ventilator-dependent recipient; and
(4) provide
documentation of the training and supervision in clauses (1) to (3) upon
(b) A
personal care assistant shall not undertake any clinical services, patient
assessment, patient evaluation, or clinical education regarding the ventilator
or the patient on the ventilator. These
services may only be provided by health care professionals licensed or
registered in this state.
(c) A
personal care assistant may only perform tasks associated with ventilator
maintenance that are approved by the Board of Medical Practice in consultation
with the Respiratory Care Practitioner Advisory Council and the Department of
Human Services.
(d) Personal
care assistance provider agencies certified for participation in Medicare as
home health agencies are exempt from providing the training required in this
Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section
256B.0659, subdivision 30, is amended to read:
Subd. 30. Notice
of service changes to recipients.
The commissioner must provide:
(1) by October
31, 2009, information to recipients likely to be affected that (i) describes
the changes to the personal care assistance program that may result in the loss
of access to personal care assistance services, and (ii) includes resources to
obtain further information; and
(2) notice of
changes in medical assistance home care services to each affected recipient at
least 30 days before the effective date of the change.
The notice shall include how to get
further information on the changes, how to get help to obtain other services, a
list of community resources, and appeal rights.
Notwithstanding section 256.045, a recipient may request continued
services pending appeal within the time period allowed to request an appeal;
(3) a
service agreement authorizing personal care assistance hours of service at the
previously authorized level, throughout the appeal process period, when a
recipient requests services pending an appeal."
Delete the title
and insert:
"A bill for
an act relating to human services; making changes to continuing care policy and
personal care assistance services; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections
144A.071, subdivision 4b; 144A.161, subdivision 1a; 245A.03, by adding a
subdivision; 256B.0911, subdivision 4d; 626.557, subdivision 9a; Minnesota
Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections 144.0724, subdivision 11; 256B.0625,
subdivision 19c; 256B.0651, by adding a subdivision; 256B.0652, subdivision 6;
256B.0653, subdivision 3; 256B.0659, subdivisions 1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18,
19, 20, 21, 27, 30, by adding a subdivision; 256B.0911, subdivisions 1a, 2b,
3a, 3b."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from the
Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3277,
A bill for an act relating to commerce; specifying that advertising of
deceptive local telephone numbers for businesses is a deceptive trade practice;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 325D.46, by adding a subdivision.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from the
Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3300,
A bill for an act relating to human services; modifying provisions relating to
civilly committed sex offenders, sexually dangerous persons, and sexual
psychopathic personalities; amending provisions relating to judicial holds in
commitment cases; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 246B.01, by adding
a subdivision; 253B.05, subdivision 1; 253B.07, subdivision 2b; 253B.10,
subdivision 5; 253B.15, subdivision 1; 253B.18, subdivision 5a; 253B.185;
253B.19, subdivision 2; Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections 246B.01,
subdivisions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2d; 246B.02; 246B.03, subdivisions 2, 3; 246B.04,
subdivision 3; 246B.05, subdivision 1; 246B.06, subdivisions 1, 6, 7, 8;
246B.07, subdivisions 1, 2; 246B.08; 246B.09; 246B.10; 253B.14.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 2, delete
section 3
Page 9, line 25,
delete the new language and insert "Except as provided in section
253B.045, subdivision 1a, in the case of an individual on a judicial hold due
to a petition for civil commitment under section 253B.185, assignment"
Page 9, line 27,
after "a" insert "secure" and delete "program"
and insert "facility"
Page 10, after
line 28, insert:
24. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
253B.18, subdivision 4a, is amended to read:
Subd. 4a. Release
on pass; notification. A patient who
has been committed as a person who is mentally ill and dangerous and who is
confined at a secure treatment facility or has been transferred out of a
state-operated services facility according to section 253B.18, subdivision 6,
shall not be released on a pass unless the pass is part of a pass
plan that has
been approved by the medical director of the secure treatment facility. The pass plan must have a specific
therapeutic purpose consistent with the treatment plan, must be established for
a specific period of time, and must have specific levels of liberty
delineated. The county case manager must
be invited to participate in the development of the pass plan. At least ten days prior to a determination on
the plan, the medical director shall notify the designated agency, the
committing court, the county attorney of the county of commitment, an
interested person, the local law enforcement agency where the facility is
located, the county attorney and the local law enforcement agency in the
location where the pass is to occur, the petitioner, and the petitioner's
counsel of the plan, the nature of the passes proposed, and their right to
object to the plan. If any notified
person objects prior to the proposed date of implementation, the person shall
have an opportunity to appear, personally or in writing, before the medical
director, within ten days of the objection, to present grounds for opposing the
plan. The pass plan shall not be
implemented until the objecting person has been furnished that opportunity. Nothing in this subdivision shall be
construed to give a patient an affirmative right to a pass plan."
Page 11, line
19, strike "or section 253B.185"
Page 12, lines
19 and 20, delete the new language
Page 12, lines
25 to 28, delete the new language
Page 13, line
36, strike "section 253B.18" and insert "subdivision 11"
Page 16, strike
lines 22 and 23 and insert "court; the county attorneys of the counties
of commitment, financial responsibility, and proposed placement; the designated
agency; an interested person; the petitioner and the petitioner's counsel; and
the committed person"
Page 16, strike
lines 30 to 32 and insert "special review board before the hearing must
also provide copies to the committed person; the committed person's counsel;
the county attorneys of the counties of commitment, financial responsibility,
and proposed placement; the case manager; and the commissioner. The special review board must consider any
Page 18, line
2, after the second "county" insert "where the
criminal conviction occurred or"
Page 18, line
3, after "or" insert ", following commitment,"
Page 18, line
4, delete "head" and insert "commissioner of human
Page 18, delete
line 5
Page 21, line
14, strike "from which the person was committed or the county" and
after "of" insert "commitment," and after
"responsibility" insert ", or proposed placement"
Page 21, strike
lines 26 and 27 and insert "patient; the county attorneys of the
counties of commitment, financial responsibility, and proposed placement; the
designated agency; the commissioner; the head of the treatment facility; any
interested persons; and other persons"
Page 21, line
28, strike the comma
Page 21, line
30, strike everything after the period
Page 21, strike
line 31 and insert "The patient; the patient's counsel; any of the
county attorneys of the committing county, or the county of financial
responsibility and county of placement, and the"
Page 21, line
33, after "and" insert ", except when the patient is solely
committed as mentally ill and dangerous,"
Page 22, line
2, strike everything after the first "county"
Page 22, line
3, strike "the county of financial responsibility" and insert "attorneys"
Renumber the
sections in sequence
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Pelowski from
the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and
Elections to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3327,
A bill for an act relating to city and county employees; exempting employees of
a city-owned or county-owned hospital from certain reporting requirements;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 471.701.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Pelowski from
the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and
Elections to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3350,
A bill for an act relating to local government; prohibiting city employees from
serving on the city council; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 412.02,
by adding a subdivision; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 410.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 1, line 7,
delete "no" and insert "neither the mayor nor any"
Page 1, delete
lines 10 and 11 and insert:
"EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective August 1, 2010,
and applies to persons elected or appointed to serve as mayor or city council
member on or after that date."
Page 1, line
14, delete "No" and insert "Neither the mayor nor any"
Page 1, delete
lines 17 and 18 and insert:
"EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective August 1, 2010,
and applies to persons elected or appointed to serve as mayor or city council
member on or after that date."
Amend the title
as follows:
Page 1, line 3,
after "council" insert "or as mayor"
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Pelowski from
the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and
Elections to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3359,
A bill for an act relating to local government; authorizing Hennepin County to
purchase energy under forward pricing mechanisms; proposing coding for new law
in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 383B.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 1, line 8,
after "diesel fuel," insert "unleaded fuel,"
Page 2, line
11, delete "quarterly" and insert "annual"
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Atkins from the
Committee on Commerce and Labor to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3360,
A bill for an act relating to licensing; modifying contractor continuing
education requirements; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 326B.821, as
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
326B.821, as amended by Laws 2009, chapter 78, article 5, section 21, is amended
to read:
1. Standards
Purpose. The commissioner may
by rule adopt standards for continuing education requirements and course and
instructor approval. The purpose of this section is to establish
standards for residential building contractor continuing education. The standards must include requirements
for continuing education in the implementation of energy codes or energy
conservation measures applicable to residential buildings and
other building codes designed to conserve energy.
