1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 956, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0956DE3), as follows:
1.3Page 2, line 4, delete everything after "provided" and insert "all of the output of the
1.4generating equipment is sold to the utility that serves the consumer and the generation is
1.5located on or contiguous with the real property where the electricity is used."
1.6Page 2, delete line 5
1.7Page 2, line 19, delete "(a)"
1.8Page 2, line 20, delete "216C.412" and insert "216C.411"
1.9Page 2, delete lines 24 to 26
1.10Page 2, delete lines 31 to 33
1.11Page 3, line 1, delete "(c)" and insert "(b)"
1.12Page 3, line 3, delete "(d)" and insert "(c)"
1.13Page 3, line 6, delete "(e)" and insert "(d)"
1.14Page 3, line 8, delete "(f)" and insert "(e)"
1.15Page 3, line 12, delete "(g)" and insert "(f)"
1.16Page 3, line 18, delete "(h)" and insert "(g)"
1.17Page 3, line 20, delete "(i)" and insert "(h)"
1.18Page 3, line 21, after "offsetting" insert "on-site"
1.19Page 3, line 22, after "sources" insert "which has a capacity size no greater than 120
1.20percent of the customer's on-site average annual consumption as determined by the utility"
1.21Page 3, line 23, delete "(j)" and insert "(i)"
1.22Page 3, line 24, delete "(k)" and insert "(j)"
1.23Page 4, line 4, delete everything after the period
1.24Page 4, delete line 5
1.25Page 5, delete section 8
2.1Page 7, line 31, delete "not" and insert "only" and after "facility" insert "if the
2.2commission or governing body of the utility determines such charges are needed to ensure
2.3just and reasonable rates"
2.4Page 7, delete section 11
2.5Page 8, line 21, delete everything after "(b)" and insert "A utility may offer an owner
2.6of a solar photovoltaic net metered facility the option of having the purchase price paid by
2.7the utility for the output of the device governed under this section or section 216B.164.
2.8All other provisions of section"
2.9Page 8, delete lines 22 and 23
2.10Page 8, line 29, after "section" insert ", as needed for compliance with the solar
2.11energy standard under section 216B.1691, subdivision 2f"
2.12Page 8, line 30, delete everything after "shall" and insert "require each public utility
2.13subject to this section to develop a"
2.14Page 8, line 31, delete "form of"
2.15Page 8, line 33, delete "20 years, and" and insert "the expected operating life of the
2.16device as determined by the commission,"
2.17Page 8, line 34, after "section" insert ", and must transfer all renewable energy
2.18credits generated by the device to the purchasing utility"
2.19Page 9, line 6, delete "(a)"
2.20Page 9, line 9, after "of" insert "any direct and quantifiable ratepayer costs avoided
2.21by a solar photovoltaic device on the utility's system, comprised of"
2.22Page 9, line 22, after "(6)" insert "any" and delete everything after "benefits" and
2.23insert "attributable to the solar generation."
2.24Page 9, delete lines 23 to 28
2.25Page 10, line 19, after the period, insert "The owner of the solar photovoltaic device
2.26is responsible for the cost of the meter provided."
2.27Page 10, delete lines 33 and 34
2.28Page 13, delete lines 30 and 31
2.29Page 13, delete section 17
2.30Page 17, line 29, delete "device" and insert "net metered facility"
2.31Page 18, delete lines 4 and 5
2.32Page 18, line 12, delete "20" and insert "ten"
2.33Page 18, line 17, after "price" insert "to be" and delete "in this subdivision" and
2.34insert "by the commissioner"
2.35Page 18, delete lines 24 to 31
3.1Page 21, line 20, after the period, insert "A public utility may recover costs incurred
3.2for this study through an annual adjustment of charges provided under Minnesota Statutes,
3.3section 216B.1645, subdivision 2."
3.4Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.5Amend the title accordingly