05:54 - Gavel. MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE. Motion to concur to Senate amendments to <A HREF="http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/bills/billnum.asp?billnumber=HF2368&session_number=0&ls_year=83&year=2003">HF2368</A> (Hoppe) Game, fish, turtle, migratory bird, and trapping license, refuge, and restrictions provisions modified; mourning dove hunting season authorized; deer hunting provisions and fees modified; and transport of carcasses restriction modified. CALENDAR FOR THE DAY. 19:47 - <A HREF="http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/bills/billnum.asp?billnumber=SF1639&session_number=0&ls_year=83&year=2003">SF1639</A> (Pugh) A bill for an act relating to motor vehicles; providing for removal and disposal of unauthorized vehicles on private, nonresidential property used for servicing vehicles. 23:41 - <A HREF="http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/bills/billnum.asp?billnumber=SF1115&session_number=0&ls_year=83&year=2003">SF1115</A> (Beard) A bill for an act relating to telecommunications; regulating third-party billing on telecommunications bills; modifying provisions for alternative forms of regulation of telephone companies. The House went in recess to the call of the Chair. Runs 28 minutes.