1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 981 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 17, delete "compensation, filling of vacancies," and insert "filling of
1.4Page 2, delete line 27 and insert:
1.5"(6) conduct the review of applications from schools for the federal charter school
1.6grant program awarded to the Department of Education and make recommendations to the
1.7commissioner regarding the approval of the applications;"
1.8Page 3, delete lines 27 and 28 and insert:
1.9"(4) in cooperation with the Department of Education, conduct the review of
1.10applications from schools for the federal charter school grant awarded to the Department
1.11of Education and make recommendations to the commissioner regarding the approval
1.12of the applications. The commissioner shall contract with New Schools Minnesota to
1.13conduct the application review process."