1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3624 as follows:
1.2Page 2, delete lines 14 to 34
1.3Page 3, delete lines 1 and 2 and insert
1.4 "
(1) in the area of early childhood education, ensure that investment in educational
1.5success starts early;
1.6 (2) in the area of educator quality, ensure that excellent teachers and principals are
1.7recruited, prepared, supported, and retained;
1.8 (3) in the area of academic rigor, ensure all programs and initiatives are rigorous and
1.9lead to higher education;
1.10 (4) in the area of family and community involvement, ensure families and
1.11communities are full education partners;
1.12 (5) ensure that all cultures are included and supported, and connections are made
1.13across local and global cultural divides;
1.14 (6) in the area of data and research, ensure that educators use data and research to
1.15improve teaching and learning on a daily basis;
1.16 (7) ensure schools receive predictable and sufficient funding to produce world class
1.18 (8) ensure school schedules and calendars help all students reach high standards;
1.19 (9) in the area of special education, ensure services for students with disabilities are
1.20proactive, effective, efficient, and adequately funded; and
1.21 (10) in the area of health and wellness, encourage parents and other stakeholders to
1.22ensure that students come to school physically and mentally ready to learn."