1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 123, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 8, after "review" insert "; appropriation"
1.3Page 1, line 9, delete "decide" and insert "identify"
1.4Page 1, line 10, delete "declared as surplus and" and insert "no longer needed and is"
1.5Page 1, after line 10, insert:
1.6"(b) From the proceeds of the sale of land under this subdivision, there is annually
1.7appropriated from the trunk highway fund to the commissioner, an amount sufficient to
1.8carry out the requirements of this subdivision and related activities under this section
1.9and sections 117.226, 117.135, 161.16, 161.23, 161.43, 161.431, 161.433, 161.442, and
1.11Page 1, line 11, delete "(b)" and insert "(c)" and after "(a)" insert ", and on revenues
1.12and expenditures under this subdivision,"
1.13Page 1, line 13, delete ", and is subject" and insert a period
1.14Page 1, delete lines 14 to 17
1.15Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.16Amend the title accordingly