1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1183, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H1183DE2) as follows:
1.3Page 7, line 28, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
1.4have" and delete "
Grant recipients must provide"
1.5Page 8, line 4, delete "
Grant recipients must"
1.6Page 8, line 5, delete "
provide a nonstate cash match of at least 25"
1.7Page 8, line 6, delete "
percent of the total eligible project costs."
1.8Page 8, line 12, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
1.9have" and delete "
Grant recipients must provide"
1.10Page 8, line 19, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
1.11have" and delete "
Grant recipients must provide"
1.12Page 8, line 25, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
1.13have" and delete "
Grant recipients must "
1.14Page 8, line 26, delete "
1.15Page 9, line 17, delete "
Grant recipients must provide" and insert "
Priority should
1.16be given to projects who have"
1.17Page 9, line 26, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
1.18have" and delete "
Grant "
1.19Page 9, line 27, delete "
recipients must provide"
1.20Page 10, line 5, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
1.21have" and delete "
Grant recipients must provide"
1.22Page 11, line 9, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
1.23have" and delete "
Grant "
1.24Page 11, line 10, delete "
recipients must provide"
1.25Page 11, line 21, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
1.26have" and delete "
Grant recipients must "
1.27Page 11, line 22, delete "
2.1Page 11, line 28, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
2.2have" and delete "
Grant recipients"
2.3Page 11, line 29, delete "
must provide"
2.4Page 12, line 3, delete "
Grant recipients must provide" and insert "
Priority should
2.5be given to projects who have "
2.6Page 12, line 17, after the period insert "
Priority should be given to projects who
2.7have " and delete "
Grant recipients must "
2.8Page 12, line 18, delete "