Saint Paul, Minnesota, Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The House of Representatives convened at
12:30 p.m. and was called to order by Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Speaker of
the House.
Prayer was offered by the Reverend Dennis
J. Johnson, House Chaplain.
The members of the House gave the pledge
of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
The roll was called and the following
members were present:
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
Anderson, S.
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.
Spk. Kelliher
A quorum was present.
Hornstein and Urdahl were excused.
Lesch was excused until 1:05 p.m.
The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the
Journal of the preceding day. Nornes
moved that further reading of the Journal be dispensed with and that the
Journal be approved as corrected by the Chief Clerk. The motion prevailed.
S. F. No. 1904 and
H. F. No. 2138, which had been referred to the Chief Clerk for
comparison, were examined and found to be identical.
Atkins moved that
S. F. No. 1904 be substituted for H. F. No. 2138
and that the House File be indefinitely postponed. The motion prevailed.
The following communications were
April 3, 2009
Honorable Margaret Anderson Kelliher
Speaker of
the House of Representatives
The State of
Dear Speaker
Please be advised that I have received,
approved, signed, and deposited in the Office of the Secretary of State the
following House Files:
H. F. No. 865, relating to
natural resources; establishing a state trail.
H. F. No. 392, relating to
taxation; income, corporate franchise, and property; providing a federal
update; modifying green acres program; creating rural preserve property tax
program; requiring reports.
ST. PAUL 55155
Honorable Margaret Anderson Kelliher
Speaker of
the House of Representatives
Honorable James P. Metzen
President of
the Senate
I have the honor to inform you that the
following enrolled Acts of the 2009 Session of the State Legislature have been
received from the Office of the Governor and are deposited in the Office of the
Secretary of State for preservation, pursuant to the State Constitution,
Article IV, Section 23:
S. F. No. |
H. F. No. |
Session Laws Chapter No. |
Time and Date Approved 2009 |
Date Filed 2009 |
1142 10 10:48 a.m.
April 3 April
865 11 10:46 a.m.
April 3 April
392 12 10:51 a.m.
April 3 April
of State
ST. PAUL 55155
The Honorable Margaret Anderson
Speaker of the House of
The Honorable James P. Metzen
President of the Senate
have the honor to inform you that the following enrolled Acts of the 2009
Session of the State Legislature have been received from the Office of the
Governor and are deposited in the Office of the Secretary of State for
preservation, pursuant to the State Constitution, Article IV, Section 23:
S. F. No. |
H. F. No. |
Session Laws Chapter No. |
Time and Date Approved 2009 |
Date Filed 2009 |
832 14 3:23 p.m.
April 6 April
95 13 3:21 p.m.
April 6 April
of State
Hilstrom from the Committee on Public
Safety Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 7, A bill for an act
relating to state government; clarifying and strengthening laws prohibiting
misuse of state funds; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 3.971,
subdivision 6; 3.975; 16A.139; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota
Statutes, chapter 43A.
Reported the same back with the
following amendments:
Page 2, line 14, after
"department" insert "in the executive, legislative, or
judicial branches"
Page 2, line 15, after "department"
insert "in those branches"
Page 2, line 23, after the period,
insert "This paragraph does not apply to a judge, a constitutional
officer, or a legislator, except as potential grounds for expulsion,
impeachment, or recall in the manner specified in article IV, section 7, and
article VIII of the Minnesota Constitution."
Page 2, line 26, delete "43A.325"
and insert "16A.1391"
Page 2, line 28, after "authorities"
insert "in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches"
Correct the title numbers accordingly
With the recommendation that when so
amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Hilstrom from
the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 108, A
bill for an act relating to traffic regulations; making seat belt violation a
primary offense in all seating positions regardless of age; making technical
changes; providing for surcharge; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections
169.686, subdivisions 1, 2, by adding a subdivision; 171.05, subdivision 2b;
171.055, subdivision 2; 357.021, subdivisions 6, 7.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
169.686, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Seat
belt requirement. (a) Except as
provided in section 169.685, a properly adjusted and fastened seat belt,
including both the shoulder and lap belt when the vehicle is so equipped, shall
be worn by:
(1) the driver and passengers of a
passenger vehicle or, commercial motor vehicle, type III
vehicle, and type III Head Start vehicle;
(2) a
passenger riding in the front seat of a passenger vehicle or commercial motor
vehicle; and
(3) a
passenger riding in any seat of a passenger vehicle who is older than three but
younger than 11 years of age.
(b) a person who
is 15 years of age or older and who violates paragraph (a), clause (1) or
(2), is subject to a fine of $25.
The driver of the passenger vehicle or commercial motor vehicle
in which the violation occurred a violation occurs is subject to
a $25 fine for a each violation of paragraph (a), clause (2)
or (3), by the driver or by a child of the driver passenger
under the age of 15 or any child under the age of 11. A peace officer may not issue a citation for
a violation of this section unless the officer lawfully stopped or detained the
driver of the motor vehicle for a moving violation other than a violation
involving motor vehicle equipment, but the court may not impose more
than one surcharge under section 357.021, subdivision 6, on the driver. The Department of Public Safety shall not
record a violation of this subdivision on a person's driving record.
This section is effective June 9, 2009, and applies to acts committed
on or after that date.
Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 169.686, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 1a.
Definitions. (a) For purposes of this section, the
following terms have the meanings given.
"Passenger vehicle" means:
(1) a
passenger automobile defined in section 168.002, subdivision 24;
(2) a pickup
(3) a van;
(4) a
commuter van, as defined in section 168.126; and
(5) a
recreational vehicle, as defined in section 168.002, subdivision 27.
"Passenger vehicle" does not include a motorcycle, motorized bicycle,
bus, school bus, a vehicle designed to operate exclusively on railroad tracks,
a farm truck as defined in section 168.002, subdivision 8, or special mobile
equipment as defined in section 168.002, subdivision 31.
"Pickup truck" means a truck, regardless of manufacturer's nominal
rated carrying capacity, that is commonly known as a pickup truck.
"Van" means a vehicle, regardless of the manufacturer's nominal rated
carrying capacity, of a box-like design that (1) has no barrier or separation
between the operator's area and the remainder of the cargo-carrying area, or
(2) is designed to carry 15 or fewer passengers, including the driver.
This section is effective June 9, 2009.
Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 169.686,
subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Seat
belt exemptions. This section shall
not apply to:
(1) a person
driving a passenger vehicle in reverse;
(2) a person
riding in a seat vehicle in which all the seating positions
equipped with safety belts are occupied by other persons in safety belts;
(3) a person
who is in possession of a written certificate from a licensed physician
verifying that because of medical unfitness or physical disability the person is
unable to wear a seat belt;
(4) a person
who is actually engaged in work that requires the person to alight from and
reenter a motor vehicle at frequent intervals and who, while engaged in that
work, does not drive or travel in that vehicle at a speed exceeding 25 miles
per hour;
(5) a rural
mail carrier of the United States Postal Service while in the performance of
(6) a person
driving or riding in a passenger vehicle manufactured before January 1, 1965;
(7) a person
driving or riding in a pickup truck, as defined in section 168.002,
subdivision 26, while engaged in normal farming work or activity.
Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 171.05,
subdivision 2b, is amended to read:
Subd. 2b. Instruction
permit use by person under age 18.
(a) This subdivision applies to persons who have applied for and
received an instruction permit under subdivision 2.
(b) The permit
holder may, with the permit in possession, operate a motor vehicle, but must be
accompanied by and be under the supervision of a certified driver education
instructor, the permit holder's parent or guardian, or another licensed driver
age 21 or older. The supervisor must
occupy the seat beside the permit holder.
(c) The
permit holder may operate a motor vehicle only when every occupant under the
age of 18 has a seat belt or child passenger restraint system properly
fastened. A person who violates this
paragraph is subject to a fine of $25. A
peace officer may not issue a citation for a violation of this paragraph unless
the officer lawfully stopped or detained the driver of the motor vehicle for a
moving violation as defined in section 171.04, subdivision 1. The commissioner shall not record a violation
of this paragraph on a person's driving record.
(d) The permit holder may not operate a
vehicle while communicating over, or otherwise operating, a cellular or
wireless telephone, whether handheld or hands free, when the vehicle is in
motion. The permit holder may assert as
an affirmative defense that the violation was made for the sole purpose of
obtaining emergency assistance to prevent a crime about to be committed, or in
the reasonable belief that a person's life or safety was in danger. Violation of this paragraph is a petty
misdemeanor subject to section 169.89, subdivision 2.
(e) (d) The permit holder must maintain a
driving record free of convictions for moving violations, as defined in section
171.04, subdivision 1, and free of convictions for violation of section
169A.20, 169A.33, 169A.35, or sections 169A.50 to 169A.53. If the permit holder drives a motor vehicle
in violation of the law, the commissioner shall suspend, cancel, or revoke the
permit in accordance with the statutory section violated.
This section is effective June 9, 2009, and applies to acts committed
on or after that date.
Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 171.055,
subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Use of
provisional license. (a) A
provisional license holder may operate a motor vehicle only when every occupant
under the age of 18 has a seat belt or child passenger restraint system
properly fastened. A person who violates
this paragraph is subject to a fine of $25.
A peace officer may not issue a citation for a violation of this
paragraph unless the officer lawfully stopped or detained the driver of the
motor vehicle for a moving violation as defined in section 171.04. The commissioner shall not record a violation
of this paragraph on a person's driving record.
(b) A provisional license holder may not
operate a vehicle while communicating over, or otherwise operating, a cellular
or wireless telephone, whether handheld or hands free, when the vehicle is in
motion. The provisional license holder
may assert as an affirmative defense that the violation was made for the sole
purpose of obtaining emergency assistance to prevent a crime about to be
committed, or in the reasonable belief that a person's life or safety was in
danger. Violation of this paragraph is a
petty misdemeanor subject to section 169.89, subdivision 2.
(c) (b) If the holder of a provisional
license during the period of provisional licensing incurs (1) a conviction for
a violation of section 169A.20, 169A.33, 169A.35, or sections 169A.50 to
169A.53, (2) a conviction for a crash-related moving violation, or (3) more
than one conviction for a moving violation that is not crash related, the
person may not be issued a driver's license until 12 consecutive months have
expired since the date of the conviction or until the person reaches the age of
18 years, whichever occurs first.
(d) (c) For the first six months of
provisional licensure, a provisional license holder may not operate a motor
vehicle carrying more than one passenger under the age of 20 years who is not a
member of the holder's immediate family.
For the second six months, the holder of the license may not operate a
motor vehicle that is carrying more than three passengers who are under the age
of 20 years and who are not members of the holder's immediate family. This paragraph does not apply if the
provisional license holder is accompanied by a parent or guardian.
(e) (d) For the first six months of
provisional licensure, a provisional license holder may operate a motor vehicle
between the hours of midnight and 5:00 a.m. only when the license holder is:
(1) driving
between the license holder's home and place of employment;
(2) driving
between the license holder's home and a school event for which the school has
not provided transportation;
(3) driving for
employment purposes; or
(4) accompanied
by a licensed driver at least 25 years of age.
This section is effective June 9, 2009, and applies to acts committed
on or after that date.
Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 357.021,
subdivision 6, is amended to read:
Subd. 6. Surcharges
on criminal and traffic offenders.
(a) Except as provided in this paragraph, the court shall impose and the
court administrator shall collect a $75 surcharge on every person convicted of
any felony, gross misdemeanor, misdemeanor, or petty misdemeanor offense, other
than a violation of a law or ordinance relating to vehicle parking, for which
there shall be a $4 surcharge, and other than a violation of section
169.686, for which there shall be a $25 surcharge. In the Second Judicial District, the court
shall impose, and the court administrator shall collect, an additional $1
surcharge on every person convicted of any felony, gross misdemeanor,
misdemeanor, or petty misdemeanor offense, including a violation of a law or
ordinance relating to vehicle parking, if the Ramsey County Board of
Commissioners authorizes the $1 surcharge.
The surcharge shall be imposed whether or not the person is sentenced to
imprisonment or the sentence is stayed.
The surcharge shall not be imposed when a person is convicted of a petty
misdemeanor for which no fine is imposed.
(b) If the
court fails to impose a surcharge as required by this subdivision, the court
administrator shall show the imposition of the surcharge, collect the
surcharge, and correct the record.
(c) The court
may not waive payment of the surcharge required under this subdivision. Upon a showing of indigency or undue hardship
upon the convicted person or the convicted person's immediate family, the
sentencing court may authorize payment of the surcharge in installments.
(d) The court
administrator or other entity collecting a surcharge shall forward it to the
commissioner of finance.
(e) If the
convicted person is sentenced to imprisonment and has not paid the surcharge
before the term of imprisonment begins, the chief executive officer of the
correctional facility in which the convicted person is incarcerated shall
collect the surcharge from any earnings the inmate accrues from work performed
in the facility or while on conditional release. The chief executive officer shall forward the
amount collected to the commissioner of finance.
This section is effective June 9, 2009, and applies to acts committed
on or after that date.
Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 357.021,
subdivision 7, is amended to read:
Subd. 7. Disbursement
of surcharges by commissioner of finance.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d), the
commissioner of finance shall disburse surcharges received under subdivision 6
and section 97A.065, subdivision 2, as follows:
(1) one percent
shall be credited to the game and fish fund to provide peace officer training
for employees of the Department of Natural Resources who are licensed under
sections 626.84 to 626.863, and who possess peace officer authority for the
purpose of enforcing game and fish laws;
(2) 39 percent
shall be credited to the peace officers training account in the special revenue
fund; and
(3) 60 percent
shall be credited to the general fund.
(b) The
commissioner of finance shall credit $3 of each surcharge received under
subdivision 6 and section 97A.065, subdivision 2, to the general fund.
(c) In addition
to any amounts credited under paragraph (a), the commissioner of finance shall
credit $47 of each surcharge received under subdivision 6 and section 97A.065,
subdivision 2, and the $4 parking surcharge, to the general fund.
(d) If the
Ramsey County Board of Commissioners authorizes imposition of the additional $1
surcharge provided for in subdivision 6, paragraph (a), the court administrator
in the Second Judicial District shall transmit the surcharge to the
commissioner of finance. The $1 special
surcharge is deposited in a Ramsey County surcharge account in the special
revenue fund and amounts in the account are appropriated to the trial courts
for the administration of the petty misdemeanor diversion program operated by
the Second Judicial District Ramsey County Violations Bureau.
Notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (c), the commissioner of finance shall
disburse the entire surcharge received under subdivision 6 for violations of
section 169.686 as provided in paragraph (a).
This section is effective June 9, 2009, and applies to acts committed
on or after that date."
Delete the title
and insert:
"A bill for
an act relating to traffic regulations; making seat belt violation a primary
offense in all seating positions regardless of age; making technical changes; providing
for surcharge; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 169.686, subdivisions
1, 2, by adding a subdivision; 171.05, subdivision 2b; 171.055, subdivision 2;
357.021, subdivisions 6, 7."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Hilstrom from
the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 545, A
bill for an act relating to elections; requiring certain notices concerning
voting rights of felons; requiring an informational publication; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 201; 243; 630.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 1, line
17, delete "and application"
Page 1, line
18, delete "shall" and insert "may also" and
delete "an adequate" and insert "a"
Page 1, line
19, delete "for this purpose" and insert "to accompany
the notice"
Page 1, line
20, delete "and a voter"
Page 1, line
21, delete "registration application"
Page 1, line
23, after "and" insert "may provide a voter
Page 2, line 3,
after "and" insert "may provide a voter registration"
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Carlson from
the Committee on Finance to which was referred:
H. F. No. 680,
A bill for an act relating to energy; providing direction for the use of
federal stimulus funding for energy programs; proposing coding for new law in
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 216B.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
Section 1. FEDERAL
1. Definitions. For the purposes of articles 1 to 5, the
following terms have the meaning given them.
"Act" means the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of commerce.
"Stimulus funding" or "funding" means funding provided to
the state under the act for:
(1) energy
efficiency and conservation block grants authorized under subtitle E of title V
of the federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, United States
Code, title 42, section 17151 et seq.;
(2) the Weatherization
Assistance Program authorized under part A of title IV of the federal Energy
Conservation and Production Act, United States Code, title 42, section 6861, et
seq.; and
(3) the State
Energy Program authorized under part D of title III of the federal Energy
Policy and Conservation Act, United States Code, title 42, section 6321, et
Subd. 2.
Stimulus funding allocation
and use goals. To the extent
allowed by federal law and regulation and consistent with the purposes and
principles of the act, stimulus funding must be allocated and expended under
articles 2 to 4 for activities that best achieve the following goals:
(1) job
retention and creation;
(2) improved
energy efficiency and increased renewable energy production capacity;
(3) coordination
with and leveraging of other resources to increase the total benefits derived
from stimulus funding;
(4) timely
implementation of funded activities;
(5) long-term
sustainability of benefits derived from stimulus funds;
geographic distribution across the state; and
compliance with the disadvantaged business enterprise requirements in Minnesota
Statutes, section 16C.16.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
The Office of
Energy Security shall, prior to expending any stimulus funds, submit to the
chairs and ranking minority members of the senate and house of representatives
committees with primary jurisdiction over energy policy and finance the
criteria it proposes to use to rank the programs in articles 1 to 5 in order to
allocate stimulus funding among the programs.
Comments on the proposed criteria must be submitted to the Office of
Energy Security within ten working days of receipt of the criteria. The Office of Energy Security shall consider
the comments before establishing the final allocation criteria, and shall
submit a report on the amount of stimulus funds allocated to each of the
programs under articles 1 to 5 the chairs and ranking minority members of the
senate and house of representatives committees with primary jurisdiction over
energy policy and finance within ten working days of establishing the stimulus
funding allocations.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
1. Allocation
of funds. All stimulus funds
for weatherization must be allocated by the director of the Office of Energy
Security, consistent with federal allocation requirements and state allocation
formulas in the state weatherization plan.
Existing providers of weatherization services must be fully utilized,
consistent with effective program delivery, before additional providers of
weatherization services are added.
Subd. 2.
Rental units. Programs that include rental units must be
developed, including developing procedures to increase low-income rental unit
participation in programs. Priority must
be given to serving the largest number of new weatherization clients consistent
with federal eligibility requirements.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 2. LOCAL
The Office of
Energy Security must coordinate the use of stimulus funds with the local public
building enhanced energy-efficiency program under Minnesota Statutes, section
216C.43. The Office of Energy Security
shall prioritize lighting upgrades, energy recommissioning, and other
cost-effective energy projects that are ready for immediate
implementation. Stimulus funds may be
used for, but are not limited to, grants for a portion of costs incurred by
local governments to implement energy efficiency improvements under the local
public building enhanced energy-efficiency program. The Office of Energy Security may require a
local government, as a condition of receiving a grant, to commit to implement
future activities, including, but not limited to, staff training, that are
designed to create additional energy or operating savings to the local
government. The Office of Energy
Security shall coordinate with the Department of Education to prioritize school
district projects for funding under this section, consistent with the
principles of statewide geographic distribution of projects, optimized energy
savings, and an improved learning environment for schoolchildren.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 3. STATE
Department of Administration shall develop a plan and procedures to select,
fund, and implement projects using stimulus funds. The plan and procedures shall prioritize
lighting upgrades, energy-efficient windows, energy recommissioning, and other
cost-effective energy projects that are ready for immediate
implementation. Funds may be used for,
but are not limited to, grants for a portion of costs incurred by state
agencies in implementing energy efficiency improvements. The Department of Administration may require
a state agency, as a condition of receiving stimulus funds, to commit to
implement future activities, including, but not limited to, staff training,
that are designed to create additional energy or operating savings to the state
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
The Office of
Energy Security shall coordinate with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency to
use stimulus funds in conjunction with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency's
existing financing programs to improve energy efficiency in dwellings.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
(a) The
Department of Employment and Economic Development, in consultation with the
Office of Energy Security and the Office of Higher Education, shall develop a
plan and procedures to:
(1) allocate
stimulus funds to training programs to train energy professionals needed to
implement the energy programs described in sections 1 to 4, including but not
limited to energy auditors, energy managers, and building operators;
coordinate, oversee, and monitor the training and certification of energy
professionals; and
(3) allocate
stimulus funding for the purposes of clauses (1) and (2) and to training
(b) Training
strategies must be designed to meet the wide range of facilities managers and
building sizes and types, and must protect the occupational health and safety
of workers employed on these energy projects.
Technical skills training must include insulation, air sealing, and
mechanical work.
(c) The plan
must include procedures to:
(1) train
individuals already employed in implementing energy programs;
(2) recruit
individuals to be trained to perform work in energy projects using stimulus
funding who are unemployed, especially targeting communities experiencing
disproportionately high rates of unemployment, including, but not limited to,
low-income, youth, rural, or tribal communities and individuals in construction
trades and crafts;
(3) ensure
that the full capacity of current training providers is utilized, including,
but not limited to, opportunities industrialization centers, skilled trades
labor unions, tribal colleges or nonprofits working in tribal communities,
community action partnerships, utility companies, higher education
institutions, and nonprofit organizations with demonstrated expertise in energy
efficiency; and
publicize job and contract opportunities through cost-effective dissemination
via the mass media, including, but not limited to, public service announcements
and radio advertisements.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
The director
of the Office of Energy Security, after compiling information supplied by the
Departments of Administration, Education, and Employment and Economic
Development, and the Office of Higher Education, shall report on the progress
of the programs funded under articles 1 to 5 to the house of representatives
and senate committees with jurisdiction over energy finance and workforce
development policy by September 1, 2009, January 15, 2010, April 1, 2010,
and September 1, 2010. The report must
include a complete accounting of all stimulus funds spent on the programs
funded under articles 1 to 5, to the extent allowable by state and federal law,
including, but not limited to:
(1) the
specific projects funded, including the location, building owner, and project
(2) the
number of jobs retained or created by each project;
(3) the
total calculated and actual energy savings for each project;
(4) the
remaining balances in each stimulus fund;
(5) the
nonstimulus funding leveraged by stimulus funds for each project;
(6) the
training courses provided, including the location and provider of courses
offered, the funding source for each training course, and the total number of
compliance with prevailing wage, veterans, and disadvantaged business enterprise
requirements; and
(8) the
effectiveness of the outreach and recruitment efforts among youth, low-income,
and unemployed workers conducted under section 5, paragraph (a), clause (2).
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Section 1. RENEWABLE
(a) The
commissioner of commerce shall establish a program to award grants to energy
projects that meet the following conditions:
(1) the
project qualifies as a community-based energy development (C-BED) project, as
defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.1612, subdivision 2, paragraph (g);
(2) for wind
projects, the project is located in an area where the measured wind resource is
Class 4 or above;
(3) the
project begins commercial operation after July 1, 2009;
(4) the
project does not receive renewable energy payment incentives under Minnesota
Statutes, section 216C.41; and
(5) the
project meets any other conditions established under the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, for use of these funds.
(b) The
department shall develop an application form, application review procedures,
criteria that projects must meet in order to be considered for a grant award,
procedures and guidelines for project monitoring and evaluation, and other
administrative procedures necessary to fully implement a grant program.
(c) The
maximum grant to a project is $500,000.
(d) No more
than two projects in a single county may receive a grant under this section.
(e) No C-BED
qualifying owner may financially participate in more than one project that
receives a grant under this section.
(f) Grant
awards must be geographically dispersed throughout the state.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
(a) The
commissioner shall establish a program to award rebates to qualifying
facilities that generate electricity from a renewable source and that:
(1) begin operation
after July 1, 2009;
(2) meet all
other conditions established under the act; and
(3) provide
electricity to:
(i) a
homeowner's primary residence; or
(ii) a
business with 20 or fewer full-time employees.
(b) The
commissioner shall develop an application form, application review procedures,
criteria that projects must meet in order to be considered for a rebate,
procedures and guidelines for project monitoring and evaluation, and other
administrative procedures necessary to fully implement a rebate program.
(c) The
owner of a qualifying facility may apply to the commissioner for a rebate of
the lesser of $2,500 or 35 percent of the cost of the electric generation
facility, including installation costs.
(d) The
commissioner shall award rebates only from funds appropriated for that purpose
and to the extent of those appropriations.
Grants must be made to applicants in the order of the time of receipt of
a complete application.
(e) For
purposes of this section:
"Qualifying facility" means an electric generation facility with a
capacity of less than 40 kilowatts that generates electricity from a renewable
energy source.