Subd. 2. Hours. A qualifying person of a licensee must
provide proof of completion of 14 hours of continuing education per two-year
licensure period in the regulated industry in which the licensee is licensed.
Credit may not
be earned if the licensee has previously obtained credit for the same course as
either a student or instructor during the same licensing period.
Subd. 3. Accessibility. To the extent possible, the commissioner
shall ensure that continuing education courses are offered throughout the state
and are easily accessible to all licensees.
Subd. 4. Renewal
of approval. The commissioner is
authorized to establish a procedure for renewal of course approval.
Subd. 5. Content. (a) Continuing education consists of approved
courses that impart appropriate and related knowledge in the regulated
industries residential construction industry pursuant to sections
326B.802 to 326B.885 and other relevant federal and state laws, rules, and
regulations. Courses may include
relevant materials that are included in licensing exams subject to the
limitations imposed in paragraph (e) subdivision 11. The burden of demonstrating that courses impart
appropriate and related knowledge is upon the person seeking approval or
(b) Except
as required for Internet continuing education, course examinations will not
be required for continuing education courses unless they are required by the
(c) Textbooks
are not required to be used for continuing education courses. If textbooks are not used, the coordinator
sponsor must provide students with a syllabus containing, at a minimum, the
course title, the times and dates of the course offering, the names and
addresses or name, address, and telephone numbers number
of the course coordinator and, sponsor, the name of the instructor,
and a detailed outline of the subject materials to be covered. Any written or printed material given to
students must be of readable quality and contain accurate and current
(d) Upon
completion of an approved course, licensees shall earn one hour of continuing
education credit for each hour approved by the commissioner. One credit hour of continuing education is
equivalent to 50 minutes of educational content. Each continuing education course must be
attended in its entirety in order to receive credit for the number of approved
hours. Courses may be approved for full
or partial credit, and for more than one regulated industry.
education credit in an approved course shall be awarded to presenting
instructors on the basis of one credit for each hour of preparation for the duration
of the initial presentation, which may not exceed three hours total
credit for each approved course.
Continuing education credit may not be earned if the licensee has
previously obtained credit for the same course as a licensee or as an
instructor within the three years immediately prior.
(e) Courses
will be approved using the following guidelines:
(1) course
content must demonstrate significant intellectual or practical content and deal
with matters directly related to the practice of residential construction,
workforce safety, or the business of running a residential construction
company. Courses may also address the
professional responsibility or ethical obligations of residential contractors
to homeowners and suppliers;
(2) the
following courses may be automatically approved if they are specifically
designed for the residential construction industry and are in compliance with
paragraph (f):
(i) courses
approved by the Minnesota Board of Continuing Legal Education; or
(ii) courses
approved by the International Code Council, National Association of Home
Building, or other nationally recognized professional organization of the
residential construction industry; and
(3) courses
must be presented and attended in a suitable classroom or construction setting,
except for Internet education courses which must meet the requirements of
subdivision 5a. Courses presented via
video recording, simultaneous broadcast, or teleconference may be approved
provided the sponsor is available at all times during the presentation, except
for Internet education courses which must meet the requirements of subdivision
(e) (f) The following courses will not be
approved for credit:
(1) courses
designed solely to prepare students for a license examination;
(2) courses in
mechanical office or business skills, including typing, speed reading,
or other machines or equipment. Computer
courses are allowed, if appropriate and related to the regulated
residential construction industry of the licensee;
(3) courses in
sales promotion, including meetings held in conjunction with the general
business of the licensee;
(4) courses in
motivation, salesmanship, psychology, or personal time management, or
communication; or
(5) courses
that are primarily intended to impart knowledge of specific products of
specific companies, if the use of the product or products relates to the sales
promotion or marketing of one or more of the products discussed.; or
(6) courses
that include code provisions that have not been adopted into the State Building
Code unless the course materials clarify whether or not the code provisions
have been officially adopted into a future version of the State Building Code
and the effective date of enforcement, if applicable.
Subd. 5a.
Internet continuing education. (a) The design and delivery of an Internet
continuing education course must be approved by the International Distance
Education Certification Center (IDECC) before the course is submitted for the
commissioner's approval. The IDECC
approval must accompany the course submittal.
(b) An
Internet continuing education course must:
(1) specify
the minimum computer system requirements;
(2) provide
encryption that ensures that all personal information, including the student's
name, address, and credit card number, cannot be read as it passes across the
(3) include
technology to guarantee seat time;
(4) include
a high level of interactivity;
(5) include
graphics that reinforce the content;
(6) include
the ability for the student to contact an instructor within a reasonable amount
of time;
(7) include
the ability for the student to get technical support within a reasonable amount
of time;
(8) include
a statement that the student's information will not be sold or distributed to
any third party without prior written consent of the student. Taking the course does not constitute
(9) be
available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, excluding minimal downtime for
updating and administration, except that this provision does not apply to live
courses taught by an actual instructor and delivered over the Internet;
(10) provide
viewing access to the online course at all times to the commissioner, excluding
minimal downtime for updating and administration;
(11) include
a process to authenticate the student's identity;
(12) inform
the student and the commissioner how long after its purchase a course will be
(13) inform
the student that license education credit will not be awarded for taking the
course after it loses its status as an approved course;
(14) provide
clear instructions on how to navigate through the course;
(15) provide
automatic bookmarking at any point in the course;
(16) provide
questions after each unit or chapter that must be answered before the student
can proceed to the next unit or chapter;
(17) include
a reinforcement response when a quiz question is answered correctly;
(18) include
a response when a quiz question is answered incorrectly;
(19) include
a final examination in which the student must correctly answer 70 percent of
the questions. The examination must
consist of not fewer than ten questions for each hour of credit;
(20) allow
the student to go back and review any unit at any time, except during the final
(21) provide
a course evaluation at the end of the course.
At a minimum, the evaluation must ask the student to report any
difficulties caused by the online education delivery method;
(22) provide
a completion certificate when the course and exam have been completed and the
provider has verified the completion.
Electronic certificates are sufficient; and
(23) allow
the commissioner the ability to electronically review the class to determine if
credit can be approved.
(c) The
final examination must be either an encrypted online examination or a paper
examination that is monitored by a proctor who certifies that the student took
the examination.
Subd. 6. Course
approval. (a) Courses must be
approved by the commissioner in advance and will be approved on the basis of
the applicant's compliance with the provisions of this section relating to
continuing education in the regulated industries. The commissioner shall make the final
determination as to the approval and assignment of credit hours for
courses. Courses must be at least one
hour in length.
Individuals Licensees requesting credit for continuing
education courses that have not been previously approved shall, on a form
prescribed by the commissioner, submit an application for approval of
continuing education credit accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $10
$20 for each course to be reviewed.
To be approved, courses must be in compliance with the provisions of
this section governing the types of courses that will and will not be approved.
Approval will
not be granted for time spent on meals or other unrelated activities. Breaks may not be accumulated in order to
dismiss the class early. Classes shall
not be offered by a provider to any one student for longer than eight hours in
one day, excluding meal breaks.
(b) Application
for course approval must be submitted 30 days before the course offering.
(c) Approval
must be granted for a subsequent offering of identical continuing education
courses without requiring a new application if a notice of the subsequent
offering is filed with the commissioner at least 30 days in advance of the date
the course is to be held. The
commissioner shall deny future offerings of courses if they are found not to be
in compliance with the laws relating to course approval.
Subd. 7. Courses
open to all. All course offerings
must be open to any interested individuals.
Access may be restricted by the sponsor based on class size only. Courses must not be approved if attendance is
restricted to any particular group of people, except for company-sponsored
courses allowed by applicable law.
Subd. 8. Course
coordinator sponsor.
(a) Each course of study shall have at least one coordinator
sponsor, approved by the commissioner, who is responsible for supervising
the program and ensuring compliance with all relevant law. Sponsors may engage an additional approved coordinator
sponsor in order to assist the coordinator sponsor or to act
as a substitute for the coordinator sponsor in the event of an
emergency or illness.
(b) The
commissioner shall approve as a coordinator a person meeting one or more of the
following criteria:
(1) at least
three years of full-time experience in the administration of an education
program during the five-year period immediately before the date of application;
(2) a degree
in education plus two years' experience during the immediately preceding
five-year period in one of the regulated industries for which courses are being
approved; or
(3) a
minimum of five years' experience within the previous six years in the
regulated industry for which courses are held.
