CONSENT CALENDAR. HF2502 (Wenzel) Trunk highway #371 portion known as the Brainerd bypass designated as C Elmer Anderson memorial highway. HF2535 (Sykora) Shorewood authorized to establish wards and elect city council members by wards. HF2722 (Tunheim) Kittson county granted the authority to dissolve a town with less than five full-time residents. HF2824 (Haas) Collector motor vehicle license plates provisions modified. HF2873 (Hackbarth) County recorder instrument processing and Anoka county department head time requirements clarified. HF2641 (Fuller) Independent school district #316, Greenway-Coleraine, school bank pilot project authorized and school bank pilot project made permanent. HF2723 (Ness) McLeod county authority to temporarily office in Glencoe township extended. HF2836 (Rostberg) National guard and organized militia membership eligibility clarified. CALENDAR FOR THE DAY. HF3003 (Stanek) Department of corrections fugitive apprehension unit created. HF2451 (Davids) Legislative electric energy task force expiration date extended and telephone company property depreciation provisions modified. Runs 54 minutes