All bills were heard on an informational-only basis. 02:20 - HF1871 (Hassan) Minneapolis; Native American Community Clinic improvement funding provided, and money appropriated. 07:56 - HFXXXX (Hansen) Appropriating money for relocation costs and improvements to real property for qualified meat processing businesses - pending introduction. 12:28 - HF1554 (Xiong, J.) 30,000 Feet-Black Arts Center funding provided, and money appropriated. 18:01 - HF2382 (Xiong, J.) Saint Paul; Funny Asian Women Kollective Arts Center funding provided, and money appropriated. 23:01 - HF2400 (Thompson) Latino Economic Development Center funding provided, and money appropriated. 28:24HF2398 (Noor) New American Center for Health Workforce Development property acquisition and renovation funding provided, and money appropriated. 31:08 - HF2466 (Mariani) Southeast Asian Language Job Training Facility appropriation modified. 33:50 - HFXXXX (Becker-Finn) Appropriating money for a new veteran's building - pending introduction. 39:11 - HF2462 (Agbaje) Minneapolis; youth mental health and wellness community center funding provided, and money appropriated. 43:39 - HFXXXX (Gomez) Appropriating money for capital improvements to Mercado Central in the city of Minneapolis. 53:33 - HFXXXX (Lillie) Appropriating money for the Wakan Tipi Center project; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds - pending introduction. 58:46 - HF1753 (Huot) Food relief infrastructure need funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. 1:03:49 - HF2464 (Huot) State historic sites improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. 1:10:47HFXXXX (Olson, L.) Appropriating money for asset preservation at the Lake Superior Zoo; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds - pending introduction. 1:14:48 - HF2081 (Reyer) State building energy guidelines required to incorporate provisions on addressing climate change resiliency. 1:18:28 - HF2320 (Lee) Commissioner of Management and Budget required to submit evaluations of jail capital improvement project requests to the legislature, and Commissioner of Corrections required to provide county jail study and reports. 1:25:20 - HFXXXX (Murphy) Appropriating money for the library construction grant program; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds. Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.