(b) Sponsors
must submit an application and sworn statement stating they agree to abide by
the requirements of this section and any other applicable statute or rule
pertaining to residential construction continuing education.
(c) A
sponsor may also be an instructor.
(d) Failure
to comply with requirements may result in loss of sponsor approval for up to
two years in accordance with section 326B.082.
Subd. 9. Responsibilities. A coordinator sponsor is
responsible for:
(1) ensuring
compliance with all laws and rules relating to continuing educational offerings
governed by the commissioner;
(2) ensuring
that students are provided with current and accurate information relating to
the laws and rules governing their licensed activity;
(3) supervising
and evaluating courses and instructors.
Supervision includes ensuring that all areas of the curriculum are
addressed without redundancy and that continuity is present throughout the
entire course;
(4) ensuring
that instructors are qualified to teach the course offering;
(5) furnishing
the commissioner, upon request, with copies of course and instructor
evaluations and qualifications of instructors.
Evaluations must be completed by students at the time the course is
offered and by coordinators sponsors within five days after the
course offering;
(6) investigating
complaints related to course offerings or instructors. A copy of the written complaint must be sent
to the commissioner within ten days of receipt of the complaint and a copy of
the complaint resolution must be sent not more than ten days after resolution
is reached;
(7) maintaining
accurate records relating to course offerings, instructors, tests taken by
students if required, and student attendance for a period of three years from
the date on which the course was completed.
These records must be made available to the commissioner upon
request. In the event that a sponsor
ceases operation for any reason, the coordinator is responsible for maintaining
the records or providing a custodian for the records acceptable to the
commissioner. The coordinator must notify
the commissioner of the name and address of that person. In order to be acceptable to the
commissioner, custodians must agree to make copies of acknowledgments available
to students at a reasonable fee. Under
no circumstances will the commissioner act as custodian of the records;
In the event the sponsor ceases operations before termination of the sponsor
application, the sponsor must provide to the commissioner digital copies of all
course and attendance records of courses held for the previous three years;
(8) ensuring
that the coordinator is available to instructors and students throughout course
offerings and providing to the students and instructor the name of the
coordinator and a telephone number at which the coordinator can be reached;
(9) (8) attending workshops or instructional
programs as reasonably required by the commissioner;
(10) (9) providing course completion
certificates within ten days of, but not before, completion of the entire
course. Course completion certificates
must be completed in their entirety.
Course completion certificates must contain the following statement: "If you have any comments about this
course offering, please mail them to the Minnesota Department of Labor and
Industry." The current address of the department must be included. A coordinator sponsor may
require payment of the course tuition as a condition for receiving the course
completion certificate; and
(11) (10) notifying the commissioner in
writing within ten days of any change in the information in an application for
approval on file with the commissioner.
Subd. 10. Instructors. (a) Each continuing education course shall
have an instructor who is qualified by education, training, or experience to
ensure competent instruction. Failure to
have only qualified instructors teach at an approved course offering will
result in loss of course approval. Coordinators
Sponsors are responsible to ensure that an instructor is qualified to teach
the course offering.
(b) Qualified
continuing education instructors must have one of the following qualifications:
(1) a
four-year degree in any area plus two years' practical experience in the
subject area being taught;
(2) five (1) four years' practical experience in the
subject area being taught; or
(3) (2) a college or graduate degree in the
subject area being taught.;
(3) direct
experience in the development of laws, rules, or regulations related to the
residential construction industry; or
demonstrated expertise in the subject area being taught.
(c) Approved
instructors are responsible for:
(1) compliance
with all laws and rules relating to continuing education;
(2) providing
students with current and accurate information;
(3) maintaining
an atmosphere conducive to learning in the classroom;
(4) verifying
attendance of students, and certifying course completion;
(5) providing
assistance to students and responding to questions relating to course
materials; and
(6) attending
the workshops or instructional programs that are required by the commissioner.
Subd. 11. Prohibited
practices for coordinators sponsors and instructors. (a) In connection with an approved continuing
education course, coordinators sponsors and instructors shall
(1) recommend or
promote the services or practices of a particular business;
(2) encourage or
recruit individuals to engage the services of, or become associated with, a
particular business;
(3) use
materials, clothing, or other evidences of affiliation with for the
purpose of promoting a particular entity business;
(4) require
students to participate in other programs or services offered by the
an instructor, coordinator, or sponsor;
(5) attempt,
either directly or indirectly, to discover questions or answers on an
examination for a license;
(6) disseminate
to any other person specific questions, problems, or information known or
believed to be included in licensing examinations;
(7) misrepresent
any information submitted to the commissioner;
(8) fail to
cover, or ensure coverage of, all points, issues, and concepts contained in the
course outline approved by the commissioner during the approved instruction; or
(9) issue
inaccurate course completion certificates.
(b) Coordinators
Sponsors shall notify the commissioner within ten days of a felony or gross
misdemeanor conviction or of disciplinary action taken against an occupational
or professional license held by the coordinator sponsor or an
instructor teaching an approved course.
The notification shall be grounds for the commissioner to withdraw the
approval of the coordinator sponsor and to disallow the use of
the sponsor or instructor.
Subd. 12. Fees. Fees for an approved course of study and
related materials must be clearly identified to students. In the event that a course is canceled for
any reason, all fees must be returned within 15 days from the date of
cancellation. In the event that a course
is postponed for any reason, students shall be given the choice of attending
the course at a later date or having their fees refunded in full within 15 days
from the date of postponement. If a
student is unable to attend a course or cancels the registration in a course,
sponsor policies regarding refunds shall govern.
Subd. 13. Facilities. Except for Internet education offered
pursuant to subdivision 5a, each course of study must be conducted in a
classroom or other facility that is adequate to comfortably accommodate the
instructors and the number of students enrolled. The sponsor may limit the number of students
enrolled in a course. Approved
courses may be held on the premises of a company doing business in the
regulated area only when the company is sponsoring the course offering, or
where product application is appropriate and related.
Subd. 14. Supplementary
materials. An adequate supply of
supplementary materials to be used or distributed in connection with an
approved course must be available at the time and place of the course offering
in order to ensure that each student receives all of the necessary
materials. Outlines and any other
materials that are reproduced must be of readable quality.
Subd. 15. Advertising
courses. (a) Paragraphs (b) to (g)
govern the advertising of continuing education courses.
(b) Advertising
must be truthful and not deceptive or misleading. Courses may not be advertised in any
manner as approved for continuing education credit unless approval
has been granted in writing by the commissioner.
(c) No
Once a course is approved, all advertisement, pamphlet, circular, or other
similar materials pertaining to an approved offering may be course
circulated or distributed in this state, unless must prominently
display the following statement is prominently displayed:
course has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry for
....... (approved number of hours) hours for residential contractor continuing
....... (relevant industry) education."
(d) Advertising
of approved courses must be clearly distinguishable from the advertisement of
other nonapproved courses and services.
(e) Continuing
education courses may not be advertised before approval unless the course is
described in the any advertising as "approval pending."
and an application for approval has been timely submitted to the
commissioner and a denial has not been received. The sponsor must
verbally notify licensees before commencement of the course if the course has
been denied credit, has not been approved for credit, or has only been approved
for partial credit by the commissioner.
(f) The number
of hours for which a course has been approved must be prominently displayed on
an advertisement for the course. If the
course offering is longer than the number of hours of credit to be given, it
must be clear that credit is not earned for the entire course.
(g) The course
approval number must not be included in any advertisement.
Subd. 16. Notice
to students. At the beginning of
each approved offering, the following notice must be handed out in printed form
or must be read to students:
educational offering is recognized by the Minnesota Department of Labor and
Industry as satisfying ....... (insert number of hours approved) hours of
credit toward residential contractor continuing ....... (insert
appropriate industry) education requirements."
Subd. 17. Audits. The commissioner reserves the right to audit
subject offerings with or without notice to the sponsor.
