00:31 - HF2321 (Pinto) Children's cabinet modified; Department of Children, Youth, and Families established; responsibilities of Department of Education, Department of Human Services, and Department of Public Safety transferred to Department of Children, Youth, and Families; reports required; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated. 33:55 - HF2677 (Kraft) Metropolitan Council; climate action plan as part of comprehensive plan content required, land use study and report to legislature by council required, and money appropriated. 1:21:34 - HF2427 (Klevorn) Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board required to update Capitol Mall Design Framework, elements that must be included in updated framework specified, and money appropriated. 56:33 - HF2940 (Klevorn) State government entities including constitutional offices, legislature, and retirement accounts funding provided; compensation council provisions modified; state performance measures required; Offices of Enterprise Sustainability and Translation created; single grants management system and small agency studies required; postretirement adjustment for calendar year 2024 made; and money appropriated. Runs 1 hour, 38 minutes.