"Renewable energy source" means:
(i) solar;
(ii) wind;
hydrogen, provided that after January 1, 2010, the hydrogen must be generated
from the resources listed in this clause; or
(v) biomass,
which includes, without limitation, landfill gas; an anaerobic digester system;
and the predominantly organic components of wastewater effluent, sludge, or
related by-products from publicly owned treatment works, but not including
incineration of wastewater sludge to produce electricity.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of commerce.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 3. SOLAR
(a) The
commissioner shall establish a program to award grants to:
(1) local
units of government to pay the costs of installing solar energy projects to
generate energy used in public buildings; or
(2) to
school districts to pay the costs of installing solar energy projects to
generate energy used in K-12 schools.
(b) To be
eligible to receive a grant, a project must:
(1) begin
operation after July 1, 2009; and
(2) meet all
other conditions established under the act.
(c) The
commissioner shall develop an application form, application review procedures,
criteria that a project must meet in order to be considered for a grant award,
procedures and guidelines for project monitoring and evaluation, and other
administrative procedures necessary to fully implement a grant program.
(d) In
awarding grants, the commissioner must determine, at a minimum, the following:
(1) that the
physical condition of the building is sufficient to support the efficient
operation of the solar energy project;
(2) that
there is no significant possibility that the building may close within ten
years, which determination, for a school, must be based on enrollment
projections; and
(3) that the projected
cumulative energy savings exceed the grant amount within 15 years for a
qualifying solar thermal project, and within 20 years for a photovoltaic
(e) In
awarding grants, the commissioner must also consider:
(1) the
reliability and cost-effectiveness of the solar technology to be installed;
(2) the
extent to which the proposal effectively coordinates with the conservation and
energy efficiency programs offered by the energy utilities serving the building
in which the project is located, and with the public building enhanced energy
efficiency program under section 216C.43, if applicable;
(3) life
cycle energy use reductions and greenhouse gas emissions reductions projected
per dollar of installed cost of the project; and
(4) the
geographic distribution of grant recipients throughout the state.
(f) For the
purposes of this section:
"public building" means any publicly owned building, sports arena, or
other facility of a county, city, or other local unit of government;
"solar energy" means:
(i) a
photovoltaic device, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 216C.06,
subdivision 16; or
(ii) a
qualifying thermal project, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section
216B.2411, subdivision 2, that includes modifications made to a distribution
system to distribute heating or cooling throughout a building; and
"commissioner" means the commissioner of commerce.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Section 1. ENERGY
(a) The
commissioner of commerce shall establish a program to award grants to
commercial and industrial facilities for the purpose of:
installing energy-efficiency improvements or devices that use renewable energy
sources to generate electricity or to heat or cool a building; or
manufacturing renewable fuels in solid form from biomass for use in industrial
(b) To be
eligible to receive a grant, a project must:
(1) begin
commercial operation after July 1, 2009; and
(2) meet all
other conditions established under the act.
(c) The
commissioner shall develop an application form, application review procedures,
criteria that a project must meet in order to be considered for a grant award,
procedures and guidelines for project monitoring and evaluation, and other
administrative procedures necessary to fully implement a grant program.
(d) For the
purposes of this section, "renewable energy source" means:
(i) solar;
(ii) wind;
hydrogen, provided that after January 1, 2010, the hydrogen must be generated
from the resources listed in this paragraph; or
(v) biomass,
which includes, without limitation, landfill gas; an anaerobic digester system;
and the predominantly organic components of wastewater effluent, sludge, or
related by-products from publicly owned treatment works, but not including
incineration of wastewater sludge to produce electricity.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 2. ENERGY
The Office
of Energy Security shall establish programs to work with teachers and other
energy experts to include energy issues in K-12 curricula; develop training and
certification programs for technicians to install and service wind and solar
energy systems; and upgrade data systems to enable accurate tracking of energy
savings resulting from the conservation improvement program and other state
energy programs.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 3. ENERGY
The Office
of Energy Security shall establish a grant program to award grants to local
units of government to enhance energy efficiency and reduce energy use. Energy efficiency and conservation block
grant funds may be used for grants for planning, consultant services, energy
audits, implementing energy-efficient building codes and inspection services,
energy efficiency renovations, street lighting, and the installation of
renewable energy devices deployed on public buildings.
Of the funds
available to the state of Minnesota from the federal stimulus funding for the
weatherization assistance program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, $131,937,411 is appropriated to the commissioner
of commerce. The funds must be
administered consistent with the requirements in article 2, section 1.
Sec. 2. ENERGY
The funds
available to the state of Minnesota from the federal stimulus funding for the
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program under the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111‑5, estimated
to be $10,644,100, are appropriated to the commissioner of commerce. The appropriation must be distributed as
(1) 61.5
percent, estimated to be $6,546,121, is for energy efficiency grants to local
government in article 4, section 3; and
(2) 38.5
percent, estimated to be $4,097,979, is for local government and school
district buildings consistent with the requirements in article 2, section 2.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 3. STATE
Of the funds
available to the state of Minnesota from the federal stimulus funding for the
State Energy Program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,
Public Law 111-5, $54,172,000 is appropriated to the commissioner of
commerce. Of this amount:
$10,650,000 is for local government and school district buildings consistent
with the requirements in article 2, section 2;
(2) $8,000,000
is for state government buildings consistent with the requirements in article
2, section 3;
$12,000,000 is for the residential energy financing programs in article 2,
section 4;
$12,000,000 is for renewable energy programs, including, but not limited to,
the programs specified in article 3;
$5,000,000 is for grants to commercial and industrial facilities for energy
efficiency and renewable energy projects in article 4, section 1;
$5,022,000 is for energy education, training, and information and data systems
in article 4, section 2; and
$1,500,000 is for a grant to the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State
Colleges and Universities for the International Renewable Energy Technology
Institute (IRETI) to be located at Minnesota State University, Mankato, as a
public and private partnership to support applied research in renewable energy
and energy efficiency to aid in the transfer of technology from Sweden to
Minnesota and to support technology commercialization from companies located in
Minnesota and throughout the world.
This section is effective the day following final enactment."
Delete the title
and insert:
"A bill for
an act relating to energy; providing direction for use of federal stimulus
funds for energy programs."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
report was adopted.
Eken from the
Committee on Environment Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 696, A
bill for an act relating to state lands; providing for certain private sales to
resolve trespass issues; adding to and deleting from certain state parks;
authorizing public and private sales of surplus state land; modifying previous
sales authorization and land description; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008,
section 84.0273; Laws 2007, chapter 131, article 2, section 38; Laws 2008,
chapter 368, article 1, section 21, subdivisions 4, 5.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 84.0273, is
amended to read:
(a) In order to resolve boundary line
issues affecting the ownership interests of the state and adjacent landowners,
the commissioner of natural resources may, in the name of the state upon terms
the commissioner deems appropriate, convey, by a boundary line agreement,
quitclaim deed, or management agreement in such form as the attorney general
approves, such rights, titles, and interests of the state in state lands for
such rights, titles and interests in adjacent lands as are necessary for the
purpose of establishing boundaries. A
notice of the proposed conveyance and a brief statement of the reason therefor
shall be published once in the State Register by the commissioner between 15
and 30 days prior to conveyance. The
provisions of this section paragraph are not intended to replace
or supersede laws relating to land exchange or disposal of surplus state
(b) In order
to resolve trespass issues affecting the ownership interests of the state and
adjacent landowners, the commissioner of natural resources, in the name of the
state, may sell surplus lands not needed for natural resource purposes at
private sale to adjoining property owners and leaseholders. The conveyance must be by quitclaim in a form
approved by the attorney general for a consideration not less than the value
determined according to section 94.10, subdivision 1.
(c) Paragraph
(b) applies to all state-owned lands managed by the commissioner of natural
resources, except school trust land as defined in section 92.025. For acquired lands, the commissioner may sell
the surplus lands as provided in paragraph (b) notwithstanding the offering to
public entities, public sale, and related notice and publication requirements
of sections 94.09 to 94.165. For consolidated
conservation lands, the commissioner may sell the surplus lands as provided in
paragraph (b) notwithstanding the classification and public sale provisions of
chapters 84A and 282.
Sec. 2. [84.0277]
1. Acquisition
authorized. The commissioner
may acquire, from willing sellers, perpetual conservation easements on behalf
of the state and federal government consistent with Camp Ripley's Army
compatible use buffer project. This
project is geographically defined as a three-mile zone around Camp Ripley in
central Minnesota.
Subd. 2.
Payments; terms. Notwithstanding sections 84.0272,
subdivision 1, and 84.0274, subdivision 5, paragraph (b), the commissioner may
make payments to a landowner under this subdivision to acquire a perpetual conservation
easement according to subdivision 1. The
onetime payment may be based on the following:
(1) if the
easement prohibits the construction of any new buildings or permanent
structures upon the land, the commissioner may pay 60 percent of the most
recent assessed market value of the land as determined by the county assessor
of the county in which the land is located; or
(2) if the
easement prohibits the construction of any new buildings or permanent
structures upon the land and grants the public the right to access the land for
natural resource-based outdoor recreation, the commissioner may pay 70 percent
of the most recent assessed market value of the land as determined by the
county assessor of the county in which the land is located.
Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 282.04,
subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Timber
sales; land leases and uses. (a) The
county auditor may sell timber upon any tract that may be approved by the
natural resources commissioner. The sale
of timber shall be made for cash at not less than the appraised value
determined by the county board to the highest bidder after not less than one
week's published notice in an official paper within the county. Any timber offered at the public sale and not
sold may thereafter be sold at private sale by the county auditor at not less
than the appraised value thereof, until the time as the county board may
withdraw the timber from sale. The
appraised value of the timber and the forestry practices to be followed in the
cutting of said timber shall be approved by the commissioner of natural
(b) Payment of
the full sale price of all timber sold on tax-forfeited lands shall be made in
cash at the time of the timber sale, except in the case of oral or sealed bid
auction sales, the down payment shall be no less than 15 percent of the
appraised value, and the balance shall be paid prior to entry. In the case of auction sales that are
partitioned and sold as a single sale with predetermined cutting blocks, the
down payment shall be no less than 15 percent of the appraised price of the
entire timber sale which may be held until the satisfactory completion of the
sale or applied in whole or in part to the final cutting block. The value of each separate block must be paid
in full before any cutting may begin in that block. With the permission of the county contract
administrator the purchaser may enter unpaid blocks and cut necessary timber
incidental to developing logging roads as may be needed to log other blocks
provided that no timber may be removed from an unpaid block until separately
scaled and paid for. If payment is
provided as specified in this paragraph as security under paragraph (a) and no
cutting has taken place on the contract, the county auditor may credit the
security provided, less any down payment required for an auction sale under
this paragraph, to any other contract issued to the contract holder by the
county under this chapter to which the contract holder requests in writing that
it be credited, provided the request and transfer is made within the same
calendar year as the security was received.
(c) The county
board may sell any timber, including biomass, as appraised or scaled. Any parcels of land from which timber is to
be sold by scale of cut products shall be so designated in the published notice
of sale under paragraph (a), in which case the notice shall contain a
description of the parcels, a statement of the estimated quantity of each
species of timber, and the appraised price of each species of timber for 1,000
feet, per cord or per piece, as the case may be. In those cases any bids offered over and
above the appraised prices shall be by percentage, the percent bid to be added
to the appraised price of each of the different species of timber advertised on
the land. The purchaser of timber from the parcels
shall pay in cash at the time of sale at the rate bid for all of the timber
shown in the notice of sale as estimated to be standing on the land, and in
addition shall pay at the same rate for any additional amounts which the final
scale shows to have been cut or was available for cutting on the land at the
time of sale under the terms of the sale.
Where the final scale of cut products shows that less timber was cut or
was available for cutting under terms of the sale than was originally paid for,
the excess payment shall be refunded from the forfeited tax sale fund upon the
claim of the purchaser, to be audited and allowed by the county board as in
case of other claims against the county.
No timber, except hardwood pulpwood, may be removed from the parcels of
land or other designated landings until scaled by a person or persons
designated by the county board and approved by the commissioner of natural
resources. Landings other than the
parcel of land from which timber is cut may be designated for scaling by the
county board by written agreement with the purchaser of the timber. The county board may, by written agreement
with the purchaser and with a consumer designated by the purchaser when the
timber is sold by the county auditor, and with the approval of the commissioner
of natural resources, accept the consumer's scale of cut products delivered at
the consumer's landing. No timber shall
be removed until fully paid for in cash.
Small amounts of timber not exceeding $3,000 in appraised valuation may
be sold for not less than the full appraised value at private sale to
individual persons without first publishing notice of sale or calling for bids,
provided that in case of a sale involving a total appraised value of more than
$200 the sale shall be made subject to final settlement on the basis of a scale
of cut products in the manner above provided and not more than two of the
sales, directly or indirectly to any individual shall be in effect at one time.
(d) As directed
by the county board, the county auditor may lease tax-forfeited land to
individuals, corporations or organized subdivisions of the state at public or
private sale, and at the prices and under the terms as the county board may
prescribe, for use as cottage and camp sites and for agricultural purposes and
for the purpose of taking and removing of hay, stumpage, sand, gravel, clay,
rock, marl, and black dirt from the land, and for garden sites and other
temporary uses provided that no leases shall be for a period to exceed ten
years; provided, further that any leases involving a consideration of more than
$12,000 per year, except to an organized subdivision of the state shall first
be offered at public sale in the manner provided herein for sale of
timber. Upon the sale of any leased
land, it shall remain subject to the lease for not to exceed one year from the
beginning of the term of the lease. Any
rent paid by the lessee for the portion of the term cut off by the cancellation
shall be refunded from the forfeited tax sale fund upon the claim of the
lessee, to be audited and allowed by the county board as in case of other
claims against the county.
(e) As directed
by the county board, the county auditor may lease tax-forfeited land to
individuals, corporations, or organized subdivisions of the state at public or
private sale, at the prices and under the terms as the county board may
prescribe, for the purpose of taking and removing for use for road construction
and other purposes tax-forfeited stockpiled iron-bearing material. The county auditor must determine that the
material is needed and suitable for use in the construction or maintenance of a
road, tailings basin, settling basin, dike, dam, bank fill, or other works on
public or private property, and that the use would be in the best interests of
the public. No lease shall exceed ten
years. The use of a stockpile for these
purposes must first be approved by the commissioner of natural resources. The request shall be deemed approved unless
the requesting county is notified to the contrary by the commissioner of
natural resources within six months after receipt of a request for approval for
use of a stockpile. Once use of a
stockpile has been approved, the county may continue to lease it for these
purposes until approval is withdrawn by the commissioner of natural resources.
(f) The county
auditor, with the approval of the county board is authorized to grant permits,
licenses, and leases to tax-forfeited lands for the depositing of stripping,
lean ores, tailings, or waste products from mines or ore milling plants, or
to use for facilities needed to recover iron-bearing oxides from tailings
basins or stockpiles, or for a buffer area needed for a mining operation, upon
the conditions and for the consideration and for the period of time, not
exceeding 15 25 years, as the county board may determine. The permits, licenses, or leases are subject
to approval by the commissioner of natural resources.
(g) Any person
who removes any timber from tax-forfeited land before said timber has been
scaled and fully paid for as provided in this subdivision is guilty of a
(h) The county
auditor may, with the approval of the county board, and without first offering
at public sale, grant leases, for a term not exceeding 25 years, for the
removal of peat and for the production or removal of farm-grown closed-loop
biomass as defined in section 216B.2424, subdivision 1, or short-rotation woody
crops from tax-forfeited lands upon the terms and conditions as the county
board may prescribe. Any lease for the
removal of peat, farm-grown closed-loop biomass, or short-rotation woody crops
from tax-forfeited lands must first be reviewed and approved by the
commissioner of natural resources if the lease covers 320 or more acres. No lease for the removal of peat, farm-grown
closed-loop biomass, or short-rotation woody crops shall be made by the county
auditor pursuant to this section without first holding a public hearing on the
auditor's intention to lease. One
printed notice in a legal newspaper in the county at least ten days before the
hearing, and posted notice in the courthouse at least 20 days before the
hearing shall be given of the hearing.
Notwithstanding any provision of paragraph (c) to the contrary, the St. Louis
County auditor may, at the discretion of the county board, sell timber to the
party who bids the highest price for all the several kinds of timber, as
provided for sales by the commissioner of natural resources under section
90.14. Bids offered over and above the
appraised price need not be applied proportionately to the appraised price of
each of the different species of timber.
(j) In lieu of
any payment or deposit required in paragraph (b), as directed by the county
board and under terms set by the county board, the county auditor may accept an
irrevocable bank letter of credit in the amount equal to the amount otherwise
determined in paragraph (b). If an
irrevocable bank letter of credit is provided under this paragraph, at the
written request of the purchaser, the county may periodically allow the bank
letter of credit to be reduced by an amount proportionate to the value of
timber that has been harvested and for which the county has received payment. The remaining amount of the bank letter of
credit after a reduction under this paragraph must not be less than 20 percent
of the value of the timber purchased. If
an irrevocable bank letter of credit or cash deposit is provided for the down
payment required in paragraph (b), and no cutting of timber has taken place on
the contract for which a letter of credit has been provided, the county may
allow the transfer of the letter of credit to any other contract issued to the
contract holder by the county under this chapter to which the contract holder
requests in writing that it be credited.
Sec. 4. Laws 2008, chapter 368, article 1, section
21, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
Subd. 4. [85.012]
[Subd. 38.] Lake Shetek State Park, Murray County. The following areas are deleted from Lake
Shetek State Park:
(1) Blocks 3
and 4 of Forman Acres according to the plat on file and of record in the Office
of the Recorder for Murray County;
(2) the Hudson
Acres subdivision according to the plat on file and of record in the Office of
the Recorder for Murray County; and
(3) that part
of Government Lot 6 and, that part of Government Lot 7, and
that part of Government Lot 8 of Section 6, Township 107 North, Range 40
West, and that part of Government Lot 1 and that part of Government Lot 2 of
Section 7, Township 107 North, Range 40 West, Murray County, Minnesota,
described as follows:
Commencing at
the East Quarter Corner of said Section 6; thence on a bearing based on the
1983 Murray County Coordinate System (1996 Adjustment), of South 00 degrees 22
minutes 05 seconds East 1405.16 17 minutes 23 seconds East 1247.75
feet along the east line of said Section 6; thence North 89 degrees 07
minutes 01 second West 1942.39 South 88 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds
West 1942.74 feet; thence South 03 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West 94.92
feet to the northeast corner of Block 5 of FORMAN ACRES, according to the
recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Murray County Recorder's
Office; thence South 14 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West 525.30 feet along
the easterly line of said Block 5 and along the easterly line of the Private
Roadway of FORMAN ACRES to the southeasterly corner of said Private Roadway and
North 82
degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West 796.30 feet along the southerly line of said
Private Roadway to an angle point on said line and an existing 1/2 inch
diameter rebar; thence South 64 degrees 28 minutes 26 seconds West 100.06 feet
along the southerly line of said Private Roadway to an angle point on said line
and an existing 1/2 inch diameter rebar; thence South 33 degrees 01 minute 32
seconds West 279.60 feet along the southerly line of said Private Roadway to an
angle point on said line; thence South 76 degrees 04 minutes 52 seconds West
766.53 feet along the southerly line of said Private Roadway to a 3/4 inch
diameter rebar with a plastic cap stamped "MN DNR LS 17003" (DNR
MON); thence South 16 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds West 470.40 feet to a DNR
MON; thence South 24 degrees 09 minutes 57 seconds West 262.69 feet to a DNR
MON; thence South 08 degrees 07 minutes 09 seconds West 332.26 feet to a DNR
MON; thence North 51 degrees 40 minutes 02 seconds West 341.79 feet to the east
line of Lot A of Lot 1 of LOT A OF GOV.
LOT 1, OF SEC 7 TP. 107 RANGE 40, according to the recorded plat thereof
on file and of record in the Murray County Recorder's Office and a DNR MON;
thence South 14 degrees 28 minutes 55 seconds West 71.98 feet along the east
line of said Lot A to the northerly most corner of Lot 36 of HUDSON ACRES,
according to the record plat thereof on file and of record in the Murray County
Recorder's Office and an existing steel fence post; thence South 51 degrees 37
minutes 05 seconds East 418.97 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lot 36
and along the northeasterly line of Lots 35, 34, 33, 32 of HUDSON ACRES to
an existing 1 inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the easterly most corner
of Lot 32 and the most northerly corner of Lot 31A of HUDSON ACRES; thence
South 48 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds East 298.26 feet along the northeasterly
line of said Lot 31A to an existing 1 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe
marking the easterly most corner thereof and the most northerly corner of Lot 31
of HUDSON ACRES; thence South 33 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds East 224.96 feet
along the northeasterly line of said Lot 31 and along the northeasterly line of
Lots 30 and 29 of HUDSON ACRES to an existing 1 1/2 inch inside diameter iron
pipe marking the easterly most corner of said Lot 29 and the most northerly
corner of Lot 28 of HUDSONS HUDSON ACRES; thence South 45 degrees
23 minutes 54 seconds East 375.07 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lot
28 and along the northeasterly line of Lots 27, 26, 25, 24 of HUDSON ACRES to
an existing 1 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the easterly most
corner of said Lot 24 and the most northerly corner of Lot 23 of HUDSON ACRES;
thence South 64 degrees 39 minutes 53 seconds East 226.80 feet along the
northeasterly line of said Lot 23 and along the northeasterly line of Lots 22
and 21 of HUDSON ACRES to an existing 1 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe
marking the easterly most corner of said Lot 21 and the most northerly corner
of Lot 20 of HUDSON ACRES; thence South 39 degrees 49 minutes 49 seconds East
524.75 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lot 20 and along the
northeasterly line of Lots 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14 of HUDSON ACRES to an existing
1 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the easterly most corner of said
Lot 14 and the most northerly corner of Lot 13 of HUDSON ACRES; thence South 55
degrees 31 minutes 43 seconds East 225.11 feet along the northeasterly line of
said Lot 13 and along the northeasterly line of Lots 12 and 11 of HUDSON ACRES
to an existing 1 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the easterly most
corner of said Lot 11 and the northwest corner of Lot 10 of HUDSON ACRES;
thence South 88 degrees 03 minutes 49 seconds East 224.90 feet along the north
line of said Lot 10 and along the north line of Lots 9 and 8 of HUDSON ACRES to
an existing 1 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the northeast corner
of said Lot 8 and the northwest corner of Lot 7 of HUDSON ACRES; thence North
84 degrees 07 minutes 37 seconds East 525.01 feet along the north line of said
Lot 7 and along the north line of Lots 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of HUDSON ACRES to
an existing 1 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the northeast corner of
said Lot 1 of HUDSON ACRES; thence southeasterly, easterly and northerly along
a non-tangential curve concave to the north having a radius of 50.00 feet,
central angle 138 degrees 41 minutes 58 seconds 42 minutes 00 seconds,
a distance of 121.04 feet, chord bears North 63 degrees 30 minutes 12 seconds
East; thence continuing northwesterly and westerly along the previously
described curve concave to the south having a radius of 50.00 feet, central
angle 138 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 121.04 feet, chord bears
North 75 degrees 11 minutes 47 seconds West and a DNR MON; thence South 84
degrees 09 minutes 13 seconds West not tangent to said curve 520.52 feet to a
DNR MON; thence North 88 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 201.13 feet to a
DNR MON; thence North 55 degrees 32 minutes 12 seconds West 196.66 feet to a
DNR MON; thence North 39 degrees 49 minutes 59 seconds West 530.34 feet to a
DNR MON; thence North 64 degrees 41 minutes 41 seconds West 230.01 feet to a
DNR MON; thence North 45 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds West 357.33 feet to a
DNR MON; thence North 33 degrees 53 minutes 32 30 seconds West
226.66 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 48 degrees 30 minutes 31 seconds West
341.45 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 08 degrees 07 minutes 09 seconds East
359.28 feet to a DNR MON;
thence North 24
degrees 09 minutes 58 57 seconds East 257.86 feet to a DNR MON;
thence North 16 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds East 483.36 feet to a DNR MON;
thence North 76 degrees 04 minutes 53 52 seconds East 715.53 feet
to a DNR MON; thence North 33 degrees 01 minute 32 seconds East 282.54 feet to
a DNR MON; thence North 64 degrees 28 minutes 25 26 seconds East
84.97 feet to a DNR MON; thence South 82 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East
788.53 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 07 degrees 45 minutes 07 seconds East
26.00 feet to the point of beginning; containing 7.55 acres.
