1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1823 as follows:
1.2Page 1, delete sections 1 and 2 and insert:

1.4An amendment to the Minnesota Constitution is proposed to the people. If the
1.5amendment is adopted, article IV, section 9, will read:
1.6Sec. 9. The compensation salary of senators and representatives shall be prescribed
1.7by law. No increase of compensation shall take effect during the period for which the
1.8members of the existing house of representatives may have been elected. a council
1.9consisting of the following members: one person who is not a judge from each
1.10congressional district appointed by the chief justice of the Supreme Court, and one
1.11member from each congressional district appointed by the governor. If Minnesota has
1.12an odd number of congressional districts, the governor and the chief justice must each
1.13appoint an at-large member in addition to a member from each congressional district. Half
1.14of the members appointed by the governor and half of the members appointed by the chief
1.15justice must belong to the political party that has the most members in the legislature. Half
1.16of the members appointed by the governor and half of the members appointed by the
1.17chief justice must belong to the political party that has the second-most members in the
1.18legislature. None of the members of the council may be current or formers legislators.
1.19None of the members of the council may be current or former lobbyists registered under
1.20Minnesota law. Membership terms, removal, and compensation of members shall be as
1.21provided by law. The council must prescribe salaries by March 31 of each odd-numbered
1.22year, with any changes in salary to take effect on July 1 of that year.

1.24The proposed amendment must be submitted to the people at the 2014 general
1.25election. The question submitted must be:
2.1"Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to remove legislators' ability to
2.2set their own salaries, and instead establish a citizens-only council to prescribe salaries
2.3for legislators?
No ..... ""