1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3106, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 3, line 8, before "two years" insert "one year, or if the test results indicate an
1.3alcohol concentration of 0.20 or more, not less than"
1.4Page 4, line 10, before "two years" insert "one year, or if the test results indicate
1.5an alcohol concentration of 0.20 or more, not less than"
1.6Page 5, line 20, delete "abstinence from" and insert "no detectable use of" and after
1.7"substances" insert "while driving, operating, or in physical control of a motor vehicle,"
1.8Page 5, line 21, after "by" insert "monitoring" and delete everything after "device"
1.9Page 5, line 22, delete everything before the period
1.10Page 5, line 23, delete everything after "of" and insert "no detectable"
1.11Page 5, line 24, after "substances" insert "while driving, operating, or being in
1.12physical control of a motor vehicle must be"
1.13Page 6, line 1, delete everything after "(c)" and insert "A person whose driver's
1.14license has been restricted as a result of three or more qualified impaired driving incidents
1.15shall not be eligible for an unrestricted driver's license until the person has completed the
1.16required time period of no alcohol and controlled substance violations."
1.17Page 6, delete lines 2 to 3
1.18Page 7, line 7, delete the new language
1.19Page 7, delete line 8
1.20Page 13, after line 32, insert:
1.21    "Subd. 7. Positive breath alcohol concentration raised. Beginning January 1,
1.222013, the reference to breath alcohol concentration of 0.02 in subdivision 1, paragraph (b),
1.23and subdivision 4, paragraphs (d) and (e), shall be increased to 0.05."
1.24Renumber the subdivisions in sequence
1.25Page 14, line 3, delete "Subdivisions 1 to 6" and insert "Subdivision 1 to 7" and
1.26delete "Subdivision 7" and insert "Subdivision 8"