1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 842 as follows:
1.2Page 146, line 21, before "Premium" insert "cafeteria or"
1.3Page 146, line 22, before the period, insert "that allows employees to pay for health
1.4insurance premiums with pretax dollars"
1.5Page 147, line 26, delete "does not offer a group"
1.6Page 147, line 27, delete "health insurance plan as defined in section 62A.10, but
1.7does" and insert "is required to"
1.8Page 147, line 28, delete "through the exchange"
1.9Page 147, line 36, delete "renewed" and insert "nonrenewed"
1.10Page 148, line 5, delete "offered" and insert "sold to individuals"
1.11Page 148, line 9, delete "set up an employer" and insert "establish" and delete "Plan"
1.12and insert "Plans"
1.13Page 148, after line 10, insert:
1.14    "(3) provide education and assistance to employers to help them understand the
1.15requirements of Section 125 plans and compliance with applicable regulations;"
1.16Page 148, line 11, delete "(3)" and insert "(4)"
1.17Page 148, line 13, delete "(4)" and insert "(5)"
1.18Page 148, line 14, delete "or contributions" and delete "or on behalf of"
1.19Page 148, line 15, delete "enrolled"
1.20Page 148, line 16, delete "in" and insert "who purchase coverage through"
1.21Page 148, line 17, delete "(5)" and insert "(6)"
1.22Page 148, line 19, delete "(6)" and insert "(7)"
1.23Page 148, line 22, delete "(7)" and insert "(8)"
1.24Page 148, line 25, delete "(8)" and insert "(9)"
1.25Page 148, line 27, delete "(9)" and insert "(10)"
1.26Page 148, line 30, delete "(10)" and insert "(11)"
1.27Page 148, line 32, delete "(11)" and insert "(12)"
2.1Page 148, after line 33, insert:
2.2    "The exchange shall not accept premium payments for individual market health
2.3plans from an employer Section 125 Plan if the employer offers a group health plan as
2.4defined in section 62A.10 or if the employer is a self-insurer as defined in section 62E.02."
2.5Page 149, line 4, delete everything after "to" and insert "collect premiums through a
2.6Section 125 Plan for eligible individuals who purchase an individual market health plan
2.7through the exchange;"
2.8Page 149, delete lines 5 and 6
2.9Page 150, delete subdivision 19
2.10Page 151, line 11, before "Premium" insert "cafeteria or"
2.11Page 151, line 12, before the period, insert "that allows employees to purchase
2.12health insurance with pretax dollars"
2.13Page 151, line 17, before "Effective" insert "(a)"
2.14Page 151, line 18, delete "offer" and insert "establish" and delete "through the
2.16Page 151, line 19, delete "pay for health insurance premiums" and insert "purchase
2.17individual market health plan coverage"
2.18Page 151, line 22, delete "offer group health insurance through a self-insured plan"
2.19and insert "are self-insurers"
2.20Page 151, after line 25, insert:
2.21    "(b) Employers that offer a Section 125 Plan may enter into an agreement with the
2.22exchange to administer the employer's Section 125 Plan."
2.23Page 151, delete subdivision 4 and insert:
2.24    "Subd. 4. Employer requirements. Employers that are required to offer or choose
2.25to offer a Section 125 Plan shall:
2.26    (1) allow employees to purchase an individual market health plan for themselves
2.27and their dependents through the exchange;
2.28    (2) upon an employee's request, deduct premium amounts on a pretax basis in an
2.29amount not to exceed an employee's wages, and remit these employee payments to the
2.30exchange; and
2.31    (3) provide notice to employees that individual market health plans purchased
2.32through the exchange are not employer-sponsored."
2.33Page 152, line 25, after "Individuals" insert "who are eligible to use an employer
2.34Section 125 Plan to pay for health insurance coverage purchased" and delete "eligible
2.35to enroll in health"
2.36Page 152, line 26, delete "plans through an employer Section 125 Plan"
3.1Page 163, after line 5, insert:
3.2"EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2008."
3.3Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.4Amend the title accordingly