1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 752 as follows:
1.2Page 2, delete lines 6 to 9 and insert:
1.3    "(2) convene a meeting of school counselors, administrators, parents, and other
1.4interested site-based parties to develop a plan to establish and operate a career and college
1.5counseling center under clause (3);"
1.6Page 2, line 11, delete "who" and insert "to work in partnership with school
1.7counselors to"
1.8Page 2, line 12, after "visits" insert ", consistent with the plan developed under
1.9clause (2)"
1.10Page 3, line 18, delete "education research institutions, facilitated by the"
1.11Page 3, line 19, delete "commissioner of education" and insert "Minnesota public
1.12and private postsecondary institutions working with prekindergarten through grade 12