Sec. 5. Laws 2008, chapter 368, article 1, section
21, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
Subd. 5. [85.012]
[Subd. 44a.] Moose Lake State Park, Carlton County. The following areas are deleted from Moose
Lake State Park, all in Township 46 North, Range 19 West, Carlton County:
(1) Parcel A: the West 660.00 feet of the Southwest Quarter
of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28;
(2) Parcel B: the West 660.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter
of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28 lying northerly of a line 75.00 feet
northerly of and parallel with the centerline of State Trunk Highway 73, and
subject to a taking for highway purposes of a 100.00-foot wide strip for access
and also subject to highway and road easements;
(3) Parcel C: the West 660.00 feet of the Southwest Quarter
of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28 lying northerly of a line 75.00 feet
northerly of and parallel with the centerline of State Trunk Highway 73, and
subject to taking for highway purposes of a road access under S.P. 0919
(311-311) 901 from State Trunk Highway 73 to old County Road 21, said access
being 100.00 feet in width with triangular strips of land adjoining it at the
northerly line of State Trunk Highway 73, and subject to highway and road
(4) Parcel G: that part of Government Lot 1 2
of Section 28, which lies northerly of the westerly extension of the northerly
line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 28, and
southerly of the westerly extension of the northerly line of the South 660.00
feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 28;
(5) Parcel H: the South 660.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter
of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28;
(6) Parcel I: the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
of Section 28, except the West 660.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter; and
(7) Parcel J: that part of the North One-Half of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 28, described as follows: Commencing at the
northwest corner of said North One-Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence South
89 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds East along the north line of said North
One-Half of the Southeast Quarter a distance of 660.01 feet to the east line of
the West 660.00 feet of said North One-Half of the Southeast Quarter and the
actual point of beginning; thence continue South 89 degrees 57 minutes 36
seconds East along the north line of said North One-Half of the Southeast
Quarter a distance of 657.40 feet to the southeast corner of the Southwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 28; thence South 00 degrees 19
minutes 17 seconds West, parallel to the west line of said North One-Half of
the Southeast Quarter a distance of 715.12 feet to the westerly right-of-way of
US Interstate Highway 35; thence along said westerly right-of-way of US
Interstate Highway 35 a distance of 457.86 feet on a nontangential curve,
concave to the southeast, having a radius of 1,0 54.93 feet, a central angle of
24 degrees 52 minutes 03 seconds, and a chord bearing of South 39 degrees 00
minutes 37 seconds West; thence South 46 degrees 44 minutes 11 seconds West
along said westerly right-of-way of US Interstate Highway 35 a distance of
295.30 feet to the northerly right-of-way of Minnesota Trunk Highway 73; thence
163.55 feet along said northerly right-of-way of Minnesota Trunk Highway 73 on
a nontangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 1, 984.88 feet,
a central angle of 4 degrees 43 minutes 16 seconds, and a chord bearing of
South 77 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds West to the east line of the West 660.00
feet of said North One-Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees
19 minutes 17 seconds East a distance of 1, 305.90 feet, more or less, to the
point of beginning and there terminating.
1. [85.012]
[Subd. 18.] Fort Snelling State Park, Ramsey, Hennepin and Dakota Counties. The following area is added to Fort
Snelling State Park, Hennepin County: that
part of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, described as follows: From monument number 2, located on the
westerly extension of the south boundary of the U.S. Department of the
Interior, Bureau of Mines; thence South 89 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East
along said south boundary of the Bureau of Mines, 478.97 feet to reference
point 1 on the easterly right-of-line of Trunk Highway No. 55 and the point of
beginning; thence South 48 degrees 48 minutes 53 seconds East, 458.74 feet along
the easterly right-of-way line of said Trunk Highway No. 55; thence North 23
degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds East, 329.00 feet to the south boundary of the
Bureau of Mines; thence North 89 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds West, 478.07
feet along said south boundary of the Bureau of Mines to the point of
Subd. 2.
[85.012] [Subd. 42.] Mille
Lacs Kathio State Park, Mille Lacs County. The following areas are added to Mille
Lacs Kathio State Park, Mille Lacs County:
Government Lot 4 of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; all in
Section 25, Township 42, Range 27, less a tract to highway described as
follows: Commencing at a point
approximately 270.0 feet East of the southwest corner of Government Lot 4,
Section 25, Township 42 North, Range 27 West, Engineers Station 71+00; thence
North 26 degrees 56 minutes West to the west line of Section 25 at Engineers
Station 77+07.4 a distance of 607.4 feet and there terminating. The above describes the center line of an
82.5-foot right-of-way for the reconstruction of County State-Aid Highway No.
26 and contains 0.23 acres in addition to the present 66-foot right-of-way,
Mille Lacs County, Minnesota;
Government Lot 5, Section 25, Township 42, Range 27;
(3) that
part of Government Lot 1, Section 26, Township 42 North, Range 27 West, Mille
Lacs County, Minnesota, EXCEPT that part of Government Lot 1, Section 26,
Township 42 North, Range 27 West, Mille Lacs County, Minnesota, described as
follows: Beginning at the northeast
corner of said Government Lot 1; thence North 89 degrees 09 minutes 54 seconds
West, bearing based on Mille Lacs County Coordinate System, along the north
line of said Government Lot 1 a distance of 665.82 feet to a 3/4 inch iron rod
with survey cap stamped "MN DNR LS 16098" (DNR monument); thence
South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 241.73 feet to a DNR
monument; thence continuing South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a
distance of 42.18 feet to a P.K. nail in the centerline of County Road 26; thence
southeasterly along the centerline of County Road 26 a distance of 860 feet,
more or less, to the east line of said Government Lot 1; thence North 00
degrees 22 minutes 38 seconds East along the east line of said Government Lot 1
a distance of 763 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing 6.6
acres, more or less. AND EXCEPT, that
part of Government Lot 1, Section 26, Township 42 North, Range 27 West,
described as follows: Commencing at a
point where the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter,
Section 25, Township 42, Range 27, intersects the meander line of lake commonly
known and designated as "Warren Lake"; thence North along the west
line of said forty a distance of 20 rods; thence West at right angles to the meander
line of said Warren Lake; thence in a southeasterly direction to the point of
beginning; and
Government Lot 2, Section 26, Township 42 North, Range 27 West, Mille Lacs
County, Minnesota.
1. [85.012]
[Subd. 21.] Lake Bemidji State Park, Beltrami County. The following area is deleted from Lake
Bemidji State Park, all in Beltrami County: that part of Government Lot 5, Section 24,
Township 147 North, Range 33 West, Beltrami County, Minnesota described as
follows: Commencing at the most easterly
corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Shady Cove, according to the recorded plat thereof;
thence northeasterly along the northeasterly extension of the line between Lots
1 and 2, Block 1 in said plat, a distance of 66.00 feet, to the point of
beginning of
the land to be described; thence continuing along last described course a
distance of 150.00 feet; thence deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00
seconds, a distance of 607.70 feet; thence westerly along a line perpendicular
to the westerly boundary of said Government Lot 5 to the west line of said
Government Lot 5; thence South along the westerly boundary of said Government
Lot 5 to intersect a line 66.00 feet northeasterly of, as measured at a right
angle to and parallel with the northeasterly line of Block 1, said Shady Cove;
thence southeasterly along said parallel line to the point of beginning.
Subd. 2.
[85.012] [Subd. 24a.] Great
River Bluffs State Park, Winona County.
The following areas are deleted from Great River Bluffs State Park,
Winona County:
beginning at a point 200 feet West from the southeast corner of Lot 2, Section
26, Township 106 North, Range 5 West; thence West on lot line between Lots 2
and 3, 380 feet; thence North 58 degrees East, 320 feet; thence South 32
degrees East, 205 feet to place of beginning, containing 85/100 of an acre,
more or less, Winona County, Minnesota;
commencing at a point 200 feet West from the northeast corner of Lot 3, Section
26, Township 106 North, Range 5 West; thence South 33 degrees East 300 feet;
thence South 58 degrees West 290 feet; thence North 32 degrees West, 490 feet
to the lot line between Lots 2 and 3; thence East 350 feet to the place of
beginning, containing 3 acres, more or less, Winona County, Minnesota;
(3) that
part of the recorded plat of East Richmond, Winona County, Minnesota, lying
within Section 27, Township 106 North, Range 5 West, that lies northwesterly of
the southeasterly line of Jefferson Street, as dedicated in said plat and that
lies southwesterly of the southwesterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.
(4) Lots 7
and 8, Block B, of Fern Glen Acres, the same being located upon and forming a
part of Government Lot 1, Section 35; Lot 9 in Block B of Fern Glen Acres, township
of Richmond, according to the recorded plat thereof; beginning at the southeast
corner of Lot 9, Block B, Fern Glen Acres, South 33 degrees East 140 feet;
thence South 70 degrees West 208 feet; thence North 33 degrees West 140 feet to
the southwest line of Lot 9, Block B, Fern Glen Acres; thence North 57
degrees East on the southwest line of Lot 9, Block B, Fern Glen Acres, to place
of beginning, all in Government Lot 1, Section 35, Township 106 North, Range 5
West, containing 3/4 acre more or less;
(5) that
part of Government Lot 1, Section 35, Township 106, Range 5, Winona County,
Minnesota, which is more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Commencing at the southwest corner of
Lot 9 of Block "B" of the Plat of Fern Glen Acres; thence in a
northeasterly direction and along the southerly line of said Lot 9 for a
distance of 36.0 feet; thence deflect to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes, for a
distance of 107.81 feet to an iron pipe which marks the point of beginning;
thence continue in a southeasterly direction along the last described course
for a distance of 73.78 feet; thence deflect to the left 9 degrees 04 minutes,
for a distance of 32.62 feet; thence deflect to the right 90 degrees 00
minutes, for a distance of 73.23 feet; thence deflect to the right 89 degrees
20 minutes, for a distance of 104.04 feet; thence deflect to the right 9
degrees 44 minutes, for a distance of 35.00 feet; thence deflect to the right
90 degrees 00 minutes, for a distance of 64.75 feet; thence deflect to the
right on a curve (Delta angle 90 degrees 00 minutes, radius 20.00 minutes) for
an arc distance of 31.42 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning;
(6) that
part of Government Lot 1, Section 35, Township 106, Range 5, Winona County,
Minnesota, which is more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 9 of
Block "B" of Fern Glen Acres; thence in a northeasterly direction
along the southerly line of said Lot 9, a distance of 56.00 feet; thence at a
deflection angle to the right of 90 degrees 00 minutes a distance of 180.00
feet to an iron pipe monument which marks the point of beginning; thence at a
deflection angle to the left of 80 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds a distance of
113.20 feet to the southerly right-of-way of U.S. Highway No. 61; thence at a
deflection angle to the right of 84 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds and
southeasterly along the southerly right-of-way line of said
U.S. Highway
No. 61 a distance of 147.73 feet; thence at a deflection angle to the right of
87 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds a distance of 193.87 feet; thence at a
deflection angle to the right of 88 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds a distance of
132.18 feet; thence at a deflection angle to the right of 90 degrees 40 minutes
00 seconds a distance of 93.23 feet; thence at a deflection angle to the left
of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 30.35 feet, more or less, to
the point of beginning;
(7) that
part of Government Lot 1, Section 35, Township 106 North, Range 5 West, Winona
County, Minnesota, which is more particularly bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of
Lot 9 of Block "B" of the Plat of Fern Glen Acres; thence in a
northeasterly direction along the southerly line of said Lot 9 a distance of
56.00 feet; thence at a deflection angle to the right of 90 degrees 00 minutes
a distance of 180.00 feet; thence at a deflection angle to the left of 9
degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 164.29 feet to an iron pipe
monument which marks the point of beginning; thence at a deflection angle to
the left of 89 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds a distance of 102.19 feet to the
southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 61; thence at a deflection
angle to the right of 92 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds and southeasterly along
the southerly right-of-way line of said U.S. highway a distance of 85.10 feet;
thence at a deflection angle to the right of 87 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds a
distance of 187.89 feet; thence at a deflection angle to the right of 88
degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds a distance of 85.02 feet; thence at a deflection
angle to the right of 91 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds a distance of 91.68
feet, more or less, to the point of beginning;
(8) that
part of Government Lots 1 and 2, Section 35, Township 106, Range 5, Winona
County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 8 of
Fern Glen Acres; thence South 33 degrees East 82.5 feet; thence North 57
degrees East 24.4 feet; thence South 43 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds East
217.66 feet to an iron pipe in place; thence South 42 degrees 04 minutes East
296.1 feet to an iron pipe and the point of beginning; thence South 48 degrees
30 minutes 30 seconds West 107.35 feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing South
48 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 12.11 feet; thence South 40 degrees 29
minutes 30 seconds East 100.7 feet; thence North 48 degrees 30 minutes 30
seconds East 17.83 feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing North 48 degrees 30
minutes 30 seconds East 111.83 feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing North 48
degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds East 70.61 feet to an iron pipe at a point on the
southerly boundary line of Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 61 right-of-way;
thence along said southerly boundary line a chord distance of 100.7 feet on a
bearing North 40 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West to an iron pipe; thence
South 48 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 80.54 feet to the point of
(9) that
part of Government Lots 1 and 2, Section 35, Township 106 North, Range 5 West,
Winona County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 8 of
Fern Glen Acres; thence South 33 degrees East 82.5 feet; thence North 57
degrees East 24.4 feet; thence South 43 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds East
217.66 feet to an iron pipe in place; thence South 42 degrees 04 minutes East
296.1 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 46 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East
101.05 feet to an iron pipe being the point of beginning; thence South 48
degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 111.83 feet to an iron pipe; thence
continuing South 48 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 17.56 feet; thence South
41 degrees 53 minutes East 192.4 feet; thence North 48 degrees 30 minutes 30
seconds East 94.05 feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing North 48 degrees 30
minutes 30 seconds East 105.95 feet to an iron pipe at a point on the southerly
boundary line of U.S. Highway No. 61 right-of-way; thence along said southerly
boundary line a chord distance of 192.4 feet on a bearing of North 41 degrees
53 minutes West to an iron pipe; thence South 48 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds
West 70.61 feet to the point of beginning;
(10) that
part of Government Lot 2, Section 35, Township 106 North, Range 5 West, Winona
County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing
at the southwest corner of Lot 8 of Fern Glen Acres; thence South 33 degrees
East 82.5 feet; thence North 57 degrees East 24.4 feet; thence South 43 degrees
47 minutes 30 seconds East 217.66 feet to an iron pipe in place; thence South 42
degrees 04 minutes East 296.1 feet; thence South 46 degrees 06 minutes 30
seconds East 371.05 feet to an iron pipe, the point of beginning; thence North
48 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds East 52.45
feet to an iron pipe at a point on the southerly boundary line of Minnesota
Trunk Highway No. 61 right-of-way; thence along said southerly boundary
line a chord distance of 76.80 feet on a bearing of North 43
degrees 09
minutes 30 seconds West to an iron pipe; thence South 48 degrees 30 minutes 30
seconds West 105.95 feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing South 48 degrees 30
minutes 30 seconds West 94.05 feet; thence South 43 degrees 09 minutes 30
seconds East 76.80 feet; thence North 48 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds East
55.93 feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing North 48 degrees 30 minutes 30
seconds East 91.62 feet to the point of beginning;
(11) that
part of Government Lot 2, Section 35, Township 106 North, Range 5 West, Winona
County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing
at the southwest corner of Lot 8 of the Plat of Fern Glen Acres; thence South
33 degrees East 82.5 feet; thence North 57 degrees East 24.4 feet; thence
South 43 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds East 217.66 feet to an iron pipe; thence
South 42 degrees 04 minutes East 296.1 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 46
degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East 371.05 feet to an iron pipe which is the
point of beginning; thence South 48 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West and
along the south line of the property heretofore conveyed by Deed in
Book 237 of Deeds on Page 693, for a distance of 147.55 feet; thence South
44 degrees 33 minutes 19 seconds East 127.91 feet; thence North 43 degrees 53
minutes 30 seconds East and along the northerly line of the property heretofore
conveyed by Deed to Vincent Zanon in Book 252 of Deeds on page 663, for a
distance of 200 feet, more or less, to the southerly right-of-way line of U.S.
Highway No. 61; thence North 44 degrees 38 minutes 48 seconds West and along
said southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 61 for a distance of
111.94 feet to an iron pipe in place at the southeast corner of the property
heretofore conveyed by Deed in Book 237 of Deeds on page 693; thence South
48 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 52.45 feet, more or less, to the point of
(12) that
part of Government Lot 2, Section 35, Township 106 North, Range 5 West, Winona
County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 8 of
the Plat of Fern Glen Acres; thence South 33 degrees East 82.5 feet; thence
North 57 degrees East 24.4 feet; thence South 43 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds
East 217.66 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 42 degrees 04 minutes East 296.1
feet to an iron pipe; thence South 46 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East 371.05
feet to an iron pipe; thence South 48 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West and
along the south line of the property heretofore conveyed by Deed in Book 237 of
Deeds on page 693, for a distance of 147.55 feet; thence South 44 degrees 33 minutes
19 seconds East 127.91 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing South
44 degrees 33 minutes 19 seconds East 112 feet; thence North 43 degrees 53
minutes 30 seconds East and along the north line of the property heretofore
conveyed by Deed in Book 240 of Deeds on page 367, for a distance of 200 feet
to the southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 61; thence North 44
degrees 38 minutes 48 seconds West and along the said southerly right-of-way
line of U.S. Highway No. 61 for a distance of 112 feet; thence South 43
degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West for a distance of 200 feet, more or less, to
the point of beginning; and
(13) that
part of Government Lot 2, Section 35, Township 106 North, Range 5 West, Winona
County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 8,
Block "B" of Fern Glen Acres; thence South 33 degrees East 82.5 feet;
thence North 57 degrees East 24.4 feet; thence South 43 degrees 47 minutes 30
seconds East 217.66 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 42 degrees 04 minutes
East 296.1 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 46 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds
East 599.10 feet to an iron pipe, the point of beginning; thence North 43
degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds East 46.54 feet to a point on the southerly boundary
line of Trunk Highway No. 61 right-of-way; thence along said southerly boundary
line a chord distance of 73.05 feet, bearing South 46 degrees 00 minutes
East; thence continuing along said southerly boundary line South 43 degrees 33
minutes West 10.0 feet; thence continuing along said southerly boundary line a
chord distance of 28.50 feet bearing South 46 degrees 30 minutes East;
thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes West 41.95 feet to an iron pipe in place;
thence South 33 degrees 32 minutes West 255.0 feet; thence North 43 degrees 30
minutes 22 seconds West 146.84 feet; thence North 43 degrees 53 minutes 30
seconds East 184.1 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 43 degrees 53 minutes 30
seconds East 65.9 feet to the point of beginning.
Sec. 8. RUM
(a) The
commissioner of natural resources shall remove the following land within the
Rum River Wild and Scenic River Area in Mille Lacs County from the Minnesota
wild and scenic rivers program under Minnesota Statutes, sections 103F.301 to
103F.345: the West Half of the East Half
of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 38, Range 27, and the
Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said
section, township, and range.
(b) The
commissioner shall amend Minnesota Rules, chapter 6105, and the management plan
for the area to reflect this change. The
commissioner may use the good cause exemption under Minnesota Statutes, section
14.388, subdivision 1, clause (3), to amend rules under this section. Minnesota Statutes, section 14.386, does not
apply except as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 14.388.
Section 1. Laws 2007, chapter 131, article 2, section
38, is amended to read:
Sec. 38. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45, 94.09, and 94.10, the
commissioner of natural resources may sell by public or private sale the
surplus land bordering public water that is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy. If sold by private sale, the
commissioner may only sell the land to a governmental subdivision of the
state. If sold by private sale, the
conveyance may be for less than the value of the land as determined by the
commissioner, but the conveyance must provide that the land be used for the
public and reverts to the state if the governmental subdivision fails to
provide for public use or abandons the public use of the land.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Washington County and is described as follows,
Parcels A and B containing altogether 31.55 acres, more or less:
(1) Parcel A: all that part of the North Half of the
Southeast Quarter, Section 30, Township 30 North, Range 20 West, bounded by the
following described lines: commencing at
the east quarter corner of said Section 30; thence on an assumed bearing of
North 88 degrees 13 minutes 48 seconds West, 399.98 feet on and along the
east-west quarter line of said Section 30 to the point of beginning; thence
North 88 degrees 13 minutes 48 seconds West, 504.57 feet on and along the said
east-west quarter line; thence South 17 degrees 54 minutes 26 seconds West,
1377.65 feet to a point on the south 1/16 line of said Section 30; thence South
88 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds East, 504.44 feet on and along the south 1/16
line of said Section 30; thence North 17 degrees 54 minutes 26 seconds East,
1378.11 feet to the point of beginning; and
(2) Parcel B: all that part of the North Half of the
Southeast Quarter, Section 30, Township 30 North, Range 20 West, bounded by the
following described lines: commencing at
the east quarter corner of said Section 30; thence on an assumed bearing of
North 88 degrees 13 minutes 48 seconds West, 904.55 feet along the east-west
quarter line of said Section 30 to the point of beginning; thence South 17
degrees 54 minutes 26 seconds West, 1377.65 feet to a point on the south 1/16
line of said Section 30; thence North 88 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds West,
369.30 feet along said south 1/16 line; thence North 42 degrees 24 minutes 47
seconds West, 248.00 feet; thence North 02 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds
East, 488.11 feet; thence North 47 degrees 41 minutes 19 seconds East, 944.68
feet to a point on the east-west quarter line of said Section 30; thence South
88 degrees 13 minutes 48 seconds East, 236.03 feet along said east-west quarter
line to the point of beginning.
(d) The land
borders Long Lake and is not contiguous to other state lands. The land was donated to the state with the
understanding that the land would be used as a wildlife sanctuary. The Department of Natural Resources has
determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
Sec. 2. Laws 2008, chapter 368, article 1, section
34, is amended to read:
Sec. 34. PRIVATE
(a) Notwithstanding
Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10 to 94.16, the
commissioner of natural resources may sell by private sale shall sell
to the city of Wayzata the surplus land that is described in paragraph (c)
upon verification that the city has acquired the adjacent parcel, currently
occupied by a gas station.
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy. The commissioner may sell the land
described in paragraph (c) to the city of Wayzata, for less than the
value of the land as determined by the commissioner no more than
$100,000 plus transaction costs, but the conveyance must provide that the
land described in paragraph (c) be used for the a public road and
reverts to the state if the city of Wayzata fails to provide for public use of
the land as a road or abandons the public use of the land.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Hennepin County and is described as: Tract F, Registered Land Survey No. 1168.
(d) The
Department of Natural Resources has determined that the state's land management
interests would best be served if the land was conveyed to the city of Wayzata.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 3. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Aitkin County and is described as:
(1) parts of
Government Lot 3, Section 33, and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter, Section 28, all in Township 50 North, Range 23 West, Aitkin County,
Minnesota, described as follows:
at the north quarter corner of said Section 33; thence South 88 degrees 07
minutes 19 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the northerly line of said
Government Lot 3, a distance of 1020.00 feet to the point of beginning of the
tract to herein be described; thence North 1 degree 52 minutes 41 seconds West
660.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 07 minutes 19 seconds West 300 feet;
thence South 1 degree 52 minutes 41 seconds East 660.00 feet to the northerly
line of said Government Lot 3; thence South 88 degrees 07 minutes 19 seconds
West 15.08 feet to the northwest corner of said Government Lot 3; thence South
1 degree 08 minutes 57 seconds East 326.00 feet, more or less, to the shoreline
of Big Sandy Lake Reservoir; thence easterly along the said shoreline to a
point which bears South 1 degree 52 minutes 41 seconds East from the point of
beginning; thence North 1 degree 52 minutes 41 seconds West 330.00 feet, more
or less, to the point of beginning of the tract to herein be described and
there terminating, containing 3.89 acres, more or less; and
(2) those
parts of Government Lot 3, Section 33 and the Southeast Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter, Section 28, all in Township 50 North, Range 23 West,
described as follows:
at the north quarter corner of said Section 33; thence South 88 degrees 07
minutes 19 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the northerly line of said
Government Lot 3, a distance of 920.00 feet to the point of beginning of the
tract to herein be described; thence North 1 degree 52 minutes 41 seconds West
660.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 07 minutes 19 seconds West 100.00 feet;
thence South 1 degree 52 minutes 41 seconds East 990.00 feet, more or less, to
the shoreline of Big Sandy Lake Reservoir; thence easterly along the said
shoreline to a point which bears South 1 degree 52 minutes 41 seconds East from
the point of beginning; thence North 1 degree 52 minutes 41 seconds West 341.60
feet, more or less, to the point of beginning of the tract to herein be
described and there terminating.
