1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 122, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1 delete section 2
1.3Page 2, line 1, delete "5" and insert "4"
1.4Page 2, line 3, delete "120" and insert "90" and delete everything after the period
1.5Page 2, delete lines 4 to 8
1.6Page 2, line 11 delete "6" and insert "5"
1.7Page 2 line 19, delete "two years" and insert "42 months"
1.8Page 2 line 20 after "provider" insert ", except for an audit of public programs or
1.9where fraud has occurred"
1.10Page 2 line 24, delete "Minnesota" and delete ", who continues to practice chair-side
1.12Page 2, line 25, delete the comma
1.13Page 2, delete lines 26 to 31
1.14Page 2, line 32, delete "(f)" and insert "(d)"
1.15Page 3, delete subdivision 7, and insert:
1.16    "Subd. 6. Payment for covered services. (a) No contract of any dental plan or
1.17dental organization that covers any dental services or dental provider agreement with a
1.18dentist may require, directly or indirectly, that a dentist provide services to an enrolled
1.19participant at a fee set by, or at a fee subject to the approval of, the dental plan or dental
1.20organization unless the dental services are covered services.
1.21    (b) A dental plan or dental organization or other person providing third-party
1.22administrator services shall not make available any providers in its dentist network to a
1.23plan that sets dental fees for any services except covered services.
1.24    (c) "Covered services" means dental care services for which a reimbursement
1.25is available under an enrollee's plan contract, or for which a reimbursement would
1.26be available but for the application of contractual limitations such as deductibles,
2.1co-payments, coinsurance, waiting periods, annual or lifetime maximums, frequency
2.2limitations, alternative benefit payments, or any other limitation."
2.3Page 3, line 5, delete "; and" and insert a period
2.4Page 3, delete lines 6 to 8