00:59 - HF2879 (Anderson, P.) Melrose; fire remediation grant availability extended. 05:23 - HF3375 (Kunesh-Podein) Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women task force created, annual report on issues related to violence against indigenous women and girls required, and money appropriated. 45:25 - HF3554 (Hilstrom) Amount charged to counties for cost of confining juveniles in correctional facilities clarified. 47:44 - HF3657 (Zerwas) Bomb disposal unit expense reimbursement modified. 1:21:49 - HF2904 (Grossell) Child pornography offenses penalties increased, mandatory minimum sentences created, and Sentencing Guidelines Commission directed to modify the sex offender grid. 1:57:29 - HF2906 (Grossell) Stays of adjudication in criminal sexual conduct cases established as departures from the sentencing guidelines, persons subject to stays of adjudication in criminal sexual conduct cases required to register as predatory offenders, and criminal history points required to be assessed against offenders who violate stays of adjudication for in sexual conduct cases. 2;18:09 - HF2944 (Grossell) Sex offenders required to serve 50-year conditional release or probation terms, and intensive probation for sex offenders established. 2:26:04 - HF2809 (Grossell) Emergency operations and continuity of government provisions amended; and adoption of emergency operations and continuity of government plan by the legislative branch, judicial branch, and state constitutional officers required. Runs 2 hours, 28 minutes.