1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1002 as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 1, delete "January" and insert "March"
1.3Page 2, delete line 2 and insert "Scholastica must report to the commissioner of
1.4health, the Board of Nursing, and the membership of the Minnesota Association of
1.5Colleges of Nursing on the progress made towards the goal stated in"
1.6Page 2, delete lines 5 to 9 and insert:
1.7"$1,504,000 in fiscal year 2010 is transferred from the state government special
1.8revenue fund to the general fund. $1,504,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 2010 from the
1.9general fund to the commissioner of health for grants to the College of St. Catherine and
1.10the College of St. Scholastica for the innovation in nursing education demonstration
1.11projects. The grants shall be distributed equally so that each grantee receives $752,000.
1.12Grant amounts not expended in the first year of the biennium shall not cancel but shall be
1.13available in the second year. This is a onetime appropriation."