1.1    .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3547, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 21, after line 7, insert:

1.3    "Sec. 43. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 97C.205, is amended to read:
1.5    (a) Except on the water body where taken, a person may not transport a live fish in a
1.6quantity of water sufficient to keep the fish alive, unless the fish:
1.7    (1) is being transported under an aquaculture license as authorized under sections
1.817.4985 and 17.4986;
1.9    (2) is being transported for a fishing contest weigh-in under section 97C.081;
1.10    (3) is a minnow being transported under section 97C.505 or 97C.515;
1.11    (4) is being transported by a commercial fishing license holder under section
1.1297C.821 ; or
1.13    (5) is being transported as otherwise authorized in this section.
1.14    (b) The commissioner may adopt rules to allow and regulate:
1.15    (1) the transportation of fish and fish eggs; and
1.16    (2) the stocking of waters with fish or fish eggs.
1.17    The commissioner must allow the possession of fish on special management or
1.18experimental waters to be prepared as a meal on the ice or on the shore of that water
1.19body, if the fish:
1.20    (1) were lawfully taken;
1.21    (2) have been packaged by a licensed fish packer; and
1.22    (3) do not otherwise exceed the daily possession limits.
1.23    (c) The commissioner shall prescribe rules designed to encourage local sporting
1.24organizations to propagate game fish by using rearing ponds. The rules must:
1.25    (1) prescribe methods to acquire brood stock for the ponds by seining public waters;
1.26    (2) allow the sporting organizations to own and use seines and other necessary
1.27equipment; and
2.1    (3) prescribe methods for stocking the fish in public waters that give priority to the
2.2needs of the community where the fish are reared and the desires of the organization
2.3operating the rearing pond.
2.4     (d) A person age 16 or under may, for purposes of display in a home aquarium,
2.5transport largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, yellow perch, rock bass, black crappie,
2.6white crappie, bluegill pumpkinseed, green sunfish, orange spotted sunfish, and black,
2.7yellow, and brown bullheads taken by angling. No more than four of each species may be
2.8transported at any one time, and any individual fish can be no longer than ten inches in
2.9total length."
2.10Page 24, after line 3, insert:

2.11    "Sec. 54. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 97C.865, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
2.12    Subd. 2. Rules. The commissioner may adopt rules establishing requirements for
2.13labeling and packing fish under a fish packer's license. The commissioner shall require
2.14only the license number of the fish packer, the name and license number of the angler,
2.15or person who lawfully possesses the fish, the name of the lake the fish were caught on,
2.16species of fish, and the number of fish to appear on a label. The commissioner must
2.17not allow sauger to be labeled as walleye."
2.18Page 2, line 30, insert:

2.19    "Sec. 3. RULES.
2.20    The commissioner of natural resources shall adopt rules in compliance with the
2.21changes to Minnesota Statutes, sections 97C.205 and 97C.865, subdivision 2. The rules
2.22required by this section are exempt from the rulemaking provisions of Minnesota Statutes,
2.23chapter 14. The rules are subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 14.386, except that
2.24notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 14.386, paragraph (b), the rules continue
2.25in effect until repealed or superseded by other law or rule. As part of this rulemaking,
2.26the commissioner shall:
2.27    (1) amend Minnesota Rules, section 6262.3250, by repealing item A and amending
2.28the section so that labels required under item D are consistent with the new requirements
2.29in section 97C.865, subdivision 2; and
2.30    (2) amend Minnesota Rules, section 6262.0100, to allow the possession of fish on
2.31special management or experimental waters for a meal, as provided in section 97C.205."