CALENDAR FOR THE DAY. SF3338 (Smith) Tribal police departments annual insurance cap established, fleeing a peace officer crime clarified to include tribal officers, and flee definition expanded to include refusing to stop the vehicle. SF1699 (Reuter) Electronic funds transfers and credit card payments to state agencies authorized. SF1618 (Jennings) Brewer and wholesaler judicial remedies modified. SF2845 (Leppik) Underage persons attempting to purchase alcohol or tobacco products with false identification provided increased penalties and driver license sanctions, and retailers authorized to seize false I.D. HF2489 (Skoglund) Political subdivisions authorized to require registration of impounded bicycles upon sale. SF3016 (Entenza) Child support enforcement provisions modified. House Resolution #12: A house resolution proclaiming Tuesday, May 9, 2000, as Thank a Teacher Day. Runs 1 Hr., 43 min.