1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1467 as follows:
1.2Page 4, line 8, after "duties" insert "without a warrant"
1.3Page 4, line 14, before the comma, insert "or for observation pursuant to section
1.4253B.05, subdivision 2"
1.5Page 4, line 15, delete "a" and insert "the" and before the period, insert "for which
1.6the individual was arrested"
1.7Page 4, line 28, before the period, insert ", unless such closing or limitation of
1.8hours is ordered during a declared state of emergency and applies equally to all forms
1.9of commerce"
1.10Page 6, line 8, delete "may include" and insert "includes"
1.11Page 6, line 15, before the period, insert ", including but not limited to: murder in
1.12the first and second degrees; manslaughter in the first degree; assault in the first, second,
1.13and third degrees; criminal sexual conduct in the first and second degrees; arson in the first
1.14degree; burglary in the first, second, and third degrees; robbery; and kidnapping"
1.15Page 7, line 2, delete "is eliminated" and insert "has ended"
1.16Page 7, line 8, after "enter" insert "unlawfully or" and after "entered" insert
1.17"unlawfully or"
1.18Page 7, line 13, delete the first "The" and insert "An"
1.19Page 7, after line 18, insert:
1.20"(c) The individual using defensive force is not entitled to the benefit of the
1.21presumption in paragraph (a) if the individual is presently engaged in a crime or attempting
1.22to escape from the scene of a crime, or is presently using the dwelling or occupied vehicle
1.23in furtherance of a crime."