1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2150, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H2150DE3), as follows:
1.3Page 20, after line 21, insert:

1.4    "Sec. 34. [145.958] YOUTH VIOLENCE PREVENTION.
1.5    Subdivision 1. Findings. The legislature finds that the Minneapolis Blueprint for
1.6Action on Youth Violence has had some remarkable success, leading to a 43 percent
1.7reduction in juvenile violent crime in certain neighborhoods. The legislature further
1.8finds that it would be beneficial for the state to recognize youth violence as a public
1.9health problem and to use public health methodologies in preventing youth violence.
1.10This approach should focus on:
1.11(1) creating connections between at-risk youth and trusted adults;
1.12(2) intervening at the first signs that a youth may be at risk; and
1.13(3) rehabilitating youth who have been involved in violence.
1.14    Subd. 2. Definition. For purposes of this section, "at-risk youth" means adolescents
1.15and teenagers who are likely to be a threat to the health and well-being of themselves or
1.16others through gang involvement, alcohol and drug use, unsafe sexual activity, dropping
1.17out of school, or through violence and other criminal activity.
1.18    Subd. 3. Violence prevention programs for at-risk youth. (a) Community-based
1.19violence prevention programs may apply to the commissioner of health for technical
1.20assistance. The programs must be community-based efforts serving at-risk youth and must
1.21work in collaboration with local schools, law enforcement agencies, faith communities,
1.22and community groups to provide a comprehensive approach to reducing youth violence
1.23by addressing the needs of at-risk youth.
1.24(b) The programs must:
1.25(1) ensure that there are trusted adults serving as role models and mentors for
1.26at-risk youth;
2.1(2) intervene at the first signs that a youth may be at risk and strive to rehabilitate
2.2youth who are already involved in violence;
2.3(3) work to strengthen families;
2.4(4) work with schools in order to keep students engaged and help them prepare
2.5for higher education or job training; and
2.6(5) teach self-respect and respect of others so that unsafe and unhealthy behaviors
2.7may be avoided.
2.8(c) Violence prevention programs may include, but are not limited to:
2.9(1) mentorship;
2.10(2) job placement and support;
2.11(3) youth violence prevention training;
2.12(4) parent and family intervention and teaching parenting skills;
2.13(5) school-related initiative involving police liaison officers, youth leadership, peer
2.14mediation systems, after-school activities, and intervention in truancy cases;
2.15(6) chemical dependency and mental health intervention, screening, and assessment;
2.16(7) assisting juvenile offenders in reconnecting with families and reintegrating
2.17into the community;
2.18(8) working with youth to prevent sexual violence;
2.19(9) working with youth to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections; and
2.20(10) a youth helpline and street outreach workers to connect youth with needed
2.22    Subd. 4. Coordination of prevention and intervention for programs for at-risk
2.23youth. (a) The commissioner of health, in collaboration with the commissioners of public
2.24safety, human services, and education, shall identify five community-based violence
2.25prevention programs that meet the criteria described in this section. One of these programs
2.26identified must be serving the youth in Minneapolis, one program must be serving the
2.27youth in St. Paul, and the remaining three programs must be serving youth in outstate
2.29(b) The commissioner of health shall provide technical support, within existing
2.30department resources, to these community programs including, but not limited to,
2.31assistance in seeking and applying for federal grants and private foundation funding.
2.32(c) The commissioner of health shall monitor the progress of these programs in
2.33terms of the impact on public health and reducing juvenile violent crime, and shall identify
2.34the effective aspects of each program in order to assist other programs in replicating
2.35these successful aspects."
2.36Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.1Amend the title accordingly