(d) The land
borders Big Sandy Lake. The Department
of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural
resource purposes.
(a) Notwithstanding
Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by private sale to the city of Ham Lake the surplus land
that is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Anoka County and is described as:
That part of
Government Lot 1, Section 20, Township 32 North, Range 23 West, described as
follows: beginning at the quarter corner
on the east line of Section 20, thence northerly along the east line of said
Section 20, a distance of 1,250 feet; thence westerly and parallel to the east
and west quarter line of Section 20, a distance of 400 feet; thence southerly
and parallel to the east line of Section 20, a distance of 750 feet; thence
westerly and parallel to the east and west quarter line of Section 20, a
distance of 750 feet; thence southerly and parallel to the east line of Section
20, a distance of 500 feet, to the east and west quarter line of Section 20;
thence easterly along the quarter line a distance of 1,150 feet to the point of
beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less.
(d) The city
of Ham Lake currently leases the state land for a hiking trail in connection
with Anoka County's management of adjacent public lands used for a county
park. The Department of Natural
Resources has determined that the state's land management interests would best
be served if the land was conveyed to the city of Ham Lake.
Sec. 5. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Anoka County and is described as: the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter, Section 36, Township 34 North, Range 24 West, containing 40 acres,
more or less.
(d) The land
borders Sand Shore Lake and is not contiguous to other state lands. The Department of Natural Resources has
determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
Sec. 6. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Beltrami County and is described as: Government Lot 7, Section 25, Township 149
North, Range 33 West, containing 22 acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders Bass Lake. The Department of
Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural
resource purposes.
Sec. 7. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Beltrami County and is described as: the West Half of the Northwest Quarter,
Section 29, Township 147 North, Range 34 West, containing 80 acres, more or
(d) The land
borders Grant Creek. The Department of
Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural
resource purposes.
Sec. 8. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Cass County and is described as: Lot 21 of Longwood Point, according to the map
or plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in
and for Cass County, Minnesota, in Section 5, Township 139 North, Range 26 West,
containing 3.03 acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders Washburn Lake. The Department of
Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural
resource purposes.
Sec. 9. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Cass County and is described as: Government Lots 5 and 6, Section 3, Township
141 North, Range 27 West, containing 81.15 acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders Mable Lake and is not contiguous to other state lands. The Department of Natural Resources has
determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
Sec. 10. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Cass County and is described as: that part of Government Lot 4, Section 8,
Township 140 North, Range 31 West, Cass County, Minnesota, lying southerly and
westerly of the following described lines: Commencing at the southeast corner of said
Government Lot 4; thence North 01 degree 39 minutes 59 seconds West on an
assumed bearing along the east line of said Government Lot 4 a distance of
420.54 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 87 degrees 57 minutes 14
seconds West a distance of 481.15 feet; thence southwesterly along a tangential
curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 145.00 feet, a central angle
of 69 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, for a distance of 174.61 feet; thence
South 23 degrees 02 minutes 46 seconds West, tangent to said curve, a distance
of 255 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the old County Road; thence
northwesterly, westerly, and southwesterly a distance of 520 feet along said
centerline to the point of intersection with the centerline of County State-Aid
Highway No. 6; thence northwesterly a distance of 414.53 feet along the
centerline of said County State-Aid Highway No. 6 to the point of intersection
with the west line of said Government Lot 4 and there terminating. Containing 11.16 acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders Ten Mile Lake. The Department of
Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural
resource purposes.
Sec. 11. PRIVATE
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land that is
described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy. The commissioner may sell the land to the
White Earth Band of Ojibwe for less than the value of the land as determined by
the commissioner, but the conveyance must provide that the land be used for the
public and reverts to the state if the band fails to provide for public use or
abandons the public use of the land. The
conveyance may reserve an easement for ingress and egress.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Clearwater County and is described as: the West 400 feet of the South 750 feet of
Government Lot 3, Section 31, Township 145 North, Range 38 West, containing
6.89 acres, more or less.
(d) The
Department of Natural Resources has determined that the land and building are
no longer needed for natural resource purposes.
Sec. 12. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural resources
may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that is
described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Crow Wing County and is described as:
Government Lot 3, Section 9, Township 136 North, Range 28 West, containing
39.25 acres, more or less; and
Government Lot 2, Section 9, Township 136 North, Range 28 West, containing 25.3
acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders Shaffer Lake and is not contiguous to other state lands. The Department of Natural Resources has
determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
Sec. 13. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Crow Wing County and is described as: the North 1,000 feet of Government Lot 3,
Section 25, Township 136 North, Range 27 West, excepting that portion which
lies North and East of F.A.S #11, containing 32 acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders the Pine River. The Department
of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural
resource purposes.
Sec. 14. CITY
The portion
of land conveyed to the city of Eagan under Laws 1995, chapter 159, now
described as Parcel No. 10-30601-090-00, Outlot I, Gopher Eagan Industrial Park
2nd Addition, may be used for a colocation facility that provides secured space
for public and private Internet and telecommunications network equipment and
servers, notwithstanding the provision that the land reverts to the state if it
is not used for public park or open space purposes. The commissioner of revenue is authorized to
issue a state deed that provides for the land described above to be used for
this purpose. The colocation facility
must not be used by the municipality to provide voice, video, or Internet
access services to the residents or businesses located in the city of Eagan. Nothing in this section is intended to
restrict or limit the city of Eagan from communicating with its residents and
businesses regarding governmental information and providing for the delivery of
electronic services.
Sec. 15. PRIVATE
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land that is
described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Fillmore County and is described as:
That part of
the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 103
North, Range 10 West, described as follows: commencing at the northeast corner of the
North Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence on an assumed
bearing of South 89 degrees 22 minutes 48 seconds West, along the north line of
said North Half of the Northwest Quarter, 500.09 feet; thence South 33 degrees
21 minutes 11 seconds West, 1,520.38 feet; thence North 00 degrees 37 minutes
12 seconds West, 540.85 feet; thence south 89 degrees 22 minutes 48
seconds West, 630.00 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be
described; thence North 00 degrees 37 minutes 12 seconds West, 551.74 feet
to the center line of Goodview Drive; thence North 89 degrees 03 minutes
27 seconds West, along said center line 77.26 feet; thence South 89 degrees 52
minutes 18 seconds West, along said center line, 162.78 feet; thence South 25
degrees 32 minutes 45 seconds West, 82.13 feet; thence South 20 degrees 17
minutes 19 seconds West, 169.57 feet; thence South 18 degrees 48 minutes 07
seconds West, 143.54 feet; thence South 26 degrees 31 minutes 49 seconds West,
211.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 48 seconds East, 480.75 feet to
the point of beginning. Subject to the
right-of-way of said Goodview Drive.
Containing 4.53 acres, more or less.
(d) The sale
would be to the Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center for installation of a
geothermal heating system for the center's adjacent educational
facilities. The Department of Natural
Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural resource
Sec. 16. PRIVATE
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45, 94.09, and 94.10, the
commissioner of natural resources may sell by private sale to the city of St.
Louis Park the surplus land that is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy. The commissioner may sell to the city of St.
Louis Park for less than the value of the land as determined by the
commissioner, but the conveyance must provide that the land described in
paragraph (c) be used for the public and reverts to the state if the city of
St. Louis Park fails to provide for public use or abandons the public use
of the land.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Hennepin County and is described as:
A strip of
land 130 feet wide in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section
20, Township 117 North, Range 21 West, the center line of which strip has its
beginning at a point on the west boundary of said Southeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter, and 753.8 feet distant from the south boundary line of said
Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and continued thence east on a line
parallel with the south boundary line of said Southeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter for a distance of 1,012 feet, containing 3.02 acres, more or
(d) The land
is adjacent to Minnehaha Creek and adjacent to other lands managed by the city
of St. Louis Park. The Department of
Natural Resources has determined that the state's land management interest
would best be served if the land were conveyed to the city of St. Louis Park.
Sec. 17. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Hubbard County and is described as: those parts of Government Lot 4 and the
Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 16, Township 143 North,
Range 34 West, Hubbard County, Minnesota, lying southerly and easterly of
Minnesota Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Plat Numbered 29-18 and
Minnesota Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Plat Numbered 29-2 as the
same is on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder for Hubbard
County, Minnesota, and lying westerly of the East 600 feet of said Government
Lot 4, containing 14.6 acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders Lake Paine. The Department of
Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural
resource purposes.
Sec. 18. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Itasca County and is described as: Lot 23, Eagle Point Plat, Section 11,
Township 59 North, Range 25 West, containing 0.31 acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders Eagle Lake and is not contiguous to other state lands. The Department of Natural Resources has
determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, and any other law relating
to the apportionment of proceeds from the sale of tax-forfeited land, Itasca
County may deposit proceeds from the sale of tax-forfeited lands into a
tax-forfeited land replacement trust fund created in Laws 2006, chapter 236,
article 1, section 43, as amended by Laws 2008, chapter 368, article 1, section
18. The principal and interest from
these proceeds may be spent only on the purchase of lands to replace the
tax-forfeited lands sold to Minnesota Steel Industries or for lands better
suited for retention by Itasca County.
Lands purchased with the land replacement fund must:
(1) become
subject to a trust in favor of the governmental subdivision wherein they lie
and all laws related to tax-forfeited lands; and
(2) be for
forest management purposes and dedicated as memorial forest under Minnesota
Statutes, section 459.06, subdivision 2.
Sec. 20. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
Kittson County may sell the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is
described in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota
Statutes, chapter 282.
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make changes to the
land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
to be sold is located in Kittson County and is described as: that certain parcel situate in the Southwest
Quarter of Section 10; Township 163 North, Range 48 West, described as follows:
beginning at the southeast corner of
said Southwest Quarter of said Section 10; thence West along the south boundary
line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 1,900 feet; thence North and
parallel to the east boundary line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of
1,050 feet; thence East and parallel to the south boundary line of said
Southwest Quarter a distance of 750 feet; thence southeasterly in a straight
line to the point of beginning.
Sec. 21. PRIVATE
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale to the township of Murray the
surplus land that is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general and may be for
consideration less than the appraised value of the land. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
to be sold is located in Murray County and is described as: that part of Government Lot 6, that part of
Government Lot 7, and that part of Government Lot 8 of Section 6, Township 107
North, Range 40 West, and that part of Government Lot 1 and that part of
Government Lot 2 of Section 7, Township 107 North, Range 40 West, Murray
County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the east quarter corner of said
Section 6; thence on a bearing based on the 1983 Murray County Coordinate
System (1996 Adjustment), of South 00 degrees 17 minutes 23 seconds East 1247.75
feet along the east line of said Section 6; thence South 88 degrees 39 minutes
00 seconds West 1942.74 feet; thence South 03 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds
West 94.92 feet to the northeast corner of Block 5 of FORMAN ACRES, according
to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Murray County
Recorder's Office; thence South 14 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West 525.30
feet along the easterly line of said Block 5 and along the easterly line of the
private roadway of FORMAN ACRES to the southeasterly corner of said private
roadway and the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 82 degrees 15 minutes 00
seconds West 796.30 feet along the southerly line of said private roadway to an
angle point on said line and an existing 1/2 inch diameter rebar; thence South
64 degrees 28 minutes 26 seconds West 100.06 feet along the southerly line of
said private roadway to an angle point on said line and an existing 1/2 inch
diameter rebar; thence South 33 degrees 01 minute 32 seconds West 279.60 feet
along the southerly line of said private roadway to an angle point on said
line; thence South 76 degrees 04 minutes 52 seconds West 766.53 feet along the
southerly line of said private roadway to a 3/4 inch diameter rebar with a
plastic cap stamped "MN DNR LS 17003" (DNR MON); thence South 16
degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds West 470.40 feet to a DNR MON; thence South 24
degrees 09 minutes 57 seconds West 262.69 feet to a DNR MON; thence South 08
degrees 07 minutes 09 seconds West 332.26 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 51
degrees 40 minutes 02 seconds West 341.79 feet to the east line of Lot A of Lot
SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 107, RANGE 40, according to the recorded plat thereof on
file and of record in the Murray County Recorder's Office and a DNR MON; thence
South 14 degrees 28 minutes 55 seconds West 71.98 feet along the east line of
said Lot A to the northerly most corner of Lot 36 of HUDSON ACRES, according to
the record plat thereof on file and of record in the Murray County Recorder's
Office and an existing steel fence post; thence South 51
degrees 37
minutes 05 seconds East 418.97 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lot 36
and along the northeasterly line of Lots 35, 34, 33, 32 of HUDSON ACRES to an
existing 1-inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the easterly most corner of
Lot 32 and the most northerly corner of Lot 31A of HUDSON ACRES; thence South
48 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds East 298.26 feet along the northeasterly line
of said Lot 31A to an existing 1 1/2-inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the
easterly most corner thereof and the most northerly corner of Lot 31 of
HUDSON ACRES; thence South 33 degrees 53 minute 30 seconds East 224.96 feet
along the northeasterly line of said Lot 31 and along the northeasterly line of
Lots 30 and 29 of HUDSON ACRES to an existing 1 1/2-inch inside diameter iron
pipe marking the easterly most corner of said Lot 29 and the most northerly
corner of Lot 28 of HUDSON ACRES; thence South 45 degrees 23 minutes 54 seconds
East 375.07 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lot 28 and along the
northeasterly line of Lots 27, 26, 25, 24 of HUDSON ACRES to an existing 1
1/2-inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the easterly most corner of said Lot
24 and the most northerly corner of Lot 23 of HUDSON ACRES; thence South 64
degrees 39 minutes 53 seconds East 226.80 feet along the northeasterly line of
said Lot 23 and along the northeasterly line of Lots 22 and 21 of HUDSON ACRES
to an existing 1 1/2-inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the easterly most
corner of said Lot 21 and the most northerly corner of Lot 20 of HUDSON ACRES;
thence South 39 degrees 49 minutes 49 seconds East 524.75 feet along the
northeasterly line of said Lot 20 and along the northeasterly line of Lots 19,
18, 17, 16, 15, 14 of HUDSON ACRES to an existing 1 1/2-inch inside diameter
iron pipe marking the easterly most corner of said Lot 14 and the most
northerly corner of Lot 13 of HUDSON ACRES; thence South 55 degrees 31 minutes
43 seconds East 225.11 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lot 13 and
along the northeasterly line of Lots 12 and 11 of HUDSON ACRES to an existing 1
1/2-inch inside diameter iron pipe marking the easterly most corner of said Lot
11 and the northwest corner of Lot 10 of HUDSON ACRES; thence South 88 degrees
03 minutes 49 seconds East 224.90 feet along the north line of said Lot 10 and
along the north line of Lots 9 and 8 of HUDSON ACRES to an existing 1 1/2-inch
inside diameter iron pipe marking the northeast corner of said Lot 8 and the
northwest corner of Lot 7 of HUDSON ACRES; thence North 84 degrees 07 minutes
37 seconds East 525.01 feet along the north line of said Lot 7 and along the
north line of Lots 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of HUDSON ACRES to an existing 1 1/2-inch
inside diameter iron pipe marking the northeast corner of said Lot 1 of HUDSON
ACRES; thence southeasterly, easterly, and northerly along a nontangential
curve concave to the North having a radius of 50.00 feet, central angle 138
degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 121.04 feet, chord bears North 63
degrees 30 minutes 12 seconds East; thence continuing northwesterly and
westerly along the previously described curve concave to the South having a
radius of 50.00 feet, central angle 138 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds, a
distance of 121.04 feet, chord bears North 75 degrees 11 minutes 47 seconds
West and a DNR MON; thence South 84 degrees 09 minutes 13 seconds West not
tangent to said curve 520.52 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 88 degrees 07 minutes
40 seconds West 201.13 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 55 degrees 32 minutes 12
seconds West 196.66 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 39 degrees 49 minutes 59
seconds West 530.34 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 64 degrees 41 minutes 41
seconds West 230.01 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 45 degrees 23 minutes 00
seconds West 357.33 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 33 degrees 53 minutes 30
seconds West 226.66 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 48 degrees 30 minutes 31
seconds West 341.45 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 08 degrees 07 minutes 09
seconds East 359.28 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 24 degrees 09 minutes 57
seconds East 257.86 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 16 degrees 24 minutes 50
seconds East 483.36 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 76 degrees 04 minutes 52
seconds East 715.53 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 33 degrees 01 minute 32
seconds East 282.54 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 64 degrees 28 minutes 26
seconds East 84.97 feet to a DNR MON; thence South 82 degrees 15 minutes 00
seconds East 788.53 feet to a DNR MON; thence North 07 degrees 45 minutes 07
seconds East 26.00 feet to the point of beginning; containing 7.55 acres.
(d) The
Department of Natural Resources has determined that the state's land management
interests would best be served if the lands were conveyed to the township of
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, Red Lake
County may convey to the city of Red Lake Falls for no consideration the
tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general and provide that
the land reverts to the state if the city of Red Lake Falls fails to provide
for the public use described in paragraph (d) or abandons the public use of the
land. The attorney general may make
necessary changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure
(c) The land
that may be conveyed is located in Red Lake County and is described as follows:
all that part of Block 5 which lies
North of Block 6 and West of a line which is a projection northerly of the west
line of Lot 11 of said Block 6, all in Mill Reserve Addition, containing
approximately 500 feet frontage on the Clearwater River.
(d) The city
will use the land to establish a public park.
Sec. 23. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as: Government Lot 4, Section 36, Township 58
North, Range 16 West, St. Louis County, Minnesota, EXCEPTING therefrom that
part platted as SILVER LAKE SHORES according to the plat on file and of record
in the Office of the Recorder for St. Louis County, Minnesota, containing 7.88
acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders Silver Lake and is not contiguous to other state lands. The Department of Natural Resources has determined
that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
Sec. 24. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy. The commissioner may not sell any part of the
land described in paragraph (c) that is being used for airport purposes by the
city of Eveleth or is proposed to be used for airport purposes by the city of
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as: the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, Section 16, Township 57 North, Range 17 West, St. Louis County,
Minnesota, except that part of the North 10 feet thereof lying East of St.
Mary's Lake and also except that part lying East of County State-Aid Highway
132, containing 26.5 acres, more or less.
(d) The land
borders St. Mary's Lake and is not contiguous to other state lands. The Department of Natural Resources has
determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
Sec. 25. PRIVATE
Notwithstanding the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282,
or other law to the contrary, St. Louis County shall sell by private sale the
tax-forfeited land described in paragraph (c) to the nearest private landowner
who has owned proximate land for at least 70 years.
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make changes to the
land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as: Lots 150 and 151, NE NA MIK KA TA, town
of Breitung, Section 6, Township 62 North, Range 15 West.
(d) The
county has determined that the county's land management interests would best be
served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
Sec. 26. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
St. Louis County may sell the tax-forfeited land bordering public water that is
described in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota
Statutes, chapter 282.
(b) The
conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make changes to the
land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy. The conveyances must include any easements or
deed restrictions specified in paragraph (c).
(c) The
lands to be sold are located in St. Louis County and are described as:
(1) the East
Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,
Section 5, Township 50 North, Range 14 West.
Conveyance of this land must provide, for no consideration, an easement
to the state that is 75 feet in width on each side of the centerline of East
Branch Chester Creek, to provide riparian protection and angler access;
(2) the East
Half of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section
5, Township 50 North, Range 14 West.
Conveyance of this land must provide, for no consideration, an easement
to the state that is 75 feet in width on each side of the centerline of East
Branch Chester Creek, to provide riparian protection and angler access;
(3) the West
Half of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,
Section 5, Township 50 North, Range 14 West.
Conveyance of this land must provide, for no consideration, an easement
to the state that is 75 feet in width on each side of the centerline of East
Branch Chester Creek, to provide riparian protection and angler access;
(4) the West
Half of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the
West Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,
Section 4, Township 51 North, Range 17 West;
(5) all that
part or strip lying North of the Savanna River, about 3 to 4 acres of the
Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 7, Township 51 North, Range
20 West;
(6) Government
Lot 1, Section 18, Township 53 North, Range 18 West;
(7) the
Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 34, Township 53 North,
Range 19 West;
(8) Lot 2,
Jingwak Beach 1st Addition, town of Cotton, Section 20, Township 54 North,
Range 16 West;
(9) Lot 4,
Jingwak Beach 1st Addition, town of Cotton, Section 20, Township 54 North,
Range 16 West;
(10) Lots 1,
2, 3, and 4, 1st Addition to Strand Lake, Section 20, Township 54 North, Range
16 West;
(11) the
Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 1, Township 55 North, Range
20 East. Conveyance of this land must
provide, for no consideration, an easement to the state that is 75 feet in
width on each side of the centerline of East Swan River, to provide riparian
protection and angler access;
(12) that
part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter beginning at the
intersection of the east line of Highway 4 with the north line of the Northeast
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 500 feet; thence East 350 feet;
thence North 500 feet; thence West 350 feet to the point of beginning, Section
19, Township 57 North, Range 15 West.
Conveyance of this land must provide, for no consideration, an easement
to the state that is 75 feet in width on each side of the centerline of the
unnamed stream, to provide riparian protection and angler access. Where there is less than 75 feet from the
centerline of the stream channel to the north property line, the easement shall
be granted to the north property line;
(13) the
West Half of Lot 1, Section 22, Township 58 North, Range 16 West. Conveyance of this land must provide, for no
consideration, a 33-foot road easement to the state for access to Black
Lake. The conveyance must include a deed
restriction prohibiting buildings, structures, tree cutting, removal of
vegetation, and shoreland alterations across a 75-foot strip from the ordinary
high water mark, except a 15-foot strip is allowed for lake access and a dock;
(14) the
South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, except the North
Half of the Southwest Quarter, Section 32, Township 62 North, Range 18
West. Conveyance of this land must
provide, for no consideration, an easement to the state that is 105 feet in
width on each side of the centerline of Rice River, to provide riparian
protection and angler access.
(d) The
county has determined that the county's land management interests would best be
served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
Sec. 27. PRIVATE
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, St. Louis
County may sell by private sale the tax-forfeited land bordering public water
that is described in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions of Minnesota
Statutes, chapter 282.
(b) The
conveyances must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make changes to the
land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy. The conveyances must include any easements or
deed restrictions specified in paragraph (c).
(c) The
lands to be sold are located in St. Louis County and are described as:
(1) an
undivided 1369/68040 interest, Lot 8, Section 16, Township 50 North, Range 17
(2) an
undivided 1470/10080 interest, Lot 5, Section 17, Township 50 North, Range 17
(3) an
undivided 23/288 interest, Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section
21, Township 50 North, Range 17 West;
(4) an
undivided 23/288 interest, Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section
21, Township 50 North, Range 17 West;
(5) the
easterly 200 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter lying South
of the river, Section 21, Township 58 North, Range 15 West. The conveyance must include a deed
restriction that limits removal of live trees, shrubs, and green plants to 25
percent of the parcel; and
(6) that part
of Lot 7 beginning at a point 530 feet East of the southwest corner; thence
North 30 degrees East 208 feet; thence North 55 degrees East 198 feet; thence
10 feet more or less on the same line to the waters edge; thence South along
the waters edge to the south boundary line of Lot 7; thence 10 feet West;
thence West on the same line 198 feet to the point of beginning, Section 5,
Township 62 North, Range 16 West. The
conveyance must include a deed restriction prohibiting buildings, structures,
tree cutting, removal of vegetation, and shoreland alterations across a 75-foot
strip from the ordinary high water mark.
(d) The
county has determined that the county's land management interests would best be
served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
Sec. 28. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45 and 282.018, subdivision 1,
and the public sale provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282, St. Louis
County may sell by public or private sale the tax-forfeited land bordering
public water that is described in paragraph (c), under the remaining provisions
of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 282.
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make changes to the
land description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
to be sold is located in St. Louis County and is described as: Lot 5, Block 1, Williams Lakeview, town of
Great Scott, Section 34, Township 60 North, Range 19 West.
(d) The
county has determined that the county's land management interests would best be
served if the lands were returned to private ownership.
Sec. 29. PUBLIC
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 92.45, the commissioner of natural
resources may sell by public sale the surplus land bordering public water that
is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary changes
to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Sherburne County and is described as: the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter, Section 16, Township 33 North, Range 27 West, containing 40 acres,
more or less.
(d) The land
borders Elk River and is not contiguous to other state lands. The Department of Natural Resources has
determined that the land is not needed for natural resource purposes.
Sec. 30. PRIVATE
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.45, 94.09, and 94.10, the
commissioner of natural resources may sell by private sale the surplus land
that is described in paragraph (c).
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.135, subdivision 2a, the
surplus land described in paragraph (c) is vacated from the Grey Eagle Wildlife
Management Area upon sale.
