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Poll results show state fairgoers favor ban on cell phones in schools; strengthened gun storage requirements

Two-thirds of respondents to the 2024 House of Representatives’ State Fair Poll support prohibiting K-12 students from using cell phones during the school day. A similar percentage say they would favor expanding firearm storage laws.

A new law requires a school district or charter school to adopt a policy on students' possession and use of cell phones in school by March 15, 2025, and 68.6% of polltakers said K-12 schools should ban the use of phones during the school day, while 20.8% oppose such a policy, and 10.6% are undecided.

The firearm storage question brought similar results with 69.8% in favor of requiring owners to store a firearm unloaded and with a locking device, or firearm storage unit, while 22.8% are against such a proposal, and 7.4% are undecided.

The annual poll was conducted by the nonpartisan House Public Information Services Office and is an informal, unscientific survey of issues discussed in prior legislative sessions and that may again be topics of discussion in 2025. The 12-question poll was taken by 7,965 fairgoers this year, down slightly from 2023 when 8,144 people took part. 

See the full results at Session Daily

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Event Schedule

JANUARY 14, 2025: Opening Day of the Ninety-fourth Session of the Minnesota Legislature
Tuesday, January 14 2025 1/14/2025 12:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
Opening Day House Floor Session.
Members-elect take their oath of office.
Election of Speaker of the House.
Election of Chief Clerk of the House.
Election of other officers of the House.
Election of Chief Sergeant at Arms.
Adoption of Temporary Rules of the House.

News and Notes

Bill Introductions: HF5486-HF5488

2025 Session

The legislative session will begin Jan. 14, 2025 at noon.

Member retirements

The Legislative Reference Library maintains a list of members not seeking re-election in 2024.

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