02:06 - HF1183 (Stephenson) Drug manufacturer or wholesale distributor prohibited from charging unconscionable prices for prescription drugs; Board of Pharmacy, commissioner of human services, and health plan companies required to notify attorney general of prescription drug price increases; attorney general authorized to take action against drug manufacturers and wholesalers; civil penalties imposed; and money appropriated. 15:26 - HF686 (Ecklund) Existing easements held by rural electric cooperative allowed to be used to provide broadband service. 43:30 - HF56 (Elkins) Lymphedema compression treatment item coverage required. 1:06:16 - HF626 (Reyer) Rare disease diagnosis and treatment unrestricted services access required. 1:21:03 - HF785 (Freiberg) Health plan coverage provided for acupuncture services. 1:25:38 - HF447 (Acomb) No-cost diagnostic services and testing following a mammogram required. Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.