Subd. 18. Falsification
of reports. A licensee, its
qualified person, or an applicant found to have falsified an education report
to the commissioner shall be considered to have violated the laws relating to
the industry for which the person has a license and shall be subject to
censure, limitation, condition, suspension, or revocation of the license or
denial of the application for licensure.
commissioner reserves the right to audit a licensee's continuing education
Subd. 19. Waivers
and extensions. If a licensee
provides documentation to the commissioner that the licensee or its qualifying
person is unable, and will continue to be unable, to attend actual classroom
course work because of a physical disability, medical condition, or similar
reason, attendance at continuing education courses shall be waived for a period
not to exceed one year. The commissioner
shall require that the licensee or its qualifying person satisfactorily
complete a self-study program to include reading a sufficient number of textbooks,
or listening to a sufficient number of tapes, related to the regulated residential
building contractor industry, as would be necessary for the licensee to
satisfy continuing educational credit hour needs. The commissioner shall award the licensee credit
hours for a self-study program by determining how many credit hours would be
granted to a classroom course involving the same material and giving the
licensee the same number of credit hours under this section. The licensee may apply each year for a new
waiver upon the same terms and conditions as were necessary to secure the
original waiver, and must demonstrate that in subsequent years, the licensee
was unable to complete actual classroom course work. The commissioner may request documentation of
the condition upon which the request for waiver is based as is necessary to
satisfy the commissioner of the existence of the condition and that the
condition does preclude attendance at continuing education courses.
Upon written
proof demonstrating a medical hardship, the commissioner shall extend, for up
to 90 days, the time period during which the continuing education must be
successfully completed. Loss of income
from either attendance at courses or cancellation of a license is not a bona
fide financial hardship. Requests for
extensions must be submitted to the commissioner in writing no later than 60
days before the education is due and must include an explanation with
verification of the hardship, plus verification of enrollment at an approved
course of study on or before the extension period expires.
Subd. 20. Reporting
requirements. Required continuing
education must be reported in a manner prescribed by the commissioner. Licensees are responsible for maintaining
copies of course completion certificates.
Subd. 21. Residential
building contractor, remodeler, and roofer education. (a) Each licensee must, during the
licensee's first complete continuing education reporting period, complete and
report one hour of continuing education relating to lead abatement rules in
safe lead abatement procedures.
(b) (a) Each licensee must, during
each continuing education reporting period, complete and report one hour of
continuing education relating to energy codes for or energy
conservation measures applicable to residential buildings and other
building codes designed to conserve energy.
Immediately following the adoption date of a new residential code, the
commissioner may prescribe that up to seven of the required 14 hours of
continuing education credit per licensure period include education hours
specifically designated to instruct licensees on new or existing State Building
Code provisions.
Subd. 22. Continuing
education approval. (a)
Continuing education courses must be approved in advance by the commissioner of
labor and industry. "Sponsor" means any person or entity offering
approved education.
(b) For
coordinators with an initial approval date before August 1, 2005, approval will
expire on December 31, 2005.
For courses with an initial approval date on or before December 31,
2000, approval will expire on April 30, 2006.
For courses with an initial approval date after January 1, 2001, but
before August 1, 2005, approval will expire on April 30, 2007.
Subd. 23. Continuing
education fees. The following fees
shall be paid to the commissioner:
(1) initial
course approval, $10 $20 for each hour or fraction of one hour of
continuing education course approval sought.
Initial course approval expires on the last day of the 24th month after
the course is approved;
(2) renewal of
course approval, $10 $20 per course. Renewal of course approval expires on the
last day of the 24th month after the course is renewed;
(3) initial
coordinator approval, $100. Initial
coordinator approval expires on the last day of the 24th month after the
coordinator is approved; and
(4) renewal of
coordinator approval, $10 $20.
Renewal of coordinator approval expires on the last day of the 24th
month after the coordinator is renewed.
Subd. 24. Refunds. All fees paid to the commissioner under this
section are nonrefundable, except that an overpayment of a fee shall be
returned upon proper application.
Statutes 2008, section 326B.82, subdivisions 3, 4, and 9, are repealed."
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Pelowski from
the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and
Elections to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3392,
A bill for an act relating to youth development; authorizing county and state
fair surcharges; authorizing municipalities to raise and spend money on 4-H;
requiring a University of Minnesota Extension Service policy; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 37.13, by adding a subdivision; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 38.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 1, delete
sections 1 and 2
Renumber the
sections in sequence
Amend the title
as follows:
Page 1, line 2,
delete everything after the first semicolon
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Mullery from the
Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3393,
A bill for an act relating to real property; amending the Minnesota Common
Interest Ownership Act; making clarifying, conforming, and technical changes;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 515B.1-102; 515B.1-103; 515B.1-107;
515B.1-112; 515B.1-115; 515B.1-116; 515B.2-101; 515B.2-102; 515B.2-105;
515B.2-106; 515B.2-108; 515B.2-109; 515B.2-110; 515B.2-111; 515B.2-112;
515B.2-113; 515B.2-114;
515B.2-119; 515B.2-121; 515B.2-124; 515B.3-101; 515B.3-102; 515B.3-103;
515B.3-104; 515B.3-105; 515B.3-106; 515B.3-109; 515B.3-110; 515B.3-112;
515B.3-113; 515B.3-114; 515B.3-115; 515B.3-116; 515B.3-117; 515B.3-120;
515B.3-121; 515B.4-101; 515B.4-102; 515B.4-104; 515B.4-105; 515B.4-106;
515B.4-107; 515B.4-108; 515B.4-110; 515B.4-111; 515B.4-115; 515B.4-116;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 515B.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 2, line 18,
strike the second semicolon and insert "of"
Page 2, line 22,
after "in" insert a comma
Page 3, line 9,
after "(d)," insert "and" and strike "(f), and
Page 11, line
34, delete "the owner"
Page 11, line
35, delete "or owners of"
Page 12, delete
lines 5 and 6 and insert: "(1)
if the vacated property accrues to one or more units in a condominium or a
planned community, title to the vacated property shall vest in the owner or
owners of the unit or the units, but the"
Page 12, line 8,
delete "and"
Page 12, delete
lines 9 to 12 and insert:
"(2) if
the vacated property accrues to common elements in a condominium, title to the
vacated property shall vest in the unit owners in accordance with their
allocated interests and the vacated property shall be treated as a part of the
common elements; and
(3) if the
vacated property accrues to common elements in a cooperative or planned
community, title to the vacated property shall vest in the association and the
vacated property shall be treated as a part of the common elements."
Page 18, lines 7
and 8, delete the new language
Page 20, line
26, delete everything after the stricken "(f)"
Page 20, line
27, delete the new language and strike the comma
Page 20, line
31, delete "more than one" and insert "one or more"
Page 73, line
33, reinstate the stricken "and"
Page 73, lines
35 and 36, delete the new language
Page 91, line
29, reinstate the stricken "(a)"
Page 92, lines 9
to 12, reinstate the stricken language
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Thissen from the
Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which was
H. F. No. 3412,
A bill for an act relating to human services; modifying medical assistance
coverage of medication therapy management services; amending Minnesota Statutes
2009 Supplement, section 256B.0625, subdivision 13h.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Hilty from the
Energy Finance and Policy Division to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3429,
A bill for an act relating to energy; providing for large solar energy electric
generation demonstration conservation improvement project; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2008, section 216B.241, by adding a subdivision.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.241, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 5c.
Large solar electric
generating plant. (a) For the
purpose of this subdivision:
"project" means a solar electric generation project consisting of
arrays of solar photovoltaic cells with a capacity of up to five megawatts
located on the site of a closed landfill owned by the Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency; and
"cooperative electric association" means a generation and
transmission cooperative electric association that has a member distribution
cooperative association to which it provides wholesale electric service in
whose service territory a project is located.
(b) A
cooperative electric association may include in its conservation plan purchases
of electric energy from a project. The
cost-effectiveness of project purchases may be determined by a different
standard than for other energy conservation improvements under this section if
the commissioner determines that doing so is in the public interest in order to
encourage the use of solar energy. The
kilowatt hours of solar energy purchased from a project may be counted toward
the energy-savings goal required under subdivision 1c. Expenditures made by a cooperative electric
association for the purchase of energy from a project may not be used to meet
the revenue expenditure requirements of subdivisions 1a and 1b."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Mullery from the
Committee on Civil Justice to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3528,
A bill for an act relating to higher education; regulating certain higher
education data; amending Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section 136A.01,
subdivision 2.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 2, line 5,
after the period, insert "The office may match data from the following
financial aid program databases with data from the student record enrollment
database: tuition reciprocity; the state
grant; the SELF loan; state work study; the postsecondary child care grant; the
American Indian Scholarship; and the Achieve Scholarship."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Pelowski from
the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform, Technology and
Elections to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3591,
A bill for an act relating to local government; authorizing the city of
Minneapolis to restrict the duration of operation of mobile food units.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
Minnesota Statutes, section 157.15, subdivision 9, the city of Minneapolis may
by ordinance restrict the operation of permitted mobile food units to a maximum
annual number of days at any one place.
