02:01 - HF2795 (Loon) Teacher code of ethics codified, background checks required, mandatory reporting expanded, grounds for teacher discharge expanded, and criminal sexual conduct offenses for persons in current or recent positions of authority of juveniles expanded. 16:59 - Discussion of HF2795 (Loon) and HF2777 (Fenton) Grounds for teacher license revocation, suspension, or denial expanded; and grounds for teacher discharge expanded. 28:35 - Public testimony on both HF2795 (Loon) and HF2777 (Fenton). 1:05:50 - HF2794 (Davnie) Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board and Board of School Administrators members and employees made mandated reporters. 1:08:41 - HF3203 (Christensen) Penalties for school employees and independent contractors who have sexual relationships with students established. 1:17:54 - HF3035 (Gruenhagen) Secondary school behavior specified for criminal sexual conduct in the third and fourth degrees. Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.