04:40 - Gavel. 05:30 - HF379 (Slawik) Smoking prohibited in a vehicle transporting a child under the age of 18 years (* Informational hearing only). 28:12 - HF3010 (Bigham) Firefighters and volunteer ambulance attendants allowed to purchase MinnesotaCare at full cost. 37:05 - HF3635 (Hayden) Minnesota family investment program provisions modified. 41:50 - HF3630 (Murphy) Commissioner of health required to develop new categories for collecting granular data that accurately captures race, ethnicity, primary language, and socioeconomic status. 1:02:02 - HF3196 (Hosch) Home health care services regulating provisions modified. Runs 1 hour, 19 minutes. • The committee went in to recess and no further TV coverage is available. • The complete audio archive of this meeting will be available on the division's audio & video archives page.