Ideas on the table:. 00:33 - Proposed constitutional amendment. - Alan Page, Former Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court & Neel Kashkari, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. 30:35 - Early childhood and the opportunity gap. - Doctor Geoffrey Nagle, Erikson Institute. 1:00:33 - Panel of superintendents. - Superintendent Asten Osei, Saint Louis Park. - Superintendent Theresa Battle, Burnsville-Eagan-Savage. - Superintendent Deb Hiel, Fridley. - Superintendent Steve Unowsky, Richfield. 1:32:15 - Student, family, and community relationship strategies. - José Muñoz, Coalition for Community Schools. - Jessica Davis, Teacher of the Year. - Emily Crook, Saint Louis Park Equity Coach. 2:03:47 - Cost of closing the opportunity and achievement gaps, a case study. - Superintendent Christine Osorio, North Saint Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale. 2:26:45 - Closing comments. Runs 2 hours, 34 minutes.