01:24 - HF2555 (Klevorn) Number of copies of a mandated report that a department or agency must file with the Legislative Reference Library modified. 04:12 - HF348 (Howard) Cost-sharing limited for prescription drugs and related medical supplies to treat chronic disease. 16:43 - HF2446 (Nadeau) Hennepin County; Municipal Building Commission dissolved; transfer of property, assets, and obligations of commission to the city of Minneapolis authorized. 28:02 - HF1723 (Freiberg) Secretary of State funding provided, and money appropriated. 43:22 - HF1835 (Nash) State chief information officer required to establish metrics to assess the progress of cloud computing projects, terms in contracts involving state agency's use of licensed software applications prohibited, and report to the legislature required to include information on cloud computing projects within state agencies. 48:19 - Reconsideration of motion related to HF1723 (Freiberg) Secretary of State funding provided, and money appropriated. Runs 51 minutes.