1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 302, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 17, after "HUB" insert "AND PRE KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 3"
1.3Page 1, line 19, before "A" insert "(a)"
1.4Page 1, line 20, after "readiness" insert "and success"
1.5Page 2, after line 4, insert:
1.6    "(b) A prekindergarten program under this section promotes children's early literacy,
1.7fosters parent involvement, provides preschool programs for at-risk three and four year
1.8old children, provides all-day kindergarten, and aligns prekindergarten through grade 3
1.9standards, curriculum, and assessment."
1.10Page 2, delete lines 18 and 19
1.11Page 4, line 12, delete "appropriate"
1.12Page 5, line 7, after "existing" insert "state-funded"
1.13Page 5, after line 13, insert:

1.15    The commissioner of human services shall contract with the Minnesota Childcare
1.16Resource and Referral Network to make the network's early care and education financial
1.17aid website and its childcare referral service for parents available statewide to parents,
1.18childcare providers, and other relevant service providers. The network must periodically
1.19update the website, staff a parent referral line, and make current, useful information
1.20readily accessible to parents, childcare providers, and other relevant service providers.
1.21EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2007."
1.22Page 5, after line 31, insert:
1.23    "Subd. 5. Early care and education website. For the early care and education
1.24website under section 3:
2.1Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.2Amend the title accordingly