1.1.................... moves to amend the H1461A6 amendment to H.F. No. 1461 as follows:
1.2Page 9, line 31, delete "three" and insert "five"
1.3Page 41 , after line 23, insert:

1.5(a) The Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy shall convene a working group
1.6to evaluate the feasibility of a tiered licensure system for alcohol and drug counselors in
1.7Minnesota. This evaluation shall include proposed scopes of practice for each tier, specific
1.8degree and other education and examination requirements for each tier, the clinical
1.9settings in which each tier of practitioner would be utilized, and any other issues the
1.10board deems necessary.
1.11(b) Members of the working group shall include, but not be limited to, members of
1.12the board, licensed alcohol and drug counselors, alcohol and drug counselor temporary
1.13permit holders, faculty members from two- and four-year education programs, professional
1.14organizations, and employers.
1.15(c) The board shall present its written report, including any proposed legislation, to
1.16the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction
1.17over health and human services no later than December 15, 2014.
1.18(d) The working group is not subject to the provisions of section 15.059."