1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 2657 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 123B.03, is amended by adding a
1.4subdivision to read:
1.5 Subd. 1a. Requiring information about disciplinary actions taken against
1.6prospective employees. At the time a school hiring authority conducts a criminal history
1.7background check on an individual offered employment as a teacher at the school, and
1.8consistent with section 13.43, the school hiring authority also must use the Web site
1.9provided by the department's educator licensing division to determine whether an asterisk
1.10appears in proximity with other licensure information. An asterisk indicates that the
1.11individual has had disciplinary action taken against his or her teaching license relating
1.12to sexual misconduct with a student. Sexual misconduct is defined as sexual contact or
1.13attempted sexual contact between a teacher and a student, which may include physical
1.14contact or verbal, written or pictorial interactions. When an asterisk appears, the school
1.15hiring authority must contact the state board of teaching before it hires the individual
1.16to determine the substance of the disciplinary actions taken against that individual. In
1.17addition, the school hiring authority, as part of the employment application, must require
1.18the individual to provide information about all current and previous disciplinary actions
1.19in Minnesota and elsewhere taken against the individual's teaching license as a result of
1.20sexual misconduct with a student and, notwithstanding other law to the contrary, indicate
1.21to the individual that intentionally submitting false or incomplete information is a ground
1.22for dismissal.
1.23EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day after final enactment and
1.24applies to any disciplinary action taken against a teacher after July 1, 2008."
1.25Amend the title accordingly