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general. The attorney general may make necessary
changes to the legal description to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
that may be sold is located in Todd County and is described as: the East 50.00 feet of the South 165.00 feet
of Government Lot 3, Section 16, Township 127 North, Range 33 West, Todd
County, Minnesota, containing 0.19 acres, more or less.
(d) The sale
would resolve an unintentional trespass by the adjacent owner. While Lot 3 of Section 16, Township 127
North, Range 33 West, borders Bunker Lake, the portion of Lot 3 to be sold does
not border public waters. The Department
of Natural Resources has determined that the land is not needed for natural
resource purposes.
Sec. 31. PRIVATE
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 94.10, the commissioner
of natural resources may sell by private sale to Afton Alps the surplus land
that is described in paragraph (c).
(b) The
conveyance must be in a form approved by the attorney general and may be for consideration
less than the appraised value of the land.
The attorney general may make necessary changes to the legal description
to correct errors and ensure accuracy.
(c) The land
to be sold is located in Washington County and is described as:
(1) that
part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township
27, Range 20, Washington County, Minnesota that lies South of the North 800
feet thereof and North of the following described line: Commencing at a point 800 feet South of the
northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence 154
feet East; thence 228 feet East; thence South 430 feet; thence East 930.58
feet; thence North 430 feet, to the point of beginning of the line to be
described; thence West to the point of commencement and said line there
terminating; and
(2) that
part of the North 208 feet of the South 866 feet of the East 208 feet of the
Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 27, Range 20,
Washington County, Minnesota that lies northwesterly of the following described
line: Commencing at the northwest corner
of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 3; thence
South along the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, a
distance of 900 feet; thence easterly, at a right angle, a distance of 660
feet, to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence
northeasterly to a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter distant 275 feet South of the northeast corner thereof, and
said line there terminating.
(d) The
Department of Natural Resources has determined that the state's land management
interests would best be served if the land were conveyed to the adjacent
commissioner of natural resources shall work with the commissioner of veterans
affairs to locate sites throughout the state that would be appropriate for a
new veterans cemetery.
Sections 1
to 32 are effective the day following final enactment."
Delete the
title and insert:
"A bill
for an act relating to state lands; providing for certain private sales to
resolve trespass issues; authorizing acquisition of certain easements;
modifying management authority for tax-forfeited lands; adding to and deleting
from certain state parks; removing land from the Minnesota wild and scenic
rivers program; authorizing public and private sales of surplus state land;
modifying previous sales authorization and land description; requiring location
of sites for veterans cemetery; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections
84.0273; 282.04, subdivision 1; Laws 2007, chapter 131, article 2, section 38;
Laws 2008, chapter 368, article 1, sections 21, subdivisions 4, 5; 34;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 84."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Carlson from
the Committee on Finance to which was referred:
H. F. No. 863,
A bill for an act relating to energy; allowing carry forward of excess energy
savings by power companies; requiring study of conservation improvement
program; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 216B.241, subdivision 1c.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
116C.779, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Renewable
energy production incentive. (a)
Until January 1, 2018 2021, up to $10,900,000 annually
must be allocated from available funds in the account to fund renewable energy
production incentives. $9,400,000 of this annual amount is for incentives for up
to 200 megawatts of electricity generated by wind energy conversion systems
that are eligible for the incentives under section 216C.41 or Laws 2005,
chapter 40.
(b) The balance of this amount, up to
$1,500,000 annually, may be used for production incentives for on-farm biogas
recovery facilities and hydroelectric facilities that are eligible for
the incentive under section 216C.41 or for production incentives for other
renewables, to be provided in the same manner as under section 216C.41.
(c) Any
funds allocated to incentive payments for wind energy conversion systems under
paragraph (a) that are not expended for that purpose must be allocated to
incentive payments under paragraph (b) if necessary to fully pay eligible
claims for incentive payments to qualified on-farm biogas recovery facilities
and hydroelectric facilities.
(d) If funds
allocated in calendar year 2010 under paragraphs (b) and (c) are insufficient
to fully pay eligible claims for incentive payments to qualified on-farm biogas
recovery facilities and hydroelectric facilities, up to $500,000 of additional
funds in the renewable development account must be allocated to make up the
(e) Any portion of the $10,900,000 not
expended in any calendar year for the incentive is available for other spending
purposes under this section. This
subdivision does not create an obligation to contribute funds to the account.
(b) (f) The Department of Commerce shall determine eligibility
of projects under section 216C.41 for the purposes of this subdivision. At least quarterly, the Department of
Commerce shall notify the public utility of the name and address of each
eligible project owner and the amount due to each project under section
216C.41. The public utility shall make
payments within 15 working days after receipt of notification of payments due.
Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 116C.779, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 3.
Initiative for Renewable
Energy and the Environment. (a)
Beginning July 1, 2011, and each July 1 thereafter, $5,000,000 must be
allocated from the renewable development account to fund a grant to the Board
of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Initiative for Renewable
Energy and the Environment for the purposes described in paragraph (b). The Initiative for Renewable Energy and the
Environment must set aside at least 15 percent of the funds received annually
under the grant for qualified projects conducted at a rural campus or
experiment station. Any set-aside funds
not awarded to a rural campus or experiment station at the end of the fiscal
year revert back to the Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment for
its exclusive use. This subdivision does
not create an obligation to contribute funds to the account.
Activities funded under this grant may include, but are not limited to:
environmentally sound production of energy from a renewable energy source,
including biomass;
environmentally sound production of hydrogen from biomass and any other
renewable energy source for energy storage and energy utilization;
development of energy conservation and efficient energy utilization
(4) energy
storage technologies; and
(5) analysis
of policy options to facilitate adoption of technologies that use or produce
low-carbon renewable energy.
(c) For the
purposes of this subdivision:
"biomass" means plant and animal material, agricultural and forest
residues, mixed municipal solid waste, and sludge from wastewater treatment;
"renewable energy source" means hydro, wind, solar, biomass, and
geothermal energy, and microorganisms used as an energy source.
Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 117.189, is
amended to read:
117.031; 117.036; 117.055, subdivision 2, paragraph (b); 117.186; 117.187;
117.188; and 117.52, subdivisions 1a and 4, do not apply to public service
corporations. For purposes of an award
of appraisal fees under section 117.085, the fees awarded may not exceed $500
$1,500 for all types of property.
Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 216B.16,
subdivision 6c, is amended to read:
Subd. 6c. Incentive
plan for energy conservation improvement.
(a) The commission may order public utilities to develop and submit for
commission approval incentive plans that describe the method of recovery and
accounting for utility conservation expenditures and savings. In developing the incentive plans the
commission shall ensure the effective involvement of interested parties.
(b) In
approving incentive plans, the commission shall consider:
(1) whether the
plan is likely to increase utility investment in cost-effective energy
(2) whether the
plan is compatible with the interest of utility ratepayers and other interested
(3) whether the
plan links the incentive to the utility's performance in achieving
cost-effective conservation; and
(4) whether the
plan is in conflict with other provisions of this chapter.
(c) The
commission may set rates to encourage the vigorous and effective implementation
of utility conservation programs. The
commission may:
(1) increase or
decrease any otherwise allowed rate of return on net investment based upon the
utility's skill, efforts, and success in conserving energy;
(2) share
between ratepayers and utilities the net savings resulting from energy
conservation programs to the extent justified by the utility's skill, efforts,
and success in conserving energy; and
(3) compensate
the utility for earnings lost as a result of its conservation programs
adopt any mechanism that satisfies the criteria of this subdivision.
(d) In its
review under section 216B.241, subdivision 2c, the commission shall provide an
incentive that makes effective implementation of cost-effective conservation
the most profitable resource choice for public utilities.
Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 216B.16, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 7d.
University Avenue light rail
transit utility zone cost adjustment.
(a) "University Avenue light rail transit utility zone" or
"utility zone" means an area extending no more than one-half mile on
either side of the route for the planned light rail transit system connecting
the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul along University Avenue.
(b) A public
utility that provides retail electric service within the utility zone, and
which is required to replace, relocate, construct, or install facilities
because of the mass transit system, may apply to the commission for approval of
new facilities in the utility zone.
Facilities proposed under this subdivision are not limited to those
facilities that actually replace dislocated facilities and may include any
transmission facilities, distribution facilities, generation facilities,
advanced technology-assisted efficiency devices, and energy storage facilities
within the utility zone. Upon approval
under paragraph (c), the utility may construct and install the facilities.
(c) The
commission may approve the construction and installation of facilities in a
mass transit utility zone proposed by a utility under paragraph (b) upon a
(1) that the
(i) are
necessary to provide electric service;
(ii) assist
future development of renewable energy, conservation, electric vehicles, or
advanced technology-assisted efficiency programs and devices; or
(iii) are
exploratory, experimental, or research facilities to advance the use of
renewable energy, conservation, electric vehicles, or advanced
technology-assisted efficiency programs and devices;
(2) that the
utility has engaged in a cooperative process with affected local and state
government agencies in the design, planning, or construction of the utility
zone project and changes to utility facilities;
(3) that the
utility and local units of government have made reasonable efforts to seek
federal, state, or private funds that may be available to mass transit and
energy projects;
(4) that the
utility has made reasonable efforts to minimize the costs and maximize the
value to customers of the facilities;
(5) that the
utility has a plan to offer a comprehensive array of programs for residential,
commercial, and industrial customers located within the mass transit zone;
(6) that the
utility direct existing and planned solar energy programs to develop solar
energy along the mass transit utility zone; and
(7) that the
utility has made reasonable efforts to apply for federal funds to develop
technology-assisted efficiency programs and devices within the mass transit
utility zone.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the commission may approve
a tariff mechanism for automatic adjustment of charges for new, replaced, or
relocated facilities installed under this subdivision in a manner consistent
with this subdivision and the standards and procedures contained in subdivision
7b, except that no approval under section 216B.243 or certification under
section 216B.2425 is required unless otherwise required by law. This section does not authorize a
city-requested facilities surcharge.
(e) For the
purpose of this subdivision, "technology-assisted efficiency programs and
devices" includes, but is not limited to, infrastructure that integrates
digital information and controls technology to improve the reliability,
security, and efficiency of the electric grid.
Sec. 6. [216B.1613]
(a) Within 60
days of the effective date of this section, the commission shall initiate a
proceeding to standardize all contract provisions, except those establishing
the power purchase price, for two classes of C-BED projects:
(1) projects
with a nameplate capacity of five megawatts or less; and
(2) projects
with a nameplate capacity of greater than five megawatts.
(b) The
proceeding shall provide for participation by the public and stakeholders. The commission shall issue an order
containing standardized contract language for each class of C-BED project
identified in this section no later than 90 days after the opening of the
proceeding. The standardized contract
form must be similar in all material respects to the standard contract form
previously filed with the commission under section 216B.2423, subdivision 3,
including any revisions to that contract on file with the commission as of the
effective date of this section. Any
applicable C-BED contract signed after the date of the commission's order whose
provisions are not identical to the standardized contract contained in the
commission's order is invalid.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 7. [216B.1614]
Between the
effective date of this section and December 31, 2010, electric utilities, as
defined in section 216B.1691, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), must purchase or
contract to purchase energy from a sufficient number of renewable energy
projects with a nameplate capacity of five megawatts or less so as to total at
least 200 megawatts in the aggregate.
Such projects must be constructed or under construction by December 31,
2010, and must meet the eligibility requirements for a renewable energy
incentive under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009, the
federal Rural Energy for America Program, or other renewable energy incentive
program. Before December 31, 2010, an
electric utility must undertake such projects in approximate proportion to its
share of the total amount of electrical energy sold within this state. This requirement does not prevent an electric
utility from developing or acquiring electrical energy from other sources
either within or outside the state regardless of whether such sources use
renewable energy.
Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 216B.1645,
subdivision 2a, is amended to read:
Subd. 2a. Cost
recovery for utility's renewable facilities. (a) A utility may petition the commission to
approve a rate schedule that provides for the automatic adjustment of charges
to recover prudently incurred investments, expenses, or costs associated with
facilities constructed, owned, or operated by a utility to satisfy the
requirements of section 216B.1691, provided those facilities were previously
approved by the commission under section 216B.2422 or 216B.243, or were
determined by the commission to be reasonable and prudent under section
216B.243, subdivision 9. For a
facility not subject to review by the commission under section 216B.2422 or
216B.243, a utility shall first petition the commission to determine the
utility's eligibility to apply for cost recovery for the facility under this
section. The commission may approve,
or approve as modified, a rate schedule that:
(1) allows a
utility to recover directly from customers on a timely basis the costs of
qualifying renewable energy projects, including:
(i) return on
(iii) ongoing
operation and maintenance costs;
(iv) taxes; and
(v) costs of
transmission and other ancillary expenses directly allocable to transmitting
electricity generated from a project meeting the specifications of this
(2) provides a
current return on construction work in progress, provided that recovery of
these costs from Minnesota ratepayers is not sought through any other
(3) allows
recovery of other expenses incurred that are directly related to a renewable
energy project, including expenses for energy storage, provided that the utility
demonstrates to the commission's satisfaction that the expenses improve project
economics, ensure project implementation, advance research and understanding
of how storage devices may improve renewable energy projects, or facilitate
coordination with the development of transmission necessary to transport energy
produced by the project to market;
(4) allocates
recoverable costs appropriately between wholesale and retail customers;
(5) terminates
recovery when costs have been fully recovered or have otherwise been reflected
in a utility's rates.
(b) A petition
filed under this subdivision must include:
(1) a
description of the facilities for which costs are to be recovered;
(2) an
implementation schedule for the facilities;
(3) the
utility's costs for the facilities;
(4) a
description of the utility's efforts to ensure that costs of the facilities are
reasonable and were prudently incurred; and
(5) a
description of the benefits of the project in promoting the development of
renewable energy in a manner consistent with this chapter.
Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 216B.169,
subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Renewable
and high-efficiency energy rate options.
(a) Each A utility shall may offer its
customers, and shall advertise the offer at least annually, one or more
options that allow a customer to determine that a certain amount of the
electricity generated or purchased on behalf of the customer is renewable
energy or energy generated by high-efficiency, low-emissions, distributed
generation such as fuel cells and microturbines fueled by a
renewable fuel.
(b) Each
public utility shall file an implementation plan within 90 days of July 1,
2001, to implement paragraph (a).
(c) (b) Rates charged to customers must be
calculated using the utility's cost of acquiring the energy for the customer
and must:
(1) reflect the
difference between the cost of generating or purchasing the additional renewable
energy and the cost of generating or purchasing the same amount of
nonrenewable energy and the cost that would otherwise be attributed to
the customer for the same amount of energy based on the utility's mix of
renewable and nonrenewable energy sources; and
(2) be
distributed on a per kilowatt-hour basis among all customers who choose to
participate in the program.
(d) Implementation
of these rate options may reflect a reasonable amount of lead time necessary to
arrange acquisition of the energy. The
utility may acquire the energy demanded by customers, in whole or in part,
through procuring or generating the renewable energy directly, or through the
purchase of credits from a provider that has received certification of eligible
power supply pursuant to subdivision 3. If
a utility is not able to arrange an adequate supply of renewable or
high-efficiency energy to meet its customers' demand under this section, the
utility must file a report with the commission detailing its efforts and
reasons for its failure.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 216B.1691,
subdivision 2a, is amended to read:
Subd. 2a. Eligible
energy technology standard. (a)
Except as provided in paragraph (b), each electric utility shall generate or
procure sufficient electricity generated by an eligible energy technology to
provide its retail customers in Minnesota, or the retail customers of a
distribution utility to which the electric utility provides wholesale electric
service, so that at least the following standard percentages of the electric
utility's total retail electric sales to retail customers in Minnesota are
generated by eligible energy technologies by the end of the year indicated:
(1) 2012 12 percent
(2) 2016 17 percent
(3) 2020 20 percent
(4) 2025 25 percent.
An electric utility that owned a nuclear generating facility as of January 1,
2007, must meet the requirements of this paragraph rather than paragraph
(a). An electric utility subject to this
paragraph must generate or procure sufficient electricity generated by an
eligible energy technology to provide its retail customers in Minnesota or the
retail customer of a distribution utility to which the electric utility
provides wholesale electric service so that at least the following percentages
of the electric utility's total retail electric sales to retail customers in
Minnesota are generated by eligible energy technologies by the end of the year
(1) 2010 15 percent
(2) 2012 18 percent
(3) 2016 25 percent
(4) 2020 30 percent.
the 30 percent in 2020, at least 25 percent must be generated by wind or
solar energy conversion systems and the remaining five percent by other
eligible energy technology.
11. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.23, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:
1a. Authority
to issue refund. (a) On
determining that a public utility has charged a rate in violation of this
chapter, a commission rule, or a commission order, the commission, after
conducting a proceeding, may require the public utility to refund to its
customers, in a manner approved by the commission, any revenues the commission
finds were collected as a result of the unlawful conduct. Any refund authorized by this section is
permitted in addition to any remedies authorized by section 216B.16 or any
other law governing rates. Exercising
authority under this section does not preclude the commission from pursuing
penalties under sections 216B.57 to 216B.61 for the same conduct.
This section must not be construed as allowing:
retroactive ratemaking;
refunds based on claims that prior or current approved rates have been unjust,
unreasonable, unreasonably preferential, discriminatory, insufficient,
inequitable, or inconsistent in application to a class of customers; or
refunds based on claims that approved rates have not encouraged energy
conservation or renewable energy use, or have not furthered the goals of
section 216B.164, 216B.241, or 216C.05.
A refund under this subdivision does not apply to revenues collected more than
six years before the date of the notice of the commission proceeding required
under this subdivision.
12. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.241, subdivision 1c, is amended to read:
1c. Energy-saving
goals. (a) The commissioner shall
establish energy-saving goals for energy conservation improvement expenditures
and shall evaluate an energy conservation improvement program on how well it meets
the goals set.
Each individual utility and association shall have an annual energy-savings
goal equivalent to 1.5 percent of gross annual retail energy sales unless
modified by the commissioner under paragraph (d). The savings goals must be calculated based on
the most recent three-year weather normalized average. A utility or association may elect to
carry forward energy savings in excess of 1.5 percent for a year to the
succeeding three calendar years, provided that a particular energy savings can
apply only to one year's goal.
The commissioner must adopt a filing schedule that is designed to have all
utilities and associations operating under an energy-savings plan by calendar
year 2010.
In its energy conservation improvement plan filing, a utility or association
may request the commissioner to adjust its annual energy-savings percentage
goal based on its historical conservation investment experience, customer class
makeup, load growth, a conservation potential study, or other factors the
commissioner determines warrants an adjustment.
The commissioner may not approve a plan that provides for an annual
energy-savings goal of less than one percent of gross annual retail energy
sales from energy conservation improvements.
A utility or association may include
in its energy conservation plan energy savings from electric utility
infrastructure projects approved by the commission under section 216B.1636 or
waste heat recovery converted into electricity projects that may count as
energy savings in addition to the minimum energy-savings goal of at least one
percent for energy conservation improvements.
Electric utility infrastructure projects must result in increased energy
efficiency greater than that which would have occurred through normal
maintenance activity.
An energy-savings goal is not satisfied by attaining the revenue expenditure
requirements of subdivisions 1a and 1b, but can only be satisfied by meeting
the energy-savings goal established in this subdivision.
An association or utility is not required to make energy conservation
investments to attain the energy-savings goals of this subdivision that are not
cost-effective even if the investment is necessary to attain the energy-savings
goals. For the purpose of this paragraph,
in determining cost-effectiveness, the commissioner shall consider the costs
and benefits to ratepayers, the utility, participants, and society. In addition, the commissioner shall consider
the rate at which an association or municipal utility is increasing its energy
savings and its expenditures on energy conservation.
On an annual basis, the commissioner shall produce and make publicly available
a report on the annual energy savings and estimated carbon dioxide reductions
achieved by the energy conservation improvement programs for the two most
recent years for which data is available.
The commissioner shall report on program performance both in the
aggregate and for each entity filing an energy conservation improvement plan
for approval or review by the commissioner.
By January 15, 2010, the commissioner shall report to the legislature whether
the spending requirements under subdivisions 1a and 1b are necessary to achieve
the energy-savings goals established in this subdivision.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
13. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.241, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:
2d. Renewable
residential heating. (a) Up
to five percent of a utility's conservation spending obligation under
subdivision 1a or any amount expended in order to satisfy a utility's
energy-savings goal under subdivision 1c may be used for a project located in
this state that provides rebates to homeowners who install the following types
of projects to heat the homeowner's primary residence:
a solar thermal project, as defined in section 216B.2411, subdivision 2,
paragraph (e);
a geothermal project;
a heating unit that burns exclusively either biodiesel, shelled corn, or wood
chips or wood pellets, provided that the heating unit is listed by Underwriters
A rebate awarded under this subdivision must not exceed the lesser of 25
percent of the purchase and installation costs of the project or $500.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
14. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.241, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:
5b. Biomethane
purchases. (a) A natural gas
utility may include in its conservation plan purchases of biomethane, and may
use up to five percent of the total amount to be spent on energy conservation
improvements under this section for that purpose. The cost-effectiveness of biomethane purchases
may be determined by a different standard than for other energy conservation
improvements under this section if the commissioner determines that doing so is
in the public interest in order to encourage biomethane purchases. Energy savings from purchasing biomethane may
not be counted toward the minimum energy-savings goal of at least one percent
for energy conservation improvements required under subdivision 1c, but may, if
the conservation plan is approved:
be counted toward energy savings above that minimum percentage; and
be considered when establishing performance incentives under subdivision 2c.
For the purposes of this subdivision, "biomethane" means biogas
produced through anaerobic digestion of biomass, gasification of biomass, or
other effective conversion processes, that is cleaned and purified into
biomethane that meets natural gas utility quality specifications for use in a
natural gas utility distribution system.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
15. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.241, subdivision 9, is amended to read:
9. Building
performance standards; Sustainable Building 2030. (a) The purpose of this subdivision is to
establish cost-effective energy-efficiency performance standards for new and
substantially reconstructed commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings
that can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions by lowering energy use
in new and substantially reconstructed buildings. For the purposes of this subdivision, the
establishment of these standards may be referred to as Sustainable Building
The commissioner shall contract with the Center for Sustainable Building
Research at the University of Minnesota to coordinate development and
implementation of energy-efficiency performance standards, strategic planning,
research, data analysis, technology transfer, training, and other activities related
to the purpose of Sustainable Building 2030.
The commissioner and the Center for Sustainable Building Research shall,
in consultation with utilities, builders, developers, building operators, and
experts in building design and technology, develop a Sustainable Building 2030
implementation plan that must address, at a minimum, the following issues:
training architects to incorporate the performance standards in building
incorporating the performance standards in utility conservation improvement
programs; and
developing procedures for ongoing monitoring of energy use in buildings that
have adopted the performance standards.
The plan must be submitted to the
chairs and ranking minority members of the senate and house of representatives
committees with primary jurisdiction over energy policy by July 1, 2009.
Sustainable Building 2030 energy-efficiency performance standards must be firm,
quantitative measures of total building energy use and associated carbon
dioxide emissions per square foot for different building types and uses, that
allow for accurate determinations of a building's conformance with a
performance standard. The
energy-efficiency performance standards must be updated every three or five
years to incorporate all cost-effective measures. The performance standards must reflect the
reductions in carbon dioxide emissions per square foot resulting from actions
taken by utilities to comply with the renewable energy standards in section
216B.1691. The
standards should be designed to achieve reductions equivalent to the following
reduction schedule, measured against energy consumption by an average building
in each applicable building sector in 2003: (1) 60 percent in 2010; (2) 70
percent in 2015; (3) 80 percent in 2020; and (4) 90 percent in 2025. A performance standard must not be
established or increased absent a conclusive engineering analysis that it is
cost-effective based upon established practices used in evaluating utility
conservation improvement programs.
The annual amount of the contract with the Center for Sustainable Building
Research is up to $500,000. The Center
for Sustainable Building Research shall expend no more than $150,000 of this
amount each year on administration, coordination, and oversight activities
related to Sustainable Building 2030.
The balance of contract funds must be spent on substantive
programmatic activities allowed under this subdivision that may be conducted by
the Center for Sustainable Building Research and for subcontracts with
not-for-profit energy organizations, architecture and engineering firms, and
other qualified entities to undertake technical projects and activities in
support of Sustainable Building 2030.