The ordinance must include any requirements or limitations the city
considers reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety, and general
welfare of the public.
This section is effective the day following final enactment without
local approval as provided by Minnesota Statutes, section 645.023, subdivision
1, paragraph (a)."
Delete the
title and insert:
"A bill
for an act relating to local government; authorizing the city of Minneapolis to
adopt an ordinance to define the annual duration of operation of mobile food
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Thissen from
the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which
was referred:
H. F. No. 3630,
A bill for an act relating to eliminating health disparities; requiring the
commissioner of health to develop new categories for collecting granular data
that accurately captures race, ethnicity, primary language, and socioeconomic
status; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 145.928, subdivisions 1, 2,
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Inventory. The commissioners of health and human
services shall conduct an inventory on the health-related data collected by
each respective department including, but not limited to, health care programs
and activities, vital statistics, disease surveillance registries and
screenings, social determinants of health, and health outcome measurements.
The inventory
must review the categories of data that are collected, describe the methods of
collecting, organizing, and reporting data relating to race, ethnicity, country
of origin, primary language, tribal enrollment status, and socioeconomic
status, and specify whether the data being collected in these categories is
currently required.
Subd. 2.
Review. (a) Upon completion of the inventory in
subdivision 1, the commissioners of health and human services shall consult
with representatives of culturally based community groups, community health
boards, tribal governments, hospitals, and health plan companies to review the
compiled inventory and make recommendations on:
(1) how to
improve data collection and reporting to better identify and describe health
disparities for particular communities through the collection of additional
types and categories of more granular data;
(2) how to
make data in the categories identified in subdivision 1 more accessible to
community groups, researchers, and to the legislature; and
(3) other
ways to improve data collection efforts in order to ensure the collection of
high-quality, reliable granular data in clauses (1) and (2) that will ensure
accurate research, establish measurable program outcomes, guide planning and
development of programs and activities to eliminate health disparities, and
facilitate informed public policy decisions.
(b) In making
recommendations, the commissioners shall consider national and state
standardized data classification systems and federal or state requirements for
collection of data based on predetermined classification systems that may
impact data collection efforts.
Subd. 3.
Report. By January 15, 2011, the commissioners of
health and human services shall submit to the legislature the inventory
compiled in subdivision 1 and the recommendations developed in subdivision
2. The report must include a proposed
work plan, implementation schedule, and cost estimate for implementing
improvements to data collection and reporting systems by incorporating more
granular categories of data relating to race, ethnicity, country of origin,
primary language, tribal enrollment status, and socioeconomic status, and
making data and reports more accessible to community groups in usable formats."
Delete the title
and insert:
"A bill for
an act relating to eliminating health disparities and promoting health equity;
requiring the commissioner of health to develop new categories for collecting
granular data that accurately captures race, ethnicity, primary language, and
socioeconomic status, and to develop a process for standardizing the
collection, organization, and reporting of such data across all health and
social determinants data sets."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Thissen from
the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which
was referred:
H. F. No. 3635,
A bill for an act relating to human services; modifying the Minnesota family
investment program provisions; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
256J.24, subdivision 6; Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, section 256J.425,
subdivision 3.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement,
section 256J.425, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
Subd. 3. Hard-to-employ
participants. (a) An assistance unit
subject to the time limit in section 256J.42, subdivision 1, is eligible to
receive months of assistance under a hardship extension if the participant who
reached the time limit belongs to any of the following groups:
(1) a person
who is diagnosed by a licensed physician, psychological practitioner, or other
qualified professional, as developmentally disabled or mentally ill, and the
condition severely limits the person's ability to obtain or maintain suitable
(2) a person
(i) has been
assessed by a vocational specialist or the county agency to be unemployable for
purposes of this subdivision; or
(ii) has an IQ
below 80 who has been assessed by a vocational specialist or a county agency to
be employable, but the condition severely limits the person's ability to obtain
or maintain suitable employment. The
determination of IQ level must be made by a qualified professional. In the case of a non-English-speaking person:
(A) the determination must be made by a
qualified professional with experience conducting culturally appropriate
assessments, whenever possible; (B) the county may accept reports that identify
an IQ range as opposed to a specific score; (C) these reports must include a
statement of confidence in the results;
(3) a person
who is determined by a qualified professional to be learning disabled, and the
condition severely limits the person's ability to obtain or maintain suitable
employment. For purposes of the initial
approval of a learning disability extension, the determination must have been
made or confirmed within the previous 12 months. In the case of a non-English-speaking person:
(i) the determination must be made by a
qualified professional with experience conducting culturally appropriate assessments,
whenever possible; and (ii) these reports must include a statement of
confidence in the results. If a
rehabilitation plan for a participant extended as learning disabled is
developed or approved by the county agency, the plan must be incorporated into
the employment plan. However, a
rehabilitation plan does not replace the requirement to develop and comply with
an employment plan under section 256J.521; or
(4) a person
who has been granted a family violence waiver, and who is complying with an
employment plan under section 256J.521, subdivision 3.
(b) For
purposes of this section chapter, "severely limits the
person's ability to obtain or maintain suitable employment" means:
(1) that a qualified professional has
determined that the person's condition prevents the person from working 20 or
more hours per week; or
(2) for a
person who meets the requirements of paragraph (a), clause (2), item (ii), or
clause (3), a qualified professional has determined the person's condition:
significantly restricts the range of employment that the person is able to
perform; or
significantly interferes with the person's ability to obtain or maintain
suitable employment for 20 or more hours per week."
Amend the title
as follows:
Page 1, line 2,
delete everything after the semicolon and insert "modifying an MFIP
definition of hard-to-employ participants;"
Page 1, line 3,
delete "provisions;"
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the recommendation
that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the Committee on
report was adopted.
Hilty from the
Energy Finance and Policy Division to which was referred:
H. F. No. 3640,
A bill for an act relating to energy; allowing for advance determination of
prudence determination by Public Utilities Commission for certain environmental
projects of a public utility; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota
Statutes, chapter 216B.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. [216B.1695]
1. Qualifying
project. A public utility may
petition the commission for an advance determination of prudence for a project
undertaken to comply with federal or state air quality standards of states in
which the utility's electric generation facilities are located, if the project
has an expected jurisdictional cost to Minnesota ratepayers of at least
$10,000,000. A project is undertaken to
comply with federal or state air quality standards if it is required:
(1) by the
state in which the generation facility is located in a state implementation
plan, permit, or order; or
(2) to comply
with section 111 or 112 of the federal Clean Air Act, United States Code, title
42, section 7411 or 7412.
Subd. 2.
Regulatory cost assessments
and reports. A utility
requesting an advance determination under subdivision 1 must, as part of the
evidence required when filing a petition under subdivision 3, provide to the
commission and the Pollution Control Agency an assessment of all anticipated
state and federal environmental regulations related to the production of
electricity from the utility's facility subject to the filing, including
regulations relating to:
(1) air
pollution by nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide, including an assumption that
Minnesota will be included in the federal Clean Air Interstate Rule region,
hazardous air pollutants, carbon dioxide, particulates, and ozone;
(2) coal
waste; and
(3) water
consumption and water pollution.
In addition,
the utility shall provide an assessment of the financial and operational
impacts of these pending regulations applicable to the generating facility that
is subject to the filing and analyze a range of regulatory response scenarios
that include, but are not limited to:
(1) the
installation of pollution control equipment;
(2) the
benefits of the retirement or repowering of the plant that is the subject of
the filing with cleaner fuels considering the costs of complying with state and
federal environmental regulations; and
(3) the use
of pollution allowances to achieve compliance.
The utility
shall consult with interested stakeholders in establishing the scope of the
regulatory, financial, and operational assessments prior to or during the
60-day period of the notice under subdivision 4.
Subd. 3.
