04:16 - HF824 (Kunesh-Podein) Increase Teachers of Color Act funding provided, seeking to double American Indian teacher and teachers of color, reports required, and money appropriated (see amendment). 43:33 - HF2195 (Pryor) Early care and education program requirements governed including quality rating and improvement system, implementation outreach, universal identified requirements, and data practices evaluation; early care and education coordination task force established; technical changes made; and money appropriated. 48:21 - HF566 (Wazlawik) School safety assessment teams required, and money appropriated. 1:05:52 - HF16 (Urdahl) Small school revenue calculation modified. 1:12:28 - HF1148 (Christensen) Energy conservation revolving loan fund established in schools, and money appropriated. Runs 1 hour, 26 minutes.