1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1382 as follows:
1.2Page 23, line 2, after "
Practice" insert "
and the Board of Chiropractic Examiners"
1.3Page 24, delete section 28
1.4Page 25, delete lines 16 to 18
1.5Page 25, line 19, delete "
(g)" and insert "
1.6Page 26, line 2, before "
and" insert "
1.7Page 26, line 14, before "
The" insert "
1.8Page 26, after line 18, insert:
1.9 "
(b) The executive directors of the health-related licensing boards shall issue a
1.10report to the legislature with recommendations for taking administrative action against
1.11licensees whose records do not meet the standards of professional practice, but do not
1.12create a risk of client harm or constitute false or fraudulent information. The report shall
1.13be issued no later than December 15, 2011."
1.14Page 26, delete section 35