Petition. A petition filed under this section must
include a description of the project, evidence supporting the project's
reasonableness, a discussion of project alternatives, a project implementation
schedule, a cost estimate and support for the reasonableness of the estimated
cost, and a description of the public utility's efforts to ensure the lowest reasonable
costs. Following receipt of the
Pollution Control Agency's verification under subdivision 4, the commission
shall allow opportunity for oral and written comment on the petition. The commission shall make a final
determination on the petition within ten months of its filing date. The commission must make findings in support
of its determination.
Subd. 4.
Verification. At least 60 days prior to filing a
petition to the commission under subdivision 3, the utility shall file notice
with the Pollution Control Agency that describes the project and how it
qualifies under subdivision 1. The
Pollution Control Agency shall, within 60 days of receipt of the notice, verify
that the project qualifies under subdivision 1, and shall forward written
verification to the commission.
Subd. 5.
Cost recovery. The utility may begin recovery of costs
that have been incurred by the utility in connection with implementation of the
project in the next rate case following an advance determination of
prudence. The commission shall review
the costs incurred by the utility for the project. The utility must show that the project costs
are reasonable and necessary, and demonstrate its efforts to ensure the lowest
reasonable project costs.
Notwithstanding the commission's prior determination of prudence, it may
accept, modify, or reject any of the project costs. The commission may determine whether to
require an allowance for funds used during construction offset.
Subd. 6.
Expiration. A petition for an advance determination of
prudence may not be filed after December 31, 2015.
This section is effective the day following final enactment."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Thissen from
the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which
was referred:
H. F. No. 3663,
A bill for an act relating to health; specifying certain aspects of prepaid
health plan contracts entered into by the commissioner of human services or
county-based purchasing plans; requiring use of certain accounting procedures;
providing health care providers and others a right to audit under those
contracts; providing for resolution of disputes; amending Minnesota Statutes
2008, section 256B.69, subdivisions 5i, 9, by adding a subdivision.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
256B.69, subdivision 5i, is amended to read:
Subd. 5i. Administrative
expenses. (a) Managed care plan and
county-based purchasing plan administrative costs for a prepaid health plan
provided under this section or section 256B.692 must not exceed by more than
five percent that prepaid health plan's or county-based purchasing plan's
actual calculated administrative spending for the previous calendar year as a
percentage of total revenue. The penalty
for exceeding this limit must be the amount of administrative spending in excess
of 105 percent of the actual calculated amount.
The commissioner may waive this penalty if the excess administrative
spending is the result of unexpected shifts in enrollment or member needs or
new program requirements.
(b) Expenses
listed under section 62D.12, subdivision 9a, clause (4), are not allowable
administrative expenses for rate-setting purposes under this section, unless
approved by the commissioner.
(c) A
prepaid health plan must meet a loss ratio of not less than 91 percent,
calculated as specified in this paragraph.
The loss ratio consists of a numerator consisting only of direct
expenses of providing patient care to persons covered under the program,
excluding administrative expenses. The
denominator consists of the total amount paid by the commissioner to the
prepaid health plan.
(d) A bid
submitted by a prepaid health plan may include a provision obligating the
bidder to provide free services to uninsured, low-income persons as specified
in the bid if necessary to meet the required loss ratio, to the extent that the
loss ratio for that year would otherwise not reach 91 percent.
(e) Nothing
in this subdivision requires the minimum loss ratio to be applied to any plan's
business other than that business awarded by the commissioner, unless the plan
fails to keep a separate and distinct accounting of funds received from the
This section is effective January 1, 2011."
Delete the
title and insert:
"A bill
for an act relating to human services; requiring prepaid health plans to meet a
certain loss ratio; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 256B.69,
subdivision 5i."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Thissen from the
Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which was
S. F. No. 1323,
A bill for an act relating to environment; modifying Infectious Waste Control
Act; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 116.78, subdivision 4.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments to the first unofficial engrossment:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
116.76, subdivision 18, is amended to read:
Subd. 18. Sharps. "Sharps" means:
(1) discarded
items that can induce subdermal inoculation of infectious agents, including
needles, lancets, scalpel blades, pipettes, and other items derived from
human or animal patient care, blood banks, laboratories, mortuaries, research
facilities, and industrial operations; and
(2) discarded
glass or rigid plastic vials containing infectious agents.
Sec. 2. [116.835]
(a) A
pharmaceutical manufacturer that sells or distributes a medication in Minnesota
that is usually intended to be self-injected in a home resulting in the
generation of sharps shall, on or before July 1, 2011, and annually thereafter,
submit to the Pollution Control Agency a plan that describes how the
manufacturer supports the safe collection and proper disposal of the sharps.
(b) The plan
required under paragraph (a) shall include, at a minimum, a description of the
actions, if any, taken by the manufacturer to do the following:
(1) provide
for the safe collection and proper disposal of sharps;
(2) educate
consumers about safe management and collection opportunities; and
(3) support
efforts by retailers, pharmaceutical distributors, manufacturers of sharps,
local governments, health care organizations, public health officers, solid
waste service providers, and other groups with interest in protecting public
health and safety through the sale, collection, and proper disposal of sharps.
(c) The
manufacturer must post and maintain a copy of the plans required under
paragraph (a) on its Web site.
(d) The
commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency must post and maintain copies of
plans submitted by manufacturers on the Pollution Control Agency Web site.
(e) For
purposes of this section, "sharps" has the meaning given in section
116.76, subdivision 18.
This section is effective January 1, 2011."
Delete the title
and insert:
"A bill for
an act relating to environment; providing for safe sharps management; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 116.76, subdivision 18; proposing coding for
new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
F. Nos. 776, 910, 1191, 2231, 2639, 2766, 2926, 2970, 3025, 3065, 3080, 3085,
3122, 3128, 3172, 3196, 3234, 3277, 3300, 3327, 3350, 3359, 3360, 3393, 3429,
3528, 3591, 3630 and 3640 were read for the second time.
The following House Files were introduced:
Doepke introduced:
H. F. No. 3715, A bill for an act relating
to the city of Wayzata; extending time for certain activities in a tax
increment financing district.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Newton and Severson introduced:
H. F. No. 3716, A bill for an act relating
to veterans; establishing a presumption of rehabilitation through a person's
honorable military service following a prior offense; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2008, section 364.03, subdivision 3.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs.
Atkins introduced:
H. F. No. 3717, A bill for an act relating
to local government; relating to certain public improvement special assessment
amounts on tax-forfeited property; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
282.01, subdivision 3.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform,
Technology and Elections.
Westrom introduced:
H. F. No. 3718, A bill for an act relating
to taxation; property; extending the homestead classification to certain
property; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 273.124, subdivision 8.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Clark introduced:
H. F. No. 3719, A bill for an act relating
to health-related boards; annually appropriating fee revenue collected by the
boards; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 214.06, by adding a
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Finance.
