00:59 - HF1443 (Loonan) Insurance fraud regulated, penalties and notices modified, term defined, Commerce Fraud Bureau authority to apply for or execute search warrants clarified. 03:35 - HF2068 (Daniels) Antiterrorism grant funding provided, and money appropriated. 25:04 - HF1702 (Kresha) Children under 14 informed of the right to counsel, waivers of counsel required in writing by the child, and notice to counsel required. 39:21 - HF1932 (Theis) Central Minnesota Sex Trafficking Task Force funding provided, and money appropriated. 1:08:14 - HF2017 (Clark) Voice of East African Women grant for programs to reduce recruitment of East African youth by violent organizations established, grant to local governments with populations at risk for recruitment by violent organizations established, and money appropriated. 1:31:29 - HF1833 (Johnson, B.) Emergency vehicles exempted from motor vehicle size, weight, and load restricts; and technical changes made. Runs 1 hour, 37 minutes.