00:33 - Gavel. 02:07 - HF1432 (Green) Bureau of Criminal Apprehension required to do background checks at the request of Indian tribes. 11:03 - Report from the Legislative Advisory Committee on the Care of Pregnant Incarcerated Women. 14:24 - HF1247 (Laine) Needs of incarcerated women related to pregnancy and childbirth addressed, and report on use of restraints required. 19:58 - HF742 (O'Neill) Campus sexual harassment and sexual violence policy changes required, good faith reporting of sexual harassment and sexual violence encouraged, coordination between postsecondary institutions and law enforcement required, postsecondary institutions required to create an online reporting system, data access restricted, data classifications provided, campus security officers and administrators training required, and institutions required to provide student health services for victims of sexual assault. 1:15:18 - HF1180 (O'Neill) Trial courts provided funding for expansion of specialty courts. Runs 1 hour, 28 minutes.