The primary work to be accomplished each year by qualified technical
experts under subcontracts is the development and thorough justification of
recommendations for specific energy-efficiency performance standards. Additional work may include:
research, development, and demonstration of new energy-efficiency technologies
and techniques suitable for commercial, industrial, and institutional
analysis and evaluation of practices in building design, construction,
commissioning and operations, and analysis and evaluation of energy use in the
commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors;
analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of
Sustainable Building 2030 performance standards, conservation improvement
programs, and building energy codes;
development and delivery of training programs for architects, engineers,
commissioning agents, technicians, contractors, equipment suppliers,
developers, and others in the building industries; and
analyze and evaluate the effect of building operations on energy use.
The commissioner shall require utilities to develop and implement conservation
improvement programs that are expressly designed to achieve energy efficiency
goals consistent with the Sustainable Building 2030 performance standards. These programs must include offerings of
design assistance and modeling, financial incentives, and the verification of
the proper installation of energy-efficient design components in new and
substantially reconstructed buildings. A
utility's design assistance program must consider the strategic planting of
trees and shrubs around buildings as an energy conservation strategy for the
designed project. A utility making
an expenditure under its conservation improvement program that results in a
building meeting the Sustainable Building 2030 performance standards may claim
the energy savings toward its energy-savings goal established in
subdivision 1c.
The commissioner shall report to the legislature every three years, beginning
January 15, 2010, on the cost-effectiveness and progress of implementing the
Sustainable Building 2030 performance standards and shall make recommendations
on the need to continue the program as described in this section.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
16. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.2411, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Generation
projects. (a) Any municipality or
rural electric association providing electric service and subject to section
216B.241 may, and each public utility may, use five percent of the total amount
to be spent on energy conservation improvements under section 216B.241, on:
projects in Minnesota to construct an electric generating facility that
utilizes eligible renewable energy sources as defined in subdivision 2, such as
methane or other combustible gases derived from the processing of plant or
animal wastes, biomass fuels such as short-rotation woody or fibrous
agricultural crops, or other renewable fuel, as its primary fuel source;
projects in Minnesota to install a distributed generation facility of ten
megawatts or less of interconnected capacity that is fueled by natural gas,
renewable fuels, or another similarly clean fuel; or
projects in Minnesota to install a qualifying solar energy project as defined
in subdivision 2.
A utility that offers a program to customers to promote installing
qualifying solar energy projects may request authority from the commissioner to
exceed the five percent limit in paragraph (a) to meet customer demand for
installation of qualifying solar energy projects. In considering this request, the commissioner
shall consider customer interest in qualifying solar energy and the impact on
other customers.
public utilities, as defined under section 216B.02, subdivision 4, (c) For a utility subject to this
section, projects under this section must be considered energy conservation
improvements as defined in section 216B.241.
For cooperative electric associations and municipal utilities,
projects under this section must be considered load-management activities
described in section 216B.241, subdivision 1.
17. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.2411, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
2. Definitions. (a) For the purposes of this section, the
terms defined in this subdivision and section 216B.241, subdivision 1, have the
meanings given them.
"Eligible renewable energy sources" means fuels and technologies to
generate electricity through the use of any of the resources listed in section
216B.1691, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), except that the incineration of
wastewater sludge is not an eligible renewable energy source,
"biomass" has the meaning provided under paragraph (c), and
"solar" must be from a qualified solar energy project as defined in
paragraph (d).
"Biomass" includes:
methane or other combustible gases derived from the processing of plant or
animal material;
alternative fuels derived from soybean and other agricultural plant oils or
animal fats;
combustion of barley hulls, corn, soy-based products, or other agricultural
wood residue from the wood products industry in Minnesota or other wood
products such as short-rotation woody or fibrous agricultural crops;
landfill gas;
the predominantly organic components of wastewater effluent, sludge, or related
byproducts from publicly owned treatment works; and
mixed municipal solid waste, and refuse-derived fuel from mixed municipal solid
"Qualifying solar energy project" means a qualifying solar thermal
project or qualifying solar electric project.
"Qualifying solar thermal project" means a flat plate or evacuated
tube that meets the requirements of section 216C.25 with a fixed orientation
that collects the sun's radiant energy and transfers it to a storage medium for
distribution as energy to heat or cool air or water, but does not include
equipment used to heat water at a residential property (1) for domestic use if
less than one-half of the energy used for that purpose is derived from the sun
or (2) for use in a hot tub or swimming pool.
"Qualifying solar electric project" means:
(1) solar electric equipment that: (i)
meets the requirements of section 216C.25 with a total; (ii) has a
peak generating capacity of 100 kilowatts or less; and (iii) is used for
generating to generate electricity primarily for use in a
residential property or small business to reduce the effective electric load
for that residence or small business, commercial, or publicly owned
building or facility; and
if applicable, equipment that is used to store the electricity generated by a
qualified solar electric project under clause (1) and that is located proximate
to the building or facility using the electricity.
"Residential property building" means the principal
residence of a homeowner at the time the solar equipment is placed in service.
"Small business" has the meaning given to it in section 645.445.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
18. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.2424, subdivision 5a, is amended to read:
5a. Reduction
of biomass mandate. (a)
Notwithstanding subdivision 5, the biomass electric energy mandate must be
reduced from 125 megawatts to 110 megawatts.
The Public Utilities Commission shall approve a request pending before the
commission as of May 15, 2003, for amendments to and assignment of a power
purchase agreement with the owner of a facility that uses short-rotation, woody
crops as its primary fuel previously approved to satisfy a portion of the
biomass mandate if the owner of the project agrees to reduce the size of its
project from 50 megawatts to 35 megawatts, while maintaining an average price
for energy in nominal dollars measured over the term of the power purchase
agreement at or below $104 per megawatt-hour, exclusive of any price
adjustments that may take effect subsequent to commission approval of the power
purchase agreement, as amended. The
commission shall also approve, as necessary, any subsequent assignment or sale
of the power purchase agreement or ownership of the project to an entity owned
or controlled, directly or indirectly, by two municipal utilities located north
of Constitutional Route No. 8, as described in section 161.114, which currently
own electric and steam generation facilities using coal as a fuel and which
propose to retrofit their existing municipal electrical generating facilities
to utilize biomass fuels in order to perform the power purchase agreement.
If the power purchase agreement described in paragraph (b) is assigned to an
entity that is, or becomes, owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by two
municipal entities as described in paragraph (b), and the power purchase
agreement meets the price requirements of paragraph (b), the commission shall
approve any amendments to the power purchase agreement necessary to reflect the
changes in project location and ownership and any other amendments made
necessary by those changes. The
commission shall also specifically find that:
the power purchase agreement complies with and fully satisfies the provisions
of this section to the full extent of its 35-megawatt capacity;
all costs incurred by the public utility and all amounts to be paid by the
public utility to the project owner under the terms of the power purchase
agreement are fully recoverable pursuant to section 216B.1645;
subject to prudency review by the commission, the public utility may recover
from its Minnesota retail customers the Minnesota jurisdictional portion of the
amounts that may be incurred and paid by the public utility during the full
term of the power purchase agreement; and
if the purchase power agreement meets the requirements of this subdivision, it
is reasonable and in the public interest.
The commission shall specifically approve recovery by the public utility of any
and all Minnesota jurisdictional costs incurred by the public utility to
improve, construct, install, or upgrade transmission, distribution, or other
electrical facilities owned by the public utility or other persons in order to
permit interconnection of the retrofitted biomass-fueled generating facilities
or to obtain transmission service for the energy provided by the facilities to
the public utility pursuant to section 216B.1645, and shall disapprove any provision
in the power purchase agreement that requires the developer or owner of the
project to pay the jurisdictional costs or that permit the public utility to
terminate the power purchase agreement as a result of the existence of those
costs or the public utility's obligation to pay any or all of those costs.
Upon request by the project owner, the public utility shall agree to amend the
power purchase agreement described in paragraph (b) and approved by the
commission as required by paragraph (c).
The amendment must be negotiated and executed within 45 days of the
effective date of this section and must apply to prices paid after January 1,
2009. The average price for energy in
nominal dollars measured over the term of the power purchase agreement must not
exceed $104 per megawatt hour by more than five percent. The public utility shall request approval of
the amendment by the commission within 30 days of execution of the amended
power purchase agreement. The amendment
is not effective until approval by the commission. The commission shall act on the amendment
within 90 days of submission of the request by the public utility. Upon approval of the amended power purchase
agreement, the commission shall allow the public utility to recover the costs
of the amended power purchase agreement, as provided in section 216B.1645.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
19. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.2425, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
3. Commission
approval; order. (a) By
June 1 of each even-numbered year, the commission shall adopt a state
transmission project list and shall certify, certify as modified, or deny
certification of the projects proposed under subdivision 2. The commission may only certify a project
that is a high-voltage transmission line as defined in section 216B.2421,
subdivision 2, that the commission finds is:
necessary to maintain or enhance the reliability of electric service to
Minnesota consumers;
needed, applying the criteria in section 216B.243, subdivision 3; and
in the public interest, taking into account electric energy system needs and
economic, environmental, and social interests affected by the project.
In its order adopting a statewide transmission project list, the commission
shall summarize the present and future inadequacies of the transmission system
identified in the utilities' transmission project reports, plans to address
those inadequacies, and any barriers that may prevent those inadequacies from
being addressed. Within ten days of
issuing the order, the commission shall send a copy of the order to the chairs
and ranking minority members of the senate and house of representatives
committees with primary jurisdiction over energy policy.
20. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.243, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
8. Exemptions. This section does not apply to:
cogeneration or small power production facilities as defined in the Federal
Power Act, United States Code, title 16, section 796, paragraph (17),
subparagraph (A), and paragraph (18), subparagraph (A), and having a combined
capacity at a single site of less than 80,000 kilowatts; plants or facilities
for the production of ethanol or fuel alcohol; or any case where the commission
has determined after being advised by the attorney general that its application
has been preempted by federal law;
a high-voltage transmission line proposed primarily to distribute electricity
to serve the demand of a single customer at a single location, unless the
applicant opts to request that the commission determine need under this section
or section 216B.2425;
the upgrade to a higher voltage of an existing transmission line that serves
the demand of a single customer that primarily uses existing rights-of-way,
unless the applicant opts to request that the commission determine need under
this section or section 216B.2425;
a high-voltage transmission line of one mile or less required to connect a new
or upgraded substation to an existing, new, or upgraded high-voltage
transmission line;
conversion of the fuel source of an existing electric generating plant to using
natural gas;
the modification of an existing electric generating plant to increase efficiency,
as long as the capacity of the plant is not increased more than ten percent or
more than 100 megawatts, whichever is greater; or
a large energy facility that:
generates electricity from wind energy conversion systems,;
will serve retail customers in Minnesota,; and
meets any of the following conditions:
(A) is specifically intended to be used
to meet the renewable energy objective under section 216B.1691 or;
(B) addresses a resource need identified
in a current commission-approved or commission-reviewed resource plan under
section 216B.2422, and (iv); or
(C) derives at least ten percent of the
total nameplate capacity of the proposed project from one or more C-BED
projects, as defined under section 216B.1612, subdivision 2, paragraph (f).
21. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216B.243, subdivision 9, is amended to read:
9. Renewable
energy standard facilities. The
requirements of this section do not apply to a wind energy conversion system or
a solar electric generation facility that is intended to be used to meet or
exceed the obligations of section 216B.1691; provided that, after notice and
comment, the commission determines that the facility is a reasonable and
prudent approach to meeting a utility's obligations under that section. When making this determination, the
commission may consider:
(1) the size of the facility relative to
a utility's total need for renewable resources and;
(2) alternative approaches for supplying
the renewable energy to be supplied by the proposed facility, and must
(3) the facility's ability to promote
economic development, as required under section 216B.1691, subdivision 9,
maintenance of
electric system reliability and consider;
(5) impacts on ratepayers, ; and
other criteria as
that the commission may determine determines are relevant.
22. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216C.052, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
2. Administrative
issues. (a) The commissioner may
select the administrator. The
administrator must have at least five years of experience working as a
power systems engineer planner or transmission planner, or in a position
dealing with power system reliability issues, and may not have been a party or
a participant in a commission energy proceeding for at least one year prior to
selection by the commissioner. The
commissioner shall oversee and direct the work of the administrator, annually
review the expenses of the administrator, and annually approve the budget of
the administrator. The administrator may
hire staff and may contract for technical expertise in performing duties when
existing state resources are required for other state responsibilities or when
special expertise is required. The
salary of the administrator is governed by section 15A.0815, subdivision 2.
Costs relating to a specific proceeding, analysis, or project are not general
administrative costs. For purposes of
this section, "energy utility" means public utilities, generation and
transmission cooperative electric associations, and municipal power agencies
providing natural gas or electric service in the state.
The Department of Commerce shall pay:
the general administrative costs of the administrator, not to exceed $1,000,000
in a fiscal year, and shall assess energy utilities for those administrative
costs. These costs must be consistent
with the budget approved by the commissioner under paragraph (a). The department shall apportion the costs
among all energy utilities in proportion to their respective gross operating
revenues from sales of gas or electric service within the state during the last
calendar year, and shall then render a bill to each utility on a regular basis;
costs relating to a specific proceeding analysis or project and shall render a
bill to the specific energy utility or utilities participating in the
proceeding, analysis, or project directly, either at the conclusion of a
particular proceeding, analysis, or project, or from time to time during the
course of the proceeding, analysis, or project.
For purposes of administrative efficiency, the department shall assess energy
utilities and issue bills in accordance with the billing and assessment
procedures provided in section 216B.62, to the extent that these procedures do
not conflict with this subdivision. The
amount of the bills rendered by the department under paragraph (c) must be paid
by the energy utility into an account in the special revenue fund in the state
treasury within 30 days from the date of billing and is appropriated to the
department for the purposes provided in this section. The commission shall approve or approve as
modified a rate schedule providing for the automatic adjustment of charges to
recover amounts paid by utilities under this section. All amounts assessed under this section are
in addition to amounts appropriated to the commission and the department by
other law.
23. [216C.055]
legislature recognizes that the use of solar energy and the combustion of
grasses, agricultural wastes, trees, and other vegetation to produce thermal
energy for heating commercial, industrial, and residential buildings and for
industrial process can play a significant role in helping Minnesota meet its
future energy needs and its greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. The annual legislative proposals required to
be submitted by the commissioners of commerce and the Pollution Control Agency
under section 216H.07, subdivision 4, must include proposals regarding the use
of the renewable energy sources described in this section if the commissioners
determine that such policies are appropriate to achieve the state's greenhouse gas
emissions reduction goals. No legal
claim against any person is allowed under this section. The combustion of municipal solid waste or
refuse-derived fuel to produce thermal energy is not addressed under this
section. For purposes of this section, removal
of woody biomass from publicly owned forests shall be consistent with the
principles of sustainable forest management.
24. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216C.41, subdivision 5a, is amended to read:
5a. Renewable
development account. The Department
of Commerce shall authorize payment of the renewable energy production
incentive to wind energy conversion systems for 200 megawatts of nameplate
capacity and that are eligible under this section or Laws 2005, chapter
40, to on-farm biogas recovery facilities, and to hydroelectric
facilities. Payment of the incentive
shall be made from the renewable energy development account as provided under
section 116C.779, subdivision 2.
25. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216F.01, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
2. Large
wind energy conversion system or LWECS.
"Large wind energy conversion system" or "LWECS"
means any combination of WECS with a combined nameplate capacity of 5,000
greater than 25,000 kilowatts or more.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
26. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216F.01, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
3. Small
wind energy conversion system or SWECS.
"Small wind energy conversion system" or "SWECS"
means any combination of WECS with a combined nameplate capacity of less
than 5,000 or equal to 25,000 kilowatts.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
27. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216F.012, is amended to read:
A wind energy conversion system of less than 25 megawatts of nameplate
capacity as determined under section 216F.011 is a small wind energy conversion
system if, by July 1, 2009, the owner so elects in writing and submits a
completed application for zoning approval and the written election to the
county or counties in which the project is proposed to be located. The owner must notify the Public Utilities
Commission of the election at the time the owner submits the election to the
Notwithstanding paragraph (a), A wind energy conversion system with a nameplate capacity
exceeding five megawatts that is proposed to be located wholly or partially
within a wind access buffer adjacent to state lands that are part of the
outdoor recreation system, as enumerated in section 86A.05, is a large wind
energy conversion
system. The Department of Natural Resources shall
negotiate in good faith with a system owner regarding siting and may support
the system owner in seeking a variance from the system setback requirements if
it determines that a variance is in the public interest.
(c) (b) The Public Utilities Commission shall issue an annual
report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the house of
representatives and senate committees with primary jurisdiction over energy
policy and natural resource policy regarding any variances applied for and not
granted for systems subject to paragraph (b).
This section is effective July 1, 2009.
28. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216F.02, is amended to read:
The requirements of chapter 216E do not apply to the siting of LWECS
a WECS with a combined nameplate greater than 5,000 kilowatts that applies to
the commission for a site permit, except for sections 216E.01; 216E.03,
subdivision 7; 216E.08; 216E.11; 216E.12; 216E.14; 216E.15; 216E.17; and
216E.18, subdivision 3, which do apply.
Any person may construct an SWECS with a combined nameplate capacity less
than or equal to 5,000 kilowatts
without complying with chapter 216E or this chapter.
Nothing in this chapter shall preclude precludes a local
governmental unit from establishing requirements for the siting and
construction of SWECS.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
29. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
216F.08, is amended to read:
A county board may, by resolution and upon written notice to the Public
Utilities Commission, assume responsibility for processing applications for
permits required under this chapter for LWECS with a combined nameplate
capacity of less than 25,000 kilowatts SWECS. The responsibility for permit application
processing, if assumed by a county, may be delegated by the county board to an
appropriate county officer or employee. Processing
by A county shall be done process applications in accordance
with procedures and processes established under chapter 394.
A county board that exercises its option under paragraph (a) may issue, deny,
modify, impose conditions upon, or revoke permits pursuant to this
section. The action of the a
county board about with respect to a permit application is final,
subject to appeal as provided in section 394.27.
The commission shall, by order, establish general permit standards,
including appropriate property line set-backs, governing site permits for
LWECS under this section and SWECS. The order must consider existing and
historic commission standards for wind permits issued by the commission. The general permit standards shall
may apply to permits issued by counties and must apply to permits
issued by the commission for LWECS with a combined nameplate capacity of
less than 25,000 kilowatts and SWECS. The general permit standards must
establish a setback for a SWECS from a road or property line equal to 1.1 times
the maximum tip height of a rotor blade measured from ground level when the
blade is in a vertical position.
Counties are encouraged to consider an identical setback standard in
permits they issue. The commission
or a county may grant a variance from a general permit standard if the variance
is found to be in the public interest. Permit
standards established by a county under this section supersede general permit
standards established by the commission.
Upon request by a county, the commission and the commissioner of
commerce shall provide technical assistance to a county with respect to the
processing of LWECS SWECS site permit applications.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
30. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.52, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
2. Agency
agreement. "Agency
agreement" means the written agreement between or among two or more cities
or existing municipal power agencies establishing a municipal power
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
31. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.52, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
7. Governing
body. (a) "Governing
body," with respect to a city, means the city council or, if another
board, commission, or body is empowered by law or its charter or by resolution
of the city council to establish and regulate rates and charges for the
distribution of electric energy within the city, such board, commission, or
body shall be deemed to be the "governing body"; provided, however, that
when the levy of a tax or the incurring of an obligation payable from taxes or
any other action of such board, commission, or body requires the concurrence,
approval, or independent action of the city council or another body under the
city's charter or any other law, such action shall not be exercised under
sections 453.51 to 453.62 until such concurrence or approval is received or
such independent action is taken; and provided further, that the concurrence of
the city council or other elected body charged with the general management of a
city shall be required, prior to the adoption by the city of any resolution
approving an agency agreement or any amendment thereto.
With respect to an existing municipal power agency, "governing body"
means the agency's board of directors.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
32. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.52, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
8. Municipal
power agency. "Municipal power
agency" means a separate political subdivision and municipal corporation
created by agreement between or among two or more cities or existing
municipal power agencies pursuant to section 453.53 to exercise any of the
powers of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, operation, repair,
extension, or improvement of electric generation or transmission facilities or
the acquisition of any interest therein or any right to part or all of the
capacity thereof.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
33. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.53, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Two
or more cities, or existing municipal power agencies; resolution. (a) Any two or more cities or existing
municipal power agencies may form a municipal power agency by the execution
of an agency agreement authorized by a resolution of the governing body of each
city or municipal power agency.
The agency agreement shall state:
that the municipal power agency is created and incorporated under the
provisions of sections 453.51 to 453.62 as a municipal corporation and a
political subdivision of the state, to exercise thereunder a part of the
sovereign powers of the state;
the name of the agency, which shall include the words "municipal power
the names of the cities or municipal power agencies which have approved
the agency agreement and are the initial members of the municipal power agency;
the names and addresses of the persons initially appointed by the resolutions
approving the agreement to act as the representatives of the cities
members, respectively, in the exercise of their powers as members;
limitations, if any, upon the terms of representatives of the respective member
cities members, provided that such representatives shall always be
selected and vacancies in their offices declared and filled by resolutions of
the governing bodies of the respective cities members;
the names of the initial board of directors of the municipal power agency, who
shall be not less than five persons who are representatives of the respective member
cities members, selected by the vote of a majority of such
representatives; or the agreement may provide that the representatives of the member
cities members from time to time shall be and constitute the board
of directors;
the location by city, town, or other community in the state, of the registered
office of the municipal power agency;
that the cities or municipal power agencies which are members of the
municipal power agency are not liable for its obligations; and
any other provision for regulating the business of the municipal power agency
or the conduct of its affairs which may be agreed by the member cities
members, consistent with sections 453.51 to 453.62.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
34. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.53, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
2. Filing
agreement, resolution; incorporation certificate. The agency agreement and a certified copy of
the resolution of the governing body of each city member shall be
filed for record with the secretary of state.
If the agency agreement conforms to the requirements of this section,
the secretary of state shall record it and issue and record a certificate of
incorporation. The certificate shall
state the name of the municipal power agency and the fact and date of
incorporation. Upon the issuance of the
certificate of incorporation, the existence of the municipal power agency as a
political subdivision of the state and a municipal corporation shall
begin. The certificate of incorporation
shall be conclusive evidence of the fact of incorporation.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
35. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.53, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
3. First
board. The initial board of
directors of the municipal power agency, unless otherwise provided by the
agency agreement, shall be elected prior to the filing of the agreement by a
majority vote of the persons acting as representatives of the member cities
members, from among their members.
After commencement of existence, the first meeting of the board of
directors shall be held at the call of the directors, after notice, for the
purpose of adopting the initial bylaws, electing officers, and for any other
business that comes before the meeting.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
36. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.53, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
4. Bylaws. (a) The bylaws of the municipal power agency,
and any amendments thereto, shall be proposed by the board of directors and
shall be adopted by a majority vote of the representatives of the member
cities members, unless the agency agreement requires a greater vote,
at a meeting held after notice.
Subject to the provisions of the agency agreement, the bylaws shall state:
the qualifications of member cities members, and limitations, if
any, upon their number;
conditions of membership, if any;
manner and time of calling regular meetings of representatives of member
cities members;
manner and conditions of termination of membership; and
such other provisions for regulating the affairs of the municipal power agency
as the representatives of the member cities members shall
determine to be necessary.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
37. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.53, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
8. City
Member representatives. Except
as otherwise provided in the agency agreement or the bylaws, the duly
authorized representatives of each member city shall act as, and vote on
behalf of, such city member.
Except where the agency agreement or bylaws provide otherwise, representatives
of the member cities members shall hold at least one meeting each
year for the election of directors and for the transaction of any other
business. Except where the agency
agreement or bylaws prescribe otherwise, special meetings of the representatives
may be called for any purpose upon written request to the president or
secretary to call the meeting. Such
officer shall give notice of the meeting to be held between 10 and 60 days
after receipt of such request. Unless
the agency agreement or bylaws provide for a different percentage, a quorum for
a meeting of the representatives of the member cities members is
a majority of the total members and a quorum for meetings of the board of
directors is a majority of the membership of such board.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
38. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.53, subdivision 9, is amended to read:
9. Amendments
to agency agreement. The agency
agreement may be amended as proposed at any meeting of the representatives of
the members for which notice, stating the purpose, shall be given to each
representative and, unless the agency agreement or bylaws require otherwise,
shall become effective when ratified by resolutions of a majority of the
governing bodies of the member cities members. Each amendment and the resolutions approving
it shall be filed for record with the secretary of state.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
39. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
453.55, subdivision 13, is amended to read:
13. Payable
solely from pledged or available revenue.
