1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1086 as follows:
1.2Page 3, line 8 delete "stand on its own constitutes" and insert "also be considered
1.3a single project is"
1.4Page 3, line 10 delete ", taking into account resident access" and insert a period
1.5Page 3, delete line 11
1.6Page 3, line 17, after "organizations" insert ", including contact information,"
1.7Page 6, line 28, delete ", in"
1.8Page 6, line 29, delete "addition to special interest groups" and delete"other" and
1.9delete the comma
1.10Page 7, line 32, delete "stand on its own constitutes" and insert "also be considered
1.11a single project is"
1.12Page 8, line 2 delete ", taking into account resident access" and insert a period
1.13Page 8, delete line 3
1.14Page 8, line 5, after "organizations" insert ", including contact information,"
1.15Page 11, line 21 delete ", taking into account resident access" and insert a period
1.16Page 11, delete line 22
1.17Page 11, line 28, after "organizations" insert ", including contact information,"