04:05 - Gavel. 05:30 - HF1776 (Pinto) Violent Crime Coordinating Council and multijurisdictional investigations expanded to include combating sex trafficking crimes, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension agent funding provided, and money appropriated. 31:55 - HF1056 (Norton) Local law enforcement agency grant program established to develop or expand lifesaver programs that locate lost or wandering persons who are mentally impaired, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated. 45:25 - HF233 (Hancock) Interactive video conference alternative use clarified in civil commitment hearings. 48:45 - HF2152 (O'Neill) Minneapolis automated property system reporting requirements and references removed. 1:33:54 - Civil Legal Services presentation. Coverage of this committee ended early because it was conflicting with an upcoming floor session. Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.