The principal of and interest upon any bonds or notes issued by a
municipal power agency shall be payable solely from the revenues or funds
pledged or available for their payment as authorized in sections 453.51 to
453.62. Each bond and note shall contain
a statement that the
thereof or interest thereon is payable solely from revenues or funds of the
municipal power agency and that neither the state nor any political subdivision
thereof, other than the municipal power agency, nor any city which is a
member of the municipal power agency is obligated to pay the principal or
interest and that neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the
state or any political subdivision thereof or of any such member
city is pledged to the payment of the principal of or the interest on the bonds
or notes. Nothing herein, however,
precludes the use of tax or other revenue by a city for payment of amounts due
and performance of covenants under any contract of the city as provided in
section 453.58, subdivision 3.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
The Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority may form or become a member of
a limited liability company organized under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 322B,
for the purpose of developing a community-based energy development project
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.1612. A limited liability company formed or joined
under this section is subject to the open meeting requirements established in
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13D. A
project authorized by this section may not sell, transmit, or distribute the
electrical energy at retail or provide for end use of the electricity to an
off-site facility of the economic development corporation or the limited
liability company. Nothing in this section
modifies the exclusive service territories or exclusive right to serve as
provided in Minnesota Statutes, sections 216B.37 to 216B.43.
The authority may acquire a leasehold interest in property outside its
corporate boundaries for the purpose of developing a community-based energy
development project as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.1612.
This section is effective the day after the city of Mountain Iron and
its chief clerical officer comply with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021,
subdivisions 2 and 3.
cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, designated as solar cities under the
federal Department of Energy's Solar America Initiative, shall, by October 1,
2009, and October 1, 2010, submit a report to the cochairs of the Legislative
Energy Committee containing strategies to accelerate the rate of solar thermal
and solar electric energy installations in all building types throughout the
state. The report must, at a minimum,
address the following issues:
identify legal, administrative, financial, and operational barriers to
increasing the installation of solar energy, and measures to overcome them;
identify financial and regulatory mechanisms that stimulate the development of solar
identify ways to link solar energy development with energy conservation and
energy efficiency strategies and programs;
how efforts and initiatives undertaken by St. Paul and Minneapolis can be
integrated with activities undertaken in other parts of the state; and
how projected trends in solar technologies and the costs of solar generation
can be integrated into the state's strategy to advance adoption of solar
preparing these reports, the cities may confer with any person whose experience
and expertise will assist in preparing the reports, including utilities,
businesses providing solar energy installation services, nonprofit
organizations promoting solar energy, and others.
The commissioner of commerce may approve an energy conservation improvement
plan under Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.241, subdivision 1c, paragraph (d),
is submitted to the commissioner in calendar year 2009 by a utility that
provides natural gas service at retail;
governs the conservation improvements to be undertaken by the utility over the
next three-year time period; and
is accompanied by a study that specifies how the utility may:
average savings of at least 0.75 percent over the three years following
submission of the plan;
meet and exceed the minimum energy savings goal of one percent of gross annual
retail sales within five years of submission of the plan; and
achieve average annual savings of at least one percent over the nine years
following submission of the plan.
The plan must include projections of the total amount spent by the utility to
achieve energy savings each year and the cost per unit of energy saved.
Nothing in this section precludes the commissioner from requiring additional
energy conservation improvement activities and programs beyond those proposed by
a utility in its proposed plan so long as those additional activities and
programs meet the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.241. The commissioner shall require all reasonable
actions by a utility that will increase the likelihood of the utility's meeting
and exceeding the minimum one percent energy savings goal and the 1.5 percent
goal as soon as reasonably feasible.
utility subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116C.779, shall transfer
$563,000 in fiscal year 2010 and $563,000 in fiscal year 2011 from the
renewable development account established in Minnesota Statutes, section
116C.779, to the Department of Commerce on a schedule to be determined by the
commissioner of commerce. The funds must
be deposited in the special revenue fund and are appropriated to the
commissioner for the purposes of this section.
in fiscal year 2010 and $563,000 in fiscal year 2011 are for continued funding
of community energy technical assistance and outreach on renewable energy and
energy efficiency, as described in Minnesota Statutes, section 216C.385. Of this amount, $113,000 each year is for
technical assistance in the metropolitan area.
2007, chapter 3, section 3, is repealed."
the title and insert:
bill for an act relating to energy; modifying or adding provisions relating to
renewable energy production incentives and initiatives, C-BED contracts,
renewable energy purchases, certain appraisal fees, energy conservation,
utility costs and refunds, renewable and high-efficiency energy rate options,
solar energy, utility energy savings, renewable residential heating, biomethane
purchases, Sustainable Building 2030, power purchase agreements, power
transmission, certificate of need exemptions, energy facilities, renewable
development account,
reliability administrator, wind energy conversion systems, municipal power
agencies, and Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority; requiring legislative
reports and proposals; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008,
sections 116C.779, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision; 117.189; 216B.16,
subdivision 6c, by adding a subdivision; 216B.1645, subdivision 2a; 216B.169,
subdivision 2; 216B.1691, subdivision 2a; 216B.23, by adding a subdivision;
216B.241, subdivisions 1c, 9, by adding subdivisions; 216B.2411, subdivisions
1, 2; 216B.2424, subdivision 5a; 216B.2425, subdivision 3; 216B.243,
subdivisions 8, 9; 216C.052, subdivision 2; 216C.41, subdivision 5a; 216F.01,
subdivisions 2, 3; 216F.012; 216F.02; 216F.08; 453.52, subdivisions 2, 7, 8;
453.53, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9; 453.55, subdivision 13; proposing coding
for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 216B; 216C; repealing Laws 2007,
chapter 3, section 3."
the recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
report was adopted.
Carlson from
the Committee on Finance to which was referred:
H. F. No. 908,
A bill for an act relating to unemployment insurance; providing for a shared
work plan; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 268;
repealing Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 268.135.
Reported the
same back with the recommendation that the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Eken from the
Committee on Environment Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1132,
A bill for an act relating to natural resources; eliminating the need to scale
cut forest products on state land; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections
90.031, subdivision 5; 90.061, subdivisions 5, 8; 90.14; 90.151, subdivision 4;
90.181, subdivision 1; 90.221; 90.281; 90.41; repealing Minnesota Statutes
2008, sections 90.01, subdivision 4; 90.201, subdivision 2; 90.251; 90.252.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
(a) During
fiscal years 2010 and 2011, the commissioner of natural resources shall
increase the amount of timber products sold from state lands under permits
based solely on the appraiser's estimate of the timber volume described in the
permit, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 90.14, paragraph (c).
(b) The
commissioner shall evaluate sales of timber under paragraph (a) and other
methods used to sell timber from state lands to identify the method, or
combination of methods, that is most efficient and effective in protecting the
fiduciary interest of the state, including the permanent school fund.
(c) By
January 15, 2011, the commissioner shall report to the house of representatives
and senate natural resources policy and finance committees and divisions on the
findings of the evaluation process completed under paragraph (b).
Sec. 2. FOREST
Notwithstanding the permit procedures of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 90, the
commissioner of natural resources may lease state-owned forest lands for forest
management purposes. The lease shall:
(1) require
that the lessee comply with timber harvesting and forest management guidelines
developed under Minnesota Statutes, section 89A.05, adopted by the Minnesota
Forest Resources Council, and in effect at the time that the lease is issued;
(2) provide
for public access for hunting, fishing, and motorized and nonmotorized
recreation to the leased land that is the same as would be available under
state management.
(b) For the
purposes of this section, the term "state-owned forest lands" may
include school trust lands as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 92.025, or
university land granted to the state by Acts of Congress.
(c) By
December 15, 2009, the commissioner of natural resources shall provide a report
to the house or representatives and senate natural resources policy and finance
committees and divisions on the pilot project.
The report must detail a plan for implementation of the pilot project
with a starting date that is no later than July 1, 2010.
(d) Upon
implementation of the pilot project, the commissioner shall provide an annual
report to the house of representatives and senate natural resources policy and
finance committees and divisions on the progress of the project, including the
acres leased, a breakdown of the types of forest land, and amounts harvested by
species. The report shall include a net
revenue analysis comparing the lease revenue with the estimated net revenue
that would be obtained through state management and silvicultural practices cost
savings the state realizes through leasing."
Delete the
title and insert:
"A bill
for an act relating to natural resources; requiring increase in appraised
estimates for timber sales; requiring forest lease pilot project and
With the recommendation
that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the Committee on
report was adopted.
Hilstrom from
the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1394,
A bill for an act relating to real property; specifying notice requirements;
modifying provisions governing the reduced redemption period for abandoned
property; establishing a duty to protect vacant foreclosed property under
certain circumstances; providing for the imposition of fines for failure to
maintain property; altering the posting requirement for trespassing on
construction sites; modifying provisions governing public nuisances; imposing
civil and criminal penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections
463.251, subdivisions 2, 3; 504B.151, subdivision 1; 504B.178, subdivision 8;
580.021, subdivision 1; 580.04; 580.041, subdivision 1a; 580.042, subdivision
1; 582.031; 582.032, subdivisions 2, 4, 5; 609.605, subdivision 1; 617.80,
subdivision 7, by adding a subdivision; 617.81, subdivisions 2, 4.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 2, lines 1
and 4, after "any" insert "mortgage or"
Page 2, line 9,
after "aside" insert "and there is prima facie
evidence of abandonment of the property as described in section 582.032,
subdivision 7"
Page 2, line
11, delete "the" and insert "a"
Page 2, line
24, delete ", 581," and after "582," insert "or
summons and complaint under chapter 581,"
Page 3, lines 8
and 27, delete "June" and insert "August"
Page 3, delete
lines 28 and 29 and insert "cancellations of contracts for deed in
which the notice of cancellation is first served or published on or after
August 1, 2009, and mortgage foreclosures under Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 581, in which the lis pendens is recorded on or after August 1,
Page 4, line 3,
delete "June" and insert "August" and delete
"a" and insert "foreclosures under Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 581, in which the lis pendens is recorded on or after August 1, 2009."
Page 4, delete
lines 4 and 5
Page 5, line 6,
delete "June" and insert "August" and delete
"a" and insert "foreclosures under Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 581, in which the lis pendens is recorded on or after August 1, 2009."
Page 5, delete
lines 7 and 8
Page 5, line
12, delete "June" and insert "August" and
delete "a" and insert "foreclosures under Minnesota
Statutes, chapter 581, in which the lis pendens is recorded on or after August
1, 2009."
Page 5, delete
lines 13 and 14
Page 5, line
31, delete "the mortgage or" and insert "a"
Page 6, line 2,
delete "and windows" and insert ", install locks on
all windows that do not have them, and ensure that any existing window locks
are functioning properly"
Page 6, line 9,
delete "the mortgage or" and insert "a"
Page 7, line 19,
after "defendant" insert "and the summons and
complaint shall be delivered by certified mail to the foreclosing attorney"
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Hilstrom from
the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1457,
A bill for an act relating to public safety; eliminating various unfunded
mandates affecting local governmental units; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008,
sections 245C.05, subdivision 7; 260B.171, subdivision 3; 609.115, subdivision
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 1, delete
section 1
Page 2, line 14,
after "that" insert "either mailed notice or"
Page 4, lines 16
to 17, delete the new language
Page 4, line 17,
strike "shall" and insert "may"
Renumber the
sections in sequence and correct the internal references
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Eken from the
Committee on Environment Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1539,
A bill for an act relating to waters; providing for temporary drawdown of
public waters; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 1, line 10,
after "and" insert "makes findings of fact that the
drawdown is"
Page 1, line 11,
delete "a majority" and insert "at least 75 percent"
Page 1, line 15,
delete "county and municipality" and insert "county, municipality,
and watershed management organization, if one exists,"
Page 2, after
line 6, insert:
This section does not apply to public waters that have been designated for
wildlife management under section 97A.101."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Hilstrom from
the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1609,
A bill for an act relating to public safety; modifying duties and
responsibilities of Forensic Laboratory Advisory Board; requiring the board to
appoint an executive secretary; establishing immunity from liability for board
members; clarifying availability of investigation reports to the public;
requiring the Department of Administration to provide office space and services
to the board; defining forensic laboratory; providing for a study and report;
appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 299C.156,
subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, by adding a subdivision.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 3, delete
section 4
Renumber the
sections in sequence
Amend the title
as follows:
Page 1, line 4,
delete "establishing immunity from liability for board members;"
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Hilstrom from
the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1719,
A bill for an act relating to insurance; regulating viatical settlements;
enacting and modifying the Viatical Settlements Model Act of the National
Association of Insurance Commissions; providing criminal penalties; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 13.716, subdivision 7; 60A.964, subdivision
1; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 60A; repealing
Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 60A.961; 60A.962; 60A.963; 60A.965; 60A.966;
60A.967; 60A.968; 60A.969; 60A.970; 60A.971; 60A.972; 60A.973; 60A.974.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 3, line
34, delete "coverage"
Page 9, line
35, after "stockholders" insert "who hold more than
ten percent of the shares of the company"
Page 14, delete
lines 13 to 14
Page 14, line
15, delete "(2)" and insert "(1)"
Page 14, line
18, delete "(3)" and insert "(2)"
Page 14, line
21, delete "(4)" and insert "(3)"
Page 14, line
22, delete "(5)" and insert "(4)"
Page 14, line
25, delete "(6)" and insert "(5)"
Page 15, line
1, delete "(7)" and insert "(6)"
Page 15, line
5, delete "(8)" and insert "(7)"
Page 15, line
9, delete "(9)" and insert "(8)"
Page 15, line
18, delete "(10)" and insert "(9)"
Page 22, line
8, delete "(7)" and insert "(6)"
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Eken from the
Committee on Environment Policy and Oversight to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1727,
A bill for an act relating to natural resources; making wellhead protection
areas eligible for the reinvest in Minnesota reserve program; modifying
conservation reserve program; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes
2008, section 103F.515, subdivisions 2, 4.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 3, lines 8
to 9, delete "perennial crops or"
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Committee on Finance.
report was adopted.
Thissen from
the Committee on Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight to which
was referred:
H. F. No. 1760,
A bill for an act relating to human services; amending continuing care
provisions, including changes to medical assistance, nursing facilities, and
data management; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 252.282,
subdivisions 3, 5; 256B.0657, subdivisions 5, 8; 256B.0913, subdivisions 4, 5a,
12; 256B.0915, subdivision 2; 256B.431, subdivision 10; 256B.433, subdivision
1; 256B.438, subdivision 7; 256B.441, subdivisions 5, 11; 256B.5011,
subdivision 2; 256B.5012, subdivisions 6, 7; 256B.5013, subdivisions 1, 6;
626.557, subdivision 12b; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
256B.5013, subdivisions 2, 3, 5.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
Page 1, after
line 10, insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 13.386,
subdivision 3, is amended to read:
Subd. 3. Collection,
storage, use, and dissemination of genetic information. (a) Unless otherwise expressly
provided by law, genetic information about an individual:
(1) may be
collected by a government entity, as defined in section 13.02, subdivision 7a,
or any other person only with the written informed consent of the individual;
(2) may be used
only for purposes to which the individual has given written informed consent;
(3) may be
stored only for a period of time to which the individual has given written
informed consent; and
(4) may be
disseminated only:
(i) with the
individual's written informed consent; or
(ii) if
necessary in order to accomplish purposes described by clause (2). A consent to disseminate genetic information
under item (i) must be signed and dated.
Unless otherwise provided by law, such a consent is valid for one year
or for a lesser period specified in the consent.
Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the Department of Health's collection, storage,
use, and dissemination of genetic information and blood specimens for testing
infants for heritable and congenital disorders are governed by sections 144.125
to 144.128.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 43A.318,
subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Program
creation; general provisions. (a)
The commissioner may administer a program to make long-term care coverage
available to eligible persons. The
commissioner may determine the program's funding arrangements, request bids
from qualified vendors, and negotiate and enter into contracts with qualified
vendors. Contracts are not subject to
the requirements of section 16C.16 or 16C.19.
Contracts must be for a uniform term of at least one year, but may be
made automatically renewable from term to term in the absence of notice of
termination by either party. The program
may not be self-insured until the commissioner has completed an actuarial study
of the program and reported the results of the study to the legislature and
self-insurance has been specifically authorized by law.
(b) The program
may provide coverage for home, community, and institutional long-term care and
any other benefits as determined by the commissioner. Coverage is optional. The enrolled eligible person must pay the
full cost of the coverage.
(c) The
commissioner shall promote activities that attempt to raise awareness of the
need for long-term care insurance among residents of the state and encourage
the increased prevalence of long-term care coverage. These activities must include the sharing of
knowledge gained in the development of the program.
(d) The
commissioner may employ and contract with persons and other entities to perform
the duties under this section and may determine their duties and compensation
consistent with this chapter.
(e) The
benefits provided under this section are not terms and conditions of employment
as defined under section 179A.03, subdivision 19, and are not subject to
collective bargaining.
(f) The
commissioner shall establish underwriting criteria for entry of all eligible
persons into the program. Eligible
persons who would be immediately eligible for benefits may not enroll.
(g) Eligible
persons who meet underwriting criteria may enroll in the program upon hiring
and at other times established by the commissioner.
(h) An eligible
person enrolled in the program may continue to participate in the program even
if an event, such as termination of employment, changes the person's employment
Participating public employee pension plans and public employers may provide
automatic pension or payroll deduction for payment of long-term care insurance
premiums to qualified vendors contracted with under this section.
(j) The premium
charged to program enrollees must include an administrative fee to cover all
program expenses incurred in addition to the cost of coverage. All fees collected are appropriated to the
commissioner for the purpose of administrating the program.
(k) Public
employees of local units of government including but not limited to townships,
municipalities, cities, and counties may buy into the long-term care insurance
under this section.
Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 62Q.525,
subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Definitions. (a) For purposes of this section, the terms
defined in this subdivision have the meanings given them.
"Medical literature" means articles from major peer reviewed medical
journals that have recognized the drug or combination of drugs' safety and
effectiveness for treatment of the indication for which it has been
prescribed. Each article shall meet the
uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals
established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors or be
published in a journal specified by the United States Secretary of Health and
Human Services pursuant to United States Code, title 42, section 1395x,
paragraph (t), clause (2), item (B), as amended, as acceptable peer review
medical literature. Each article must use
generally acceptable scientific standards and must not use case reports to
satisfy this criterion.
"Off-label use of drugs" means when drugs are prescribed for
treatments other than those stated in the labeling approved by the federal Food
and Drug Administration.
"Standard reference compendia" means any one of the following:
(1) the
United States Pharmacopeia Drug Information; or
(2) (1) the American Hospital Formulary
Service Drug Information.;
(2) the
National Comprehensive Cancer Network's Drugs and Biologics Compendium;
(3) Thomson
Micromedex's DrugDex;
(4) Elsevier
Gold Standard's Clinical Pharmacology; or
(5) other
authoritative compendia as identified from time to time by the United States
Department of Health and Human Services.
Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 62Q.525,
subdivision 3, is amended to read:
Subd. 3. Required
coverage. (a) Every type of coverage
included in subdivision 1 that provides coverage for drugs may not exclude
coverage of a drug for the treatment of cancer on the ground that the drug has
not been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for the treatment
of cancer if the drug is recognized for treatment of cancer in one of
the standard reference compendia adopted by the health plan on an annual
basis or in one article in the medical literature, as defined in
subdivision 2.
(b) Coverage of
a drug required by this subdivision includes coverage of medically necessary
services directly related to and required for appropriate administration of the
(c) Coverage
required by this subdivision does not include coverage of a drug not listed on
the formulary of the coverage included in subdivision 1.
(d) Coverage of
a drug required under this subdivision must not be subject to any co-payment,
coinsurance, deductible, or other enrollee cost-sharing greater than the
coverage included in subdivision 1 applies to other drugs.
(e) The
commissioner of commerce or health, as appropriate, may direct a person that
issues coverage included in subdivision 1 to make payments required by this
Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144.125,
subdivision 3, is amended to read:
Subd. 3. Objection
of parents to test Information provided to parents. Persons with a duty to perform testing
under subdivision 1 shall advise parents of infants (1) that the blood or
tissue samples used to perform testing thereunder as well as the results of
such testing may be retained by the Department of Health, (2) the benefit of
retaining the blood or tissue sample, and (3) that the following options are
available to them with respect to the testing: (i) to decline to have the
tests, or (ii) to elect to have the tests but to require that all blood samples
and records of test results be destroyed within 24 months of the testing. If the parents of an infant object in writing
to testing for heritable and congenital disorders or elect to require that
blood samples and test results be destroyed, the objection or election shall be
recorded on a form that is signed by a parent or legal guardian and made part of
the infant's medical record. A written
objection exempts an infant from the requirements of this section and section
144.128. (a) Prior to collecting a sample, persons with a duty to
perform testing under subdivision 1 must provide parents or legal guardians of
infants with a document that provides the following information:
(1) the
blood sample will be used to test for heritable and congenital disorders, the
blood sample will be retained by the Department of Health for a period of two
years, and that blood sample may be used for newborn screening program
(2) the data
that will be collected as a result of the testing;
(3) the
alternatives available to the parents or legal guardians in paragraph (c) and
that a form to exercise the alternatives is available to the parent or legal
guardian from the person with a duty to perform testing under subdivision 1;
(4) the
benefits of testing and the consequences of a decision to permit or refuse to
supply a sample;
(5) the
benefits of retaining the blood sample and the consequences of a decision to
destroy the blood sample or to permit or decline to have the blood sample used
for newborn screening program operations;
(6) the ways
in which the samples and data collected will be stored and used at the
Department of Health and elsewhere; and
(7) the
Department of Health's Web site address where the forms in paragraph (c) may be
document satisfies the requirements of section 13.04, subdivision 2.
(b) The
person with a duty to perform testing must record that parents or legal
guardians of infants have received the information provided under this
subdivision and have had an opportunity to ask questions.
(c) The
parent or legal guardian of an infant otherwise subject to testing under this
section may object to any of the following:
(1) the
testing itself;
(2) the
storage of the infant's blood samples;
(3) the
storage of the infant's test results for a period of longer than 24 months; and
(4) the use
of the infant's blood samples and test results for newborn screening program
If a parent
or legal guardian elects to object to one or more of the alternatives in this
paragraph, the election shall be recorded on a form that is signed by the
parent or legal guardian. The signed
form shall be made part of the infant's medical record and shall be provided to
the Department of Health. The signature
of the parent or legal guardian is sufficient and no witness to the signature,
photo identification, or notarization shall be required. When a parent or legal guardian elects an
alternative under this subdivision, the Department of Health must follow the
election and section 144.128, to the extent that section 144.128 pertains to
the elected alternative. If the parent
or legal guardian objects to the testing itself, section 144.128 does not
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144.125, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 4.
Storage and use of samples for
newborn screening program operations.
(a) The department may store and use the newborn screening program
blood samples for up to 24 months for newborn screening program operations and
may store samples for an additional month to carry out the destruction of
samples required under subdivision 7.
Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the department may use and store the newborn
screening samples for individual health-related studies or any other purpose
with a written informed consent of the parent or legal guardian.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144.125, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 5.
Newborn screening program operations. "Newborn screening program
operations" means actions, testing, and procedures directly related to the
improvement, implementation, and development of the newborn screening program,
such as the testing of the samples, confirmatory testing, laboratory quality
control, calibration of equipment, evaluating and improving the accuracy of
newborn screening tests, implementation and validation of equipment and
technology, and studies or research related to the development of new newborn
screening tests.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144.125, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 6.
Development of new screening
tests. When samples are used
for program operations to develop new newborn screening tests, the department
must remove information that directly links infants to samples, but may use
serial numbers that would allow a re-linkage in case a serious issue is
discovered that needs to be communicated to the parent or guardian of an
infant. Such a re-linkage may only be
done after consultation with an ethics committee or an institutional review
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144.125, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 7.
Destruction of samples within
25 months. (a) Unless a
parent or legal guardian has given written informed consent, the department
must destroy all newborn screening blood samples within 25 months of the month
of birth.
(b) The
department must implement this subdivision by July 1, 2010.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144.125, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 8.
Records retention
requirements. The department
shall retain test results in compliance with section 138.17.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144.125, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 9.
Destruction of existing
samples. Unless a parent or
legal guardian has given written informed consent, the department must destroy
all newborn screening blood samples retained by the department as of June 1,
2009, within 25 months of that date.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144.7065,
subdivision 8, is amended to read:
Subd. 8. Root
cause analysis; corrective action plan.
Following the occurrence of an adverse health care event, the facility
must conduct a root cause analysis of the event. In conducting the root cause analysis, if
evidence determines staffing is a factor, then the facility will review the
impact of staffing levels on the event. Following
the analysis, the facility must: (1) implement a corrective action plan to
implement the findings of the analysis or (2) report to the commissioner any
reasons for not taking corrective action.