Emmer, Buesgens and Holberg introduced:
H. F. No. 3720, A bill for an act relating
to the Minnesota business climate; permitting sales in this state of health
insurance permitted in another state under certain conditions; modifying
environmental review requirements; modifying payment of appropriations to
public postsecondary systems; modifying certain conditions of employment;
modifying the individual income, mining occupation, and property taxes;
allowing an angel investment credit; conforming to section 179 expensing rules;
reducing the commercial-industrial property tax class rate; repealing the state
general tax on commercial and industrial property; repealing the corporate
franchise tax; repealing prevailing wage requirement; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2008, sections 62A.047; 62L.056; 115A.31; 135A.031, by adding subdivisions;
177.24, subdivision 2; 216B.243, subdivision 7; 273.13, subdivision 24;
275.025, subdivisions 1, 4; 289A.20, subdivision 1; 289A.30, subdivision 1;
289A.31, subdivision 1; 289A.38, subdivision 12; 289A.50, subdivision 1;
289A.60, subdivisions 1, 4; 290.01, subdivisions 19f, 22, 29; 290.03; 290.04,
subdivision 1; 290.06, subdivision 33; 290.0922, subdivision 1; 290.095,
subdivision 3; 290.17, subdivisions 1, 4; 290.191, subdivision 4; 290.32;
Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections 62L.02, subdivision 26; 289A.18,
subdivision 1; 289A.38, subdivision 7; 290.01, subdivision 19a; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 62Q; 116J; 179; repealing
Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 62A.0411; 62A.149, subdivision 1; 62A.152;
62A.25; 62A.26; 62A.28; 62A.304; 62Q.47; 116C.01; 116C.02; 116C.03,
subdivisions 1, 2, 2a, 3a, 4, 5, 6; 116C.04, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10,
11; 116C.06; 116C.08; 116D.04, subdivisions 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6, 6a, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; 116D.045, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4; 177.41; 177.42,
subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 177.43, subdivisions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6a, 7; 177.435;
177.44; 275.025, subdivision 2; 289A.19, subdivision 2; 289A.26; 290.01,
subdivisions 5, 5a, 6b, 19e; 290.014, subdivision 5; 290.02; 290.06, subdivisions
1, 24, 27; 290.068, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 290.0921, subdivisions 1, 2, 3,
3a, 4, 6, 7, 8; 290.21, subdivisions 1, 4; 290.34, subdivisions 1, 2; 290.371,
subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4; 290.432; 298.01, subdivisions 3, 3a, 3b, 4, 4a, 4b,
4c, 5, 6; 298.17; Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections 177.42,
subdivisions 6, 7; 177.43, subdivision 3; 289A.08, subdivision 3; 290.01,
subdivisions 19c, 19d; Minnesota Rules, parts 4410.0200; 4410.0300; 4410.0400;
4410.0500; 4410.1000; 4410.1100; 4410.1200; 4410.1300; 4410.1400; 4410.1500;
4410.1600; 4410.1700; 4410.2000; 4410.2100; 4410.2200; 4410.2300; 4410.2400;
4410.2500; 4410.2600; 4410.2700; 4410.2800; 4410.2900; 4410.3000; 4410.3100;
4410.3600; 4410.3610; 4410.3700; 4410.3800; 4410.3900; 4410.4000; 4410.4300;
4410.4400; 4410.4500; 4410.4600; 4410.5000; 4410.5100; 4410.5200; 4410.5300;
4410.5400; 4410.5500; 4410.5600; 4410.6000; 4410.6100; 4410.6200; 4410.6410;
4410.6500; 4410.7055.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and
Mack and Dean introduced:
H. F. No. 3721, A bill for an act relating
to health; requiring the provision of information related to cord blood
banking; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and
Hackbarth introduced:
H. F. No. 3722, A bill for an act relating
to natural resources; appropriating money for a pilot walk-in public access
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Environment Policy and Oversight.
Murphy, E., introduced:
H. F. No. 3723, A bill for an act relating
to human services; providing medical assistance coverage of food and beverage
thickeners; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 256B.0625, by adding a
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and
Rukavina, Clark and Davids introduced:
H. F. No. 3724, A bill for an act relating
to housing; providing a Minnesota low-income housing tax credit; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 290.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Finance.
Marquart, McFarlane, Davnie, Clark,
Carlson, Champion, Mariani, Sailer and Hayden introduced:
H. F. No. 3725, A bill for an act relating
to housing; appropriating a portion of the proceeds of the mortgage registry
tax and the deed tax to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency to be used for
creation of affordable housing units.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Finance.
Hornstein introduced:
H. F. No. 3726, A bill for an act relating
to state government; establishing statewide telework requirements;
appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 43A.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mullery introduced:
H. F. No. 3727, A bill for an act relating
to taxation; providing for use of tax increment from the Homeless Assistance
Tax Increment District in the city of Minneapolis; amending Laws 2006, chapter
259, article 10, section 14, subdivision 3.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Falk, Otremba, Juhnke, Gunther, Hansen,
Hamilton, Welti and Eken introduced:
H. F. No. 3728, A bill for an act relating
to natural resources; creating a native perennials establishment program;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 103C.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Environment Policy and Oversight.
Lenczewski introduced:
H. F. No. 3729, A bill for an act relating
to the financing of state and local government; making technical, policy,
administrative, enforcement, and clarifying changes to individual income,
corporate franchise, estate, sales and use, lodging, gross receipts, cigarette,
tobacco, insurance, property, credits, payments, minerals, petroleum, local
taxes, local government aid, job opportunity building zones, emergency debt
certificates, and various taxes and tax-related provisions; clarifying nexus
standards for sales and income taxes; specifying duties of assessors; tax
increment financing; tax-forfeited lands; increasing watershed district
borrowing authority; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 60A.209,
subdivision 1; 82B.035, subdivision 2; 103D.335, subdivision 17; 270.41,
subdivision 5; 270C.34, subdivision 1; 270C.52, subdivision 2; 270C.87;
270C.94, subdivision 3; 272.02, subdivision 42; 272.025, subdivisions 1, 3;
272.029, subdivisions 4, 7; 273.061, subdivisions 7, 8; 273.113, subdivision 3;
273.1392; 275.71, subdivision 5; 279.01, subdivision 3; 279.37, subdivision 1;
282.01, subdivisions 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2, 3, 4, 7, 7a, by adding subdivisions;
289A.08, subdivision 7; 289A.09, subdivision 2; 289A.10, subdivision 1;
289A.12, subdivision 14; 289A.30, subdivision 2; 289A.50, subdivisions 2, 4;
289A.60, subdivision 7; 290.014, subdivision 2; 290.067, subdivision 1;
290.0921, subdivision 3; 290.17, subdivision 2; 295.55, subdivisions 2, 3;
297A.61, subdivisions 3, 7, by adding subdivisions; 297A.62, as amended;
297A.66, by adding a subdivision; 297A.665; 297A.68, subdivision 39, by adding
a subdivision; 297A.70, subdivision 13; 297A.995, subdivisions 10, 11; 297F.01,
subdivision 22a; 297F.04, by adding a subdivision; 297F.07, subdivision 4;
297F.25, subdivision 1; 297I.01, subdivision 9; 297I.05, subdivision 7;
297I.30, subdivisions 1, 2, 7, 8; 297I.40, subdivisions 1, 5; 297I.65, by
adding a subdivision; 298.282, subdivision 1; 469.319, subdivision 5; 469.3193;
Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections 134.34, subdivision 4; 273.111,
subdivision 9; 273.114, subdivision 2; 273.124, subdivision 3a; 273.13,
subdivision 25; 275.065, subdivision 3; 275.70, subdivision 5; 289A.18,
subdivision 1; 290.01, subdivisions 19a, 19b, 19d; 290.06, subdivision 2c;
290.0671, subdivision 1; 290.091, subdivision 2; 291.005, subdivision 1;
297I.35, subdivision 2; 469.174, subdivision 22; 475.755; 477A.013, subdivision
8; Laws 2001, First Special Session chapter 5, article 3, section 50, as
amended; Laws 2009, chapter 88, article 4, section 5; proposing coding for new
law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 270C; 296A; 645; repealing Minnesota
Statutes 2008, sections 282.01, subdivisions 9, 10, 11; 297I.30, subdivisions
4, 5, 6; 383A.76; Laws 2009, chapter 88, article 12, section 21.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Taxes.
following messages were received from the Senate:
Madam Speaker:
I hereby
announce the passage by the Senate of the following House File, herewith
H. F. No. 3111,
A bill for an act relating to elections; requiring use of a ballot board to
process absentee ballots; permitting absentee ballots to be counted starting on
the fourth day prior to an election; modifying other absentee ballot processing
procedures; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 201.061, subdivision 4;
203B.04, subdivision 1; 203B.05, subdivision 1; 203B.07, subdivisions 2, 3;
203B.08, subdivisions 2, 3; 203B.125; 203B.23, subdivisions 1, 2; 203B.24,
subdivision 1; 203B.26; 204B.45, subdivision 2; 204B.46, as amended; 204C.32,
subdivision 1; 204C.33, subdivisions 1, 3; 205.065, subdivision 5; 205.185,
subdivision 3; 205A.03, subdivision 4; 205A.10, subdivision 3; 206.89,
subdivision 2; 208.05; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 203B; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 203B.10; 203B.12,
subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6; 203B.13, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4; 203B.25.
