00:46 - HF1075 (Backer) Statewide public safety radio communication system equipment grant program established, and money appropriated. 19:37 - HF2415 (Noor) High-rise sprinkler system grant program established, cities required to report buildings that do not have sprinkler system, report required, and money appropriated. 28:49 - HF1273 (Tabke) Local emergency management grant funding provided for local planning and preparedness efforts, report required, and money appropriated. 35:41 - HF2026 (Huot) State fire marshal account established, and money appropriated. 44:55 - HF46 (Feist) Office of Juvenile Restorative Justice established, local steering committees required to establish local juvenile restorative justice programs, grants established, reports required, and money appropriated. 1:20:08 - HF2078 (Edelson) Supplemental nonprofit security grant funding provided, and money appropriated. Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.