00:35 - HF1652 (Baker) Minnesota Prescription Monitoring Program changes made. 39:00 - HF3370 (Miller) Registered predatory offender written statement for change of information required, and access to registration data by child protection workers for determination of child residence with predatory offender authorized. 45:36 - HF3199 (Albright) Ombudsman Office for Long-Term Care, mental health treatment services, and miscellaneous policy provisions modified. 59:30 - HF1372 (Smith) Animal care trust provided. 1:08:30 - HF3142 (Zerwas) Statewide trauma system; home care; hearing instrument dispensers; and food, beverage, and lodging establishment provisions amended. 1;11:40 - HF3045 (Zerwas) Health care quality of care and complaint investigation process provisions modified, and report required. Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.