Colleen J. Pacheco, First Assistant Secretary of the Senate
Madam Speaker:
hereby announce the passage by the Senate of the following Senate File,
herewith transmitted:
S. F. No. 460.
Colleen J. Pacheco, First Assistant Secretary of the Senate
S. F. No.
460, A bill for an act relating to health care; establishing mental health
urgent care and consultation services; creating a new general assistance
medical care program; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008,
sections 256.969, subdivision 27; 256B.0625, subdivision 13f, by adding a
subdivision; 256B.0644; 256B.69, subdivision 20; 256L.05, subdivisions 1b, 3,
3a, 3c; 517.08, subdivision 1c; Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections
256.969, subdivision 3a; 256B.0947, subdivision 1; 256B.196, subdivision 2;
256D.03, subdivision 3; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes,
chapters 245; 256B; 256D; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 256.742;
256.979, subdivision 8; 256B.195, subdivisions 4, 5; 256D.03, subdivision 9;
256L.07, subdivision 6; 256L.15, subdivision 4; 256L.17, subdivision 7;
Minnesota Statutes 2009 Supplement, sections 256B.195, subdivisions 1, 2, 3;
256D.03, subdivision 4.
The bill
was read for the first time.
Murphy, E.,
moved that S. F. No. 460 and H. F. No. 802, now on the General Register, be
referred to the Chief Clerk for comparison.
The motion prevailed.
Sertich moved that the House recess
subject to the call of the Chair. The
motion prevailed.
The House reconvened and was called to
order by the Speaker.
Pursuant to rule 1.22, Solberg requested
immediate consideration of H. F. No. 1671.
H. F. No. 1671 was reported
to the House.
The Speaker called Pelowski to the Chair.
moved to amend H. F. No. 1671, the third engrossment, as follows:
Page 76,
line 5, after "are" insert "also"
Page 129,
line 27, after "State" insert "not designated"
Page 133, line
34, delete "city" and insert "town"
Page 135,
line 10, delete everything after "effective"
Page 135,
delete line 11 and insert "the day following final enactment and
distribution must be made in August 2010."
The motion prevailed and the amendment was
moved to amend H. F. No. 1671, the third engrossment, as amended, as follows:
Page 118,
after line 11, insert:
22. [16A.106]
1. Zero-based budget. (a)
For each biennium to be covered by a proposed state budget, the governor shall
require the proposed budgets of each state department, institution, and agency
of the executive department to prepare a budget using zero-based
budgeting. The commissioner of
management and budget shall provide any technical assistance necessary to
enable each department, institution, or agency to complete its budgetary
requests as specified by the commissioner of management and budget.
(b) The
commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to provide instruction and guidance to
each department, institution, and agency to facilitate the provisions of this
(c) As used
in this section, "zero-based budgeting" means a method of determining
the budget of a department, institution, or agency for which the budget of the
department, institution, or agency for the biennium immediately preceding the
biennium covered by the budget is:
(1) deemed
to have been zero; and
(2) each
proposed expenditure for the biennium covered by the budget must be justified
as if it were a new expenditure.
Subd. 2. Zero-based
budget plan. Each department,
institution, and agency shall provide the following information:
(1) a
description of activities that comprise the agency, and a justification for the
existence of each activity by reference to statute or other legal authority;
(2) for
each activity, a quantitative estimate of any adverse impacts that could
reasonably be expected should the activity be discontinued, together with a
full description of the methods by which the adverse impact is estimated;
(3) a list
of quantifiable program outcomes which measure the efficiency and effectiveness
of each program;
(4) for each
activity, a total account of expenditures that would be required to maintain
the activity at the minimum level of service required by the statutory
authority, together with a concise statement of the quantity and quality of
services required at that minimum level;
(5) for each
activity, a total account of expenditures required to maintain the quantity and
quality of services being provided and the number of personnel required to
accomplish each program; and
(6) a
ranking of all activities that shows the relative contribution of each activity
to the overall goals and purposes of the agency at current service levels.
Subd. 3. Legislature,
judicial branch, and public employees' retirement system. The legislature, judicial branch, and
public employees' retirement system shall each submit a budget to the
legislature in the same format as the proposed executive budget under this
section. All projections of revenue and
any other information concerning future state revenue contained in those
budgets must be based upon projections and estimates prepared by Minnesota
Management and Budget.
EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective the day
following final enactment and must be implemented for the biennium beginning in
fiscal year 2012."
Renumber the
sections in sequence and correct the internal references
Amend the
title accordingly
A roll call was requested and properly
On the motion of Kiffmeyer and on the
demand of 10 members, a call of the House was ordered. The following members answered to their
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
Anderson, S.
Murphy, E.
Spk. Kelliher
Sertich moved that further proceedings of
the roll call be suspended and that the Sergeant at Arms be instructed to bring
in the absentees. The motion prevailed
and it was so ordered.
The question recurred on the Kiffmeyer amendment and the roll
was called. There were 71 yeas and 63
nays as follows:
Those who
voted in the affirmative were:
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
Anderson, S.
Those who
voted in the negative were:
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.
Spk. Kelliher
The motion prevailed and the amendment was adopted.
Drazkowski offered an amendment to
H. F. No. 1671, the third engrossment, as amended.
Kahn raised a point of order pursuant to rule 4.03, relating to
Ways and Means Committee; Budget Resolution; Effect on Expenditure and Revenue
Bills that the Drazkowski amendment was not in order. Speaker pro tempore
Pelowski ruled the point of order well taken and the Drazkowski amendment out
of order.
Drazkowski offered an amendment to
H. F. No. 1671, the third engrossment, as amended.
Paymar raised a point of order pursuant to rule 4.03, relating
to Ways and Means Committee; Budget Resolution; Effect on Expenditure and
Revenue Bills that the Drazkowski amendment was not in order. Speaker pro
tempore Pelowski ruled the point of order well taken and the Drazkowski
amendment out of order.
Drazkowski appealed the decision of
Speaker pro tempore Pelowski.
A roll call was requested and properly
The vote was taken on the question
"Shall the decision of Speaker pro tempore Pelowski stand as the judgment
of the House?" and the roll was called.
Sertich moved that those not voting be
excused from voting. The motion
There were 84 yeas and 49 nays as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative were:
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.
Spk. Kelliher
Those who voted in the negative were:
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
Anderson, S.
So it was the judgment of the House that
the decision of Speaker pro tempore Pelowski should stand.
Gottwalt and
Downey moved to amend H. F. No. 1671, the third engrossment, as amended, as
Page 76,
after line 14, insert:
14. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
177.42, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
4. Prevailing
hours of labor. "Prevailing
hours of labor" means the hours of labor per day and per week worked
within the area by a larger number of workers of the same class than are
employed within the area for any other number of hours per day and per week. The prevailing hours of labor may not be more
than eight hours per day or more than 40 hours per week.
15. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 177.42,
subdivision 6, is amended to read:
6. Prevailing
wage rate. "Prevailing wage
rate" means the hourly basic rate of pay plus the contribution for
health and welfare benefits, vacation benefits, pension benefits, and any other
economic benefit paid to the largest number of median hourly
compensation paid to workers engaged in the same class of labor within the
area and includes, for the purposes of section 177.44, rental rates for truck
hire paid to those who own and operate the truck. The median hourly compensation includes
the hourly basic rate plus the contribution for health and welfare benefits,
vacation benefits, pension benefits, and other economic benefits. The prevailing wage rate may not be less than
a reasonable and living wage.
16. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
177.43, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Hours
of labor. Any contract which
provides for a project must state that:
(1) no
laborer or mechanic employed directly on the project work site by the contractor
or any subcontractor, agent, or other person doing or contracting to do all or
a part of the work of the project, is permitted or required to work more hours
than the prevailing hours of labor unless paid for all hours in excess of the
prevailing hours at a rate of at least 1-1/2 times the hourly basic rate of pay;,
provided that the rate is only paid on hours actually worked in excess of 40
hours per week; and
(2) a
laborer or mechanic may not be paid a lesser rate of wages than the prevailing
wage rate in the same or most similar trade or occupation in the area."
the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
Amend the
title accordingly
The motion did not prevail and the
amendment was not adopted.
Sertich moved that the call of the House
be lifted. The motion prevailed and it
was so ordered.
offered an amendment to H. F. No. 1671, the third engrossment,
as amended.
Carlson raised a point of order pursuant
to rule 3.21 that the Downey amendment was not in order. Speaker pro tempore Pelowski ruled the point
of order well taken and the Downey amendment out of order.
Downey appealed the decision of Speaker
pro tempore Pelowski.
A roll call was requested and properly
On the motion of Peppin and on the demand
of 10 members, a call of the House was ordered.
The following members answered to their names: