1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1779, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H1779DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 8, line 9, after "completed" insert "in-person"
1.4Page 8, line 10, delete "year" and insert "two years" and after the period insert
1.5"On the years when the license holder is not receiving the in-person training on sudden
1.6unexpected infant death reduction, the license holder must receive sudden unexpected
1.7infant death reduction training through a video of no more than one hour in length
1.8developed or approved by the commissioner."
1.9Page 8, line 21, after "be" insert "developed by the commissioner in conjunction
1.10with the Minnesota Sudden Infant Death Center and" and after "approved" insert "by the
1.11Minnesota Center for Professional Development."
1.12Page 8, delete line 22