CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORTS. 00:25 - Conference Committee Report on HF681 (Simon/Latz) Limitation period for civil actions involving sexual abuse changed. CALENDAR FOR THE DAY. 12:44 - SF561 (Atkins) Building and construction contracts agreements to insure prohibition. 15:11 - HF183 (Holberg) Public employee data unauthorized access penalties and procedures enhanced. 43:23 - HF474 (Holberg) Automated license plate reader data classified, log of use required, and data required to be destroyed. 1:53:35 - HF270 (Hausman) Omnibus Capital Investment bill. 3:25:50- HF1823 (Metsa) Council authorized to establish salaries for legislators, Compensation Council composition changed, and constitutional amendment proposed. MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE:. 5:26:28- Conference Committee Report on SF1236 (Pelowski/Bonoff) Omnibus Higher Education Finance and Policy bill. The House recessed. Runs 6 hours, 8 minutes.