1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2285 as follows:
1.2Page 2, after line 26, insert:
1.3 "
Subd. 3. Audit. The legislative auditor shall audit parks and trails fund
1.4expenditures to ensure that the money is spent for the purposes for which the money
1.5was appropriated."
1.6Page 3, after line 4, insert:
(c) The legislative auditor shall audit natural heritage fund expenditures to ensure
1.8that the money is spent for the purposes for which the money was appropriated."
1.9Page 4, line 17, after the period insert "
The legislative auditor shall audit sustainable
1.10drinking water fund expenditures to ensure that the money is spent for the purposes for
1.11which the money was appropriated."
1.12Page 6, after line 15, insert:
1.13 "
Subd. 4. Audit. The legislative auditor shall audit clean water fund expenditures to
1.14ensure that the money is spent for the purposes for which the money was appropriated."
1.15Page 6, after line 24, insert:
1.16 "
Subd. 3. Audit. The legislative auditor shall audit arts and cultural heritage fund
1.17expenditures to ensure that the money is spent for the purposes for which the money
1.18was appropriated."
1.19Amend the title accordingly