1.1    .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2185 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

1.5    (a) The education commissioner must contract with the Search Institute to help local
1.6communities develop, expand, and maintain the tools, training, and resources needed to
1.7foster positive child and youth development and effectively engage young people in
1.8their community. The Search Institute must educate individuals and community-based
1.9organizations to adequately understand and meet the development needs of their children
1.10and youth, use best practices to promote the healthy development of children and youth,
1.11share best program practices with other interested communities, and create electronic and
1.12other opportunities for communities to share experiences in and resources for promoting
1.13the healthy development of children and youth.
1.14    (b) Specifically, the Search Institute must use a competitive grant process to select
1.15ten interested communities throughout Minnesota to undertake healthy community-healthy
1.16youth initiatives. The Search Institute must provide the selected communities with the
1.17tools, training, and resources they need for successfully implementing initiatives focused
1.18on the healthy development of young people and strengthening the community. The
1.19Search Institute also must use a competitive grant process to provide eight existing healthy
1.20community-healthy youth initiatives with added resources to expand existing youth
1.21engagement efforts. Finally, the Search Institute must work to strengthen networking and
1.22information sharing activities among all healthy community-healthy youth initiatives
1.23throughout Minnesota, including sharing best program practices and providing personal
1.24and electronic opportunities for peer learning and ongoing program support.
1.25    (c) The education commissioner must provide for an evaluation of the effectiveness
1.26of this program and must recommend to the education policy and finance committees of
2.1the legislature by February 15, 2010, whether not to make the program available statewide.
2.2The Search Institute annually must report to the education commissioner on the services it
2.3provided and the grant money it expended under this section.
2.4EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day after final enactment.

2.5    Sec. 2. APPROPRIATION.
2.6    $250,000 in fiscal year 2009 is appropriated from the general fund to the
2.7commissioner of education for contracting with the Search Institute to promote healthy
2.8community-healthy youth initiatives under section 1, paragraph (b). The commissioner
2.9may expend up to five percent of the appropriation to provide for the program evaluation
2.10under section 1, paragraph (c).
2.11EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2008."
2.12Amend the title accordingly