1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 10, delete lines 32 to 34
1.3Page 11, delete lines 1 to 4 and insert:
1.4    "Subdivision 1. Establishment; membership. (a) The Legislative Task Force on
1.5Children's Health Care Coverage is established. The task force shall be made up of 12
1.6voting members and six nonvoting members.
1.7    (b) The voting members are:
1.8    (1) six members of the house of representatives, of whom four members must be
1.9appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and two members must be
1.10appointed by the minority leader; and
1.11    (2) six members of the senate, of whom four members must be appointed by the
1.12majority leader and two members appointed by the minority leader.
1.13    (c) The nonvoting members are one representative selected by each of the following
1.15    (1) the American Academy of Pediatrics, Minnesota Chapter;
1.16    (2) the Minnesota Nurses Association;
1.17    (3) the Minnesota Council of Health Plans;
1.18    (4) the Minnesota Children's Platform Coalition;
1.19    (5) the Minnesota Universal Health Care Coalition; and
1.20    (6) the Minnesota Business Partnership.
1.21    (d) The task force members must be appointed by September 1, 2007. The majority
1.22leader of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives must each designate
1.23a chair from their appointments. The chair appointed by the speaker of the house of
1.24representatives shall convene and chair the first meeting of the task force. The chair
1.25appointed by the majority leader of the senate shall chair the next meeting of the task
1.26force. The chairs shall then alternate for the duration of the task force. "