1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2558 as follows:
1.2Page 8, line 25, after "poverty" insert "among racial and ethnic groups"
1.3Page 8, line 30, delete "and" and insert:
1.4"(7) the number of inmates in Minnesota's prisons convicted of a level 1 offense, as
1.5defined by the National Crime Information Center, with home addresses in the census tract
1.6or other region as determined by the director;
1.7(8) the number of teenage mothers living in the census tract or other region as
1.8determined by the director; and"
1.9Page 8, line 31, delete "(7)" and insert "(9)"
1.10Page 8, line 34, delete "may" and insert "shall"
1.11Page 8, line 35, after "need" insert "taking into account the risk factors listed in
1.12subdivision 2a, whether the child is in a home where the court has found the child in
1.13need of protection or services,"
1.14Page 10, line 28, delete "373,000,000" and insert "273,000,000"
1.15Page 10, line 29, delete "may" and insert "shall" and delete "up to"
1.16Page 11, after line 18, insert:

1.18(a) $....... in fiscal year 2015 is appropriated from the general fund to the
1.19commissioner of education for distribution to the Office of Early Learning.
1.20(b) Up to $....... of the appropriation in paragraph (a) is for training for early
1.21learning providers regarding early brain development. The Office of Early Learning may
1.22contract with the University of Minnesota or other parties to develop and disseminate
1.23this information.
1.24(c) The remainder of the appropriation in paragraph (a) may be used by the Office of
1.25Early Learning to encourage voluntary participation by early learning providers in the
1.26quality rating and improvement system under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.142."