1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1724, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 2, line 18, delete everything after "methods" and insert a period
1.4Page 2, delete lines 19 and 20
1.5Page 2, line 26, delete "practiced by registered naturopathic doctors"
1.6Page 2, line 29, delete everything after "treatments"
1.7Page 2, line 30, after "146A" insert ", subdivision 4"
1.8Page 3, line 2, delete "by a"
1.9Page 3, line 3, delete "registered naturopathic doctor"
1.10Page 3, delete line 19
1.11Page 3, line 20, delete "rectal, and vaginal"
1.12Page 3, line 29, delete "all" and after "drugs" insert "or controlled substances"
1.13Page 3, line 30, after the semicolon insert "or"
1.14Page 3, delete line 31
1.15Page 3, line 34, delete "involving the eye, ear,"
1.16Page 3, line 35, delete everything before "beyond" and after the period insert "(c)"
1.17Page 3, line 36, after "doctor," insert "surgeon,"
1.18Page 4, line 2, after "acupuncturist," insert "dietician, nutritionist,"
1.19Page 4, line 3, delete "a" and insert "the appropriate"
1.20Page 4, line 4, delete "another" and insert "the"
1.21Page 4, line 6, before "The" insert "(a)"
1.22Page 4, line 7, before "informed" insert "a signed"
1.23Page 4, line 8, delete the comma and insert "and"
1.24Page 4, line 9, delete the comma and insert a semicolon and delete "outline" and
1.25insert "outlining"
1.26Page 4, after line 13 insert:
2.1    "(b) Upon request, the registered naturopathic doctor must provide a copy of the
2.2informed consent form to the board."
2.3Page 4, line 20, after "treatment" insert "provided to the patient"
2.4Page 4, line 28, delete "section 144.335" and insert "sections 144.291 to 144.298"
2.5Page 4, line 32, delete "REGISTRATION" and insert "PROTECTED TITLES"
2.6Page 4, delete lines 33 and 34
2.7Page 5, delete lines 1 and 2
2.8Renumber the subdivisions in sequence
2.9Page 5, line 3, before "No" insert "(a)"
2.10Page 5, after line 9 insert:
2.11    "(b) After July 1, 2008, individuals who are registered under this chapter and who
2.12represent themselves as practicing naturopathic medicine by use of a term in subdivision
2.132, shall conspicuously display the registration in the place of practice."
2.14Page 5, line 14, delete everything after "practice" and insert a semicolon
2.15Page 5, delete line 15 and insert "(2) the provision of the complementary and
2.16alternative healing methods and treatments, including naturopathy, as described in chapter
2.18Page 5, line 16, delete "(2)" and insert "(3)"
2.19Page 5, line 20, delete "(3)" and insert "(4)"
2.20Page 5, line 23, after the semicolon insert "or"
2.21Page 5, delete lines 24 to 35
2.22Page 6, delete lines 1 to 7
2.23Page 6, line 8, delete "(10)" and insert "(5)" and delete "persons" and insert
2.25Page 6, line 9, delete everything after "medicine," and insert a period
2.26Page 6, delete lines 10 and 11
2.27Page 6, line 23, delete everything after "training"
2.28Page 6, delete line 24
2.29Page 9, line 17, delete "2007" and insert "2009"
2.30Page 13, delete article 2