If the root cause analysis and the implementation of a corrective action
plan are complete at the time an event must be reported, the findings of the
analysis and the corrective action plan must be included in the report of the
event. The findings of the root cause
analysis and a copy of the corrective action plan must otherwise be filed with
the commissioner within 60 days of the event.
Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 144.7065,
subdivision 10, is amended to read:
Subd. 10. Relation
to other law; data classification.
(a) Adverse health events described in subdivisions 2 to 6 do not
constitute "maltreatment," "neglect," or "a physical
injury that is not reasonably explained" under section 626.556 or 626.557
and are excluded from the reporting requirements of sections 626.556 and
626.557, provided the facility makes a determination within 24 hours of the
discovery of the event that this section is applicable and the facility files
the reports required under this section in a timely fashion.
(b) A facility
that has determined that an event described in subdivisions 2 to 6 has occurred
must inform persons who are mandated reporters under section 626.556,
subdivision 3, or 626.5572, subdivision 16, of that determination. A mandated reporter otherwise required to
report under section 626.556, subdivision 3, or 626.557, subdivision 3,
paragraph (e), is relieved of the duty to report an event that the facility
determines under paragraph (a) to be reportable under subdivisions 2 to 6.
(c) The
protections and immunities applicable to voluntary reports under sections
626.556 and 626.557 are not affected by this section.
Notwithstanding section 626.556, 626.557, or any other provision of Minnesota
statute or rule to the contrary, neither a lead agency under section 626.556,
subdivision 3c, or 626.5572, subdivision 13, the commissioner of health, nor
the director of the Office of Health Facility Complaints is required to conduct
of or obtain or create investigative data or reports regarding an event
described in subdivisions 2 to 6. If the
facility satisfies the requirements described in paragraph (a), the review or
investigation shall be conducted and data or reports shall be obtained or
created only under sections 144.706 to 144.7069, except as permitted or
required under sections 144.50 to 144.564, or as necessary to carry out the
state's certification responsibility under the provisions of sections 1864 and
1867 of the Social Security Act. If a
licensed health care provider reports an event to the facility required to be
reported under subdivisions 2 to 6, in a timely manner, the provider's
licensing board is not required to conduct an investigation of or obtain or
create investigative data or reports regarding the individual reporting of the
events described in subdivisions 2 to 6.
(e) Data
contained in the following records are nonpublic and, to the extent they
contain data on individuals, confidential data on individuals, as defined in
section 13.02:
(1) reports
provided to the commissioner under sections 147.155, 147A.155, 148.267,
151.301, and 153.255;
(2) event
reports, findings of root cause analyses, and corrective action plans filed by
a facility under this section; and
(3) records
created or obtained by the commissioner in reviewing or investigating the
reports, findings, and plans described in clause (2).
For purposes of
the nonpublic data classification contained in this paragraph, the reporting
facility shall be deemed the subject of the data.
Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 145.56,
subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Suicide
prevention plan. The commissioner of
health shall refine, coordinate, and implement the state's suicide prevention
plan using an evidence-based, public health approach for a life span plan
focused on awareness and prevention, in collaboration with the
commissioner of human services; the commissioner of public safety; the
commissioner of education; the chancellor of Minnesota State Colleges and
Universities; the president of the University of Minnesota; and appropriate
agencies, organizations, and institutions in the community.
Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 145.56,
subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Community-based
programs. To the extent funds are
appropriated for the purposes of this subdivision, the commissioner shall
establish a grant program to fund:
(1) community-based
programs to provide education, outreach, and advocacy services to populations
who may be at risk for suicide;
community-based programs that educate community helpers and gatekeepers, such
as family members, spiritual leaders, coaches, and business owners, employers,
and coworkers on how to prevent suicide by encouraging help-seeking behaviors;
community-based programs that educate populations at risk for suicide and
community helpers and gatekeepers that must include information on the symptoms
of depression and other psychiatric illnesses, the warning signs of suicide,
skills for preventing suicides, and making or seeking effective referrals to
intervention and community resources; and
community-based programs to provide evidence-based suicide prevention and
intervention education to school staff, parents, and students in grades
kindergarten through 12, and for students attending Minnesota colleges and
Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 145.712,
subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Prescription
expiration date. A prescription
written by an optometrist or physician must expire two years one year
after it is written, unless a different expiration date is warranted by the
patient's ocular health. If the
prescription is valid for less than two years one year, the
optometrist or physician must note the medical reason for the prescription's
expiration date in the patient's record and must orally explain to the patient
at the time of the eye examination the reason for the prescription's expiration
Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 148.995,
subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Certified
doula. "Certified doula"
means an individual who has received a certification to perform doula services
from the International Childbirth Education Association, the Doulas of North
America (DONA), the Association of Labor Assistants and Childbirth Educators
(ALACE), Birthworks, Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association
(CAPPA), or Childbirth International, or International Center for
Traditional Childbearing.
Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 148.995,
subdivision 4, is amended to read:
Subd. 4. Doula
services. "Doula services"
means continuous emotional and physical support during pregnancy,
labor, birth, and postpartum throughout labor and birth, and
intermittently during the prenatal and postpartum periods.
Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 182.6551, is
amended to read:
182.6551 to 182.6553 182.6554 may be cited as the "Safe
Patient Handling Act."
Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 182.6552, is
amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 5.
Clinical settings that move
patients. "Clinical settings
that move patients" means physician, dental, and other outpatient care
facilities, except for outpatient surgical settings, where service requires
movement of patients from point to point as part of the scope of service.
Sec. 21. [182.6554]
1. Safe
patient handling plan required. (a)
By July 1, 2010, every clinical setting that moves patients in the state shall
develop a written safe patient handling plan to achieve by January 1, 2012, the
goal of ensuring the safe handling of patients by minimizing manual lifting of
patients by direct patient care workers and by utilizing safe patient handling
(b) The plan
shall address:
assessment of risks with regard to patient handling that considers the patient
population and environment of care;
(2) the
acquisition of an adequate supply of appropriate safe patient handling
(3) initial
and ongoing training of direct patient care workers on the use of this
procedures to ensure that physical plant modifications and major construction
projects are consistent with plan goals; and
(5) periodic
evaluations of the safe patient handling plan.
A health care organization with more than one covered clinical setting
that moves patients may establish a plan at each clinical setting or establish
one plan to serve this function for all the clinical settings.
Subd. 2.
Facilities with existing
programs. A clinical setting
that moves patients that has already adopted a safe patient handling plan that
satisfies the requirements of subdivision 1, or a clinical setting that moves
patients that is covered by a safe patient handling plan that is covered under
and consistent with section 182.6553, is considered to be in compliance with
the requirements of this section.
Subd. 3.
Training materials. The commissioner shall make training
materials on implementation of this section available at no cost to all
clinical settings that move patients as part of the training and education
duties of the commissioner under section 182.673.
Subd. 4.
Enforcement. This section shall be enforced by the
commissioner under section 182.661. A
violation of this section is subject to the penalties provided under section
Sec. 22. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 252.27,
subdivision 1a, is amended to read:
Subd. 1a. Definitions. A "related condition" is a
condition (1) that is found to be closely related to developmental
disability, including, but not limited to, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder, and Prader-Willi syndrome, and (2) that
meets all of the following criteria:
(1) (i) is severe and chronic;
(2) (ii) results in impairment of general
intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior similar to that of persons with
developmental disabilities;
(3) (iii) requires treatment or services
similar to those required for persons with developmental disabilities;
(4) (iv) is manifested before the person
reaches 22 years of age;
(5) (v) is likely to continue indefinitely;
(6) (vi) results in substantial functional
limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity: (i)
(A) self-care, (ii) (B) understanding and use of language, (iii)
(C) learning, (iv) (D) mobility, (v) (E)
self-direction, (vi) (F) capacity for independent living; and
(7) (vii) is not attributable to mental
illness as defined in section 245.462, subdivision 20, or an emotional disturbance
as defined in section 245.4871, subdivision 15.
For purposes of clause (7)
item (vii), notwithstanding section 245.462, subdivision 20, or 245.4871,
subdivision 15, "mental illness" does not include autism or other
pervasive developmental disorders."
Page 2, after
line 14, insert:
25. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
253B.095, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1. Court
release. (a) After the hearing and
before a commitment order has been issued, the court may release a proposed
patient to the custody of an individual or agency upon conditions that
guarantee the care and treatment of the patient.
(b) A person
against whom a criminal proceeding is pending may not be released.
(c) A
continuance for dismissal, with or without findings, may be granted for up to
90 days.
(d) When the
court stays an order for commitment for more than 14 days beyond the date of
the initially scheduled hearing, the court shall issue an order that must
(1) a written
plan for services to which the proposed patient has agreed;
(2) a finding
that the proposed treatment is available and accessible to the patient and that
public or private financial resources are available to pay for the proposed
treatment; and
(3) conditions
the patient must meet to avoid revocation of the stayed commitment order and
imposition of the commitment order; and
(4) a
condition that the patient is prohibited from giving consent to participate in
a psychiatric clinical drug trial while the court order is in effect.
(e) If a
stay of commitment is continued as provided in subdivision 3, the court may
allow the patient to give consent to participate in a specific psychiatric
clinical drug trial if the treating psychiatrist submits an affidavit that the
patient may benefit from participating in the trial because treatment options
offered have been ineffective. The
treating psychiatrist must not be the psychiatrist conducting the psychiatric
clinical drug trial.
(e) (f) A person receiving treatment under
this section has all rights under this chapter."
Page 3, delete
section 4
Page 8, line
16, reinstate the stricken "A"
Page 8, line
17, delete "facilities" and insert "facility"
and delete "are" and insert "is"
Page 8, line
18, after the second comma, insert "and" and delete "were"
and insert "was"
Page 9, line 8,
strike "pursuant to" and insert "under"
Page 9, line
12, after "9505.0475" insert a comma
Page 10, delete
section 11
Page 18, after
line 18, insert:
"Sec. 40. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 403.03, is
amended to read:
available through a 911 system shall must include police,
firefighting, and emergency medical and ambulance services. Other emergency and civil defense services
may be incorporated into the 911 system at the discretion of the public agency
operating the public safety answering point.
The 911 system may include a referral to mental health crisis teams,
where available."
Page 18, line
30, delete "at least a period of"
Page 18, line
31, before the period, insert "and then destroy the data unless
otherwise directed by federal requirements"
Page 20, line 5,
before the colon, insert "and then destroyed unless otherwise directed
by federal requirements"
Page 20, lines
6, 10, and 13, delete "at least a period of" and insert "for"
Page 20, line 8,
delete "at least a period"
Page 20, line 9,
delete "of" and insert "for"
Page 21, after
line 8, insert:
By January
15, 2010, the Department of Health shall report and make recommendations to the
legislature on its current efforts for ensuring and enhancing how parents or
legal guardians of newborns are fully informed about the newborn screening
program and of their rights and options regarding testing; storage; public
health practices, studies, and research; the ability to opt out of the
collection of data and specimens related to the testing; and the ability to
seek private testing.
This section is effective the day following final enactment.
Sec. 43. HEALTH
(a) The
commissioner of health shall consult with representatives from the Minnesota
Nurses Association, Minnesota Hospital Association, and other shareholders to
further define staffing levels for purposes of Minnesota Statutes, section
144.7065, subdivision 8, and to develop questions related to staffing for
inclusion in the root cause analysis tool required under that subdivision.
(b) The
Minnesota Nurses Association and the Minnesota Hospital Association shall
develop a memorandum of understanding that outlines ways to include
representatives from the Minnesota Nurses Association and the Minnesota
Hospital Association work groups and committees dealing with adverse health
care events and corrective action plans under Minnesota Statutes, section
Renumber the
sections in sequence
Amend the title
as follows:
Page 1, delete
line 2
Page 1, line 3,
delete everything before "amending" and insert "relating to
health and human services; amending continuing care provisions; making changes
to nursing facilities; rate-reimbursements; newborn screening; modifying the
Safe Patient Handling Act; prescription drugs; doula services; mental health;
data practices; requiring a workgroup and reports;"
Correct the
title numbers accordingly
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Atkins from the
Committee on Commerce and Labor to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1813,
A bill for an act relating to construction codes; providing for regulation of
elevators in grain elevators; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
326B.163, subdivision 5.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section
326B.163, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
Subd. 5. Elevator. As used in this chapter, "elevator"
means moving walks and vertical transportation devices such as escalators,
passenger elevators, freight elevators, dumbwaiters, hand-powered elevators,
endless belt lifts, and wheelchair platform lifts, but. Elevator does not include:
(1) external temporary material lifts or
temporary construction personnel elevators at sites of construction of new or
remodeled buildings; or
(2) manlifts
in grain elevators and feed mills subject to installation limitations under
Minnesota Rules, part 5205.0550.
Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 326B.184,
subdivision 2, is amended to read:
Subd. 2. Annual
operating permit. No person,
except for an organization designated as a nonprofit entity under section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31,
1999, may operate an elevator without first obtaining an annual operating
permit from the department or a municipality authorized by subdivision 4 to
issue annual operating permits. A $100
annual operating permit fee must be paid to the department for each annual
operating permit issued by the department, except that the original annual
operating permit must be included in the permit fee for the initial
installation of the elevator. Annual
operating permits must be issued at 12-month intervals from the date of the
initial annual operating permit. For
each subsequent year, an owner must be granted an annual operating permit for
the elevator upon the owner's or owner's agent's submission of a form
prescribed by the commissioner and payment of the $100 fee. Each form must include the location of the
elevator, the results of any periodic test required by the code, and any other
criteria established by rule. An annual
operating permit may be revoked by the commissioner upon an audit of the
periodic testing results submitted with the application or a failure to comply
with elevator code requirements, inspections, or any other law related to
Department of Labor and Industry shall establish an advisory committee to
review existing rules and laws relating to special purpose lifts, hand
elevators, and manlifts in grain elevators, feed mills, and similar facilities
not for public use. The department shall
report to the legislature by January 30, 2010, any statutory or rule changes
needed to address the appropriate maintenance criteria, qualifications of
maintenance personnel, and annual operating permits, inspections, audits, and
fees for manlifts, hand elevators, or special purpose lifts in grain elevators,
feed mills, or similar facilities not for public use.
Sections 1
to 3 are effective the day following final enactment."
Delete the
title and insert:
"A bill
for an act relating to construction codes; modifying elevator provisions;
requiring a report; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 326B.163,
subdivision 5; 326B.184, subdivision 2."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass.
report was adopted.
Rukavina from
the Higher Education and Workforce Development Finance and Policy Division to
which was referred:
H. F. No. 1850,
A bill for an act relating to state government; reorganizing the administration
of various training and employment functions; transferring various
responsibilities to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.
Reported the
same back with the following amendments:
everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 116L.666,
subdivision 3, is amended to read:
Subd. 3. Membership
on local workforce councils. In
workforce service areas representing only one home rule charter or statutory
city or a county, the chief elected official must appoint members to the
council. In workforce service areas
representing two or more home rule charter or statutory cities or counties, the
chief elected officials of the home rule charter or statutory cities or
counties must appoint members to the council, in accordance with an agreement
entered into by such units of general local government.
A council shall
include as members:
representatives of the private sector, who must constitute a majority of the
membership of the council and who are owners of business concerns, chief executives
or chief operating officers of nongovernmental employers, or other private
sector executives who have substantial management or policy responsibility;
(2) at least
two representatives of organized labor;
representatives of the area workforce and community-based organizations, who
shall constitute not less than 15 percent of the membership of the council; and
representatives of each of the following:
(i) educational
agencies that are representative of all educational agencies within the
workforce service area;
(ii) vocational
rehabilitation agencies;
(iii) public
assistance agencies;
(iv) economic
development agencies; and
(v) public
employment service agencies.
The chair of
each local workforce council shall be selected from among the members of the
council who are representatives of the private sector.
Private sector
representatives on the local workforce council shall be selected from among
individuals nominated by general purpose business organizations, such as local
chambers of commerce, in the workforce service area.
representatives on the local workforce council must include at least one
representative from a local adult basic education program approved under
section 124D.52 and the remaining education representatives shall be
selected from among individuals nominated by secondary and postsecondary
educational institutions within the workforce service area.
Organized labor
representatives on the local workforce council shall be selected from individuals
recommended by recognized state and local labor federations, organizations, or
councils. If the state or local labor
federations, organizations, or councils fail to nominate a sufficient number of
individuals to meet the labor representation requirements, individual workers
may be included on the local workforce council to complete the labor
commissioner must certify a local workforce council if the commissioner
determines that its composition and appointments are consistent with this
1. Collaborative
local projects; selection. The
governor's Workforce Development Council shall convene a meeting with
representatives of the Department of Employment and Economic Development, the
Department of Human Services, the Department of Education with respect to K-12
institutions and adult basic education, the University of Minnesota, and the
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities to identify and establish four
collaborative local projects to plan and coordinate employment, training, and
education programs and services administered by those agencies and
institutions. By August 1, 2009, the
local projects must be selected to represent different configurations of
workforce centers, college campuses, and adult basic education programs. Three of the local projects must be located
in a workforce services area under Minnesota Statutes, section 116L.666, as
follows: one that is an urban area; one in a greater Minnesota regional center;
and one in a rural area. At least one of
these local projects must include a workforce center located on a campus of the
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.
Each local project selected under this subdivision must be assigned to a
local workforce council to develop a collaboration plan under subdivision 3.
Subd. 2.
Employment, training, and
education goals. The goals of
the collaborative local employment, training, and education projects include,
but are not limited to:
(1) engaging
low-skilled workers in increasing their skill levels;
providing skill training while upgrading basic skill levels;
improving the provision of skill training to individuals currently working;
integrating employer contact efforts to improve responsiveness to employer's
strengthening employer input with training curriculum;
improving access to service and training to public assistance recipients;
integrating career planning and job placement efforts among institutions;
maximizing coordination and reducing duplication among providers;
systematically evaluating industry training needs; and
providing noncredit remediation at no cost to students.
Subd. 3.
Collaboration plan. A local workforce council assigned a
project under this section must develop a plan on how employment, training, and
education services offered by the state agencies and institutions can be
collaboratively offered to attain the goals of subdivision 2. The collaboration plan must be developed
through a stakeholder process that includes, at a minimum, representatives
(1) Minnesota
State Colleges and Universities;
(2) local
adult basic education;
(3) workforce
(4) local
school districts;
(5) community
action agencies; and
(6) public
housing agencies.
Each local
project must report their plans to the governor's workforce development council
which must report on the plans to the committees of the legislature with responsibility
for workforce development by March 15, 2010.
The report must include each local project plan with recommendations on
state agency and higher education programs and services that should be
integrated into a local project. The
report may also include recommendations on necessary enhancements and
improvements of services and processes, and identification of private and
public funding, waivers, and other program modifications necessary to better
achieve the goals of subdivision 2.
Subd. 4.
Plan implementation. By July 1, 2010, each local collaborative
project must implement its plan for at least one year. Local collaborators, including the agencies
listed in subdivision 3, may modify a plan if the modification would better
achieve plan goals.
Subd. 5.
Second report to legislature. By February 15, 2011, each local project
must report to the governor's workforce development council on progress in
implementing the plan. By March 11,
2011, the governor's workforce development council must report to the
committees of the legislature responsible for workforce development on the
progress of implementing plans under this section. The report must include recommendations on
funding, system design, and statutory changes that are reasonable and necessary
to achieve the goals of subdivision 2.
This section is effective the day following final enactment."
Delete the title
and insert:
"A bill for
an act relating to workforce development; amending local workforce council
representative requirements; establishing collaborative local projects;
coordinating employment training and education services; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2008, section 116L.666, subdivision 3."
With the
recommendation that when so amended the bill pass and be re-referred to the
Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division.
report was adopted.
F. Nos. 545, 908, 1394, 1457, 1539, 1719, 1760 and 1813 were read for the
second time.
F. No. 1904 was read for the second time.
The following House Files were introduced:
Koenen, Magnus and Wagenius introduced:
H. F. No. 2297, A bill for an act relating
to local government; authorizing counties to make joint purchases of energy and
energy generation projects; authorizing a tax levy; amending Minnesota Statutes
2008, section 373.48, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Newton introduced:
H. F. No. 2298, A bill for an act relating
to local government; providing for additional financing of parks, trails, and
recreational facilities for local units of government by special assessments;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 448.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform,
Technology and Elections.
Downey, Seifert, Kahn, Zellers and Winkler
H. F. No. 2299, A bill for an act relating
to state government; consolidating state agency information technology systems
and services; specifying duties for information technology services and
equipment; transferring duties of the chief information officer to the Office
of Enterprise Technology; requiring reports; appropriating money; proposing
coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 16E.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on State and Local Government Operations Reform,
Technology and Elections.
Howes introduced:
H. F. No. 2300, A bill for an act relating
to insurance; permitting consumers the option of waiving auto insurance
no-fault medical coverage that duplicates other medical coverage; specifying
effects on coordination of benefits; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections
65B.44, by adding a subdivision; 65B.51, subdivision 2; 65B.61, by adding a
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Commerce and Labor.
Juhnke introduced:
H. F. No. 2301, A bill for an act relating
to agriculture; appropriating money for clean water activities.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Finance.
Holberg introduced:
H. F. No. 2302, A bill for an act relating
to natural resources; restricting conservation easements in certain conditions;
modifying the time period to implement local water plans; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2008, sections 84C.02; 103B.235, subdivision 4; 103B.325, subdivision
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Environment Policy and Oversight.
Olin introduced:
H. F. No. 2303, A bill for an act relating
to education finance; authorizing a grant for an online high school
agricultural education program; appropriating money.
The bill was read for the first time and
referred to the Committee on Finance.
S. F. No. 743, A bill for an act relating
to commerce; weights and measures; updating petroleum standards; establishing
standards for biodiesel blends and fuels; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008,
sections 239.761, subdivisions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16; 239.77, subdivision 1;
296A.01, subdivisions 8, 20, 23, 24, 26, 28.
The bill was read for the third time and
placed upon its final passage.
The question was taken on the passage of
the bill and the roll was called. There
were 130 yeas and 1 nay as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative were:
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
Anderson, S.
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.
Spk. Kelliher
Those who voted in the negative were:
The bill was passed and its title agreed
H. F. No. 819, A bill for an act relating
to commerce; prohibiting certain unfair Internet ticket sales by original
sellers and resellers; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes,
chapter 609.
The bill was read for the third time and
placed upon its final passage.
The question was taken on the passage of
the bill and the roll was called. There
were 113 yeas and 17 nays as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative were:
Anderson, S.
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.
Spk. Kelliher
Those who voted in the negative were:
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
The bill was passed and its title agreed
S. F. No. 335, A bill for an act relating
to highways; designating the Speaker Irvin N. Anderson Memorial Highway;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 161.14, subdivision 18, by adding a
The bill was read for the third time and
placed upon its final passage.
The question was taken on the passage of
the bill and the roll was called. There
were 132 yeas and 0 nays as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative were:
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
Anderson, S.
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.
Spk. Kelliher
The bill was passed and its title agreed
S. F. No. 451, A bill for an act relating
to highways; designating the Clearwater County Veterans Memorial Highway;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 161.14, by adding a subdivision.
The bill was read for the third time and
placed upon its final passage.
The question was taken on the passage of
the bill and the roll was called. There
were 132 yeas and 0 nays as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative were:
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
Anderson, S.
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.
Spk. Kelliher
The bill was passed and its title agreed
Reinert was excused for the remainder of
today's session.
H. F. No. 878 was reported to the House.
Smith moved
to amend H. F. No. 878, the first engrossment, as follows:
Page 1,
line 16, delete "may" and insert "shall"
The motion prevailed and the amendment was
H. F. No. 878, A bill for an act relating
to transportation; adding provision governing relocation of highway centerline;
modifying provisions relating to county state-aid highways and municipal
state-aid streets; regulating placement of advertising devices; providing
procedures for plats of lands abutting state rail bank property; amending
Statutes 2008, sections 161.16, by adding a subdivision; 162.06, subdivision 5;
162.07, subdivision 2; 162.09, subdivision 4; 162.13, subdivision 2; 173.02, by
adding subdivisions; 173.16, subdivision 4; 505.03, subdivision 2.
The bill was read for the third time, as
amended, and placed upon its final passage.
The question was taken on the passage of
the bill and the roll was called. There
were 130 yeas and 1 nay as follows:
Those who voted in the affirmative were:
Anderson, B.
Anderson, P.
Anderson, S.
Murphy, E.
Murphy, M.